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Topics - ZennaBug

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I came home yesterday to find a box waiting for me.

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The Soom Keny I bought from is already here!  It only took him 11 days to get here!  Nerine got to help open him up and welcome him to the madhouse.  :D  The photostory is just cell phone pics because I was too excited to set up lighting or take the time to get the camera out lol.

"Hey!  That looks like my box!"
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"Who's in there??"
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*open open open*
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"A new friend just for me!  And he has HOOVES!"
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"Nice to meet you!  May I help you with all of that bubble wrap?"
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"OMG MOMMM!!!  HE'S NAKED!"  Kai: *facepalm*
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One wig and some eyes later...
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Hey, cool!  He let me try on his hat.  Skull.  Ummm, thingy.
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Making friends.  Nerine seems a little apprehensive of his nakedness still.  XD
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I love him!  He borrowed stole Willow's wig and vest.  Oh well.  They made her look like a boy anyway, lol.
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I came straight home from work today to get some real pics of him before I lost the light.  I love him!  :squee:

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He still needs pants lol.  Thank goodness for leaves!
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Look at that face!  :lovey:
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Bonus pics of some other dolls who jumped in on the photoshoot.  :D

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*Edited for address removal.  Whoops!  :lookround:

The Dollhouse / New Wigs!
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:51:37 PM »
Talitha and Rowan's wigs arrived from M!ndy!!!  And I am sooooo happy with them!  Cuteness abounds!

Talitha looks so cute with her new pigtails!  :lovey:

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And Rowan is no longer bald!  And M!ndy even made her a little tail cover so her hair and tail would match.  :)

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The Dollhouse / Holy Dolly Spam, Zenna! Some old beauties and a new arrival!
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:57:33 PM »
Took some new pics of my dollies.  :lovey:  Had to share my favs!  The rest are in my Flickr:


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Talitha (in a horrible wig she is borrowing until I get her a better one):

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Nerine; it's been way too long since she got a photoshoot with all the new dolls who joined the family in the last year.

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Brooke is another beauty who hasn't had much camera time lately.  Mostly because I need to restring her because she is insanely floppy right now.

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And the newest member of the family!  My mom and I saw a Pipos Gift Edition Dorothy while we were at DDE buying wigs for her Juri, my Juri (still waiting on a body), and my Loongsoul centaur on August 30th.  Just because we could, we asked Paula if we could play with her and she said sure. We liked that she was a YoSD, but with a mature figure.  Her joints moved so smoothly and she posed great. I thought about her all week and even my mom mentioned how much she had liked her. I had $160 in the dolly fund and was scheduled to babysit for some kids from my school the next weekend, which put me only $40 short of her $280 price tag, so we went back for her!!!

We tried on several wigs and ended up with this blonde and baby pink Leeke. I bought her undies so she wouldn't be totally starkers, but when I got home and dug through the doll clothes box, I realized that the knit dress I bought for my Pullips was still there! I sold the dolls and most of their clothes, but had kept this in the hopes that I might have someone to fit into it (Brooke has been wearing the hat). I randomly started calling her Melody in my head, so I think that will probably end up being her name.  :)

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I can't wait to get her a faceup!  :lovey:

And the current doll family!  By the end of the year, I should have the body for my Juri '13, along with the PKF Juri '14 I got as my event gift when I ordered.  I also have a PKF body + head back in transit somewhere between Australia and here for that faceplate.  And I'm 2/5 through a lawaway for a Soom Keny.  Once those bits arrive, I will have TWELVE dolls by the end of the year.  Holy crap.  Now I just need faces for the 4 that are (or will be) blank.  And clothes.  Once they're all complete(ish), I will drag them all outside for an actual family photo with my camera.

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Pony Corral / Calling All Artists! (Cross-Posted)
« on: August 10, 2014, 08:38:28 PM »
:glitter: :art: Calling all Arena Artists! :art: :glitter:

As we all know, the MLP Arena is the most amazing place on the entire internet.  :accomplished:  Our site is particularly awesome because of our fabulous members and a dedicated volunteer staff team.  The site may be free to all of us, but there are operation costs in order to keep the forums running smoothly.  In order to keep our site ad-free and available to all, we sometimes hold auctions, raffles, and sales of MLP Arena merch.  Inspired by a quilting thread in the Arts and Crafts Corral, I'd like your help making a community quilt to sell at the next Arena auction to raise money for our pony home!
How do you get in on the fun and make a difference to our pony community, you ask?  Easy! :frolic:

PM me with a design proposal for your square.  The mods will look at all entries and select the 12 we feel best represent our community!  The artists with the winning designs will then have 6 weeks to make their design a reality and then ship the square to me for assembly and quilting.


