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Topics - pop-girl

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Customs / *Shining Star*
« on: September 20, 2012, 08:34:03 AM »
Shining Star is another one of my customs created for the fair this past July. :)

G3 base airbrushed black with purple gradients. She was given icy blue metallic star symbols and rehaired with a blend of Daiquari Ice and Water Nixie nylon with streaks of Bougainvillea.
Her wings are made from wire and Angelina Film and are posable.

She was purchased by Skig at the fair so she is not for sale. ;)
(Skig, I haven't forgotten about sending her certificate... I'll get it mailed soon.)

Thanks so much for looking.

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Customs / *Tigerlily* for ambar_jul
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:56:35 PM »
Some of you may remember that long ago ambar_jul did an amazing custom called Julia. :lovey: I absolutely adored her the minute I laid eyes on her and ambar_jul was kind enough to hold her for me until I created trade custom designed especially for her. Not only did she hold Julia for longer than I had any right to expect but when my package arrived I found not one but two customs! Along with Julia came her sister, Pansy. :faint:

Here are links to ambar_jul's DA account and the lovely girls which are now part of my collection. :)
Julia -
Pansy -

Thank you again! They are both stunning and dearly loved. :hug:

Now after what seems like FOREVER I can present my part of our custom trade, Tigerlily.

I believe Tigerlily started out as a G3 Crystal Crown. She was airbrushed with orange and bronze gradients. I chose a theme of stylized tiger lilies with lavender accents and embellished her with few swarovski crystals. She's been rehaired in Dollyhair's saran - Tangerine Orange, Mystic Brown to Auburn and Wild Lavender.

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I'm pretty confident that I got the better end of this trade but ambar_jul seems happy as well so we have a happy ending. ;)

Customs / *Violet Eclipse* Another Fair Custom
« on: August 27, 2012, 03:03:32 PM »
Here's another custom sold at this year's pony fair, Violet Eclipse. :)

I think the base was a G3 Triple Treat but I'm not 100% sure on that - I just know she was purple.
She was given airbrushed gradients in a darker shade of purple and silver.  Her symbols are hand painted in dark purple and white. Her wings are made from Angelina Film in sugarplum and floral wire. She's been rehaired with a blend of Hematite, Blizzard and Virgin Snow.

Thanks for looking.  ^.^

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Customs / *Glimmer*
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:26:36 AM »
Here is another custom I made for the MLP Fair this past July. She was sold to the lovely Elfpony so she is not available. ;)

Glimmer was originally a G3 Sparkleworks and stripped of her original hair and paint. She was given light blue gradients and a white, glitter floral symbol. I love the way the eyes turned out on this girl and the Triple Thick gloss gives them nice depth. Her wings are made from printed transparency sheets, wire and glitter. Her hair is Dollyhair's Blizzard (my favorite white) with a few streaks of Virgin Snow - I really love combining the matte and translucent colors.

Anyway, here she is... I hope you like her. :)

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Customs / *Baby Monarch*
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:21:09 PM »
Some of you have probably already seen her on Facebook but for those of you who haven't, this is Baby Monarch.

She was created from one of the DG fakie babies. She was airbrushed black with orange gradients. She has a cute little lily symbol on both sides along with new eyes and freckles. She was given a second row of hair plugs (DG fakies normally have one row of hair and a receding hairline) and rehaired with Dollyhair's Satsuma with streaks of Pomme D'Amour.

Her wings are printed acetate with an inner layer of fantasy film attached to floral wire and secured inside her body.
She was sold at the MLP Fair in Orlando this past July. :)

Thanks for looking.

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Customs / G1 Stargazer - For Sale
« on: July 30, 2012, 02:59:18 PM »
I don't normally do G1 customs but I've always adored the unicorn pose of Skyflier and Powder. :lovey:
I've always imagined them looking up at the stars and thought a star pony in this pose would be beautiful.

Don't ask why but I decided to try my hand at sculpted hair. While I'm pleased with the results it's not something I'll likely do again. I've come to the conclusion that I do not enjoy sculpting in the least. :P

So, her base is a G1 Skyflier. Her hair and tail are sculpted from Apoxie Sculpt and her tail was formed around heavy floral wire for extra support. This is one of my few customs not airbrushed - all of her paint is done by hand. She has been dry brushed with multiple layers of metallic and transparent blue. She was also spattered with gold flecks and stars between layers. At the end she was given a final spatter of gold and some more stars. Her hair is painted gold and shaded with a bronze wash.

If anyone is interested she's available for $90 - just shoot me a PM. ;)

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Off Topic / Camera recommendations...
« on: July 30, 2012, 06:41:51 AM »
So, I have some money set aside to buy a new camera. In 2004 I bought a Kadak, EasyShare DX6490 with a 10x optical zoom. At the time this was a great camera and it still takes fantastic pictures. It's light weight (not too bulky) and easy to use. I also love that it has a PC sync port so it works great with my studio lighting set. The issue I have is the amount of time it takes to turn on and the amount of time I have to wait between taking pictures. Not a problem when photographing ponies but a big problem when it comes to photographing my children and pets.

