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Topics - Haruna

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Pony Corral / Help identifying some accessories? G1 and G3
« on: April 06, 2014, 07:27:16 PM »
I recently got some accessories in a lot of G1 and G3 ponies, and I wasn't sure what they were. I think the green fence is from the Show Stable? Any help you can give is appreciated. I've numbered the items so it's easier to say what they are. Some I don't think are MLP at all.

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Pony Corral / Is this a good deal?
« on: March 16, 2014, 12:33:52 PM »
I have the opportunity to buy this lot of ponies. The seller lives a distance from me, so I can't examine them in person. Do you guys think this lot is worth $90? (That includes shipping.) I'm a little leery because I can't tell if they have awful flaws. In the description, they range from "excellent to fair condition," and I can see some flaws from these pictures (Baby Sweet Stuff is discolored, Sealight looks like she has marks of some kind). But I like to buy in lots because I don't have a lot of money to spend right now, and selling the ones I already have helps me afford them. There are 39 ponies total.

I would resell a good three-fourths of them and keep some of the ones I've wanted for a while (like Trickles and Flowerburst).

Oh, and the seller also gave me her Ebay ID and has very good feedback there. The transaction would be through PayPal.

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Buyer's remorse is bad, but so is non-buyer's remorse. :) Have you ever had the chance to get a pony but passed it up for one reason or another? Or given away a pony you wish you hadn't?

When I was still a kid I saw a paradise baby, Baby Palm Tree, I think, at a flea market, but didn't buy her because I was too embarrassed. (I was an older kid at that point.) I wish I had, though.

Oh -- and I donated a G4 Snowcatcher to the toy drive. I don't feel *bad* about it, exactly, since hopefully a little girl got it and loves it (maybe even a MLP fan), but I do wish I'd checked on its value and donated a more common pony who a little girl would still love as much. I found it at Family Dollar and just figured that if it was still in stores it wasn't rare . . . :facepalm:

And on a sillier note, I was thinking recently that if I had just ordered all the ponies from the Day at the Beach catalogue -- preferably five of each -- I could be a rich girl now. I remember looking in that catalogue as a kid. Who could have known that Rapunzel, Gametime and Sugarcake, and the mommy and baby set would be so rare now? Yes . . . if only I had a time machine. :)

Hi! Hopefully this is an easy question (and hopefully I've posted it in the right place): does anyone know if there are customs fees when someone from the U.S. receives a package from someone in Germany? I'm thinking of buying something from an Ebay seller in Germany, and I just want to make sure I won't be hit with ridiculous customs fees.

I did a search through our past posts here that indicates that U.S. buyers don't usually have large customs fees (or any?), which is good news. But I'd like to confirm that.

Pony Corral / ID check on Princess Royal Purple crown?
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:42:11 PM »
At the flea market recently, I picked up a silver crown at a booth that had some pony accessories hidden among all the Barbie accessories (G1 combs, etc.). I'm wondering if it's G1 Princess Royal Purple's crown. I've looked at several pictures of the crown, and the one I bought looks almost exactly like it, but the only close-up picture I could find was on Lady Twilight's Accessory page (under Hair Clips and Clothing), and the one on that page looks like the topmost "jewel" is a diamond, not an oval (like mine). I've posted pictures of mine below. Does anyone know more about these or have one they know is authentic that they can compare to mine? Thank you!

P.S. I've tested it on Princess Royal Purple, and it does fit.

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Off Topic / Share your love story?
« on: February 19, 2014, 05:45:23 AM »
Because February is the month of love, and because my own love life (if you can call if that) is crazy confusing right now, I thought it might be nice to hear your love stories. :) How did you get with your husband/wife/significant other? Where did you meet them? Were you friends first or was it love at first sight? I'd love to hear your stories. :)


Pony Brag Arena / Flea market finds
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:06:41 PM »
I had a really fun time at the flea market this past Saturday. I went to a big one that I'd never been to before because one of the sellers posted on Craigslist that she had G1 ponies. Had to check that out! :) So my mom and I headed to her booth first and I instantly saw the glass case of G1s. I didn't buy them all because the lady's prices were pretty much what you'd pay online -- a little expensive on some, though, like a $9 Baby Cuddles -- but she was really nice and willing to bargain. She took a nice discount off the ones I bought.

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Cranberry Muffins smells very, very faintly of cranberries. Yay, another Sweetberry pony!