:heart: All finished squares must be 18x18" (approximately 46x46cm) on cotton fabric. Remember that the edges of the square will be cut off by the seams, so leave about 1/2" on each side free of details. I don't want to chop off anyone's art!
:heart: Squares can be painted, applique, cross-stitched, embroidered, pieced, or any other method you choose.  Be as creative as you want!
:heart: All generations are welcome and encouraged!  You are also welcome to use the Arena mascot pony.
:heart: PM your entries to ZennaBug before midnight on August 31st.
:heart: Winning artists will have 6 weeks to make their design a reality before shipping their squares to ZennaBug.
:heart: The finished quilt will be available to purchase in our next Arena auction and all proceeds will go towards the operation costs of our site.

ETA: Here is the ref sheet for our mascot pony! Designed and drawn by sirithfin. :D

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Customs / Calling All Artists! (Cross-Posted)
« on: August 10, 2014, 08:35:24 PM »
:glitter: :art: Calling all Arena Artists! :art: :glitter:

As we all know, the MLP Arena is the most amazing place on the entire internet.  :accomplished:  Our site is particularly awesome because of our fabulous members and a dedicated volunteer staff team.  The site may be free to all of us, but there are operation costs in order to keep the forums running smoothly.  In order to keep our site ad-free and available to all, we sometimes hold auctions, raffles, and sales of MLP Arena merch.  Inspired by a quilting thread in the Arts and Crafts Corral, I'd like your help making a community quilt to sell at the next Arena auction to raise money for our pony home!
How do you get in on the fun and make a difference to our pony community, you ask?  Easy! :frolic:

PM me with a design proposal for your square.  The mods will look at all entries and select the 12 we feel best represent our community!  The artists with the winning designs will then have 6 weeks to make their design a reality and then ship the square to me for assembly and quilting.


:heart: All finished squares must be 18x18" (approximately 46x46cm) on cotton fabric. Remember that the edges of the square will be cut off by the seams, so leave about 1/2" on each side free of details. I don't want to chop off anyone's art!
:heart: Squares can be painted, applique, cross-stitched, embroidered, pieced, or any other method you choose.  Be as creative as you want!
:heart: All generations are welcome and encouraged!  You are also welcome to use the Arena mascot pony.
:heart: PM your entries to ZennaBug before midnight on August 31st.
:heart: Winning artists will have 6 weeks to make their design a reality before shipping their squares to ZennaBug.
:heart: The finished quilt will be available to purchase in our next Arena auction and all proceeds will go towards the operation costs of our site.

ETA: Here is the ref sheet for our mascot pony! Designed and drawn by sirithfin. :D

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:glitter: :art: Calling all Arena Artists! :art: :glitter:

As we all know, the MLP Arena is the most amazing place on the entire internet.  :accomplished:  Our site is particularly awesome because of our fabulous members and a dedicated volunteer staff team.  The site may be free to all of us, but there are operation costs in order to keep the forums running smoothly.  In order to keep our site ad-free and available to all, we sometimes hold auctions, raffles, and sales of MLP Arena merch.  Inspired by a quilting thread in the Arts and Crafts Corral, I'd like your help making a community quilt to sell at the next Arena auction to raise money for our pony home!
How do you get in on the fun and make a difference to our pony community, you ask?  Easy! :frolic:

PM me with a design proposal for your square.  The mods will look at all entries and select the 12 we feel best represent our community!  The artists with the winning designs will then have 6 weeks to make their design a reality and then ship the square to me for assembly and quilting.


:heart: All finished squares must be 18x18" (approximately 46x46cm) on cotton fabric. Remember that the edges of the square will be cut off by the seams, so leave about 1/2" on each side free of details. I don't want to chop off anyone's art!
:heart: Squares can be painted, applique, cross-stitched, embroidered, pieced, or any other method you choose.  Be as creative as you want!
:heart: All generations are welcome and encouraged!  You are also welcome to use the Arena mascot pony.
:heart: PM your entries to ZennaBug before midnight on August 31st.
:heart: Winning artists will have 6 weeks to make their design a reality before shipping their squares to ZennaBug.
:heart: The finished quilt will be available to purchase in our next Arena auction and all proceeds will go towards the operation costs of our site.

