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Topics - Mana Minori

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Pony Corral / Pony community awareness groups?
« on: February 03, 2018, 09:26:12 PM »
I know that the older communities of pony fans are collectors, and some of you go to cons or meetup groups, with friends, but after watching a show called "Kawaii International" for many years, and seeing the efforts done by their chosen community leaders  to spread kawaii, as embassadors, it got me thinking- could the collectors and fans of MLP do the same, outside of cons and meetups, which are mostly contained to their own kind? When have we last heard about a group of pony fans engaging the entire community (wherever it may be) in a mlp themed barbeque, community sporting event, fashion show, picnic, community scavenger hunt or what have you? I know it takes a lot to organize fhings like this as well as make it feel inclusive for community members who are non mlp fans or collectors, but I like fun things, and just thought this could be a fun, semi-spontaneous idea to throw out there.

Pony Corral / Lovestruck is a pony who doesn't really get much love
« on: February 02, 2018, 09:39:46 AM »
Let's talk about that.

Now, each generation seems to have had its share of love/ Valentine themed ponies- Valenshy, Heart Throb, Truly, we even eventually got a Princess of love, Cadance. But Lovestruck- while being a g3 pony, made her debut in the FiM Gameloft game- eventually getting a blind back figure later.  Sadly, no other toys have been made of her, which might be why she's so overlooked by fans and collectors. Even so, Lovestruck is a pretty adorable pony with some pretty interesting backcard descriptions on her, to give her a glimmer of personality. She also appears to have been based/ influenced off of g3 pony, Always and Forever- who also has a white body, pink (and red) mane, and a bow and arrow symbol with hearts surrounding it. Not much difference, but Always and Forever has blue eyes and is an earth pony, while Lovestruck is a unicorn and has green eyes.

I whipped up a theory about this underappreciated pony some time ago, but I think still holds relevance: (source:

Lovestruck: cupid, student, or softhearted soldier?
Though Lovestruck is a pony who only has an appearance in the MLP Gameloft app, her description actually gives her a lot of potential for appearances in the animated series. It reads as follows: "Lovestruck is a pony filled with the spirit of love! On Hearts and Hooves Day, she tries to fill everypony with love in their hearts"

With her cutie mark being a bow and arrow with hearts, and a color scheme that screams Hearts and Hooves Day, she could easily be pining for a position as Cadence's personal student, possibly using Twilight as a mediator. Or could have good intentions and try to get Rarity to return Spike's feelings. Or status quo can be flipped on its head, and Lovestruck instead tries to enroll in the Crystal Guard to achieve her dream to promote peaceful, loving tactics in the ranks of the Empire's military.

How can Lovestruck be of use, if given some screen time? Would she just be a pony for HaHD, a student for Cadance, or something more?

Do many people appreciate this little lovebug, Lovestruck?

I'm sure some of you recall that MLP collabed with Disney in the making of the g3 Disney Princess ponies. Collabs between companies seem few and far between, sadly. As a fan of Japanese culture, groups, musicians, and such, I have always desired to see MLP collab with brands such as Moi-même-Moitié, a gothic lolita brand by Mana (who is also in the band Moi Dix Mois), Shironuri artist and trendsetter, popularized by Minori, another Japanese native, perhaps some visual Kei bands (like the Gazette or Versailles), and more collabs with others in Japanese culture or companies, in general. The closest, it appears, that we've gotten are references to the sweet lolita style (seen in the IDW comics, on two ponies named Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo, and the gothic-semi-lolita-esque pony, Inky Rose, in Fim's episode "Where the Apple Lies". Rarity would be a good pony to use when collabing with the artists of the shironuri fashion style and artists, Rainbow Dash for Visual Kei bands/companies, and perhaps Inky Rose or Twilight for the Gothic Lolita collabs. Collabs with Sanrio, perhaps, could feature Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy. Heck- g3's Kimono, herself, seems to be made for collabs with Japan, too! (she's terribly underutilized). It breaks my heart that there's such a deep pool of opportunity, but Hasbro doesn't want to reach out and make it happen.