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The sunsuit outfit. (Baby Stripes is just the model.) I adore baby pony shoes but have never had any; I think this stems from happy memories playing with my older friend's ponywear. The just make such a satisfying squish when you put them on little pony feet. And the sunsuit is really cute!

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A Little Pretty, Bitsy Bouquet. I was happy to find one of these puppies, since on Ebay people generally charge an arm and a leg for them.

I might go back and buy some of her other ponies someday if/when I have the money. She had more pony wear, some plushies, tons of other 80s toys and toys in general, too, just like an awesome 80s yard sale. :)

At the next toy booth we found, there was a lady whose prices were a little high, but we still got some cute stuff.

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I knew instantly that this must be Strawberry Reef, although I hadn't seen a photo of the pony. And I've wanted a Dream Blue for a long time, but I want one with full, pink hair, so I've bought her for customization. The lady didn't go down on her price as much as I thought she should. And Rarity obviously will need some cleaning. Some kid had a lot of stickers.

We went on down the flea market aisles and found another booth. This one was full of toys and, like the others, had a pony display, and there was a Lulabelle. There were also many McDonalds ponies and two other G3s (Butterpop and Cheerilee, I think?)

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I didn't know her name but remembered seeing her online and thinking she was pretty. There were lots of accessories to dig through, too (it was a messy but fun store), and I found a SSC Custard kitty! I've always wanted one. She's so cute. My sister and I always used SSC pets as pets for our ponies, but we never had her.

I found lots of pony accessories here and at the first store. It was fun looking through things, not knowing what you'd find. I'm pretty sure the duck comb must be the one that came with the Sweet Dreams crib, since the mobile is there. I felt a little stupid when looking things up online later, as the green pillow for the crib was there and I didn't recognize it. But I may go back relatively soon and get it. As you can see, there were Quints accessories and a Cherry Merry Muffin pan. I'm not sure the ballerina skirt is MLP, or the crown (they're probably Barbie or something, as the place was filled with Barbie stuff, too). The ribbon at the bottom might not be MLP, but the lady let me have it for free and it's about the right size. :)

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Twinkles (Twinkles is from home) tries on the Quint hat. :)

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There was a surprise basket of fakies in this store in a corner. It had the anniversary versions of Sunlight and Skydancer, and the make-your-own pony, and a few more. I've wanted a fakie in the pose the "teenage" pink one in the middle is, just because I think it's dainty. And it's not so often you find a G1 Littlest Pet Shop (the little blue guy with the jewel). Some of these are from the other stores, too.

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We looked around some at other stores, finding an anime store and DVD stores. In one quiet part of the market, there was an assortment of toys, and stuffed in a bag with Barbie clothes so that you could hardly see her was Sunset Sweetie. "She's $1; really expensive," the guy told me with a smile.
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One strange incident happened in the far corner of the flea market where there was hardly anyone. There was a store with hardly anything in it -- like, random odds and ends -- and then with surprise I picked up a bright red pony and saw that it was a badly customized Skydancer. She was messily painted red and black and had no hair, and a pair of horns was glued to her chest. The seller proudly said, "That's War. I was going to make more of the Apocalypse ponies, but . . ." I asked how much he wanted, and he said $5. Too much for the poor thing. If I see her in the future and she still hasn't sold, I might see how low he'll go and maybe I can rescue her.

So that was Saturday. I usually go to the smaller flea market nearer home, so it was fun to go to this big one and actually find some pony stuff! :)

I'm feeling very blessed (too blessed, actually; kind of guilty), because as a surprise gift today, my mom gave me these guys.

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I have wanted a Baby Princess Sparkle but she always is rather expensive! And how did they find her in good condition! My sister explained that while I was on vacation, she was bidding on the auction for my mom and was able to win it, somehow. The other ponies are very cute, too, and now I find I have more party accessories. And some random elephant fakies!

Hi! I checked the PC archives but couldn't find prices for a few items I have the opportunity of buying. I would plan to sell these items, so an idea of what they're worth would be appreciated. :)

1. Glimmer Wings Diamond Rose and Pinkie Pie MIB

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2. Study Break with Shenanigans MIB (price sticker on box, box a little worn)

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3. Frilly Frocks Boutique MIB (price sticker on box, box worn on corners)

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4. I also found some McDonalds ponies that I had never seen before. My Little Wiki tells me they're the Euro 2004 McDonalds ponies; they were MIB, but the bags had the prices written on them and one or two might have been opened. I know Cloud Dancer was one of them, but I don't remember what the others looked like.

