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Topics - tuneful87

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Welcome to another round of ANTM!
Voting: You may only vote for one ghoul – the ghoul you feel will be eliminated this round. Please post your prediction in the thread. You may win a prize if you guess right.
Call Out: The judges will determine the call out order each week. Please read their critique fully before voting. Remember, the ghouls are not being judged just on the week’s photos, but also on their past performance, progression, and potential.
Prizes: At the end of the competition, I will tally up which members correctly predicted which ghouls went home. The member who scores the highest will receive a Monster High compilation prize. I have a ton of stuff to choose from, everything from accessories to clothes to brushes and stands.
Now, moving on....
Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Five lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top.

Last  week the ghouls were photographed in an advertisement for the latest Absolut Vodka, Tutti Frutti. The majority of the girls did well, but Lagoona and Ghoulia bombed yet again, and ultimately Ghoulia was sent home.
This week the ghouls were paired with male models to test how well they could deliver while working with a partner. It was perhaps their most challenging challenge yet! How did they do?


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Ty-Ty's critique: Great shot. You work together splendidly to catch an almost ‘mid-dance feel’, though Gil is looking a touch washed out and is becoming one with the background. Gil is looking out and seems a touch distracted…the call of the sea, or seeing Lagoona posing with another guy?
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: Keeping up the gentle attitude here! You look like you’re legitimately in love with the male model. (While he seems disinterested, but this isn’t about him). I think the only problem here is the forshortening  of your upper body and face that make the picture seem slightly off.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you and Gil seemed to have great chemistry. You went for more a sweet love as opposed to lustful, and it worked for you. You’re living up to your girl next door persona!

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Ty-Ty’s critique: I sort of like this picture of you, Howleen, but I do feel that it’s one of your weakest. I don’t know if it’s your time to go just yet, but if not, you better bring yourself back to the game! While this gives off a certain adorable quality, it does seem like you’re too young here. Both you and the male model seem to be slightly awkward here. As a result, the picture seems less romantic, and more of a brother-sister type of thing.
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: Cute, cute, cute! But other than the flying tackle, there is no interaction between you and the male model. Was it your age difference? Perturbed-ness at having to share awesome flame-like hair? Has Howleen lost her howl and run her course? Perhaps if you two had been looking at each other instead of staring into space. I think focus has been lost.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you didn’t seem to know what to do with yourself. Nightmare Nigel has raised some good questions. I wonder, was it the height difference that made it difficult for you? You and your partner are totally disconnected, and now is NOT the time to be delivering a mediocre photo, Howleen.

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Ty-Ty’s critique: Clawd looks ready to get down and beg for Lagoona. Again, another great couple working together to get the best shot possible. His oh so slightly upturned eyes subtly beg for an ounch of attention and you just casually look to the camera. “Who? Me?” The mojo has at least returned to the sea for this shot!

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: You stepped it up! The way your hair falls over and covers one eyes gives you a mysterious look. This is the most interesting photo of the bunch, stepping beyond your typical romance novel pose. It seems as if you’re doing a funky Step Up type of dance. Keep this up, Lagoona, and you’ll end up deserving a top spot.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, I was extremely impressed with you. You knew exactly what you wanted to do, and you told Clawd how it was going to be. The result is the most visually appealing photo of the week. I am EXTREMELY impressed, and surprised. I just hope that this is not a fluke.

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Ty-Ty’s critique: You almost look like a ballet dancer here. Despite the ‘barely there’ swimsuit, you somehow transcend sexual and just show beauty here. You’re equally disinterested in the male model while still interacting with him. Keep up the great work, ghoul!
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: HOT HOT HOT! The graceful lines and curves of the bodies together, great interaction with the male model. I totally feel this duo working it together and making sure the focus is where it needs to be…THEM! Spot. On.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you blew my mind. You nailed it on your first shot. I took two more photos just in case, but I didn’t need to. Even though you could barely squeeze into those shoes, you didn’t make a single complaint. THAT is what being a model is all about. Your model looks ridiculously cool behind him, but you’re there to remind him that YOU’RE the main focus of this shot. Excellent work. I’m speechless.

