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Topics - SunnyDazeAhead

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I know I've bragged about all the amazing finds I've had in the past few weeks from the usual outlet that I go digging in but THESE ponies are all from ANOTHER outlet on the other side of town that I'd never been to before and decided to check out! I think it was well worth the visit...

:happy:  :lovey:  :happy:

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Pillow Buddy SweetSong which I never had before in my collection, THREE Hasbro Softies G1 plush Moondancer, Posey and Starshine (one of my childhood plushies!), yarn haired Tinka Tinka Too, Build-a-bear Scootaloo (now if I could only find Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom!!), styling unicorn Rarity (before she was a white unicorn with purple hair!!), and talking Princess Twilight Sparkle!!! Whom, I secretly coveted despite the fact that I'd already decided against buying her retail. :P  That's the best thing about GW pony hunting--- getting what you wanted for a substantially reduced price! Even better if the second hand items are in like new non-messed up condition :silly: 

Another shopper found a G1 Hasbro Softies Windy plush and was wheeling her around in their cart and I kept an eagle eye on 'em to see if they'd change their mind and put her back but they hadn't by the time I'd checked out and decided to leave. I'd found two that day already and couldn't for the life of me figure out how I missed her but ahh well, I suppose you can't win 'em all, right??  :drunk:  :drunk:  :drunk:

« on: February 07, 2016, 01:34:10 PM »

This was so completely random that the moment I found her in the bins I KNEW I had to post it on the Arena. Apparently somebody thought AJ shoulda been born a unicorn since they took great pains to sew on a pink puffy horn to her poor forehead and not even in a very good stitch job either! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

POOR AJ!!! I was able to cut the stitches loose and free her of that monstrosity on her forehead but that is definitely the craziest thing I've seen in awhile haha :silly:

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Trader & Shipping Support / I AM SO MAD!!! (non pony eBay scammer rant)
« on: February 07, 2016, 01:16:16 PM »
So even though I've been selling on ebay since 2002 have OVER 200 positive feedback NEVER received a negative in over 14 years one no good scammer can come along and undo my 100% perfect reputation with just ONE negative review??!! :yikes:  How is this possible??  I thought being a trusted and reliable seller with an 'above standard' rating would protect me from even ONE negative feedback but nope! With the new rating system they don't care HOW LONG YOU'VE BEEN ON EBAY OR IF YOU'VE HAD A PRISTINE REPUTATION FOR DECADES. It appears that all they look at is THE PAST YEAR'S PERFORMANCE. So that explains why this buyer who got mad at me for refusing to sell TWO Buy-it-now auctions for ONE price (they bid on ONE auction and then asked me to combine shipping for the other I had listed... wtf?!) left me a retaliatory negative saying I 'refused to send the items' when I told them politely I would not send them an item that was in ANOTHER listing and it was clearly mentioned in the listing that it was just for ONE item not both.  :enraged:

I had over 205 FB and 100% but I don't sell all that often.. so my positives for the past year was under 20. That ONE negative comment knocked me down from 100% to 94.7% !!!! That is a HUGE drop for someone that isn't a newbie ebay seller. That's treating me as though my ENTIRE feedback is only 18 or something!! HOW IS THIS FAIR?! Rant with me, please because I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It seems really unfair. I've seen people with a couple negatives and really low scores because they had less than a dozen FB or something but I have hundreds...  even a friend of mine was like... you have over 200 it should have dropped a percentage at most...not almost 6%! That's super ridic and I almost feel like I don't even want to use ebay anymore if one scammer can undo almost 15 years of building up your flawless reputation....   :cloud:

Sellers can't even leave negatives for bad buyers to warn other sellers either. That's another thing that definitely needs to be changed!!  :stressed:
eta: I can't even have the negative removed since it was left over 30 days ago and I'd been busy and didn't notice until just the other day...  :(

Pony Corral / Tell me about this G2 Castle!
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:44:01 PM »

I'm not very familiar with G2 so any info provided is much appreciated! :happy:

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I haven't found any G1s in awhile since the couple mega lucky finds I had several weeks ago then just last night who's bum did I see sticking up in the air in the bin?? None other than the lovely Ms. Heart Throb. :lovey:

She's always been one of my favorite ponies and her symbol definitely goes with the upcoming romantic holiday.  Glad she will be spending it with me and the rest of my herd in this upcoming season of love hehe :happy:

eta: I just noticed she looks like she's nomming the GIANT Tootsie Pop... :lmao:

This is not all from last night but a cumulative haul of all the GW ponies and pony merch I've secured over the past week or two since I keep finding more things day after day I decided to wait to take a pic before making a brag. :silly:

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Found all of these at the same GW Outlet where I made the miraculous SS Crumpet discovery. :happy:

Some highlights include: G1s SS Cupcake, SS North Star and pink happy tails pony with blue hair, plus a baby ballerina pony, Talking Princess Celestia (white version), 2 EG dolls Twilight Sparkle & Rainbow Dash. Not pictured is a EG Fluttershy but I DID find a LARGE styling style SITTING Fluttershy which I'd never seen before! And a styling sized Fluttershy next to her. Not just one but TWO Sing & Dance Pinkie Pies!!! :frolic: :frolic:  :frolic:  Sadly, one of the Pinkies has had a very rough life with her mane and tail chopped and dress ripped and torn (perhaps cut off by scissors??) and she doesn't appear to even work. She was my first find. The SECOND PP is in VERY good even excellent condition no haircuts no torn dress AND when I replaced her batteries--- SHE WORKS! :happy:
These debuted in 2006 and I remember they were quite expensive @ Target when I first saw them in person I felt very creep-ed out by her haha She was Sing & Dance Creepy Pie to me. :P Especially with how her robotic head jerkily turns from side to side and her proclaiming, "HI! I'm PINKIE! Waaannaaa plaaaay?!"  Very reminiscent of a pony version of Chuckie from Child's Play :yikes:  haha which is why I always told myself I'd never pay retail for her but if I ever ran across her at a thrift store or Goodwill, I"d pick her up in a heartbeat. The fact that I happened to get her so cheaply at an outlet is even better. :bigups: I gotta admit I have fun with this toy even in my 30s so I can imagine how delightful it would be to a little girl. It really is an adorable item and I intend to save it for my future little one someday. :lovey:

I also found a motorized walking Pinkie Pie that shouts random Pink-isms and such. Build-a-Bear Princess Twilight Sparkle, a MLP Chutes & Ladders game minus the pony figure pieces, a MLP puzzle from like 2005, Singing Christmas Minty plush, color change styling Star Catcher, two remote control pony vehicles; RD's airplance and Scootaloo's bicycle no remotes but I found the remote to the bicycle one on a previous visit lol

Last but not least, a musical pony balloon that lights up and changes colors, playing 2 different songs, the MLP Train set from a few Christmases ago with two extra car attachments, so much pony plush -- Lyra Heartstrings, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, 3 versions of Twilight Sparkle, the newer pony with the treble clef for her cutie mark *her name escapes me right now!* AND a 1985 Lionel ThunderCats figure!!  All in all, a decent haul of pony goodness. And this, my pony friends, is why thrift hunting and digging through bins at GW is totally worth it! SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND! :silly: :silly: :silly:

-falls down and rolls on the floor, spins three times, jumps up falls down again and rolls around, twitching-

:drunk:  :drunk:  :drunk:  :drunk:

So, I've been having some SUPER AMAZING PONY LUCK lately ever since I moved an hour away from my hometown and there's no way I would've ever found these amazing treasures had I not relocated but I'm so glad that I did! I didn't even know that "Goodwill Outlet" existed so it was an entirely new experience for me and let me say, it's definitely not for the faint of heart. :yikes:  It's like Black Friday every hour on the hour with all the running, pushing and shoving and grabbing at stuff in oversized plastic bins :lmao:  Totally worth it though since everything is sold by the pound -- .89 cents per pound exactly so if you were to find a ton of smalls like say, PONIES, could you imagine a pound of ponies for under a dollar?! HECK YEAH!!! :happy:

