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Topics - Diamond

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Wanted! / I want this or I...
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:23:28 PM »
would not be posting here. LOL

Looking for the multi-pony trading Pin from this years fair.  The one with Minty on it! 

This is what it looks like, link to fair web site -

Will buy or can trade some ponies, but would rather buy.

Off Topic / So is your....
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:56:34 PM »
Significant Other a collector and do you think it makes it easier to collect?

I do, and my hubby can not complain about how many ponies are around, I think he still has more bottles and crocks then we have ponies. LOL

Pony Corral / Just an FYI
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:38:20 PM »
If anyone is looking for anything in particular from TRU - if you can get me the whole 13 digit UPC I can get the SKN numbers so when you call a store they can check for you.  If I get the chance I shall visit my old store and hit up there computer and see what I can find number wise for you guys.

That is all, back to your regular wandering now.

Customs / Flocking Info
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:47:10 PM »
Okay I found my flock gun, but am going to need flock all I found left was real horse colors.  So gang where do you get your flock from and what glue(s) are folks using?  Spray or brush on?  Lastly are those making new so softs matching the body color or using white? 

Hands out :cookie:

Pony Corral / Can anyone take..
« on: July 30, 2012, 06:48:36 PM »
side by side photos of the new "Crystal Blind Bags" from I believe Target with the Wave 4 Crystal Blind Bags Core 6?  I want to see if there is any real difference between then to warrant buying it to get the green boy.

Thanks and :cookie: in advance.

Wanted! / Just a wee little one at the moment
« on: July 25, 2012, 08:42:59 PM »
Looking for the Fair pin with all 4 G1's on it, you know the one with Minty on it as well as Firefly.  Can pay cash or do a trade.

*hands out :cookie: can drinks*

Okay so it has been ages since I bragged, which is not to say Thoth and I have not had some awesome pony luck the last few months.  In fact we have had some super luck. 

First up, we got super lucky at one of our local hunts and they had a whole end cap of MIB G3's we picked out a few - sadly it seems we accidentally picked three we already had so Waterfire, Paradises Palms and Tink A Tinka Too shall have to find new homes.  Now the Minty Wing Wisher had been cut apart from her free pony but we only brought her, then came home to find out we still had her free pony MIB kicking around, so with a new handle (I had a whole bagful I kept meaning to do something with and hadn't) and a little tape, she was back together again.  The plush Cherry Blossom was a must grab as I love her colors and symbols.  I did give Ponytails a call and she made it over and snagged a bunch too.

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Around the same time there was also a bag with some G3's and these two ladies.  We do not have Goldilocks, do the other sweet heart sister, so again once we get a chance she shall be cleaned and sold.  Sadly we just have not had a chance for a good pony spa to fix all these great finds we had.  The scary thing is many of the G1's we found these past few months have factory curl so need to read up how to keep those in tact while cleaning.

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Now we found some things along the way but our next big hit was a whole lot of G1 ones.  That place was a little more pricey but I could not leave any pony behind so I took what ever we found - which was some beyond way cool stuff.  Thoth now has some new things to hunt for since we got one super pretty Shimmering Beauty, she now wants her sisters!  That is our second Sweet Perfume Beauty too.

Look at her mane and tail!

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Hopefully that spot will clean off well

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Now we have some of these, but we have to compare what we have and see who stays and who goes.  I know the Perfume Puff shall be looking for a new home though.

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Sadly these two ladies are baits, though the Merry Treats might clean up for someone.  The Brush and Grow feels oily.

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Again some of these we have, but some we so do not, so we made out well -

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We did also manage to complete a set out of this find - Thoth already had Baby Flicker from the Baby Drink 'n Wets and we found all three of her sisters in those bags!  So YEAH COMPLETE set score!  There is a double on Baby Rainfeather.  Yeah I know they look wild, we still need a major spa session around here.

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Just after we found all those G1's we snagged a few more at another place!  Again some we do not have, some we do, once we compare ponies the extra's shall make the sale ad I need to do big time.