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Ty-Ty’s critique: Kitty’s got claws and sex appeal…anything else in that bag o’tricks, kitty? The shot flows wonderfully well and the colors are bright and vibrant from a just as bright and vibrant couple. Clawd does seem out of sorts, as if your advances are unwanted, and you seem either distracted by a boogey or one of Clawd’s fans…
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: *Fans self* Whew, ghoul, you’re channeling that lust here. I almost wish you had toned it back a bit here. You did great with your pose and the soft look of your hair on your face, but be careful about letting too much feline show through.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you seemed to know your angles very well. But week after week your sex appeal is bursting at the seams. Remember, this is America’s Next Top Monster, not a tryout for Victoria’s Secret.

The Dollhouse / My newest Ghouls + lip repaints
« on: May 12, 2012, 01:19:01 PM »
I had a little extra time after my photoshoot of the final five ghouls from America's Next Top Monster, so I decided to get snapping! First say hello to my latest three girls, all rehaired by the awesomely talented Ravie! 

First up is Elena, named after Elena Michaels from the Women of the Otherworld series. She will be a contestant on cycle 2 of ANTM.

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Next we have Lucy, named after the character from both Dracula and The Moth Diaries. She will be a contestant on cycle 2 of ANTM.

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Lastly is Sally, homage to The Nightmare Before Christmas. She will be a contestant on cycle 2 of ANTM. I painted her lips last night. Love the grey!

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I gave Cleo pink lips:

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And Clawdeen got purple lips:

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Lala in a new dress:

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Lagoona looking bubbalicious:

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Cleo doing high fashion:

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Lagoona in....hooker clothes?

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Rochelle all dolled up '50s-like:

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Thanks for looking!

Off Topic / Can I have this girl as a niece?! Please?!?!
« on: May 12, 2012, 12:33:00 PM »

P.S. This is totally Dragonfly as a child...

Welcome to another round of ANTM!

Voting: You may only vote for one ghoul – the ghoul you feel will be eliminated this round. Please post your prediction in the thread. You may win a prize if you guess right.
Call Out: The judges will determine the call out order each week. Please read their critique fully before voting. Remember, the ghouls are not being judged just on the week’s photos, but also on their past performance, progression, and potential.

Prizes: At the end of the competition, I will tally up which members correctly predicted which ghouls went home. The member who scores the highest will receive a Monster High compilation prize. I have a ton of stuff to choose from, everything from accessories to clothes to brushes and stands.

Now, moving on....
Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Six lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top.
Last week the ghouls posed as the seven deadly sins. The fashion: tight, sexy skirts. The set: a coffin about to be buried under the earth. The mood: dark and edgy. Clawdeen, Toralei, and Nefera excelled, while Howleen, Lagoona, and Spectra bombed. Ultimately, Spectra was sent home for lack of progression.

This week the ghouls were photographed in an advertisement for the latest Absolut Vodka, Tutti Frutti. Some of the ghouls delivered magazine worthy spreads, while others didn't even come close. Who do you think will be eliminated next?

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Ty-Ty's critique: Girl, you took our advice and softened up! I love you both fierce and demure! Your position is cute and very approachable. Now you did cover up the Tutti Frutti a bit, which isn’t something you want to do in an advertisement. But I still want to figure out what the drink is you’re holding and if I can have some!
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: Perfect. Absolutely perfect. There’s interest with the legs, guidance to the beverage. Stellar
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you had a hard time finding your angles. You had a hard time working with props, specifically the couch, but you finally blossomed standing up.
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Ty-Ty’s critique: I love the hair and outfit, but you look bored in this shot. It’s as if you’re saying, “Take it away, I’ve finished before I’ve begun!” Super not good for an advertisement. This shot doesn’t do the ad justice and you’ve been in the middle grounds for a while. In the words of my great grandma, “Drink or let go of the bottle!”