For Christmas my husband bought me a Kodak, EasyShare Max Z990 - I don't think he did much research, just kind of assumed that since I had been so happy with the DX6490 that I'd be equally as happy with the Z990. This is not the case. I find the Z990 to be a paint in butt. It really bulky and the modes aren't real easy to access. I'm not very impressed with the picture quality and the camera refuses to capture at the most critical moments. I was about ready to throw it across the room at my daughter's elementary school "move up" ceremony and was equally as frustrated at my younger daughter's dance recital. To make matters even worse there is no PC sync port so I can't figure out how to take pictures with my studio lights short of using the actual camera flash to trigger the lights. :(

I am more than ready to put this camera up for sale and replace it with something a bit nicer.

At first my heart was set on the Nikon 1. I had every intention of buying the white camera with the zoom lens package which includes the 10 - 30mm and the 30 - 110mm. I am still totally in love with the design and the idea of being able to shoot video and take snap shots at the same time - I can tell you how many times we've had trouble deciding between photos or video and this would certainly solve the problem. So what stopped me? I came across several reviews stating that the Nikon 1 takes grainy indoor pictures. :huh: I am not happy with the idea of spending that much on a camera if it can't take good indoor pictures.

I don't really want to spend over $500 and I don't think I'm ready for a DLSR so I've been looking at "bridge" cameras.
I'm currently leaning toward buying the Nikon Coolpix P510. Does anyone here own one and would you recommend it? I've read several reviews and this seems like the best camera for me but I'm still indecisive. :huh:

Also, in my search for a new camera I haven't found any with the PC sync port. Is this feature outdated? And if so does anyone have ideas on how to sync a camera to studio lighting without firing the camera's flash? None of the cameras I'm looking at have a hot shoe so I don't think that's an option. :(

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Customs / G4 Customs - *Daisy* *Lily* & *Fleur Bleue*
« on: July 22, 2012, 10:40:19 PM »
Most of you know that I mainly stick to G3 customs but I couldn't bring myself to go to the fair without at least 2 or 3 G4s.
In the end I decided to do a peg, an earthy and a uni. ;)

We'll start with the pegasus, Daisy. :)
Originally a Rainbow Dash she was given green gradients, new eyes and a green daisy symbol across her back. In hind sight she probably wasn't the best candidate for a top symbol considering her wings and large amount of hair but she's still cute and went to a fantastic home.

Her hair was quite the adventure. :drunk: I loved the color of the polypropylene, Frivolous but the texture... lets just say I'm not a fan. When I chose Rainbow Dash to bait I didn't realize she had that weird hairline so I added some extra plugs to make her acceptable. By the time I finished rehiring her with the Frivolous she had so much hair I didn't know what to do with it. In the end I decided a boil perm was the answer and she ended up with some cute curls. :)

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Next up we have Lily who is probably my fave of the three. ;)
Most can probably tell she started out as Pinkie Pie. She was given dark red gradients, new eyes and a very simple symbol repaint accented with swarovski crystals. Her hair is a blend of Vampire Kiss, Cherry pie and Pomme D'Amour nylon hair from

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And finally we have Fleur Bleue.
Originally a G4 Rarity, she was given deep blue gradients, new eyes and symbols. Some of you may or may not recognize her symbols as they were based off of one of my previous customs, Yukata. She was rehaired with's Pacific Ocean, nylon hair - the color is just gorgeous.

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Thanks for looking. :)

Customs / *Lis De La Terra*
« on: July 16, 2012, 05:47:08 PM »
Lis De La Terra translates to Lily of the Earth. :)
She was originally a G3 Rarity airbrushed brown with purplish gradients. Her eyes and symbols were hand painted using Createx paints and she's been sealed with a matte sealer - her eyes in gloss. She's been rehaired with Sugarless Gum Pink, Mint Ice and Lagoon Blue saran hair from

She was one of the customs I did for this year's Pony Fair in Orlando, FL. She was sold but I don't remember to who.... I normally send out mini certificates with all of my customs but I in my rush to get everything ready for the fair I forgot. :(
If you bought her or know who did I'd be more than happy to mail out the certificate. ;)

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Customs / Reverse Arena Pony
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:32:50 AM »
One of the customs I created for this year's fair was a "Reverse" Arena Pony which was donated to the Arena and sold at their fair booth. I guess technically her body color is more opposite than reverse but the latter sounds better. :P

She was originally one of the jewel ponies - the jewel was removed and patched with Apoxie Sculpt. She was airbrushed with metallic black paint and given gradients in a pearlized pink. Symbols and eyes were hand painted. I think maybe the original symbol featured Peachy but I wasn't paying close enough attention and painted Cotton Candy instead. :blush:

The majority of her hair is a hand blended mix of Dollyhair's Starlight and custom dyed pink Starlight. This is probably my favorite color to work with as Starlight retains it's sparklyness when dyed. There are also several streaks of random pinks and reds.