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Now for those of who know us well you know we are addicted to Minty.  Well we finally got some photos of our Minty army taken.  It is nothing like Ponylady's but hey we are working on it! 

First up g1 Minty's - Top is Italian and Mexican, both presents from super folks here.  Bottom is flat foot and concave.

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next is a super neat sorta of plushie -

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Now our MIB G3's - we need more of these, I thought I had an early one MIB but nope, so need to find one and add that.

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Then we have some G3 Minty merchandise -

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Minty Plush - we so want a giant one!

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Next up are the Ponyville, McDonald (that is not all of those just two to show them off) and the G4 blind Bag lady.

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And lastly the lose G3 - as of now we only have one custom, a gift from the lovely and talented Koaskat.  Also only have one diva pose too.  I do have some customs in the works.  The one with the crown is our spoke pony for the group and goes to model horse shows as our mascot.  She is one of two I have with red hoof hearts on the none magnet hoof.  We have not managed to find a 25th anniversary one loose yet, just have her MIB. 

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Well I hope you have enjoyed seeing all our lovely finds and our Minty army, small compared to some but growing.  LOL

Thanks for reading and here have a :cookie:
[stickied 24/7/12 - kiwimlp :) ]
unstickied 26/7/12

Pony Brag Arena / MOVED: Meet the models!
« on: July 22, 2012, 07:42:14 PM »
This topic has been moved to Off TopicOff Topic.

Pony Corral / Hey TRU/BRU Pony Peeps I have a mission for you!
« on: July 19, 2012, 08:18:57 PM »
Okay so I took the SKN for Zecora into work today and put it in the gun, found out there is an open order for 1,374 of them.  So far no TRU right by me (I work BRU) are eligible but it is too soon for them to know for sure if they are getting them. 

What I need some help with is to find some TRU/BRU folks who are out of Region 4 (that is the region I am in and the warehouse we pull from) to pump the SKN into SIS or Pick List on your guns and find out if your DC has the same number or different. 

Pony Corral / Quick help for an old lady
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:28:41 PM »
Are where the heck did they move the numbers on the wave 3 purple bags for US release?  We spotted a whole case today at my old TRU and looked but could find no number.  Are Thoth and I both blind now or are they gone?

And I know someplace there is a thread about it, but sadly me and search are not getting along tonight.

MLP Nirvana / You can all smack me but
« on: July 07, 2012, 09:30:00 PM »
I need photos of all the alternate birthflowers.  I have a project in mind since I will never be able to afford the real things.

Off Topic / Holy Cow what a Great Show!
« on: July 01, 2012, 05:49:45 PM »
Okay we all know we collect other things besides ponies, well one of my main collections besides the ponies with Thoth are my Beswick China horses from England.  Well this past weekend I got to empty my china cabinet and show them!  We did super.  My Beswicks who faced some tough competition, did fairly well in breed but did super in the collectable classes with me bringing out some of my stuff that never gets to see a show ring since it is not really "breed" show-able.  I am so excited about how I did I have to share!

My guys that qualified for breed - first five are mine.

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My gang that qualified for collectiblity

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My Champ and Reserve Champ of the Collectable Beswick/Other China Division

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And the thing that stunned me and made me speechless - my little lady on rocking horse going Reserve Grand of Show!

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Off Topic / What to do if...
« on: June 27, 2012, 07:13:43 PM »
I manage to make 60,000 post before the year ends - that is the dilemma.  Any suggestions?

Off Topic / Anyone else having...
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:51:51 PM »
issues getting onto ebay?  Our Norton is not letting any ebay pages do more then load and then we get a warning that the page is fraudulent.  I have not changed any of my settings or had any updates to my system in the last 24 hours which is when we last went on.

Off Topic / Talk to me
« on: June 16, 2012, 09:09:21 PM »
internet browsers - right now on my desk top I am running the last version of Firefox before 12 (I think that is the number), on Thoth lap top we have the newer one.  But it seems slow and clunky.

So what is a good browser that has things like spell check and tabbing but does not slow down your computer?

Also using Thunderbird for our email, they keep asking me to update, is it worth it or is there something better?

Thanks and passes out rum to all who help.

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