I think they could have been the UK ones (or Australian ones) instead of the other Euro ones, but I couldn't read their packages at all, and I'm assuming the UK or Australian ones would have English on them somewhere, so I think these were the Euro ones. I was mystified because I'd never seen them before.

5. At the same place, there was a 1999 Denmark G2 McDonalds Sun Sparkle. She's in beat-up condition; missing an eye jewel I think, and stuff.

6. There was also a Minty (G1) bank. I saw in the archives that these can go for a lot or a little, so maybe $15ish? On Ebay, one went for $30 (Bow-Tie) and one (Blossom) went for $5. They seem to jump all over.

7. As far as baits, there was a blank pony (G3) whose hair had been beautifully tie-dyed but whose eyes and body had been horrendously drawn with pen. She's worth at least bait price, probably? I should get a picture up.

8. And another bait -- there was a failed customizing attempt I wanted to rescue, a Skydancer who had been badly painted red and black, and who had no hair; on her chest was glued a set of horns or something. Is a pony who's been painted with something (and red and black, no less) worth anything as bait?

Pony Brag Arena / Someone please calm me down . . .
« on: February 07, 2014, 02:59:53 PM »
I just bought a Sunburst for $84 . . . that's a good price, right? It's so much money . . . I'm kind of freaking out. . . but am excited!

Pony Corral / Are these fakies worth anything?
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:32:02 PM »
I found a fakie in the newborn Dangles pose at Family Dollar today; it's dark blue. They seem to sell on Ebay; do people want them for customs (or collecting)? If so, how much are they worth? $1, or $2, maybe?

Here's an old auction with the type of fakie I saw (but she's a darker blue than these babies):

Also, I saw a large G3-style fakie, a pink pegasus, I think. Do people generally want these? Here's another example auction . . .

(I checked the PC archives but couldn't find any info.)

Thanks for any input. :)

Pony Corral / Pony-buying ethics?
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:00:25 PM »
So I've been pondering pony-buying ethics for a while. Like, I think it's okay to buy a rare pony on Ebay for less than it's worth, like if you had a great buy-it-now or you spotted it hidden in a lot or something . . . it just seems like that goes with the territory on Ebay.

But what about at a flea market, or a charity shop? If I saw a Sweet Scoops, for example, at a flea market booth for $2, and the seller looked like a normal person, maybe a mom trying to make some money? I don't know . . . I just would feel bad about buying such a rare pony; it would be like I was stealing or something. Or at a charity shop, when they could be making so much more money for their cause if they knew how much the pony was worth . . .

Or, for instance, I found a Craigslist lot that had the Perm Shoppe in its box for $15. That's not stupendously rare or anything, but I just felt a little weird since it can actually go for more than $15 and if I took it for that much I'd be cheating the lady. (That deal didn't end up working out because she'd decided not to sell it.)

So what are your thoughts? :lookround:

Pony Corral / Pretty Belle and Taylor Swift
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:53:01 AM »
Okay, so I know this is really goofy, but . . . has anyone ever had the thought that Pretty Belle looks like Taylor Swift?  :blink: I just got Pretty Belle for Christmas. She has super-curly hair like Taylor Swift used to, and her eyes kind of look the same and she's super-skinny . . . I think the resemblance is kind of funny.

Anyone else ever thought a pony looked like a celebrity/person you know/anyone? Or am I just crazy . . .

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Off Topic / The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug -- thoughts?
« on: January 12, 2014, 06:18:29 AM »
So I imagine some of you guys have seen the latest Hobbit movie (Desolation of Smaug). What did you think of it? I was kind of disappointed that the focus this time was almost solely on the action and not so much on the development of the characters' relationships or struggles. There were some promising moments, like when . . .

Bilbo hacks a young spider to death just to get back the One Ring, and then realizes what he's just done and looks like he's going to be sick. I think there were one or two other scenes where he's thinking about the Ring like it's his "precious." I wish that there had been more of a development of that theme of getting taken over by the Ring.

I also surprised myself by actually liking Tauriel, who I was prepared to dislike because she's not in the books and seemed like just a ploy to get female movie-goers there. She was a likeable and sympathetic character, strong but not unrealistically butch. And somehow, even though it's somewhat weird because dwarves are quite a bit shorter than elves, I liked her romance with Kili. It was sweet, if a bit unrealistic (since I admit that in real life she'd probably be less likely to fall in love so quickly with a prisoner, and a member from an enemy race at that).