I know there's little hope, as MLP doesn't appear to be too popular in Japan right now, so there's less chance of collabs with fashion/ music artists and/or companies from there, with the pony brand, but still, there's much potential to be had with MLP and what comes from the land of the rising sun (even popular anime collabs). Is there anything that you guys want to see?
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Pony Corral / Pony cleaning questions
« on: January 27, 2018, 07:06:51 PM »
Is it safe to boil a pony that has pindot, with its head on?

Is it wise to boil a pony with glitter on the symbols, if I'm not planning to restore them later? (should I? *amateur*)

Would it be better to surgically remove the head before boiling, to check its guts fr further mold (and because the tail is rusting and needs rerooting anyway)?

Oxiclean. Is it acceptable to use laundry detergent with oxiclean in it for cleaning pony innards?

Pony Corral / Bringing back My Little Kitty out of necessity?
« on: January 27, 2018, 08:42:04 AM »
It seems to me like as g4 drags on, the more the ponies sgart looking like anything BUT ponies, but rather, felines- especially with the new "Cutie Mark Crew" line of toys out.
These are cute but...
Are they having a contest of how much they can make something NOT PONY looking?
How little can something even resemble a pony while they still try to associate MLP?

These are cutie-markless kitty cats?

Perfectly flat faces? Kitty cat ears? These are perfectly Persians.

With Cadence I agree that it would've been better earlier when G4 was stronger/they hadn't mane-6'd it half to death. If they're reasonably priced, they'll likely do well. Not blind-bagging but for the 'mystery figure' is a scheme that works and doesn't make folks rage. These seem like the MH Minis to me but stylistically a worse choice. At least the MH minis looked like human tiny dollies, where as these don't look like tiny ponies. They are cute, and I might look for the Celestia one or something, but I consider them "ponies but done as kittycats" like how some people will do "It's bluebelle but she's a llama now cute!" There's nothing wrong with it, it just isn't a pony.

It also doesn't help that the fanbase has been drawing the ponies as cats for a long time beforehand.
So should it be time for hasbro to reboot the g1 year 9 branch and bring the "My Little Kitty/Puppy/Bunny"  line and hope it floats, while making our horses look more horse-like again?

Pony Corral / Commemorating 50 years of pony
« on: January 25, 2018, 07:46:19 PM »
Right now, the My little pony franchise is 35 (technically 36) years old, so the 50th is quite a ways off. But such a milestone for any brand is MASSIVE, and should be commemorated apropriately. So let's talk about the possibilities anyway. Judging by the insane success of both g1 and g4 Friendship is Magic, MLP's franchise is going to continue to stay around long, long after FiM dies off, and Hasbro bank on the past generations success for the future made generations. My little pony ain't going nowhere, that's for sure.

Pokemon's franchise has been going all out with all these games, generation callbacks, marketing, etc. For just their 20th anniversary. Personally, I would love to see more of this done by Hasbro for their 50th anniversary.  Perhaps their own gaming console and pony games (Equestria VR?) for it (along with virtual games for their other titles of their play/boardgames)

I have hope that Hasbro is sensible enough to go big or go home, take a page from Pokemon/Yugioh, make both an "My little pony origins" series or movie that mixes ponies from every generation, for fans of every generation. An "originals" toyline that allows us to have first gen ponies in molded plastic, high quality. A "Time Capsule Treasure" line of toys that works like the mega box- but instead of packs of trading cards and a potentially random figure, you'd get a random pony from each generation of MLP. Hopefully by the time mlp turns 50, Hasbro will have bought the rights to "Them's fighting herds", and give all mlp fans a game with a few of every pony from past generations in a fighting multiplayer game. Blindbags of each generation, Funko's, etc.

Also, the 50th would be a great time to colab with other companies and do more crossovers. Mlp meets Hello Kitty/Sanrio, MLP meets Care Bears, mlp meets Cardcaptor Sakura...the possibilities are endless.

I wonder how massive 2032 will be, once the MLP franchise's 50th anniversary rolls around. What do you guys think Hasbro will do for their My Little Pony franchise's 50th birthday?