ETA: Here is the ref sheet for our mascot pony! Designed and drawn by sirithfin. :D

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The Dollhouse / Rainy day photoshoot!
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:17:36 PM »
We were playing outside when all of a sudden... was that a raindrop?

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Yep; it was!

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Rain, rain, go away; come again another day.  Robin wants to go back outside!

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There was a quick break in the storm, so we peeked back outside before it started pouring again.

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And a bonus pic of Maia, because she's too beautiful to keep to myself.  I wanted to get some pictures of her in her pretty new dress, but it was just raining too hard.  So this is the only indoor pic I liked enough to share.  Edited because it was raining and I was bored.  :P

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The Dollhouse / HOLY MOTHER OF DOLLIES! She is so cute!!! <3 <3 <3
« on: June 30, 2014, 09:37:35 PM »
I got a box from Xhanthi today!!!!  My dolly heads are back!!!

Box opening pics:

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(The bigger bubble wrap ball is my mom's Juri head, but I'm not posting it anywhere until she's home from London and has a chance to see her)

All put together!  I literally can't put her down.  She is the cutest dolly EVAR!  She might actually be my new favorite.  Don't tell the others!

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The before and after comparisons are always my favorites.  She looks so different!

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Quick trip outside for some pics before the sun set.  Of COURSE my real camera's battery AND spare battery were both dead, so I made do with my cell.

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Pick me up?

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Sitting with my other two Xhanthi girls, Brooke (B&G Aurora) and Maia (Chloe).  And Talitha, my faceless Pong.

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The current family!

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I couldn't be happier!  I am just so thrilled with how she turned out!  :lovey:  And this settles it; I am definitely a pukifee person.  :lovey:

The Dollhouse / BJD Photo Spam - Spring is Here! *Pic Heavy*
« on: March 21, 2014, 04:20:22 PM »
Mom got her newest doll from SwordPony last week and our two doll heads heads arrived back from their faceups on Wednesday, so I had to take some pics of the three new arrivals in my parents' garden when I was delivering Rosy to her.  Can't think of a better way to celebrate Spring than taking pictures of some beautiful dolls on a beautiful day.  :lovey:  They're just iPhone pics, since I didn't think to being my camera, but I think they're pretty darn good anyway.  :D

I'd like to introduce you to Maia!  She's a tan-skin MNF Chloe with a faceup by Xhanthi and I think she's total perfection.  I'm in love with the tan skin, I think it's so photogenic.  And I've always loved her sculpt.  I wasn't going to buy her when they ran the tan event, but decided that I had to have her at the very last second.  Thank goodness I did, too, because I adore her!

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And then there's Mom's Pong - Rosy.  I bought her for Mom's birthday in August and she FINALLY has her face!  Also by Xhanthi.  :lovey:  Had to get a couple of shots of the two of them, since they only just got put together for the first time yesterday.

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And then we had to get Mom's other new addition in on the action!  The cute redhead is her new PKF Luna, bought from SwordPony.  :)

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And then a few shots of just Mom's girls.

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Bahaha!  I love Pongs.

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:cookie: :cookie: for everyone who made it through all the pics!  XD  I tried to cherry-pick the best ones, but I liked too many to withhold them.  :lookround:

Off Topic / Hey, dog groomers! Need clipper advice.
« on: January 31, 2014, 08:41:58 PM »
So I have an amazing little mutt who has long curly fur.  With one exception, I've been doing her grooming since I adopted her at 10 weeks old.  The only time I had her professionally groomed, she came back looking ridiculous!  The only problem is that I only own a pair of grooming scissors and that's it.  She may only be 8 pounds, but it takes me an hour or more to cut her hair and make it look good.  I have also started grooming my parents' elderly dog, who was a Christmas present for my sister and I in 1999.  She's old and grouchy now, but still living with my parents.  :heart:  She's quite a bit bigger than Ava, at 35 pounds, which means it takes me a VERY long time to cut her hair.  She has always had a very hard time at the groomer's, so it's a lot easier on her when I do the grooming instead.

My mom usually pays me to give Abbey a haircut and last week I was grumbling about how I really should just bite the bullet and buy a pair of nice clippers to make the process a lot faster for both dogs and for my sanity.  I've had clippers in the past, but they were cheap pieces of crap that didn't work.  My mom has offered to buy me a pair of professional-quality clippers in exchange for free haircuts for life.

