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Topics - Sonata

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Stellar and Zap !
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:26:48 PM »
Here's a little something I had around unfinished !

My character Stellar and his pet Zap !! :D I had fun~

Off Topic / Neil Gaiman fans?
« on: March 16, 2012, 05:36:06 AM »
Hello ! Anyone fan of Neil Gaiman? What are your thoughts on his work?

Discuss ! :D

Customs / Customizing playsets?
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:55:49 PM »

Has anyone done that ? How did it turn out? Got pics to show?

Thanks ! (It's part of some research ;D)

Off Topic / People from your childhood !
« on: March 06, 2012, 08:58:15 AM »
I have been in a quest of finding people from my primary school and childhood/teens in general on Facebook ! I already found some, but I wonder who else I will find !

How about you? Do you keep in touch with people from long ago or did you loose track of them? How did it happen?

Tell me your stories ! :D

Arts & Crafts Corral / Commissions !
« on: February 28, 2012, 05:02:43 AM »
Hello ! I have posted on the commissions thread, but I believe I can just remind that I am OPEN for commissions at any time unless I say otherwise.

This is what I do at the moment, pony-wise: - pony with flat colours and gradients if requested: £2.50 - celshaded illustration kind of thing with basic background: £5 - soft-celshading: £3

I accept paypal only at the moment, but I can always trade for ponies on my wishlist (which is below on my sig).

Also, I can do other things, so please check my gallery on deviantart (which is also on my sig xD) and if you see anything you like, PM me and I will arrange a price for you (I promisse I won't ask for much, as I know I am not the best artist there is xD).

Thank you !

PS: If any of the mods consider this as spam, feel free to remove the post. I'm sorry if it is, I didn't know !

Pony Brag Arena / EDIT Added Sundance ! My babies arrived !! :D
« on: February 24, 2012, 05:58:29 AM »


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TAF Sundance, completely white and with her symbols perfect. Her hair, well, was a mess. It faded almost completely, but I fell in love with the small streaks of light pink all over her hair. I wouldn't want to rehair her - I think she looks much better with white hair ! I tried my best to straighten it and managed to a little, but it is still quite dry. I wanted to do curls on her, but I didn't have the tools for it SO I ended up just doing braids ! I think she looks adorable this way, too (the hairtie is a Barbie one I had for a while and I just find it so cute !), so I think I'll leave her like this for a while. I might go back to it and maybe cut the hair a bit to remove the frizzy ends, but I am loving her right as she is now~


So, I was searching for some accessories a while ago for this totally secret project I am doing. And the awesome dragonlady had some !! I got the table, trunk and basket from the Dream Castle !! I didn't take pics of those because, well... they aren't very interesting yet~ Anyways, thank you so much dragonlady, those accessories are essential ! :D

But I am here to brag about something much, much bigger than the accessories ! I went looking for a pony that were on my list as a priority, just to gift myself from having my first freelance job (and the paycheck as well soon enough !) and I saw Beautiful Bows being sold by a member here. I tried to grab her, but someone had already done so before me. Needless to say, I was really sad because I know she is hard to get and usually a bit more expensive than the average pony. SO, I though, "fear not, self, for I will get another one for you". I went search and found that sirimae was selling LOADS of cute stuff !! And I found a bundle I wanted, but was already sold. Sad again, I tried on my luck on another bundle and I GOT IT !!

Today I was just about to go draw and the mail arrived with a HUGE box for what I usually get. I opened it and my beautiful girls arrived today !! The bundle had Cotton Candy, Sprinkles, Firefly, Skydancer and TAF Sundance !! They were all in great shape, but a bit dirty and some of the manes were a complete mess, specially Sundance. Here they are after the cleanning stage:

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Firefly had really silky hair and was just needing a small cleanning. One of her lightning symbols is a little rubbed, but part from that, she is pretty nice ! :D

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Sprinkles' symbol is perfect and the only thing that seems to be off is her mane that is a bit dry and seems like it had a small haircut. Also, her head is cut, is seems someone removed it before. Anyways, WONDERFUL GIRL ! :)

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Skydancer is AMAZING. In fact, so amazing that I will even keep her in my desk for me to look at her everyday. She is so inspiring. One of her symbols has a rub and she had her hair a bit messed up, but she looks so breautiful now. I also learned that if you try to comb the tail too hard, there is a probability that it won't like it and it will fall off xD

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Cotton Candy ! She is so adorable !! I am in love with the collector's pose now, it is so cute ! Her hair is a bit dry, but she is perfect other than that. Also, sirimae included this hairclip (and another one and a bracelet !) and I thought it would look just adorable on Cotton Candy. I melt everytime I look at her now. True story, kids.

