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Topics - pony_magick

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Pony Corral / Pony Cleaning help wanted in NZ
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:07:18 PM »
Hi all, as some of you may know, I have the opportunity to display my My Little Pony collection at The Toy Collector during the month of May. Now my collection is in a bit of a state and I’d love some help cleaning, styling hair and general sorting of it all.

I live in Christchurch, NZ and would love the help of any pony fans living in the area or even if you want to come from further away. :) I'm hoping some of my other non-pony friends will help out but I know how some of you enjoy anything pony related. I've created an event on Facebook but I'm not sure if you can see it. Scheduled for the first weekend of April (2nd and 3rd).

It will include lots of shampoo, conditioner, paper towels, straws and rubber bands but its easy work. For those who don’t want to get their hands ‘dirty’ there’s the general sorting of all the ponies as I’m sure I have double ups of some that I don’t know about. I’m hoping many hands make light work.

You’re welcome to stay late/stay the night and help out the following day. I have heaps of room and we could watch movies/anime that evening, as I have a nice collection of those as well. If people could bring money for dinner we could get pizza or whatever you prefer (though not much to choose from sorry).

 If we don’t get it sorted this weekend I’ll be making another event for the following weekends leading up to May until it’s done.

Pony Corral / Chance to publicly display your collection
« on: February 03, 2016, 12:07:52 PM »
So I've been given a chance to display my collection to the 'public' but as I have over 200 G1 ponies plus playsets, merch, pony wear and accessories, I'm not sure how to go about it.

How would you display them? By putting everything together (ie accessories with their respective ponies) or display ponies and then say the merch with everything scattered around? Or perhaps another option? Feel free to give ideas.  :biggrin:

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / PC G1 LPS
« on: August 20, 2015, 02:02:57 PM »
Could I have a price check on these sets please. They're my own childhood toys so expect some play wear and a bit of dirt from 15 years in storage (they have been lightly wiped with a wet cloth but no through cleaning). I've listed what's wrong with the sets if it's not obvious.

Playful Persian with Cozy Tunnel Bed:
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Garden Tag Pets:
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Sweetheart Ponies with Moonglow Stable:
No hair accessories
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Jump 'n Splash Frogs with Lily Pond:
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Perky Pup with Cozy Crate:
No dog or brush
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Racing Lizard with Desert Den
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Zoo Mommy Hen with Chirpy Baby Chicks
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Puppy Pals with Playhouse
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Lil' Saddle Filly
No hair accessory
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Tug 'n Play Beethoven
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Zoo Baby Chimp
Only 1 nappy and no Chimp
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Zoo Honey Bear with Cozy Cave
European variant with grey cave and no sign
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Splash Happy Puppies
This set has the most problems/missing accessories
-bath has 'yellowed' with age (as per pics) and not sure if it still works
-mud spots on Golden Retriever faded and unsure if will still appear/disappear with water
-only accessories are in the photos (other have been lost)
-collar bows have the white 'stretch' marks at side where plastic has been stretched a little beyond what's normal.
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Not sure if this is the right place but here goes. Would anyone be interested in Japanese dress pattern books for SD dolls? I'm considering buying a lot that has double ups of ones I already have but I want to know if anyone is interested in the double ups before I buy. The auction closes in 8 hours. Happy to provide the auction pictures and info if needed.

Off Topic / Sailor Moon merch in Japan stores?
« on: April 07, 2015, 05:01:16 PM »
I know there are a few Sailor Moon fans on here so I thought I'd give this query a go. Anyone know what physical stores in Japan sell the new Sailor Moon merch? I've tried searching but I only come up with online stores (which doesn't help me). Do you think the standard anime/manga stores (like Manadrake) would sell the merch or would I have to go looking else where? Any ideas? :huh:

Off Topic / Tokyo Disneyland or Disney Sea?
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:50:40 PM »
Those who have been to Japan and had the chance to go to either/both Disneyland or Disney Sea, which did you like better?  :huh:

I'm off to Tokyo in just over 8 weeks and am trying to convince my Mum that since we can't go the Ghibli Museum then we should go to Disney. I can't work out which one is better (and yes I've read all the articles/Q & A online).

I am a HUGE Disney fan but I live in New Zealand and have never been to any of the Disney Parks and only plan on going to 1 other Disney Park with my extended family in 10 years. So this will be an almost once in a lifetime opportunity for me.

So I've had a pony parcel that I've been waiting for, for ages and I've been following the tracking with great interest. Yesterday I found that it'd been out for delivery for ages (about 4 days) after a hold up of 2 weeks in the inbound parcel area (not customs), so I contacted NZ Post with the tracking code. I found out that the parcel is being sent back to the sender because they only put my city down as the address...  :shocked: :huh: No name or street address - nothing but my city.

This is the first time this has happened to me, what do I do? I've contacted the seller explain the situation and am waiting to hear back from them. What are my rights, so to speak? Do I have to pay for postage again? I still want the ponies/accessories in what ended up being a very expensive lot!