It just seems like this second movie didn't have the emotional impact the first had (and the first didn't have the emotional impact the LOTR movies did). There were no defining moments, like when in the first Hobbit movie Bilbo, enraged at losing his chance to escape, prepares to kill Gollum and is poised to strike, but then sees that Gollum looks so sad and has pity on him. Or when Bilbo, right after the escape from the goblins, explains to the dwarves that he's going to help the dwarves find a home, if he can, showing his change of heart from reluctant adventurer to a selfless companion.

This second movie seemed to be mostly about the fighting and general gloominess (e.g., battle with Smaug in Erebor, battles with Orcs [battles that were not in the original book], Lake Town repressed and hungry and ruled by a stupid, incompetent dude, Gandalf wandering into the Necromancer's fortress and getting totally beat up   . . .

Did anyone else think this movie was kind of a downer? My family actually really liked the movie; my best friend disliked it. The critics really like it, and some Tolkien fans really dislike it. So it seems like there's a divide of opinion. Anyone have some things they liked about this movie, want to help me see it in a more positive light? :)

Pony Corral / Is her hair cut?
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:51:15 PM »
Last year I bought a Strawberry Surprise on Ebay. From the pictures, it looked like she in great condition, but they were mostly taken from her front. When I got her, I thought her tail looked cut, although otherwise she was mint. What do you guys think? I was kind of disappointed, but now I'm not so sure it is cut; I've seen others that seem to have hair that length and now I'm wondering. Is it just the curls making it look shorter?

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When stretched out, her tail is about 5 1/2 inches long. Any opinions would be appreciated!

Pony Brag Arena / Non-BBE Baby Gusty, Others, and small thrift shop find
« on: January 11, 2014, 08:08:16 AM »
For Christmas I got a non-BBE Baby Gusty! I've wanted one almost since I first started collecting (about 13 years ago!).

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Isn't she pretty?

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She came with her accessories, too. I think the duck pull toy is the cutest. Her high chair is like a little throne. It falls apart, and I'm not sure how to attach it securely, but that's okay. The table part has glue like it was glued on at one point, whether it should have been or not.

I received some other ponies, including a lot of fakies and G3s.

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Rainbow Dash is very cute.

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Does anyone know the name of the orange pony on the far left (not Island Rainbow, but the other)? My Little Wiki didn't seem to have her listed under orange ponies, but I probably missed something.

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I haven't been able to find the names of the purple pony on the far left here, either, or the white one with the strawberries in the middle. (Which frustrates me a little, because I'm sure I've seen her before and will know her name instantly once I hear it.)

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This fakie was in the lot. I think she's pretty cute! Her eyes are almost identical to a real ponies, and her symbol is pretty. I haven't seen one of these before.

As far as G1s, I got some flutters . . .

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The giant Peep just had to get into the photo. These guys cleaned up pretty nicely, though Forget-Me-Not has bite marks on her face, poor thing.

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And Pretty Belle! I love her crazy, curly hair. I had suggested the auction she was in as a gift idea, and I kept watching her myself, too. Her auction kept ending with no one bidding on it and being relisted. I considered buying her myself but was trying to save money. I was sad when I saw she was finally purchased because I was pretty sure it wasn't my family. But it was. :)

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Baby Stripes, from my dear brother and sister.

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A Baby Leaper! What a great family I have to get this little guy for me. They said that since he appeared on Ebay after a rash of Baby Leapers had passed through, they were able to get him for a decent price.

My family and I got some ponies for my sister, too . . .

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Cuties. :)

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Yay, Fireball! He has a few small flaws (a scratch to his display eye and symbols) but otherwise is very nice.

And my thirteen-year-old cousin wanted a Muffin Pony and Dr. Whooves for Christmas, so for the first time in years we got her ponies for Christmas. Glad to see she's a pony fan, too. :)
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So that was our Christmas! The other day after work, I stopped by Super Thrift, a place I'd seen and wanted to check out. They had a nice toy section with tantalizing bags to search through, and I found this little one.

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The poor thing is covered in red paint (?), but I couldn't leave her behind. She's the first G1 find I've personally had in a thrift store for years, so I was excited. (On a side note, there was a G3 MLP Easter basket I can pick up if anyone wants to pay the store price plus shipping for it. And a Celebration Castle, just the empty shell.)

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