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Topics - rtattles

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Pony Brag Arena / My FiM Princesses Collection is finally complete!
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:21:47 AM »
Ok, so I won't go into the fine details on how I got these, but they are complete in my collection. *beams*

Princess Celestia VS Nightmare Moon
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Luna Before & After!
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Mmmmm Not sure about this I have 2 ruling princesses? lol Seems like Ponyville is going to be doubly hot with 2 suns around.
 I've renamed my pink princess to Princess Sun Star - like the name? Pretty!? Pretty!?

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[moving to Brag Arena ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Customs / Looking to commission custom jobs
« on: December 20, 2012, 01:05:07 PM »
Hey guys,

It's been a depressing month and I happen to have a bit of spare cash around, so I want to get something I want to brighten my day that Hasbro can't. lol I don't think I will have everything done, but I've got a loooong list and you are free to pick whichever pony you think looks interesting to you. I'm a bit picky with my customs like I want symbols on both sides, and they must be Dollyhair, no Saran. LMK if you are interested with quote and choice of pony! Thanks!

I would like to have the following to join my growing G1-G4 collection:

G4 Fizzy - I want one made out of Lyra. I can provide bait if required.
G4 Lofty - made from Sunny Rays, cannot be Fluttershy. I have bait if required.
G4 Skydancer - made from Sunny Rays, cannot be Fluttershy. I have bait if required.
G4 Sunbeam - out of Dewdrop Dazzle or Snowcatcher. May have bait.
G4 Sunbeam - out of Dewdrop Dazzle or Snowcatcher. May have bait.
G4 Moondancer - Rarity bait
G4 Gingerbread - have bait with jewel eyes fixed, just need new hair and symbols
G4 Gusty
G4 Ribbon - out of Trixie. Have bait if required.

G1 Rehairing Job - I have some hairless ponies around, but I simply don't know how to fix them
Sparkler - thinking of rooting her a slightly darker purple hair rather than DH Wysteria
Argie Powder - I want to keep this pony and I just feel bad that she looks like a Perfume Puff no matter how original the hair may be.
Perfume Puff Pony - don't know her name but I do know she would like a new mane!
Beachball - her body is great but her hair need SOS
Birthflower August - her hair is kind of brittle and keeps falling off. I was thinking maybe she can have a different hair colour to make her more interesting.
Wind Whistler - I'm tired of her hair fading despite having been redyed, looking to have her rehaired with Atomic Kitten or Pink Sugar.

Misc Projects:
Alt pose Moondancer 1 - basically this was a pony Raindrop made for me out of Princess Misty some time back. She's been my baby, but she was originally sealed in Modge Podge that didn't last very well in the tropical weather here, and it was a bit late by the time I seal her with a polyurethane sealant. She was yellowed by then.
She needs a light airbrush makeover, plus new cheek blush. Requires a skilled personnel. She already has hair so that might pose a bit of challenge.

Alt pose Moondancer 2 - I have a baity Love Melody that I intended to plant a G1 repro horn and airbrush into a Moondancer. Never got around to finding a horn. If you are up for it, you are welcome to! No need for glitter symbols, only matte paint.

Pony Corral / I think I'm losing heat on the G4s...
« on: October 12, 2012, 03:19:14 AM »
Is anyone feeling like this too? I feel like I should be excited like everyone when we have the new cartoon series and such, but I'm actually becoming less interested in the FiM line. I still run out to check out the stores, but  I don't get the compulsion to buy if I spot something new.

Is there something wrong with me? I mean, I still think I'm a hardcore MLP fan!!! lol I lived through G1s, G2 and G3s. Even the G3.5s didn't kill me, so I hope I won't die off on the G4s.