Customs / Rapunzel hair and tinsel match
« on: March 09, 2015, 02:53:03 PM »
I've been looking for years at Christmas time for icicles in the pink coloured tinsel in Rapunzel's hair with no luck. :( Could you wonderful guys point me in the right direction for finding the tinsel and a colour match for G1 Rapunzel's hair?

I have a G3 HUGE Pinkie Pie that I planned on turning into my own Rapunzel until I can get/afford an original pony. How much hair (hanks) would it take to rehair her into a Rapunzel?

This will be my first custom in about 5 years so I plan to take my time.

Off Topic / Had a great day yesterday!!
« on: February 26, 2015, 12:09:29 PM »
Yesterday I had a great day!!  :biggrin: I was bouncing all afternoon.

We picked up our new puppy first thing that morning. She's a cavoodle (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel X Poodle), called Poppy. She's so small (smaller than my slipper) and it's been a long time since I've held a puppy that small!

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The second wonderful thing that happened, is that I managed to find and purchase (with help) 2 tickets for the concert of my favourite Japanese idol group. This is my main reason for going to Japan, so I'm really relieved that I got hold of tickets before I actually left for Japan!! This was the only thing I was worrying and stressing about because trying to get concert tickets for someone not living in Japan is actually quite hard and tricky.

Price Check Archives / PC for basic G1 baby accessories
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:42:51 PM »
Just wanting a price check for basic accessories like common brushes/combs, baby accessories (like bottles, blankets and playpens) and Pretty Parlor brushes, hats, saddles and bridles. Assuming that everything is in good condition with no major flaws but with playwear.

Trader & Shipping Support / What to do if ebay item isn't as described?
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:07:41 PM »
I just got my "authentic" mlp G1 ribbons that I won on eBay last month and only 3 or 4 of them are possible real MLP ribbons. The auction is described as 20 authentic my little pony ribbons vintage/collectible 1980s. First there is only 18 but I knew that before they posted but I thought 18 real MLP ribbons are still great! They also say on the listing no refunds or returns....

I'm really, really pissed off that out of these 18 ribbons only a few could possibly be labeled authentic.

Is this a case of the seller not realising that not all were 'real' and I just have to deal with it or can I do something about it? What's the proper way to go about this?

Pony Corral / Playset stickers
« on: January 12, 2015, 02:34:24 PM »
Are playset stickers worth anything? I have a few extras floating around that I'm thinking of selling or trading (depending on worth/interest). Also, are they like most MLP stickers, ie worth more if the backing is intact?

I know that there is a site you can go to, to print replicas (which are free - or only worth the ink and paper). If you guys had an option would you buy original playset stickers or print free versions? :huh:

Pony Corral / Pony cleaning materials in different countires
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:21:50 PM »
This is something I've been thinking about for a while. :huh: The MLP Preservation Project has a wonderful list of cleaners and materials for making our ponies beautiful again but what if you live somewhere outside of the US and the brands mentioned don't exist?

I was thinking this thread could become a sort of go to list for non US pony collectors to post their countrys' equivalent to oxiclean and the Mr Clean Magic erasers and other cleans that are just as useful to clean ponies with.

Alternative to:

Oxy Clean
Vanish Oxy Action (previously known as Napisan) - Finland, Sweden, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand

Dawn Dish Soap
Pamolive (concentrate) - New England, New Zealand
Fairy - Europe, Australia, UK

Mr Clean Magic Erasers
Malamine sponges (type of sponge not a brand name)
Chux Cleaning Cloth Magic Eraser - New Zealand
Vileda Miraclean - Finland

Deep cleaning
Jif (Cif) - UK, New Zealand
Sugar Soap (can also be used for deflocking) - UK, New Zealand

General cleaning
Baby/wet wipes

Trader & Shipping Support / Parcel arrived in NZ - all good now thanks
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:38:12 AM »
Not sure if this is where I should put this question or not but here goes. I recently bought a pony lot off ebay, the seller is based in Florida, US but it seems that instead of going the usual way direct from the US to New Zealand it seems my package is going through Istanbul and Tel Aviv.  :whoa: Should I be worried about this? It's never happened before to me so I don't know what to expect, should I do anything about it or just wait until the package shows up? I'm just a little worried as to why it's going a illogical way.

EDIT: I talked to my Post office and they said talk to USPS but how do you do that? I just want to make a general enquiry but none of the drop down boxes fit with what I want to ask. Why is it so complicated to contact them?

Pony Corral / Removing make up from Ponies
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:38:11 PM »
I just won a lot of ponies that the majority have been given make up to make them even more pretty. :P The make up is a bit TOO heavy for my liking so how do I remove it with out damaging the original eye paint? I've never gotten ponies needing this much TLC, so I want to do it right.

Edit: So you have an idea of what I'm up against here's the link

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