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Topics - Sonata

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Pony Corral / G1s smell like candy ! :D
« on: May 11, 2012, 01:37:33 PM »
I don't know much about this, so I would like more info !

When I first got Cotton Candy, she smelled really nicely ! I thought someone had put some perfume on her, but recently when I got Blue Ember, she smelled the same ! I know some ponies have this scent, but not all of them. Which G1s have this scent, then?

I tried looking around for info, but no luck... Thanks in advance ! :)

Off Topic / Nothing special but...
« on: May 09, 2012, 09:11:55 AM »
... I finished a short animation !! Check it !!

Intended on making it in a week, but I needed two more days extra. Still, a very nice exercise ! :D

Any thoughts are welcomed ! :)

Pony Brag Arena / SCOOOORE !! Now with pics !! :D
« on: May 01, 2012, 11:52:14 AM »



Pic of her in the box, so that I remember how she was in the future~

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Pics of her right out of the box~

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And pics of her after a nice bath with soap~ She didn't need any shampoo or conditioner or anything !! Her hair was silky and was never messy, so now she looks even better than before !!

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I love her ! She has no flaws that I can find except for a teeny weeny mark above her left eye, which is a factory thing as I couldn't remove it. Anyway, YAY !! :lovey:


YAY !! I went to search for Fashion Styles on Ebay, just to see if there was anything new and there was something amazing !! Some shop was selling Pinkie Pie half price !! So I just scored her for 10£ including shipping !! I don't think I would ever get her much cheaper anyway, so YAY I AM SO HAPPYYYYYYYYY~ :frolic:

I just lost my head !! LOL

Pics when she arrives !!~ :D

Pony Corral / Pony quality.
« on: April 29, 2012, 07:21:11 AM »
Hello ! I have a question about the G4s.

I haven't yet gotten any G4s and I don't think I'll get many actually. Right now, I only want to get Easter/Spring Fluttershy and Fashion Style Pinkie Pie (I think she looks the cutest and instead of looking weird with shoes, she looks adorably cute !!) but one thing is pulling me off of wanting to get more G4s: the quality.

I look at them in the box and I wonder how their quality is. They don't look as good as ponies of the previous generations, so I ask to those who own some: how are they in terms of quality overall? How is the difference between a normal G4 and a Fashion Style one? How is the hair and the plastic in terms of durability?

Thanks in advance ! And I really want a FS Pinkie Pie  :dribble:

Wanted! / G3 Lily Lightly's Shoes !
« on: April 23, 2012, 03:58:01 PM »
Since the bundle I bought recently came with one of the shoes, I thought I might get the others :P

I am looking for 3 Lily Lightly's shoes ! If you have some that you want to get rid of, I'll gladly take them !

Thanks ! :)

Pony Corral / ID on two tiaras.
« on: April 23, 2012, 11:12:44 AM »
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Does anyone know what these are? I can't find who they belong to !!

Thanks in advance ! :)

Pony Brag Arena / B-Day Brag !! :D
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:14:24 AM »
Alright, so after the last brag post of mine that didn't have pics and nearly all the things I had won on Ebay, I'll just make another post xD

SO last Wednesday was my B-day !! To celebrate, I went on a pony hunt on Ebay some days before and won all I wanted~ The first pony that arrived was...

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G3 Henna Sweetie Belle ! She has a small tail cut and some playwear, but she is so minty !! Her hair is all silky and soft and shiny and I love her~ And then, I won...

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This bundle !! I wanted it because of those HUUUUUGE fakies that are just so lovely~ And then, a few days later even before the auction ended, I noticed that the tiny blue pony was actually Blue Ember !! Yet, another reason to fight for this bundle~ Then, when the bundle arrived, I noticed a really weird smell on all the ponies. It was smoke smell !! I was really annoyed at it and I complained to the seller, who not only refunded the total I spend, including the shipping costs, but she apologized a lot and offered to arrange a collection if I wasn't happy with them. Well, I still was interested, so I kept them. So basically, I got all this FOR FREE. I finished cleaning all of them yesterday and they are around the house getting some air ! They don't smell as much as they did before, but I will still try and remove it a bit more. Anyway, here are the individual pics of the cleaned ponies:

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Here's a sparkly fakie~ I think she's a Remco fakie, but not sure. Her hair has a small cut right at the front, which makes her funny xD She doesn't smell much, actually, and she looks pretty nice~ I braided her hair, because it was a mess (just like every fakie has messy hair lol). She will be for sale soon !!

