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Topics - SourdoughStomper

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I've designed a number of ponies over the years. Gee, I'll see if I can remember the order that I designed these guys and gals. I'll use thumbnails.

Sourdough Stomper, pony based on my screen name. He's a Yukon pony, so I used gold color, Yukon flag colors for the hair, and the symbol is off the license plate. The little guy's name is Klondike Sam.
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Fireweed, a mate for Stomper. Based on the Yukon territory "flower" - the fireweed.
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These two were my first personas, but now I simply think of them as Sunflower's friends that show up once in awhile, instead of personas.

Sunflower was the third design, and will always be my persona:
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This guy, I don't know who he is. His name is Sunglow, however, and you can see he's almost like a brother to her in terms of design and colors. Not showing is the fact that he's actually a pegasus. I didn't want to make him the mate or a brother. So he's just "out there." Maybe a guardian angel, or unrequited love interest or some jazz.
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Next is Sunflower's mother, Cholla. Her design was simply born from my imagining that Tex and Posey got married and had a child. Then I went :wow: - that could be Sunflower's ma! A cholla is a breed of cactus, by the way.
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Sunflower needed a dad! Silver Dusk was created shortly after the mom was. Very earthy colored.
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Sunflower has a daughter. I never thought up a name for her as "Crocus" didn't sound very feminine. But that's what she's based on as it was the first flower I saw when spring finally showed up in the Yukon. My daughter named her Flowershy, though.
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If I ever get around to designing ponies based on my sons, I think one might be based on dandelions. I haven't been too inspired about colors for now.

The one that took the longest and had the most designs was Sunflower's mate, Snow Cap. It was relief to finally settle on a design. Very wintery! I get cold just looking at him. Maybe I'll print this drawing and put it on the wall to keep me cool for the summer. :P
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FINALLY!!!! If you've made through all that stuff up there, here's the new design. Another friend for Sunflower. A "partial persona" if you will. If Sunflower = Arizona, and Fireweed = Yukon, then Lilac = Alberta. Her design had been floating in the back of my mind for a year or so and she told me finally create her today! :shakefist: "Make me, you goofy ol Stomper, will ya?"

I fell in love with lilacs after moving to Lethbridge. Not that I haven't met a flower I didn't like, for sure. But I could sniff one all day. They make me feel peaceful and I'm happy during that short period when they are in bloom. Plus, though yellow bumped purple down a notch on my favorite color list, it's still pleasing to me.

White ponies are lovely too, so she's got white skin. My only problem is that I'm not sure which hair design to settle on.

Lilac 1:
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Lilac 2:
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Lilac 3:
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I am leaning one direction and will probably pick it, But which one do you like? I'm just curious.   ^.^

Pony Corral / How many ponies in your collection?
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:00:32 AM »
I haven't counted for over a year, but it was around 170 last time. It might be approximately 200ish right now.  ^.^ How many do you have?  :tellme:

Pony Corral / Friday's Fast Five!
« on: May 18, 2012, 07:03:54 AM »
1. Nominate a pony for these three titles: A. Strong-willed Pony B. Silliest Pony C. Most Peaceful Pony

2. You may only have one G1 MOC/MIB in your collection. Who do you choose?

3. What store do you get most of your G4s from?

4. True or False? There is a G3 Baby Honeyberry.

5. What are you wearing right now?

1. A = Sun Shimmer. B = Minty. C = Sunbeam.

2. Oh boy, that's a tough one. How about Sunlight.

3. Um, I bought both of them from Wal-mart, I think.

4. :whistle: :shifty:

5. Sweat pants, yellow t-shirt, and a plaid flannel shirt. I'm going to exercise soon.

Pony Corral / Favorite type!
« on: May 13, 2012, 04:28:25 PM »
I'm not 100% sure that "male" is its own category as they are all earth ponies, but what can I say? They are unique enough in their own right.

To answer the question, I'm not terribly fussy about it. Though I wouldn't be surprised in the plurality in my collection are earth ponies. I do like unicorns though. I remember thinking that middle mane stripe on the early original unicorns were a nice touch.  ^.^

Since I'm old (35), I was sucked in during my youth with the original version, the G1s. Perhaps not-so coincidentally, that is also my favorite generation.