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: Ghoulia, you look terribly bored here. What’s wrong with the drink? “Take it away, I am DONE!” You’re so distant here. You didn’t bring yourself to the photo. Though here is an example of how a well placed hand can look great and still sell the product. But the rest of the photo falls short.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you were difficult. You didn’t seem to know what you were doing, and I must reiterate that you don’t seem all that interested in the Tutti Frutti.
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Ty-Ty’s critique: Both the sisters are rocking it this round. You brought it back after a not so great photo in the last round, with an ethereal and faerie like presence. With the dress trailing lightly behind you and that dreamy far off look in your eyes, this drink looks like something to have! My only qualm is that the dress swallows your body, losing your great figure.
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: I can already see the controversy starting. “But Howleen is underage!” NO YOU’RE NOT! You’re still over a thousand years old, baby! In my opinion, the wolf sisters stepped it up to a whole new level and showed a softer girlie/flowery/whispy/dreamy side. I like how you’re looking away from the camera, inviting the eye to flow more into the photo too. Your arms and the drink catch my eye and keep it there.
J. Jekyll’s critique:  On set, you rocked. You have an airy, dreamy look to you. I like it. It’s cute and sweet and fun.
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Ty-Ty’s critique: You’re not selling me the drink, Goo-Goo. It’s a very pretty picture, and you seem to exude a certain model quality here that you’re missing in your other photos. But a major part of being a model is to sell your product. In a normal photo, the demure position of your hand by your face would be beautiful, but it tells us to look at your face and not the product.
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: Honestly, you look like you’re pushing the drink away and are fanning yourself whilst a heartbeat away from fainting. I think the dress classes with the Tutti Fruti as well.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you gave me a better variety of poses and way more energy than last challenge. But I still feel that you’re doing “pretty” and not “monstering”.
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Ty-Ty’s critique: Baby, you’re just BUILT for modeling. I love the care free air of the shoes mostly off your feet. And reaching for that drink…I swear I’ve SEEN an ad like this somewhere! “Oh? This? It’s my new Tutti Frutti drink. Never heard of it? Then you must simply try it! But not mine, cause I’ll take yer arm off.” Maybe it’s just been a bad week for me, but you certainly make me want a nice drink! In that pose your hand and upper arm direct you back to the drink. Excellent ad.
Nightmare Nigel’s critique:  I feel like you nailed this shot. You’re a bit stiff on your right side, but the way you’re reaching for the Tutti Frutti, like you’re pushing yourself towards it, seems to sell the shot and the drink. I want that drink!
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you were a monster. Seriously. You knew how to sell that drink, and your hair looked hella gorgeous, too!
Toralei as Lust:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: I kind of like your messy hair - windswept natural. I see you sayin’, “I’m too busy drinkin’ mah awesome drink to give a darn!”
Nightmare Nigel’s critique: I love how your tail curls around the chair there. A small, but interesting aspect of the picture. You’re not quite interacting with the drink here, but you sell it. It speaks something like, “Come, join me, and we can drink!” I feel you brought yourself to the picture, and your feline side really came out.
J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, it took you a while to get into the grove. The result was well worth the effort, though.

The Dollhouse / Want to Buy: Monster High jewelry and shoes
« on: May 06, 2012, 07:17:54 PM »
I'm in DESPERATE need of new jewelry and shoes for my ghouls, particularly for photoshoots. If you have some lying around that you'd like to sell, please let me know! There's sooooo much I'm missing. I'm particularly after earrings and shoes, but more necklaces and bracelets are good too.


Before voting, please read the following post in its entirety. Things will be changing from this round forward. This is the first time I’ve run a competition of this nature, and it wasn’t until a few rounds in until I determined what seemed to be working and what wasn’t. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Voting: You may only vote for one ghoul – the ghoul you feel will be eliminated this round. Please post your prediction in the thread. You may win a prize if you guess right.

Call Out: The judges will determine the call out order each week. Please read their critique fully before voting. Remember, the ghouls are not being judged just on the week’s photos, but also on their past performance, progression, and potential.