I've done a bit of research and it seems like Oster and Andis are the two brands that keep popping up.  But the problem is that there are SO MANY options!  :faint:

I'm looking for a pair of clippers that's easy to maneuver and will cut through curly coats.  I'd rather spend more money and get a pair of clippers that will last forever, with proper maintenance.  I don't want them to get too hot either.  I don't need anything insanely industrial, as I'm only grooming two dogs every 4-6 weeks in Ava's case and every other month for Abbey, whose fur has become a bit thin and grows pretty slowly.  I've read the horror stories about dogs being injured by clippers wielded by their owners, but I plan on making sure I know exactly how to use them before I test it on my babies.  Still, a pair that's relatively easy to use would be good.  :P

Besides clippers, is there anything else I need?  Extra blades, attachments, etc?  I have decent scissors and even though I need new brushes, those are easy enough to buy as needed.  I also have a nice pair of nail trimmers.

I trust you guys way more than random strangers on Ask Yahoo, so I thought I'd come here for advice as well.  :)

Meet my clients!

:heart: Ava - 8 pounds of pure love.

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:heart: Abbey - right after I gave her a haircut and bath the last time she stayed at my home for a weekend while my parents were out of town.

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*Edited for image size*  :silly:

The Dollhouse / *BJD Brag* THEY'RE HERE!! *Dolly Nudity* NEW PICS!
« on: November 30, 2013, 05:53:30 AM »
I ordered TWO tan dollies from Fairyland for their event in August, plus the Juri event head for my mom.  Yesterday, I got a long-awaited email from DDE that my girls were here!  So I drove down this morning to pick up my dollies!

Introducing my still-unnamed MNF Chloe and PKF Vanilla!

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They both balance really well.

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Pick me up, will ya?

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I couldn't resist the cute little leopard outfit.  :lovey:

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Sneaky little kitty!

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Another cute outfit!

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And a closeup of gorgeous Chloe

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Together!  She actually sits cross-legged, I've never had a doll that poses like her.

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And the Juri 2013 head, which is my mom's Christmas gift.  If I'd known she was going to be this gorgeous, I might have kept her for myself.  :lookround:  But, my mom is already loving her and that makes me happier than the doll would.  Plus, I can always go over and play with her lol.

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Line Art Help!
« on: October 19, 2013, 08:36:29 AM »
I was doodling during some training at work and want to turn the pony into a line art!  But my tablet pen is skippy for an unknown reason and I was always awful at digital lines anyway.  Would someone help me turn this:

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Into something that can be used for the coloring book?  I would really like to get Richard Simmons out of my sig (,342508.0.html).  :silly:  Just the outline, not the hooves, markings, shading, or anything fancy.  I just can't make it look good with a mouse!

Please and thank you!!!  *leaves out a plate of cookies*  :cookie: :cookie:

Off Topic / Friends! Need help with video editing!
« on: October 10, 2013, 02:47:02 PM »
If one has several quick clips that need to be combined into one video, how would one go about doing such a thing?

Hello from soggy Colorado.  I'm making this post on behalf of skyrocketneko, who is in the middle of some of the severe flooding that is hitting our area.  She is safe and her house is elevated enough that the water hasn't reached her, but power, internet, and 4G are out and she barely had enough phone reception to let me know she was safe and to ask me to post this message:

If you are currently in a trade with skyrocketneko, she will me MIA for a little bit, until the waters recede and the power is back.  Her neighborhood is basically an island right now, the roads are washed out and the town is totally inaccessible.  So please be patient and she will be back once all of that is sorted.

*passes out cookies*

The Dollhouse / *flails* OMG I NEED HER!!!
« on: September 09, 2013, 06:28:04 PM »
So I was sadly browsing the Luts site, wishing I had $500 to buy one of the little limited centaurs.  I clicked back to the home page and then I saw her.  Zuzu Delf Frise.  I have one anthro, my little Dalsoo, whom I love, but didn't have any immediate plans to get another anthro doll.  But when I saw this one, the first thing I thought of was my little mutt, Ava.  Seriously, how perfect is this match up?!

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Once I've paid off my two incoming tan Fairyland girls (MNF Chloe and PKF Vanilla), I am going to start saving for this one.  Then, I just need to find the right artist to do a full-body blush to get the markings right.  An Ava dolly!


Holy crapola though, I had just one BJD for a couple years.  Then about this time last year, I bought my first human(ish) doll, Amber.  And something just clicked and I needed MOAR.  I finished Nerine's layaway in January, bought Brooke in February, and then ordered TWO dolls at DDE last month.  My dolly family has grown from 1 to 4 in less than a year and I will be at 6 in November.  If I manage to save up and bring this one home before the end of the year, I will have brought home FIVE dolls in 2013.  Yikes!

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