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Topics - kingluke

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Pony Corral / new release comic con twilight style mane 6 toy pack
« on: July 13, 2019, 08:07:37 AM »
So this is going on on instagram and mlpmerch

So there is a 6 pack going to be available on 1 September for around 25 dollars on amazon.

it has the same style as the comic con twilight.

any thoughts?

I'm not sure if I like them, but for a good price I might buy them.

so what do you think?

Pony Corral / what pony do you recommend?
« on: July 07, 2019, 11:44:14 AM »

Now everybody has a favourite pony. However, do you also have a pony that you really love, but doesn't seem to be that popular. Why would you recommend getting that pony, and not somepony else? What do you find so great about them? I would personally recommend hopscotch (I've had her but not anymore). She had a lovely colour and mane, plus her cutie mark was very fun. The pony I have and do recommend is bonnie bonnets. She is very cute and seems just like a shy lovely lady to me.

So who do you recommend?

Please let me know :)




Now I like complete sets. I like the idea of a complete set but won't complete all sets because of some ponies I don't really like. my current set completer i have yet to get is baby quackers. I haven't gotten her yet because i haven't found one, yet I almost have 2 baby fifi's....1 is a bait tho. Furthermore I'm close to completing the second wave of rainbow hair ponies, only missing trickles and starflower. I need 3 more of the first set too. And night taf glider and taf Buttons.

All these ponies got me thinking, who is your set completer.
Are you gonna get them? why/why not? If you have them, why is this the last one set? Was it unavailable or unpopular?

Please let me know :)



Pony Corral / Who's your favourite wave 2 rainbow hair pony?
« on: June 29, 2019, 02:20:19 AM »
If I knew how to make a poll, I'd make one, but once again, I;m clueless.  :blush:

So who's your favourite and why?

Reminder of who are in the set: Pinwheel,starflower,confetti,trickles,tickle and flutterbye.

My favourite is pinwheel because she is so sweet and pretty and her cutie mark is gorgeous. She just seems really kind and gentle. Also i have her original ribbon. :)

Please let me know :)



Pony Corral / hydrogen peroxide tutorial?
« on: June 21, 2019, 12:31:21 AM »

I have this bald, baity baby fifi witha very yellow head that I wan't to fix.
My question is: Can I put her in hydrogen peroxide, if yes, is there a tutorial on how to do that?
Like, how much water do I use, What is the maximum time she's allowed in the sun, Do I also bleach her body this way?

If anyone has answers, I'd love to hear.

(Also I'm not trying to start the is hydrogen peroxide good/bad debate here. Just saying :))



Arts & Crafts Corral / revamped my ponysona
« on: June 16, 2019, 04:24:00 AM »
Just redid my old ponysona.

I don't really have a good drawing of my old oc, but he was a blue earth pony with black or blonde hair (depends on my hair) He had no cutie mark or name, but those earth pony hooves that big mac has in the fim show.

Now here's my new one :

I'm so much happier with him.

The pony generator gave me a format and I really loved it! Of course mine is slightly different. There is also a description about him if you can read my scribbles :blush:

Also his name is Duke :)

Pony Corral / are your ponies gay?
« on: June 12, 2019, 12:13:25 AM »

I saw heftysmurf76 post about the fim same sex couple in the show and was wondering. Do you have any non straight ponies in your herd?

I have windwhistler and fizzy as lesbians dating, same with sweet stuff and love token. Also my tex is a ftm trans pony, cause I need somewhere to project my transness if that makes sense  :blush:

Do you headcanon them, gay, trans, nonbinary or one of all the other things?

If so, please tell/show me. Thank you. :)

Off Topic / I'm going to england for a bit.
« on: June 07, 2019, 12:59:53 AM »

If I don't respond until monday, then I'm enjoying time with my sister, who has studied there for 6 months.
I wonder if there are any thriftstores in southhampton...
I'll take pictures of the ponies I'll bring with :)

See you later,


Pony Corral / does g3 have a tv series?
« on: June 06, 2019, 11:07:55 AM »

I'm currently watching mlp tales. the series 2 of the series if you will.