Prizes: At the end of the competition, I will tally up which members correctly predicted which ghouls went home. The member who scores the highest will receive a Monster High compilation prize. I have a ton of stuff to choose from, everything from accessories to clothes to brushes and stands.


Now, moving on....

Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Seven lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top.
Last  week the ghouls were decked out as '90s music superstars. Nefera, Clawdeen, and Toralei killed it, while Frankie and Ghoulia fell flat. Ghoulia was slated to be eliminated, but Frankie had a breakdown at panel when the judges questioned if she was really cut out for monstering. Frankie quit the competition in tears, and Ghoulia was spared. Until the next judgment, that is.
This week the ghouls posed as the seven deadly sins. The fashion: tight, sexy skirts. The set: a coffin about to be buried under the earth. The mood: dark and edgy. Unfortunately for the ghouls, one of them is about to be buried for real. Who’s come to the end of her monstering career? Only time will tell.

Clawdeen as Wrath:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: Damn, girl, this is FIERCE! In reviewing your film, I wish the sword was turned more so the flat side faced out and you could see it better. You managed to hold it right for your best shot, though. There’s a bit of a glare in your eye, too, but overall, one of my favorites of the week.

Nightmare Nigel’s critique:  Absolutely dynamic. I feel like I’m about to be attacked any moment. However, I want to see your soft side. Can you be sweet and innocent, too? Or are you a one trick pony?

J. Jekyll’s critique:  On set, you delivered. You nailed it in three shots, and all were amazing. You came to set prepared and ready to convey wrath. It was clear that you had a plan. Personally, I love the glare in your eye. It's like you're a warrior about to slay an enemy and the sun is shining in your eyes, you don't give a damn! You're out to kill, girl!

Ghoulia as Sloth:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: Your dead face is starting to catch up to you, but somehow it fits here. You look very sleepy, as if you’re just waking up. And you were ballsy enough to face the other direction that the rest of the ghouls.

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: If there’s one face that Ghoulia can pull off, it’s ‘SLEEPY TIME!’ I could curl up and snooze just looking at you. I wish I had an awesome skeleton sleepy time t-shirt like yours.

J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, Ghoulia had an idea in mind for how to portray sloth, and she delivered on that. She sold that shirt, too! Nightmare Nigel already wants one!

Howleen as Gluttony:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: You look amazing, but are you really embracing gluttony?

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: I agree. You needed to interact more with the candy. This is your weakest photo yet. I actually thought you were greed at first simply because of the gold and the way you were holding it. Still, you’re stunning here and nailed the face.

J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you gave me gorgeous face and limb placement, but you didn’t embrace the gluttony theme. I wanted to see you devouring that chocolate, and you didn’t. You didn’t even take a nibble.

Lagoona as Greed:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: Pretty, but I want to see you be FIERCER like a monster. You’re too ethereal and serene here.

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: You got an awesome sin, and all you have is a few purses? Where’s the bling bling, the fur? You look more like a pick pocket than a greedy ghoul.

J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, your energy was low, and that showed in your photo. However, you’ve been consistent up until now. Almost every week you’ve been in the top three. But the competition is getting tougher. This is NOT the time to go backwards.

Nefera as Pride:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: Gorgeous face shot. You’re built for modeling, and definitely have “pride of self” down to a tee.

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: Great shot here, but I don’t quite she pride. Sometimes you photograph too serene, and I think you should’ve pushed it a bit more here. But otherwise you utilize a great S curve, and it’s a very beautiful photo.

J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you nailed it in one shot. Your body language, your face, your embodiment of pride – excellent.

Spectra as Envy:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: I see envy here. Sometime in your pose speaks ‘jealous’. That being said, your face sets you behind here. Even if it seems more expressive than usual, you’re only lucky because it works with the theme.

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: You’ve done better, just not better enough. Yes, envy was a difficult sin to represent, but we’ve seen this look on your face before.