I've had some amazing luck here in the past as I found G1 Dream Castle about a month ago at the same Goodwill Outlet but what I scored today just takes the cake. I still can't believe it really happened because it reminds me of a pony dream I have where I find a really rare valuable pony then I wake up and feel disappointed LOL but this was for reals and I couldn't believe my eyes who was staring up at me from a plastic bin of random junk. It was just too good to be true. :whoa:  I love my thrift store ponies the most (aside from my childhood ones) because I feel like they were rescues and given a second chance at a happy home after being carelessly discarded. The idea of this pretty girl being abandoned and tossed in a bin just breaks my heart. :cloud:  Anything that isn't sold in a regular Goodwill gets shipped to a Goodwill outlet where it's sold by the pound for a cheap price. Anything not sold THERE gets thrown into a huge trash compactor and destroyed. :yikes: 

The very idea of poor ponies being squished just makes me feel awful! I'm SO happy I was able to rescue this lovely girl and save her from that miserably horrible fate! And so very glad that I chose today to go thrift hunting as the inventory varies on the hour every day. The pony gods definitely were looking out for her today and sent me to bring her home! I've wanted this girl a very long time ever since I started re collecting in 2006 but I never thought I'd be able to add her to my collection because of her price. This pic really says it all......   

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I could not believe what I was seeing! :whoa:  I legit gasped aloud and started jumping up and down I was so beyond thrilled and excited. Didn't really care who around me saw hahaha!! :P

And this is an example of how BIG the bins are that shoppers have to dig through... NO IDEA WHY THERE WAS SO MUCH SOAP! :silly:

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As you can see, there were a couple other G1s nearby Crumpet and some other vintage 80s toys -- Lil Pretty and A Fairy Tail Bird. I dug underneath ALL that soap and who did I find at the bottom?? None other than MEGAN! I never had a Megan doll as a kid so that was a very nice surprise to find a pony friend. :lovey:

You'd think finding SS Crumpet alone in a random pile of discarded trash would be enough to make my night but IT WASN'T OVER YET! Because earlier in the day, I'd found an upgrade for my Lullabye Nursery! I'd found one last year but the hinges were broken so I could never get it to close properly. Plus, most of the sticker decals inside were faded or completely gone. These stickers are very bright and colorful! :happy:

Here's a pic of the haul minus the other non pony stuff that I ended up getting....  I'm so very pleased with it!

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Here's a pic of Crumpet on her ride from Goodwill. She insisted chilling on my dashboard so that she could see all the way to her new home. 

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And last but not least, here's the receipt I intend to save to prove what an amazing deal I got on this gorgeous girl! :lovey:  :lovey: :lovey: 

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I've had some amazing Goodwill finds in the past but I gotta say, a .19 cent SS Crumpet is gonna be pretty tough to beat!! :silly:  Thanks for sharing in my brag. :happy:

 :glitter:  :heart: Welcome home, Crumpet!!! :glitter:  :heart:

I know 2016 has only just begun but I feel like I've used up my pony luck for this year on that find alone and that'd be A-OK by me. It was worth it! :frolic:

Pony Brag Arena / A HUGE over due eBay brag... FINALLY UNBOXING PE!!!
« on: December 20, 2015, 01:11:27 PM »
Many years ago when I first started re-collecting, I made an absolutely amazing BIN on eBay for Paradise Estate WITH the original box (not sealed and unopened but still the box is pretty cool to have!) and 90% or so of the accessories for the bargain price of $49.99. :whoa:  :whoa:

Now, I had NO place to display this set once it arrived. I didn't even have the room to open it so I just took one peek inside and closed the box and put it into storage. There it sat for many years in my closet, unopened, gathering dust. UNTIL! I moved finally this fall and took the giant pony box with me to my new apartment. It's very roomy for just one person and for the first time in my life, not only did I have a Pony Closet.... I had an ENTIRE PONY ROOM! 

   :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:

So this past weekend, I was finally able to unpack the amazing box that has been waiting patiently since about 2007 or 2008 and I was FLOOORED by how awesome the seller packed up every small piece that it felt like Christmas had come a week early with all the 'presents' I got to unwrap! :happy:  I thought I'd share some pictures with you as I know I've always enjoyed seeing unboxing pics on here from others chock full of pony goodness. :lovey:

Opening the box!!