TAF Sundance's mane was the biggest mess I've seen in a pony !! It is still dry and a bit frizzy, but I managed to do something cute with her (pics tonight ;D). Also, her symbols are as perfect as I could ever wish !

And this:

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THIS. I LOVE IT !! So fluffy and cute and small and... did I mention I collect keychains? ;)

Thank you so much sirimae for the wonderful lot of ponies !! They are beautiful and just made my day ! :D

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Rainbow Dash's Worst Nightmare !!
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:19:22 PM »
So, I finally came up with a boy pony based on a pony I had made on a ponymaker a while ago. This is how he looks:

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Still a sketch, but I will color this sometime soon. His name is Stellar and his pet is Zap (pretty much a crow with a yellow shooting star through his body!) Stellar is cocky, rude and an overall bully (but deep inside, he's nice and caring) and he is Rainbow Dash's worst nightmare. He always wants to challenge her to a race and keeps failling to beat her, but keeps nagging her to other races nonetheless, making up excuses to why he failed to win the race. Personallity-wise, he is much like Teddy from G1 MLP Tales series. He is also Sonata's (my ponysona-like character) younger cousin.

And now:

[picture removed for inappropriate content/ pop-girl]

Stellar: I bet you can't win against me in a race !
Rainbow Dash: Oh yeah? Wanna bet?
Sonata: ........*angry*
Zap: *tongue out*
Allegro: *middle finger*

Even Allegro is angry at those two xD And poor Sonata has to keep an eye on Stellar before he makes a bigger mess !!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Royal Diamond Original Pony Design !!
« on: February 21, 2012, 08:21:47 AM »
Hello !! :D

I just finished a pony I had in mind and left unfinished for a few weeks~

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I called her Royal Diamond and tried painting, so it came out in some sort of soft-cellshading xD I don't dislike it, but I am not completely happy with her. Anyway, here she is !! Thoughts, comments?

Also, if you REALLY love her, I can make others like this one :D Would anyone be interested in commissions like this?


Arts & Crafts Corral / New Postcards !!
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:24:03 AM »
Hello ! Here are my newest postcards on Storenvy !

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They are available for purchase here, with lots of other things !!

Thank you~ :D

Pony Brag Arena / EDIT ! SHE'S HERE ! (w/pics) I just got my grail ! :D
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:17:27 AM »

EDIT: SHE'S HERE !! Lookie:

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She arrived to me really fast ! She's in awesome condition: no rubs, smells, hair missing, no dry hair, nothing at all ! She arrived with braids, but I removed them as I wanted to make sure how her hair was and I just loved how she looked in the end, so I let he stay like this. The fiber optic on her crown is a bit crinkled and I don't think I'll touch that as you can hardly notice. Her insides are clean except for some marks that were probably from a battery that went bad lol. I think she has a small rub on one of the eyes, but I can't even notice.

Other than this, she is absolutely perfect as I never imagined she would be. I am super happy !! After years and years I finally got my grail !! Nothing can even compare to this~

Quick note to tell I just got my grail on Ebay !! G1 Princess Sparkle~  :biggrin:

FINALLY !! I wanted to have her ever since I was a child and now I SNAPPED HER OFF EBAY YAY !!
[stickied 16/2/12 - kiwimlp :) ]

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Off Topic / Happy V-Day !!
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:02:13 AM »
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And behold what I did for my boyfriend today !  :lovey:  (He will take care of dinner, so I did the dessert hehe)

Have a very nice day, everypony ! :D

Arts & Crafts Corral / I need your vote on a shirt !
« on: February 09, 2012, 10:52:35 AM »

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Whoever has a deviantART account and likes the design, please vote on my shirt ! :D Thanks !

Pony Corral / Help with gardening accessories !
« on: February 03, 2012, 05:13:25 PM »
Hello !

I am doing a project and I need gardening accessories that are scaled to G1 or G3 ponies or that will works with those ponies (like Barbie stuff). If there is anyone interested on selling me something - doesn't have to be MLP nor be in the best of shapes - do tell ! I will need pics and please include dimensions if you can.

Thank you very much ! :D

Pony Corral / Does anybody know where to get...
« on: February 03, 2012, 11:45:51 AM »
...any tables or counters that will look good on a Show Stable Playset and are scaled to G1 or G3 ponies? Doesn't have to be MLP items, anything will do. Also, they shouldn't have any items on top or anything, just a plain table or a counter.

Thank you in advance !

Arts & Crafts Corral / New artsies :3
« on: February 02, 2012, 09:23:09 AM »
Hello !

Today I was in a watercolour mood, so I did these two things today:


If anyone is interested on any, please contact me. The last one is a series of paintings, but I can sell them individually.

£10 for the big one, £3.50 for each small one or you can always trade them with stuff from my wishlist (on the sig).

Thank you~ ! :D

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