Pony Corral / Heads up to Singaporeans of new FiM items
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:59:24 AM »
Just a heads-up to all in SIngapore. I was at Toys R Us and found these:

White Celestia - SGD$39.90
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Ponyville set, well it's a bit late but late is better than never! The quality isn't fantastic though and it's super expensive, retailing at SGD$59.90. Like sheesh, as if they're made of gold or something.
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Repackaged Train Set - whopping $SGD99.90, kind of retarded since it's clearing for SGD$25 in some other places
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Finally, a nice exclusive since we didn't get Daisy Dreams the first round, so it's nice Hasbro is making up to us. The price is kind of hefty though for SGD$39.90, but at least you get 2 ponies, scooters and a colouring page inside.
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I'm kind of intrigued that Rarity's helmet has a horn specially for her horn to go through lol
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Here's Daisy Dreams for yer, but she seems to have a different hair colour, like her magenta streak is a brighter shade than the original that came with Fluttershy.
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That's all! I'm probably giving all a pass except the scooter Rarity + Daisy Dream set. I want Daisy Dream, but $39.90 is a bit pricey, so I'll have to wait till the end of the month.

Post Merge: September 18, 2012, 10:00:00 AM

Pony Corral / ZOMG! Outrage of modesty on Celestia!!!! (BUG WARNING)
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:43:33 AM »
I came home today to see this

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content edit. OL1

Pony Corral / Wow look at my TRU stocked to the brim!
« on: July 10, 2012, 11:05:05 AM »
Well I went to TRU to check out the new figurines that my friend msged me about, and I was kind of impressed to see this:

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And, Rainbow Dash was on discount, I thought that made a pretty funny display.
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Found the new figurines ^^but $16.90 is kind of expensive for 3 small little plastics o.O I don't think I want to pay those prices.
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Pony Corral / Eeks!!! Look what happened to my ponies!!!
« on: June 29, 2012, 11:53:04 AM »
My ponies have been long in storage(like 5 years?), but recently I have actively taking them out to inventorise on my Wordpress site (FINALLY!). Much to my dismay a lot of my ponies have developed spots, mold and discolourations - some are for the better, some are painfully for the worse. I'm awfully upset about my Locket since she was in very good condition when I first bought her, but now she has 3 huge neon pink spots on her. :(

I feel so ...discouraged, especially since I made an effort to preserve my ponies properly in ziplocks and in storages that are cool and dry. I didn't think they would deterioate in there.

Anyway these are the unpleasant surprises I got when I took out my ponies:

Moldy .... luckily washable, but still GROSS! I hope they're not penicilin :P cos I've killed them all with Dettol. lol Funny, coz I think I coated Pinwheel a light layer of lotion before she went into storage a year ago....omgz fungus like to eat lotion?
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Next nasty surprise is:
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Good thing this is washable too. No permernant damage on Snuzzle, still kind of awful though.  A few ponies came out having brittle hair too :(

Pony Corral / Found Lyra, Trixie & Cherry Berry
« on: June 14, 2012, 07:07:08 AM »
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I was shopping for a tablet today and happened to pop into a toy store that normally doesn't carry good pony stuff, and guess what did I but before I even got to the tablet? Will try to post more pics when I get home. Typing on my phone takes too much effort lol
Sorry guys, I was skiving. lol I was playing with my new bought tablet and then took a little nap.
Just to clear up some air, I found these in Singapore in a toddler store called Kiddy Palace. They normally mostly just carry baby stuff, but this one I visited is a larger store, so they have some toys in there, and finding these ponies are pure luck.
I found 2 Trixies, 1 Cherry Berry and 1 Lyra. The rest are Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle,so I assume these 6 characters come as a set? Saw no sign of the new pegasus pony.
I've taken more pics to share. Haven't got the motivation to remove them from box yet. Trixie looks like the daughter of G1 4Speed and Lyra looks like the daughter of Ice Crystal. lol She's this beautiful vibrant mint colour. I'm so in love with her :)
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And my recently bought Cadence's shameless plug...gotta love the castle playset:
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Pony Corral / anyone knows how to write an app for the Mlparena?
« on: June 09, 2012, 12:01:48 AM »
Hey guys I'm just wondering if anyone knows how to do up apps f
or iPhones and androids to surf the arena. I'm surfing the arena on my phone and I thought it'll so much more convenient if I can access the arena from an application instead of my annoying android browser. Has anyone thought about this too?