I've always been a fan of the generation 1 Takara ponies, which were only released in Japan, but seem extremely rare and expensive to acquire now. The few I've seen put on for sale on Ebay ranged in the thousands, which- obviously I can't afford, an seemingly only serious (and wealthy) collectors can justify throwing their money at. Even fakies I've seen can be quite pricey. However, with the camping for never before released prototype ponies of g1 being highlighted and gaining support, I have been wondering if such a rally and following would be possible if done for the Takara ponies, which have actually been released at some point.
I actually contacted Tomy on FB - the English branch, quite by accident- and they promptly messaged me back, informing me of my mistake XD but hopefully someone there will relay the message to their Japanese branch- of which I have also contacted afterward. Does anyone here believe it to be possible to get the Takaras re-released, in light of the franchise's 35th anniversary, if prototype ponies have rallies behind them (fingers crossed that they both succeed)? Granted, I don't know just how much collectors desire these region exclusives, though with retro ponies (and other nostalgic toys) coming back for the anniversary, I don't see the harm in trying to suggest it. And I know the Takaras don't carry any nostalgic value for those outside of Japan, but on the other hand, I feel like the celestial ponies that are prototypes don't, either- having never been released, and only appearing in a catalogue.

There has been rumors of Hasbro's staff working on a MLP g5 movie to spearhead 2020, soon after g4 ends in 2019, and this actually concerns me. While I am all too ready for a new generation to take place (preferably with new characters as the focus), I feel like this next generation- if rumors are true- is going to be released far too soon; as it would be right on the heels of FiM ending. There would be no room to allow for the fanbase and collectors to sit back, relax and speculate as to what's coming next. There's the issue of burnout as well, as few people will be given time to pad their wallets and don their helmets for the next tsunami of ponies so quickly after g4 is over with. It is said that "absence makes the heart grow fonder.", but I suppose Hasbro didn't get the memo.

There's an aquaintance of mine who expressed a desire to go to a pony con, and since those are rather steep in pricing, I am wondering whether there are any organzed group meetups on a smaller scale for fans/collectors of the oder gens. All I've found are ones for FiM.

Area of interest: SoCal

Pony Corral / Concerned about strange marks on TaF Milky Way
« on: January 11, 2018, 11:37:22 PM »
I miraculously discovered and bought a g1 pony at a thrift store, and she needs major tlc. While most of her glitter and marks have been rubbed off, I am most concerned about the many brownish grey stains/spots on her hooves and chest. I fear that it might be mold, but they look almost like zebra stripes? I took a damp Q-tip to the mystery stains/spots, but nothing came off except some surface dirt. I fear dissecting her, as I'm not skilled in decapitating ponies or cleaning their innards, and this is my first g1, so I am scared of not being able to put her back together proper. These grey brown stains worry me. Does anyone have an idea of what they are, if its serious, and what I should do?

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Pony Brag Arena / Savers thrift store haul
« on: January 11, 2018, 05:32:56 PM »
I found myself going on a thrift store run today, since I had nothing better to do, and the first place I wound up was Savers Thrift store (I love this place). I found (and got) my first (non reproduced/anniversary) g1 pony, a TAF Milky Way, which I'm over the moon about!!! She needs some serious TLC and spa time, though- as do the others. Also, I got a g3 Wondermint, g3.5 Sweetie Belle, and g4 Pinkie Pie. Pretty sweet deal for just $3.99, and getting a pony from nearly every gen.
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Pony Corral / The Scary Side of Pony
« on: January 08, 2018, 01:56:23 PM »
While many pony fans like to think that MLP is all pastel rainbows and sunshine, which- for the most part, it is; there are quite a few scary things- whether they be toys or elements in the animated series that MLP has done throughout its rich history of 36 years. Many g4 pony fans automatically pull up g3/ g3.5/ (Newborn Cuties) as being the weird/ scary part of the franchise, but what do fans of all the gens find horrifying? Personally, I feel like g1's BBE ponies and some of the plushies are pretty scary (some look more pig-like than pony),  Tirek in the animated series of g1, as well as g3's live show "The World's Best Tea Party", G4's Twilight and Rainbow Dash buddy cuddle pillows, and the scene where g4 Tirek is sucking Discord's magic out through his mouth and eyes.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Oldschool ponies drawn digitally
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:35:25 PM »
They're posted on my deviantart,  but figured I'd drop some over here.

