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Topics - Elisto

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Off Topic / Steven Universe anyone?
« on: March 13, 2015, 10:10:05 AM »
This show...I just don't even know what to say about it! It's amazing! Everything is brilliant and creative and wonderfully done! I'm not sure how a show can so consistently have major reveal after major reveal, episode after episode, for a whole season, and it never gets old and is exciting an emotional every single time. How do they do it?! I've been watching SU from the beginning, and I just can't even comprehend how it's possible to just continuously get better when it started off so strong to begin with.

Anyone else want to gush over it with me? I've tried to avoid any spoilers because this show just has to be experienced but I feel like no explanation of why it's great can be done without talking about what's happened!

Price Check Archives / Deflock to sell? Or not? PC? - DEFLOCK UPDATE
« on: March 06, 2015, 04:28:45 PM »
Update: I decided to deflock her and it seems to have gone fine, except... she has a head-body mismatch underneath all that!  :cry:

I still plan on selling her, but it still makes me sad. Also, I glad I tried it, but I don't think I'll be doing deflocks any time soon again. I was too worried about accidentally taking the paint off.


So I have this Angel to sell:
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but as you can see, her flocking is a mess. This is after I cleaned her. In fact, I think she looks worse in person than she does in the photo. Her hair is a bit dry and frizzy too.

I was thinking of deflocking her before selling because I can probably sell her for more then, but I'm not sure if it's worth the effort, especially since I've never deflocked a pony before. Plus, I don't really like the idea of deflocking anyway; this one's just especially bad, so it seems like it would be OK and reasonable opportunity to try it. I think her flocking was coming off pretty easily already, although it was a while ago when I tested it.

What do you guys think? Should I try it? What would you do? And what might her value be if I don't or if I only do it half-way?

Off Topic / My Little Angel? Do people collect these toys?
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:13:29 AM »
I recently got this fakie in a bag of MLP and finally identified it as a My Little Angel pony:
except on mine, the wings have broken off. I was going to try to pry the plastic bracket off the back and customize the pony, but now I'm wondering, do people collect these? It doesn't look like they're really selling on eBay, but I thought I should ask before doing anything to it.

Price Check Archives / Accessories PC and ID
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:20:07 AM »
I don't need PCs/IDs for everything pictured, so please read the description below!

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Sweet Shop sundaes and floats. I've read $3-$5, but does having the whole set affect anything?
Not pictured: the heart-shapes that go on the back of the SSSS lights

Show Stable pink flag, saddle, bridle
Not pictured: a flag with no stickers

ID: The purple glittery comb. The color doesn't show well here, but it looks like the darker purple one here: I'm not sure if that makes it variant of Princess Royal Blue's or if it's the SHS one. It seems to have a lot of glitter.

Not MLP? The pink and blue ice cream thing (top right), the white rectangle and yellow dish (bottom left)

Pony Brag Arena / Thrift Store G1 Accessories for $1.50!
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:25:41 PM »
So excited!

I have pretty good luck finding ponies at my local thrift stores (Baby Princess Sparkle a few months ago!), and, last week, I found Scoops, so I checked where they keep the larger toys to see if they also had the Satin Slipper Sweet Shop. They didn't, but hey, I got Scoops (and Strawberry Surprise), so no complaints here!

Well, today, I went again, I found a bunch of accessories, including some of the SSSS pieces!

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I've had the SSSS since I was little, but apparently mine never had the little plastic lights that were supposed to come with it. I assumed I'd never find those parts since they're so small, but what do you know, there they are! Well, partially, but good enough!

Not only that, but a flutter pony wing?! Because I don't buy ponies online, I never expected to have one! The tab is broken, but I can probably reglue it. Don't know what I'll do with just one wing, but still, awesome! And the Show Stable flags! I also needed those! And the Princess hats as so much prettier than I expected! And the Glo Worm! I always wanted one because I collect Glo Friends as well! In fact, the only things I don't need are the saddle/bridle, and the SSSS ice cream pieces! And possibly the pink bowl; I have to check if I have that already.

There are a few pieces I'm not sure of, though, so maybe someone can help me? The Princess Pick seems to be the darker purple according to, which doesn't specify which pony that belongs to. Is it a Princess Royal Blue variant, the SHS one, or something else? It seems to have a lot of glitter plus would go with one of the hats, which is why I thought it was a Princess one.

There's also a few things that don't seem to be MLP: that white rectangle and yellow dish on the bottom left, and the pink and blue ice cream at the top right. Any ideas what those are?