She was sold at the Arena table during the fair. I assumed the girl who bought her was an Arena member but after talking to her a little it turns out she is not. I think it's great that the pony design Sirithfin came up with for the Arena has such a wide appeal. The money from her sale goes to pay for Arena site expenses such as hosting fees and future add ons.

Here are some pictures. :)

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Customs / *The Changeling Queen* Hasbro Inspired Fair Contest Winner!
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:24:08 PM »
For this year's Hasbro Inspired contest I decided to take a chance and make a G1 version of FIM's Queen Chrysalis - The Changeling Queen. I say take a chance because I was convinced there would be more than one but I lucked out and mine was the only entry based on this character. :)

She started out as an extremely bait SHS (not sure with one). I carefully used my Dremmel tool to drill out the holes in her legs. I then dyed just her legs using black Rit dye in order to get the insides of her legs to turn black. Her horn, outfit (if you can call it that) and little fangs were sculpted from apoxie sculpt. She was then airbrushed completely back but given some green gradients. I then went over all of her gradients a second time with glow in the dark paint. Her outfit, eyes and fangs were then hand painted. I have some amazing green glow powder sent to me by Malancaiwen - I mixed some with a bit of sealer and rimmed all of the holes in her legs, her fangs, her eyes and her horn so they all glow. Her wings are made from fantasy film which were also coated in the green glow powder. And finally she is rehaired with glow in the dark hair (not sure of the type, I've never worked with anything like it.) also provided by Malancaiwen.

I was beyond thrilled when she was announced the winner of the Hasbro Inspired contest at this year's fair. All fair attendees were given a voting card to vote in the various contests so she won by popular vote.  :biggrin:

She is not for sale - she went home with the lovely Tiella.

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My camera failed at capturing all of her "glow" so I'm including an enhanced shot so you can see all the elements which actually glow. ;)

Standard Shot
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Enhanced Shot
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And of course a photo of her with her 1st place ribbon.
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I almost forgot to mention that I couldn't stand the idea of leaving her with blank flanks so I painted her a symbol. I figured since the contest was Hasbro Inspired she didn't have to be show accurate. ;)

Customs / Custom Demonstration at the Fair....
« on: June 27, 2012, 06:59:10 AM »
I've been asked to do a custom demo at this year's fair and am wondering what everyone would like to see?
I had planned on doing an airbrush demonstration on how to spray gradients - anything else?

Customs / *Luma* Monochrome Swap Custom for NoDivision
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:51:59 PM »
I had the privilege of being NoDivision's swap partner in the Monochrome swap.  :biggrin:
I don't really remember the colors she listed because my eye immediately went to green and I didn't bother reading the rest. :P

I believe this girl was originally a G3 Crystal Lace. I removed the jewel symbol and patched the hole with Apoxie Sculpt before airbrushing her a dark green with lighter green gradients. Her symbols feature vines and a spider web with glow-in-the-dark flowers and fireflies. At first I just used the typical over the counter glow paint but I received an awesome package from Malancaiwen which included some glow-in-the-dark hair and powder. I mixed the glow powder with some sparkle sealant and went over the flowers and fireflies.

Unfortunately the package didn't arrive before I started rehairing but ViciousJupiter was kind enough to send me a partial hank of Dollyhair glow-in-the-dark. Of course the white GITD hair needed to be dyed green in order to comply with the rules of a monochrome pony and I discovered that this particular hair hates taking dye. After multiple soaks in green dye the hair finally turned a light shade of green. Of course once Malancaiwen's package arrived I was able to add a few streaks of the hair she sent - it was a very cool yellow-green color which matched the flowers almost exactly. I also added a few streaks of Unlucky Clover.

Luma also features a set of GITD wings made from green Angelina film. The wings have a light coating of GITD paint and I also brushed the edges with the glow powder. After all was said and done I was extremely pleased with the results.

NoDivision, I hope you love her as much a I do. I had a lot of fun making her for you. ;)

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Of course I had to take a couple of photos in the dark. ;)
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Customs / Pop's Wing Tutorial
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:02:57 AM »
Since the threads on the old Arena seem to be stuck over there for the time being, I've decided to repost some of my tutorial threads on the new Arena. ;)
I know it can be an absolute pain to try to get through an old thread before the redirect kicks in.

This is a picture tutorial on how to make wings from printed transparency sheets. Please feel free to post of PM me with any questions. :)

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And finally, the finished wings are used on Lunar Blush. :)
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Off Topic / Happy Birthday Rachel-Eyes!
« on: May 11, 2012, 10:52:54 AM »
:cheer:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  :cheer:

I hope it's amazing!

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