J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, you were confused. You didn’t have a plan as to how to portray your sin, and you didn’t know how to pose your body. And I agree with the other judges – you only have one facial expression. It’s not versatile.

Toralei as Lust:
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Ty-Ty’s critique: I feel you captured your sin the best. You really have a ‘come hither’ look going on, thankfully without being too hussy. I wish you faced the other way in the coffin, but that’s a petty composition thing. You’re one of the ghouls I didn’t really notice at the beginning of the competition but you’re starting to show that you’re a model as the rounds go by.

Nightmare Nigel’s critique: I think you’re just a smidge below Clawdeen's hammered home wrath.

J. Jekyll’s critique: On set, Toralei gave me lust, lust, and more lust. I agree with Ty-Ty here. As the weeks progress, Toralei just gets better and better. She has control of her body, sells the clothes, and does it effortlessly.


Before we begin, here are some outtakes from last week's photoshoot. Despite the fact that Rochelle was eliminated, I let her get a few shots in:

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(Clawdeen NAILED this one)

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Now, moving on....

Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Eight lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top.

Last week the ghouls stripped down to near nothing for a semi nude shoot modeling hats, necklaces, and scarves. Despite delivering a high fashion photo, Cleo was eliminated, and Lagoona beat out Nefera for best photo, much to High Judge Ty-Ty Tuney's shock.

This week the ghouls were decked out as '90s music superstars. Which portrayed their artists the best? Which bombed? Only you can decide.


Clawdeen as Beyonce a la Say My Name
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Frankie as Jennifer Lopez a la Love Don't Cost A Thing:
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Ghoulia as Aaliyah a la More Than a Woman:
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Howleen as Pink a la You Make Me Sick:
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Lagoona as Christina Aguilera a ala What A Girl Wants:
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Nefera as Nelly Furtado a la I'm Like A Bird:
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Spectra as Britney Spears a la Oops I Did It Again:
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Toralei as Natalie Imbruglia a la Torn:
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Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Nine lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top.

Last week the ghouls hightailed it to the Valley of the Kings, homeland of Cleo and Nefera, for an out of this world photoshoot with camels. Nefera crushed the competition, and Clawdeen and Rochelle tied for last place. Tuneful had to make an executive decision, and Clawdeen was spared.

This week the ghouls stripped down to near nothing for a semi nude shoot modeling hats, necklaces, and scarves. Which ghouls were comfortable enough in their own skin to pull off the shot? Only you can decide.


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(I have some really good outtakes saved for tomorrow...)

The Dollhouse / America's Next Top Monster: The Ghoul and the Camel
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:48:14 AM »
Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Ten lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top.

Last week the ghouls battled it out to the death in their photo shoot. Ghoulia crushed the competition, and Draculaura was ultimately sent home due to her poor photo.

This week the ghouls hightailed it to the Valley of the Kings, homeland of Cleo and Nefera, for an out of this world photoshoot with camels. Who kicked butt? Who failed dismally? Only you can decide.

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Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Eleven lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top.

Last week the ghouls posed as monsters jailed for devouring a townsperson. While Rochelle, Lala, and Lagoona excelled at the challenge, Abbey and Cleo ended up tied in the bottom two thanks to their lack of focus and poor photos. An executive decision had to be made, and Abbey was sent home packing.

This week the ghouls are battling it out to the death in their photo shoot. Who delivered? Who bombed? Only you can decide.

Cleo and Rochelle:
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Cleo was spared last round, and she made up with it this time around with a fierce gaze and an awesome pose. Rochelle played the victim rather well, with legs that could go on for several hundred miles.

Howleen and Nefera:
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Howleen and Nefera were full of life on this shoot, with Howleen jumping up on Nefera's shoulders and clawing away from the moment the cameras started snapping. Both delivered good face, but Howleen's already short legs were practically unrecognizable in the photo.

Clawdeen, Frankie, and Lala:
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Frankie looked gorgeous as the rope in a tug-of-war game between her besties Clawdeen and Lala. Unfortunately Clawdeen's face didn't show the necessary emotions and Lala's profile disappointed the judges. However, both seem to have potential.