Off Topic / MoonDreamers cosplay!
« on: August 14, 2014, 06:02:25 PM »
Just showing off my newest cosplay, Dream Gazer:
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I typically try to do recognizable characters from anime at anime conventions, but the occasional obscure American cartoon character is alright, right? No one knew who I was, but it was fun ^_^ Maybe in the future I'll have the correct pink shoes.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Dainty!
« on: August 14, 2014, 05:57:57 PM »
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Dainty with Virginia Bluebells. I think this is the first time I've drawn a SHS like this! Very happy with how it came out.

Off Topic / Otakon! Anyone going?
« on: August 04, 2014, 04:38:04 PM »
Otakon is this weekend, and I'm curious if anyone here is going. I know I've met one pony-person I recognized from here in previous years!

I'm going again, but I'll be staffing the lost and found, so I won't be around the convention much. But I will be cosplaying Utena on my breaks Friday and Sunday, and Dream Gazer from MoonDreamers on Saturday.

Customs / G1 to G4: SHS Dainty (and pricing question)
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:30:52 AM »
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My first G4 custom, made from a spare Pinkie Pie. I gave her a new symbol, changed her eye color, and added eyeshadow and an earring and bow.

I think I'd like to sell her, but pricing for customs often seems strangely under-priced for the amount of work that goes in. What I think I could reasonably expect to sell this for seems to be a lot less than I actually want to ask, so what are other people's thoughts? What would you pay/price it at? And would the fact that this is factory hair as opposed to new hair affect that?

Customs / Real earrings on customs?
« on: June 21, 2014, 05:21:35 PM »
I have a G4 custom in mind, and I have a actual earring that I was thinking of using in it. However, I'm not sure if this is a good idea. Does anyone know if using metal on them like this would be a problem? I know people have used pins to hold fancy hairstyles in place, so it seems like an earring stud should be fine too, but I don't know.

Pony Corral / Restoring G1 plushies?
« on: June 14, 2014, 04:51:47 PM »
I have a G1 Bowtie plushie in bad shape. I've cleaned her and her body's decent enough, but her hair is unsalvageable: extremely frizzy, dry, and brittle, with large chunks cut out of both the mane and tail, all the way to the base.

I'm wondering if anyone has any experiences replacing the hair. I'm actually considering removing the hair entirely and sewing fabric hair instead, but I don't know if anyone's ever done that and can say how possible/difficult it may be to sew in new pieces.

The Dollhouse / I found a Monster High CAM set...sell or keep?
« on: March 29, 2014, 02:24:04 PM »
Hope it's alright that I post this here, but I don't have an account on the MH Arena.

I found the CAM Vampire and Sea Monster set at a thrift store and I'm looking for suggestions about what to do with it. I'm not a collector of MH, but I do think it's a cool concept, so I'm not sure if I should keep it and see if I get any ideas about it, or if I should sell it to someone who would appreciate it now.

It's not in a box, but it looks like all the pieces are here (two partially-assembled dolls with all their parts, two skirts/tops, one wig, one pare of shoes, a brush, and some kind of plastic thing that I think may be part of a stand?). Can anyone tell me if there should be anything else? Also, one hand of the Sea Monster is attached to the upper arm rather than forearm; can that be removed without breaking it? I'm afraid to pull too hard.

And how much are these worth if I decide to sell it?

How much does Megan's TAF/Sunshine dress (no shoes or doll) go for? I found one today on a doll at a local thrift store, but I don't need it. I saw some of the other dresses go for around $5, but I don't know if that's true for this one since I would imagine it's more common.

Also, not MLP, but anyone know if there's any collector interest in the Cherry Merry Muffin dolls? That's what Megan's dress was on, but I'd never seen or heard of them before now. (Thank goodness for Ghost of the Doll having their picture on the main page!). She looks eerily like a chubby Megan.

Off Topic / Super glue not drying?
« on: December 14, 2013, 06:08:11 AM »
Anyone have any experience with this?

It's Loctite super glue gel, and I'm gluing (dead) insects for display, but the glue just isn't drying. I've done this before, and super glue gels are the recommended glues for this type of thing, but I don't remember it taking so long - it's been over an hour and it's still not at all set. If I get it on my hands, though, it still dries instantly, so I know the glue isn't completely defective. I looked it up, and I couldn't seem to find a definitive curing time either (I don't have the outer packaging anymore, and the tubes don't say).

Any thoughts?

Off Topic / What to do with worn-out clothes?
« on: September 29, 2013, 08:32:43 AM »
So, maybe this is an odd question, since "throw them away" seems like the obvious answer, but I'm wondering if anyone does anything with their old worn-out clothes that are in too bad of shape to be donated?

It seems all of my regular, everyday shirts have worn out all at the same time...stretched, faded, worn thin, stained, etc., and typically, with my parents, old clothes like that would just get cut up into rags. My dad does a lot of carpentry and painting, so he uses a lot, but on my own, I don't need that many. I've been trying to think of any craft ideas or other uses for plain fabrics before I throw them out. Any ideas?

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