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The artwork is still vivid and brightly detailed! :heart: :heart:

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Everything was so tightly bundled up that it was such fun to unwrap it all. I now have a King's Ransom in bubble wrap... hahaha :silly:

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Finally, everything unpacked, at long last! :whoa:

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I felt just like a kid on Christmas morning diving into that box and unwrapped every intricately wrapped parcel. I'm so happy that I finally have a place to display and enjoy this long awaited eBay buy. I knew eventually I'd get to it and it was definitely worth the wait! Recently, I searched ebay for PE and the prices have sky rocketed and that's without the box or most of the accessories. I really scored huge on this deal and I'm thrilled to be able to enjoy it at last. :accomplished: Best of all, the roofs are BRIGHT PINK-PINK! I know these have a tendency to sun fade especially if the set was played with or left outdoors and tends to fade to a terra cotta color so to find a set with perfectly pristine mega-pink colors is a real find, indeed. :heart:

Trader & Shipping Support / Gumtree pick up help? JUMBO PONY!
« on: December 20, 2015, 12:40:11 PM »
I once had a very nice Arena member arrange a local pick up for me from someone off eBay Australia and she then sent it on to me, after I paid her for her trouble of course. I was wondering if I could arrange the same thing for picking up something on Gumtree? I think it's like Craigslist in the States with classified ads describing what they have for sale. Well, in this case, a seller is GIVING AWAY a GIANT PONY PLUSH FOR FREE! :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: It's probably already gone but it was only listed a few days ago and omigosh I've never wish I lived in Australia more than right now. *Flails*  It's for Sweetberry too which is the same giant I had several years ago that I raffled off in a contest here on the Arena. I really want a 1st Edition Minty but another Sweetberry would be nice. Just a shot in the dark if anyone is in the Sydney, South New Whales, West Hoxton area. If not, I'll just continue to stalk ebay Australia and hope a seller will ship internationally. :yikes: :yikes: Ya never know! That's how I got my Sweetie Belle Pyjama pal! :lovey: :lovey: :lovey:

Pony Corral / WAHHH!!! An entire claw machine filled with MY LITTLE PONY?!!
« on: December 10, 2015, 08:29:55 PM »
This is downright the most despicable, awful, cruelest thing I've ever seen in a Walmart game room. An ENTIRE claw filled with delightful, adorable, snuggable genuine My Little Pony plushies BUT it's a Plush Bus by NAMCO which are notoriously rigged and thus nearly impossible to win!!
:drunk: :yikes: :drunk:

I've had horrible experiences with NAMCO claws in the past and avoid them like the plague unless they have  1) Hello Kitty or 2) My Little Pony.  I know I should just WALK AWAY but I can't resist testing my 'skill' (which it's not really skill at all if it's totally rigged and a rip off!) and pray to the pony gods that I might just get lucky and be able to drag one into the chute and knock one in but it usually ends in a tragic tale of woe and my pocket book noticeably lighter.  :cloud:  I was determined however, on the last venture I made to that wretched, evil claw. There was something in the air that morning, I could just feel that things were about to turn my way and maybe, just maybe I'd have a bit more luck than before.  :whoa:

Upon first approach to the Claw, this is what one sees... a colorful array of tempting pony plush that are unwinnable unless some miracle occurs which rarely happens at all but we can only hope and dream!  :lookround:

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I realize that the sole purpose of these machines is to rob you of all your money and crush your soul and dreams of ever acquiring the cuteness afforded within--- indeed, this is usually the way it goes with most of these prize redemption machines. HOWEVER, this particular brand has a LONG TRACK HISTORY of being notoriously weak with over sized claws that don't even close all the way and are flimsy as all get out and just no fair play in general. I wouldn't recommend even playing the Plush Bus kinds unless you have a LOT of money, time and patience because every once in awhile.... if you are very lucky and not to mention persistent... 

YOU EVENTUALLY SCORE AN EPIC WIN!!!  :happy: :frolic: :frolic: :happy:

I had absolutely no luck the first two days I tried but on the third and final day (I'd decided already if I didn't win anything that day I WAS DONE and NO MORE!! :P )  I finally got SUPER LUCKY and managed to win this handsome lil fellow right here.... not a pony but a pony friend!

