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Topics - fiwen30

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UPDATE: So I sucked it up and used bakable Fimo Soft clay for my custom, I stuck it in the oven for 30 minutes at 110oC like I normally would and it coped alright! I used a GB Cleo without a head or legs. There was no significant melting, warping, singing or burning, though her upper arms have got slightly...bumpy? I don't mind it though, it looks like she has bigger biceps xD Her hands have gotten quite shiney too.However these are insignificant blips to me, given I thought she'd melt! Obviously I can't be responsible for anyone elses dolls, but I wanted to share my experience!

I was just wondering if anyone had tried to bake any sculpting on a MH doll, with success or giant fail? I find it easier to work with oven-bake clay on my pony customs, but I'd hate to turn a custom MH into a pile of goo!Any thoughts?

The Dollhouse / Peach's new wardrobe! (Pullip Xiao Fan)
« on: March 24, 2012, 10:29:32 AM »
My lovely Peach has been home for a while now, but I've spent a long time working on her look. We're still not 100% there, but I wanted to show her off - she's been waiting forever for a spot of summer sunshine!

The gorgeous outfit set is one of Peach's favourites!
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The little ice cream matches everything :)
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Pigs will fly!
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A ruffled breeze.
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Feels like flying...
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Soaking up the sun.
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X-posted from DM!

The Dollhouse / Whyyy are we waaaiting... Update!
« on: March 22, 2012, 10:14:31 AM »
So I took a big deep breath, shut my eyes tightly and took a flying leap into BJDs... I've just placed an order for my first ever BJD, a tan Resinsoul Mei  :biggrin: After dithering for days I finally found the courage to click 'checkout'  :) I've already picked out and ordered her green, glass eyes and a beautiful blonde mohair wig, so what else can I do to pass the time?! The wait is gonna kill me :drunk:

Is anyone else waiting or any other kinds of dolls? Maybe we can all entertain each other  :P

Edit: Eee! Sudden, unexpected windfall means I'm actually-sort-of getting Mei for free! That's the line I'm using on my fiance, anyway! ;)

Off Topic / Good Wii game reccomendations?
« on: March 12, 2012, 05:33:22 AM »
Long story short, I was up faaaar too late last night and ended up buying a Wii console and Wii Fit board off Ebay... It was a good deal though, but that's beside the point :drunk:

I've only really messed around on the Wii Sports games and a few of the Mario games, so I was wondering what others people would reccomend? I got the Wii balance board to try out some of the excercise games that are out; I don't want to lose weight, mind, just get fitter, but there's just SO many to choose from! D:

For normal, 'fun' games I'm into actiony, adventure/RPGs (and horse riding games  :P ), and don't really enjoy strategy or shooters.

Any suggestions? :)

Trader & Shipping Support / Issues with a private seller... Advice?
« on: March 08, 2012, 05:24:00 AM »
I'll start by saying that this problem is NOT here on the Arena, but on another forum I frequent.

On the 13th of Feb a member posted up lots of doll clothes for sale which attracted a lot of interest from loads of people, so they got back to me on the 15th confirming my purchase. They asked if I could pay for just the clothes, no shipping cost, so they could be sure what was sold and what wasn't.

2 days later, I asked when I'd be getting a postage price so I could complete my half of the transaction and was told I'd get it on Tues 21st....which came, and then went. Got another message on the 25th apologising and stating costs would go out on the 27th...which came, and then went.

I sent a short message on the 5th of March wondering if I can get my quote, please. This has been sitting, unopened since then, even though the seller has been online everyday since it was sent. The next day, I put a neutral post on the sales thread, asking if anyone had got their shipping costs yet incase it was just me being jerked around - 3 other members posted that they had paid for things a while ago, but with no quotes or contact coming forward they were worried.

It's been over 3 weeks since I, and presumably the others, paid for our things. Admittedly, the seller did have on their sales thread that they were a slow shipper due to work commitments, which is understandable, but 3 weeks? Am I being totally unreasonable/a pest? I just want the things I've paid for...

Wanted! / WTB: My Beautiful Horses models, accessories, playsets etc.!
« on: February 29, 2012, 01:14:43 PM »
Hi there!

I'm looking for any and all My Beautiful Horses models, riders, tack, accessories, playsets, magazines or merch!

Anything you've got that you're wanting to sell, please, send me a PM! ^.^

Off Topic / My Beautiful Horses, anyone? +ID pease!
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:30:28 AM »
I've noticed quite a lack of MBH information and popularity online, and I wondered if there's anyone else here that collects them?

They're model horse toys with nylon manes and tails, and the range included many mare and foal sets, different disciplines and rider sets, tack, accessories, vehicles and playsets. There was also a magazine that came with a free model attached with each issue.

They eventually fizzled out, but were brought back under the name 'I love Ponies', with fewer, but the same moulds used for the horses, riders and playsets, though the latter was simplified. However, the change saw a drop in colour realism and detail in the models, with the horses and riders lacking the shading and intricate coat colours of classic MBH.

I've a sizable collection of models and magazines from my childhood, although sadly my riders and accessories have been lost in time and house moves. I recently snagged a childhood grail on Ebay - the Showtime Trailer playset, complete with it's box, instructions and all the accessories!

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I also found a model in a charity shop a couple of weeks ago, that looks to be MBH as opposed to ILP, wearing a black western saddle and bridle, pink leg wraps and a tan saddle blanket, though I'm not sure if that's original. It's in stunning condition for being an elusive line of collectibles, but the lack of info on these models is making it difficult to ID! Sadly the rider was missing, but I wondered if anyone knew the name/breed of this model?

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