Toralei and Lagoona:
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Both ghouls delivered fierce poses and kept it high fashion despite their hoochie attire. Toralei got so into the challenge that she almost ripped Lagoona's weave right off!

Ghoulia and Spectra:
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Ghoulia was in full-on dominatrix mode, and she captured the austere look needed to pull of this challenge. Spectra looked beautiful as ever, but the judges feel she could have made better use of her right arm; in the photo it looks almost invisible. However, Spectra has a very unique look and the judges feel she can go far with it.

Abbey and Rochelle:
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Abbey was photographed here before she received the news she had been eliminated. It makes the judges wonder whether they made the right decision in sparing Cleo and kicking Abbey to the curb. Did they send the wrong ghoul packing? Only time will tell.

The Dollhouse / America's Next Top Monster: The Ghoul Behind Bars
« on: April 12, 2012, 04:21:00 PM »

Welcome to Cycle 1 of America's Next Top Monster! Twelve lovely monsters stand before me, but only one can be on top!
This week the ghouls posed as monsters jailed for devouring a townsperson.
You may vote for multiple monsters. If there is a tie for last place at the end of voting, both monsters will be eliminated.

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Post Merge: April 12, 2012, 06:58:40 PM

Abbey and Cleo definitely didn't deliver this photo shoot, and now they're paying for it!

Post Merge: April 12, 2012, 06:59:12 PM

Meanwhile, Rochelle is kickin' ass and takin' names!

The Dollhouse / America's Next Top Monster
« on: April 08, 2012, 05:50:38 PM »
Round 1:,293045.msg147498.html#msg147498

Round 2:,293335.msg151955.html#msg151955

Round 3:,293836.0.html

Round 4:,294140.0.html

Round 5:,294487.0.html

Round 6:,295253.0.html

Round 7:,295612.msg190489.html#msg190489

Round 8:,295927.0.html

That's right.  Twelve monsters will be competing for the title. There will be a photography challenge each weekend. I'll take photos, you guys vote for your favorites, and one monster is eliminated each week. So give me your ideas for photography challenges. Here are some suggestions members have given already:

Seven deadly sins
Zodiac sings

(Of note, I don't have a ton of accessories on hand for these photo shoots, but I'm willing to try my best to prepare for a challenge!)

And here's who will be competing:


The Dollhouse / How do you display your dolls? (Pics required!)
« on: April 07, 2012, 02:30:52 PM »
I display mine on the mantle of my bedroom fire place. I forgot to get a full shot, but I got lots of partial shots!

(From left to right....)

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The Dollhouse / Big Favor to Ask (Monster High/Liv Wig)
« on: April 01, 2012, 05:10:17 PM »
I'm having a terrible time deciding whether to have my skeleton CAM rehaired in red, or a grey/lavender mix. Does anyone have a Liv wig in either color as well as a skeleton CAM that can model them? If you could do that and snap a pic, I'd be eternally grateful!

Pony Corral / EPIC NEWS! MUST READ!!!!!!! I found a MLP comic writer!
« on: March 23, 2012, 05:28:38 PM »
So there is this iphone app for men who date men called grindr; perhaps you've heard of it. So I recently changed my profile pic which makes me look more muscular than I really am. hehe. There is this one hot older muscular guy always ignores my messages. This evening he replied. We started chatting, and he told me he's a writer - fiction, non fiction, articles, comics. I asked which comics. His reply: This is embarrassing. My Little Pony.

MY. LITTLE. BEEPING. PONY!!!! Can you imagine!?!?!

He showed me a comic cover from the My Little Pony Tales era, and was alarmed when I remarked that the comic was really old. Haha! I showed him a photo of my customs, and he thought they were cute.

Can you BELIEVE that I found a MLP comic writer online?! And a hot gay one at that?!?!?!?

If we keep chatting, perhaps I can ask him some questions regarding what it was like working for Hasbro, etc. Any questions you'd like me to ask if you get the opportunity?

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