First off, one of my more recents, Generation 1 Twilight.
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Then there's Milky, from the Takara line of g1 ponies.
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some crossgeneration action with g1 Queen Rosedust and g4 Queen Novo
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And not an oldschool pony, but one of my oc babu's, Gossamer Mist
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Pony Corral / Hopes and speculation for gen 5
« on: January 06, 2018, 10:40:30 AM »
 As rumors of gen 5 generate with the presence of leaks, and the inevitable conclusion of FiM draws near, I-like many, wonder what lies ahead for the future of this pastel pony franchise. With 36 years of history behind it, I am not worried in the least that it will continue on, bringing joy and smiles to the next generation. But what potential does the future generation hold? Well, perhaps we may have been given a foregleam through the season finale of MLP: FiM’s season 7, where ponies of the present are able to summon the pony pillars of harmony from the past, to live in their era. Now, there is a concern that the farther we advance into new generations, the past generations and its history could be lost and forgotten. But by bringing the past into the present, there is less chance of this happening.

The lyrics of an anime called Digimon Frontier explain this quite well:

“we look to the past
As we head towards the future
To reclaim the Digital world

With faith in ourselves
And trust in each other
We live by the lessons we learned”

Furthermore, the theme of this show is kids in the present use the power of the world’s guardians of the past to help save the world in the present, in a similar vein to FiM with its elements of harmony, and then literally dragging the guardians back from the past to live their lives in the modern day. This gives me hope that generation 5, whenever it comes, will incorporate the same “Past meets present” concept, but in a new way. (We've gotten names pulled from past pony genedations that were incorporated in the present, but their characters and personalities were completely reimagined) Digimon’s characters use devices that hold the DNA data of the pillars of the past, and can temporarily become the protectors of the past, using their appearance and powers. While that doesn’t quite seem fitting for My Little Pony, something similar can be done for generation 5.

With a rich history to draw on, and many branches on the MLP franchise’s tree, I would certainly like to see the more obscure gens and spinoffs get due attention with gen5.

For instance, while generation 1 is moderately known and somewhat respected by those fans in gen4, very few (if any) know of its roots that lie in a Japanese branch of MLP  done by toy company Takara (now Takara Tomy) which produced an adorable, region exclusive, version of ponies known as “Mai Ritoruu Ponii” (My Stylish Pony), with a cast of 4 characters- Pinky and Milky being the main 2, and their friends,  Lily and Popo coming into the picture later. With these g1 characters being region exlusive, having a very limited distribution,  and never even having their own animated tv series, I think that giving them a fair shot and incoporating them in fun ways with the characters in g5 could benefit both the fans of these old and obscure ponies, but also the next generation. 

Similarly,  the ponies of generation 2, which was known as “Friendship Gardens”, could benefit from the same treatment, and be incorporated into generation 5. Though starting off as a toyline in the U.S., their molds were not taken too well, production was stopped, (though I think they are the most realistic in appearance to real horses, and are really cute), and they were given a warmer welcome in Europe for a longer period of time. As a result, these ponies also left without ever having their own animated series, but only a computer game. Generation 5 could, once again, incorporate the ponies of this past gen in creative ways, as Digimon Frontier and the season 7 finale of MLP gen4 has done.

Pony Corral / should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
« on: June 04, 2017, 10:36:53 PM »
There are a lot of franchises who have played the nostalgia card, whether by re-tellings of the originals, like the Pokemon Generations anime, complete re-masters like Sailor Moon Crystals, incorporating them into the new generation like Sonic Generations, or continuing the story where they left off with the original, like Yugioh Dark Side of Dimensions or Digimon Adventure Tri. Pokemon/ Game Freak especially very often makes remakes of their generation main series, gives plenty of attention to previous generations in big milestone anniversaries, events, and the like, and reboots/ retellings of their previous generations in series/ shorts form. On the other hand....Hasbro doesn't, as far as MLP is concerned. Could Hasbro benefit from Mimikyu'ing these mentioned franchises who have capitalized on nostalgia? Personally, I would really like to see a "MLP Generations" with the alicorns of g4 interacting with the ponies of g1 (especially Queen Majesty). There could also be revamps of g1, or continuations; or even g2's Friendship Gardens, which never even got a tv series (11 minute old school shorts would be perfect). Takara Ponies should also get a short series, since they never had one- geared toward both Japanese and English audiences.

should Hasbro work to capitalize on Nostalgia of the early pony generations (g1 and the g2 that never was)?

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