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:glitter: Yep, it's baby dragon SPIKE!!!!  :glitter:   He was the plush I wanted over all as there were only two or three of him in the entire machine but TONS of all the mane six ponies so I felt that made him even more special. He's SO adorable and I love him so much. :lovey:
But I vowed never to attempt that infernal machine again tempting as it may be because I don't want to press my luck and attempt in vain to try and win again from this blasted thing. Once was good enough for me! :silly: :silly: :silly:

I hope you enjoyed my claw adventure. This was the first time I'd seen pony plush in a machine since the Nanco plush from like 2006 so it's been well over due! :P

Pony Corral / So how did I DO?!! D:
« on: December 07, 2015, 09:10:41 AM »
Regretfully, due to financial obligations and this whole adulting thing which is SUPER new to me being as I've always lived at home and never had to worry about bills, rent or utilities (was a VERY spoiled pony >.> ) I finally parted with my Jumbo plush Frilly Frocks and listed her on eBay for a HUGE buy-it-now price and another collector snapped her up in less than 24 hrs for my FULL ASKING PRICE. :shocked:

I sold her for $250 + $25 shipping. I think that was a pretty good price but I remember when I bought her back in 2007 or so I paid $200 for her and $25 shipping. At least I made my money back and a little extra. :silly:  I'll replace mine one day when I have the funds but I really needed the cash for RL bills atm.  :cloud:

Those of you that parted with your Frilly, how well did you do? Did you regret selling her afterwards or were you able to replace her quickly and easily? I know she doesn't come up for sale very often so that's why I never thought I'd sell mine. Plus, it was a gift for my 30th birthday but oh well...  :drunk:
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.....     :yikes:

Just a shot in the dark here. I've been looking online and so far only seen the cheaper ones that were released in Aussie department stores. Not interested in Minty II or Minty III only Minty I. If anyone in the US has one they are willing to part with please let me know. Thank you! :happy:

Post Merge: December 07, 2015, 09:18:57 AM

Of course, right after I say I'm not interested in the cheaper remakes... I find TWO online! :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: I LOVE the look of the plushier it higher quality fabric though... it makes them that much more hugg-able and snuggle worthy so I might hold out for that ORIGINAL one..... I really want a GIANT PLUSH MINTY to make my Christmas SUPER PONY-RIFFIC.... if anyone has one they are willing to part with please let me know!   :whoa: Price is really no object just as long as you're not asking for a zillion dollars.... :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:

Updated: Also looking for MO Lil Cupcake and the small side castle wall piece (without turret) to Dream Castle.

Pony Brag Arena / POWER PONY RARITY TARGET EXCLUSIVE! She's mine at last!
« on: November 11, 2015, 08:35:08 AM »
 So ever since I heard about these new 'power ponies' I've been stalking my Target to no avail because every time I go to see if they've replenished stock the peg where the single power ponies should be are ALWAYS sold out!!! :yikes:  And yesterday, I stopped in on a whim and lo, and behold, there actually were TWO singles left on the peg!! :whoa: :whoa: :whoa:   They had AJ and Rarity and I immediately scooped up Rarity because besides Fluttershy, she's my absolute favorite! :lovey: :lovey: :lovey:

I'm so excited to finally have a single of her in my collection and it is the first pony I've bought in a REALLY long time that I was super thrilled to see at Target. It was fun being able to hunt down new arrivals again like in the old days when I'd search for the holiday themed ponies. I wish there would be Christmas ponies this year like there were a few years ago. I wonder if Hasbro will ever bring those back again?!  O.o

Anyways, just had to brag about my new superhero beautiful girl. Here she is! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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power pony rarity! by noangeljustme, on Flickr

ETA:  Btw, I found that Baby Bonnet School of Dance @ Goodwill for only $1.99!! SCORE! :happy: :happy:

Off Topic / Firefighter saves chihuahua named 'My Little Pony'
« on: July 16, 2014, 08:09:05 PM »

Have you seen this story online? I just stumbled across it tonight. God bless that firefighter's heart for saving that poor chihuahua. :whoa:

Pony Corral / A MLP army right in the middle of Walmart! :D
« on: April 15, 2014, 12:29:38 PM »
Of course when I spied this special display (no doubt to get parents to put them in personalized Easter baskets) I had to arrange all the darlings together for a group pic! :lovey: I'm glad I did now because this was only last Tuesday and the following Monday only two Trixes a few AJs 1 Cheerilee and a couple DJ's remained. :drunk:

Still pony cuteness overload! YAYZ! :heart: :glitter: :heart:

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ETA: FYI, I did take home Muffin Pony in the center and then came back for Trixie just yesterday hehe :silly:

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