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Customs / Contest: Free Custom (Ending 2/15/12)
« on: February 09, 2012, 11:55:37 AM »
If I am posting this in the wrong place, I apologize, and will be happy to move it if someone will tell me where..

I Just wanted to mention that I am having a contest over at my Tumblr for the chance to win a free customized pony.

I've done this as a way to get more Tumblr followers and to share news of my tumblr with more people, so it does require a Tumblr account to enter, however, you do not need to actively USE the tumblr account. I only need you to have it so I can keep track of entries and contact you if you win.

If you click through to the contest page that I linked above, you will find the following information for the contest:

You can win one of the above ponies customized for free. For every 50 entries I get, I will draw an additional winner, up to a maximum of 5. First place gets first choice, second place second choice, and so on.
How do you become eligible?
1. Follow this blog:
2. Share (Reblog) this post.
3. Using the “Ask Me A Question!” link on the right, Submit a description or drawing of a customization of one of the pictured ponies. Your design can not contain anything requiring sculpted parts.
Please note that the pony on the left has stars inside her plastic body. Any paint job will hide them if you like them.
I will compile a list of the eligible entries and I will choose the winner with a random number generator. I will contact you on your tumblr via the “ask me” option, so make sure you have it enabled. If you do not reply within one week, I will contact another random winner.
Entries for this contest will be accepted between 1/15/2012 and 2/15/2012. The winner will be notified on 2/16/2012 and asked for shipping information. The pony will be made and shipped no later than 3/01/2012.   This shipping date may change if the winner fails to respond in a timely manner. or if I wind up having more than one winner. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Again, all entries for this contest must take place over Tumblr. Thank you for your interest :)

Hi, I think I have been registered here for a while, but this is my first time posting. Im mainly a customizer, not so much a collector. I've been customizing since 05, but stopped for a while, and have recently started up again. I started a Tumblr page and a deviant art page to share and sell my work. I've come here looking for other customizers to talk to about techniques and ideas.

Im 29 years old,a nd I work overnight in a grocery store bakery. I decorate cakes and bake. In my free time I do a lot of role playing. Think, tabletop RPGs like Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Dresden Files, and DUngeons and Dragons. My favorite book series is Dresden Files by Jim butcher. My avatar is a custom I made based on Mab from the Dresden Files books.

If you'd like to know more about me, please feel free to ask :)

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