When I got to my pre/early teens, I quit collecting. I can't remember if it's because I "grew out of them" or because my parents said "ENOUGH already!" Either way, no ponies for a very long time.

It was the G3s that got me back into collecting. :)

Pony Corral / Friday's Fast Five!
« on: May 04, 2012, 11:02:53 AM »
1. Favorite spring pony?

2. The oddest place I found a pony was ___________________________.

3. What smiley/emoticon do you use the most here at the Arena and why? Which one do you never use and why?

4. Quick! Name a yellow pony!

5. Throw a fakie at someone! (Even a mod!) :throw:

Pony Corral / If you were a pony would you rather be:
« on: May 04, 2012, 06:09:20 AM »
Stomper is playing with a poll function for the main page.  ^.^ I copied one of BridgetsMum's polls from the old Arena. I'm so sneaky. :ninja:

Pony Corral / MOVED: My heart is about to burst! <3
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:16:49 PM »

Off Topic / Happy birthday, my dear pony lady!
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:53:20 AM »
 :tort: Woo hoo! :woot:

Have a great day, m'dear. :flow: :joy: :frolic: :dance: :cheer:

[topic stickied by pop 4/10/12]

Off Topic / Happy birthday, 3377345!
« on: March 31, 2012, 01:56:31 PM »
You should have a birthday thread too, birthday sister! :tort: Have a fantastic day! :joy:

(birthday sticky - 3/31 Eviecorn :heart:)

Off Topic / Two-for-one birthday deal, today!
« on: March 31, 2012, 06:41:32 AM »
<-------- 30,000 posts, baby!

:like: :cheer: :cookie: :popcorn: :joy: :frolic: I got there on my birthday. I wasn't planning it that way, it just happened.

I love you, Arena peeps! :grouphug:

For fun, here are the screen caps of my previous posting milestones, showing the dates. And I'll screen cap this post too. I guess I just like to immortalize that kind of thing.  :blush: *ducks fakies from Loa*  :shy:

Kinda interesting to see my title changing.

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Okay, you may go back to your lives. I'll go see if I can whip myself up a birthday breakfast omelet in the meantime. :joy:

Pony Corral / MOVED: Who made these adorable sweeties?
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:25:05 AM »

Off Topic / I love walking!
« on: February 18, 2012, 03:18:28 PM »
A year ago today, I bought my pedometer. (It's a gadget you wear that counts your steps). I bought it to inspire myself to get some exercise. Boy howdy, it sure worked!  :shocked:

Over the past year it has counted 4,453,969 steps. An average of 12,202 steps per day.

In the past, I've also briefly alluded to plotting myself a virtual walk. From Lethbridge, where I live, to Yuma, my hometown. I made it to Yuma after 10 months worth of walking, but decided I needed to make another route to keep myself motivated for daily walking. So I plotted another route back to Lethbridge, via a different direction. It takes me through towns that have friends or family living in them, so they'd have some meaning for me. Here's the map.

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I'm near Hatch, New Mexico!  ^.^ Anyone there got any chilies to share? Mmmm . . . chilies.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share my love of walking. Very good exercise. :gallop:

Arena Tutorials / Guide to Arena smiley codes
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:13:46 AM »
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The Dollhouse / MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Gallery to be culled!
« on: February 09, 2012, 09:50:57 AM »
Hello, my fellow MLP Arena members! In one month (March 9), we are going to start culling our gallery. Part of the reason our old site went under was all the bandwidth being used by all those images. As such, we are having to prioritize how many images we will have in the gallery and what their purpose will be.
 Fear not, not all of the albums will be culled. The Nirvana gallery, the coloring books, the custom tutorials, and the G2 Encyclopedia will stay. We'll also use the the gallery to host Arena specific events, like contests - photos, coloring, and the like.
 We are making announcements nearly everywhere so everyone will know ahead of time. (I may also attempt to send out emails if I can get my computer and the Arena to cooperate.) If you have images in your album(s) that you need saved back to your hard drive, this is your first warning to get to it. This involves the art, adoptables, customs, collections, sales and doll albums.
 The link to the gallery is in the navigation bar. :) But here you go in here, too.

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