Pony Corral / Cadence has arrived in Singapore!
« on: May 17, 2012, 07:01:56 AM »
Just a heads up to people living in Singapore. I found the wedding set with Cadence and Shining Armor! Also found the glimmer wings Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Daisy Dreams, but they're not very important. lol Kind of hoping ponies like Lyra...etc are out. Here's hoping! I didn't buy the set though. I heard the stores are going to have a 20% soon, so I'm waiting out to get my wedding ponies. However, I WAS ABLE TO TOUCH THEIR BOX!!!! *GASP!* I get to feel them from the outside!!!
I took some quick snaps with my Samsung Galaxy Note before anyone tries to shoo me off.
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Customs / Wonderful G1->G4 Weekend!
« on: April 08, 2012, 09:21:22 AM »
Hey all,
I'd like to share the wonderful stuff that arrived at my door step just before Easter arrives. I've commissioned Ren-ren and SDTang to make my some G1 ponies as G4s, and coincidentally they arrived at the same time. I guess I'll let pictures speak for themselves!
Ribbon & Twilight - both by Ren-ren
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Buttons (by Ren-ren) hanging out with my Lofty (made for me by Buffy)
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Unicorn Sweetpop by SDTang. I looooovvveeee her! She's now in the blue uni clique with Dewdrop & Snowcatcher. She's kind of pretty even without her TE eyes. I am still considering if I should.
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SDTang made me a TE Sweetpop when the G4s just came out, but now I want a Sweetpop without forelock as well, so now I have twins ^.^ One can never have too many Sweetpops!
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Last but not least, Galaxy by Ren-ren. She has her jewel eyes now, so she can offically hangout with a real TE pony!
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This is my existing G1 family, now they have more friends. xD Can't wait to own MORE!
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Pony Corral / Pony Pics Time (but HDR this time!)
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:46:46 AM »
Hey everyone, I currently have a new obsession with taking pcitures with the new HDR app on my phone, and it makes all the pictures look hyper vivid, albeit artificial, but I seem to LOVE it. Instead of just showing pictures of your ponies, I want to see pictures of your ponies taken with HDR!!!!
I'll start:
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Pony Corral / Tada - look what I found, Freak Rarity!
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:55:13 AM »
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my Rarity?  :biggrin:  I found her in TRU over the weekend. I just had to snap her up for the freak factor.
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Pony Corral / So... only 2 new ponies with the newest wave of ponies?
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:41:46 AM »
Hey guys,
My friend found 2 new ponies for me in the stores today. I was excited at first, but come to think of it.... isn't Hasbro kind of stingy to only release 2 new ponies while the rest are repeats!? I am glad to see ponies like Rarity back again because she's an awesome custom bait, and who can ever get sick of Fluttershy? We didn't get much of wave 3, so I am glad to be able to see more Fluttershy with light pink hair in stores.
Still, REALLY? Only 2 new ponies after not getting anything new since November in Singapore? All we got was the Snowcatcher set. I love Snowcatcher but 3 months of wait is kind of disappointing ... . We didn't even see Luna or Celestia anywhere.
I'm not an accessory collector, so I only got my friend to get these two for me. I think pink unicorns are pretty, but aren't we getting a little too many of this colour? Let's see Starbeam, Sweetie Swirl, Twinkle Shine and Lulu Luck. Now, Cherry Pie.
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Will be nice to see a yellow and aqua uni in the near future. I thought the pegasus looked odd at first and on closer inspection, I realised she's got the Pinkie Pie eyes instead of what is regularly used on Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. OoooOOOooo.. Hasbro got creative with the heads!

Hey all,
Like a lot of people my age, I've grown up, have a job, less money, less time and less space. I've amassed a handsome collection over the years, it may not be the largest, but it can be considered massive by most standards. The thing is I have tried to down-size, but I find that I have problems letting go. Also, the market is depressing to look at currently, so I am asking all you smart entrepreneurs out there to help me think -if you have over 2000 ponies, what do you think you can do with them other than storing them at home or selling them off in broken pieces?

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