I saw that there are plenty of g3 movies to watch, but is there also a tv show I can watch? Orr is it just movies?

If anyone knows, please let me know.



Pony Corral / how do you spoil your herd?
« on: May 22, 2019, 10:19:34 AM »

Everbody here loves their herd. I'm sure. How do you show that affection?
Do you sew them dresses? Knit them scarfs? Paint them paintings? draw them? take pictures? Keep them clean? Talk to them?

I like to sew them little dresses, take pictures and catch myself talking to them because I'm home alone most of the day.  :blush:

So how do you spoil your herd?
Please let me know :)

Thank you.



Customs / what doll to use for a megan doll?
« on: May 17, 2019, 06:52:58 AM »

I want to make a megan custom doll, but now I don't know what doll to use.

I don't really want to use the vintage megan because she is hard to get here and not articulated.

I am looking for a doll with articulation and that is not too big. I was thinking m2m barbie with a disney decendents head, but I'm not sure the mature body of a barbie would fit megan. I have an 11cm obitsu body but that's too msal...argh.

Any ideas?

Thank you.



Pony Corral / what are your pony stories/headcanons?
« on: May 17, 2019, 06:40:33 AM »

In my g1 herd, I have plenty of headcanons for my ponies. For example, posey and sweet stuff are wearing armor because they joined the flutterpony army, since ponylandhas such a poor defense (except from the rainbow of light). Further Tex is a cousin of applejack (though I don't own her) Galaxy is a magic prodigee and the most powerfull unicorn (sorry twilight) Also Fizzy and the wind whistler that will soon arrive are dating.

So that got me thinking. Do other people do this? Do you make up personal stories/backstories for your herd (or other toys)?
If so what are they? Please let me know :)




So I'm from the Netherlands and we have these 5 smallish islands that are also part of the country (not attached but still part of it).
A while ago there was news that those big delivery crates (by goth I don't remeber what they are called) fell overboard and toys started washing up on the hsores there, including my little ponies.

Fast forward to now, my mom is there now as weekend outing with her family (my aunts and grandparents)  and she saw they had these ponies for sale! So she send me picture. Now they are fakies but doesn't make it less cool. They were 1,50 euro's each, which is about 2 dollar, or 1 pound.

Here's the picture:

The words translate to : beach findings, ponies 1,50 and where you're supposed to put the money. I think they are about 15 cm but I'm not sure.

I'm kinda hoping my mom would bring one back for me, but I doubt it cause I'm already drowning in ponies basically and then the other kids wouldn't get anything but that's okay. I'm already happy with the picture :)

Wild story right.

edit: my mom got me one! I couldn't believe she actually got me one, I'm so grateful and I love her. (both my mom and this ponie) I think she is a g3.5 pegasus mold fakie. I named her Captain Sandy.

pictures :

Pony Brag Arena / huge mlp g1 lot from sapphire rain
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:11:24 AM »
Hello, herd is been growing a lot lately..

Which is a great thing :D. I feel like I'm becoming the Klal of my my little pony dothraki herd (shameless GoT reference XD)

I got 16 ponies from sapphire rain here on the forum.

I love them so much and they are so gorgeous and they will clean up lovely.

I'm especially gfrateful for the sweet card she sent me :)

now onto the pictures:

the first look :

the line up of everypony:

the clean up in progress. I will post new pictures of them after they are all cleaned :

I'm just so super happy with them and I'm super grateful. Thanks Sapphire Rain, You are aweome and deserve mint on card mimics for life :)


Now everyone  knows certain ponies are rarer then others.
For example, I see way more peachy's on ebay then I see mimics.

Even tho its easier* to get hold of some ponies, making them more common*. What common* ponies took you forever to get, or are there any you still haven't added to your herd, despite having them on your wishlist/meaning to?

For me, I don't own bluebelle,snuzzle,minty,applejack,cotton candy, cherries jubilee and a whole bunch more.

So what do you think? Plans on getting these? Are of these ponies rare in your area?

I would love to know.



*terms used loosley

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