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Some McDonalds G2s !! The unicorn was really ridiculous looking: she had a braid at the top of the hair and the rest was cut. The tail was a mess, too, so I cut it all and now she is a boy xD I'll keep her, since I own Diamond Glow and I love this one too~ Ivy doesn't had a tail LOL and I had to cut a bit of Morning Glory's hair, but now it's all silky. These two will be for sale~

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These donky fakies look hilarious ! xD I could tame their hair and now it's all silky~ Also, they are pretty much minty. They will be for sale soon, too~

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These are so cute !! Again, had to tame their hair, but now it's all shiny and great~ They are also minty ! They will also be for sale soon~

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These two are SO AWESOME !! Their hair was a pain, but I could tame it with a lot of patience and time ! They are so cool, I love them !! And no, they are not for sale xD

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This !! I wasn't going to keep her, but I kind of fell in love with her yesterday... She smells a lot of smoke because I can't clean her with water :( but I don't mind. I'll try other methods. She also works and she still had her tail with the tape and all, so I believe she hasn't been played with that much ! She also came with one shoe xD I might try and get the others or something ! Either way, I'm keeping her now ! I love her hair !

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I'm not going to keep her and she smells a bit of smoke for the same reason as Lily Lightly, but she is lovely minty ! She only has a small mark on her fake and a few playwear marks on her hoofs underneath, but she is so minty !

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Easter Cheerilee ! I had no idea she was this edition in the pics the seller showed, but I was happy to see she was ! She will be for sale soon, too ! She only has a few marks on her cutie mark and leg, but she is pretty much minty~

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And Blue Ember !! I must say she was in horrible shape, she was all black inside and her hair was a bit messy and has a small cut on the front and she has some moldy marks still, but after cleaning her the best I could, she looks much better ! I love her, she doesn't smell much of smoke and has that wonderful smell ponies once had~ She is so cute :)

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These two tiaras came as well. I have no idea who they belong to, so please help me ID them !!

Think I'm done bragging? Well, not really ! Here's what I won after:

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I didn't know Rainbow Dash was also a TAF because the picture of the seller wasn't so great, but I happy to find out she was ! They only needed to be brushed and they are mint ! No marks, no playwear, nothing ! I am so happy to have them now !

After a few time, I was still looking around and I found this lonely pony, unloved and needing to be brushed:

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And I won her ! I didn't even have to fight with anyone over her and I am so happy to have her ! Now I only lack Scootaloo and Cheerilee to complete my TAF G3.5s ! :D

So, that's it ! There were the ponies for my B-Day !! :D I know that most of them are for sale, but I'm happy to get the ones I wanted ! :frolic:

Hope you enjoyed reading and looking at them hehe ! More info on the ones for sale soon~

Pony Corral / Show me...
« on: April 19, 2012, 01:37:16 PM »
... G3 Precious Gem ! :D I love her and I need to have her, but I don't yet :( so I might as well entertain my eyes !


Pony Corral / Charity shops in London?
« on: April 19, 2012, 07:29:05 AM »
Hello !

I've been meaning to ask this for a while. Anyway, is anyone in living in London that might know any charity shops or something that might have ponies for sale? I don't have much time to go around trying to find them at the moment and so far I haven't got any luck at all from the little amount I searched. I heard that Oxfam doesn't allow toys to be sold there?

Thanks in advance ! :)

Pony Corral / How to do curls?
« on: April 18, 2012, 03:53:11 PM »

Just wondering: what do you use to style ponies hair with loose curls and tight curls (like a candy cane effect, you know?). I really want to give some curls to some ponies that I have and I was just wondering how you guys did it :) I do have an idea, but I really would like to hear your experiences~

Thanks in advance ! :D

Pony Corral / Which are harder to find?
« on: April 14, 2012, 03:30:22 PM »
Hello ! I have a question: which ones are harder to find, the G3 Henna Design ponies or the TAF G3.5s? I kinda need to know  :P  I personally think the G3.5s TAF ponies are more complicated, since there's not many people out there who actually liked the G3.5s to begin with, but I also know the Henna Design G3s are not very usual. So... yes, hard question !

Thanks in advance !!

Pony Brag Arena / YAY Just won stuff on Ebay !~ EDIT Won MORE !!
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:30:24 PM »
EDIT: Just got G3.5 Pinkie Pie, Starsong and probably Rainbow Dash (can't tell by the picture) !! YAY !!

:frolic: Just won Henna Markup Sweetie Belle and a bundle of ponies I wanted so bad !! I wanted that bundle because of two huge fakies that are just so cute but then I noticed it also had two apparently rare and hard to find G3s AND a G1 Blue Ember !! Among other fakies and some other original MLPs, but I am so happy ! What a great gift they will be for my birthday :D

I will most likely sell the rare ones and some other fakies, but you never know. Maybe I will actually fall in love with all of them xD

YAY !!

I'll post pics when I get them~

Pony Corral / G3 playsets
« on: April 09, 2012, 02:01:59 AM »
Hello ! Just a question: how wanted are complete G3 playsets, without the ponies? Which ones are people looking for the most? How much are they worth? I'm researching on Ebay right now, but if people can tell me, all the better !

Also, how about ponyvilles? Do people look after those even?

Thanks in advance !  :)

Off Topic / Anyone have info on these?
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:10:17 PM »
I know this isn't MLP related but... does anyone know what these are?

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I had an white angel, not exactly like this one, a pink one and a devil ! They are pretty much the only baby dolls I ever liked because they are so unusual and I think I gave them away ! :( I would like to get them back someday and I tried looking for info on them, but I can't find any ! I tried Ghost of Doll site and the web in general, but does anyone even ever seen these before?

Thanks in advance ! :)

[Live auction link removed - Eviecorn]

Arts & Crafts Corral / Animation commissions?
« on: March 25, 2012, 11:55:40 AM »
First of all, my deviantART journal (or part of it):

I can't find a job in the animation field without having a show reel. For that, I need to do more animation. Well, that would be easy, but I also need a job to keep me going here ! So, I am stuck in this cycle of needing two things of equal importance that both take time and effort. After looking around dA I figured, hell, why not do animation commissions from now on? Maybe I will actually not only get experience and at least a bit of money, but also a proper full-time job because someone might notice me ! I know I'm not bad at all at it and I just need to do more and a chance to prove I'm actually worth it. But since noone cares about noone nowadays, I might as well create my own opportunity right now and do this instead of waiting for the better to happen. I'm reaching the point where I can't wait any longer. Time is running short and if I can't get a job soon, I am completely screwed to no end.

SO, more info on this in a few months, I hope, when the short is done and all the major things I have to do are also finished. But I will do this, so yessss. I will do a few experiments before I actually get into this - another short and a few short experiments - but I will get into this when I have the chance. I hope it won't be long.

There you have it, folks. I really will do this. As I don't really have noone else to ask this to, I will ask here: would you like to have an short animation loop of your own? I'm thinking of doing sketched animations with no colour at first, since I don't have the time for more. But, for instance, if you want something really simple as an eye blink or a small movement, I can do it with colour ! Anyway, it will be something to think about when the time comes and depending on the situation.

I don't know much about the pricing, as it depends on the complexity of the animation. How much would you be willing to pay for a simple thing, like a character walking or flying?

Also, it would be hand-drawn. Just so you know (omg disney !!) xD

Any feedback, ideas, comments, anything at all are welcome !! Thanks in advance ! :D

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