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Topics - elvenwine26

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Arts & Crafts Corral / It's never too early for a Halloween Pony. :D
« on: September 08, 2012, 05:47:56 PM »
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Yey Halloween!  I'm not sophisticated enough for tablet drawing, or scanners for that matter. Lol

Pony Corral / MLP Cake Pops and a pony cake
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:37:32 AM »
My friend celebrated her daughter's 2nd birthday with a MLP Party and she made cake pops!  I thought they were pretty amazing so I just wanted to share.
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Fabulous cotton candy manes. 
Also pony cake!
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[image resized ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

It's my day off and I want to make pony magic!
Party Cake is going down.
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8:30 am  Having imbued myself with the power of a starbucks vente hazelnut caramel frappe I am ready! I'm going to make her into something like that background art.  It's some left over concept art for the 2010 peacock swap. Currently she is speared with a chopstick shoved into a tinfoil base.  Not the least bit ghetto, to be sure.

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It's 9:30 and I'm currently questioning my design decisions.  Why did I think these would be a good idea?  However, am currently too jittery from the coffee to stop.

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11:30 strikes.  I have to take a break to consider what's happening next since the original design isn't terribly practical and doesn't necessarily translate to real life.  Mostly I have issues figuring out how texture is going to happen.  Have resolved myself to go for something in painted format later.

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3:150 This is where I'm at.  Have placed gem stones strategically in a bid to cover up messy seams. Well that and they're sparkly. :D I am also currently stuck on what to do for the head decoration since I no longer care for the original design.  Also very hungry.... if you have any potential suggestions for head deco let me know. I could definitely use some input or food at this point.

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5:55  Try to get places with this headpiece, but it just isn't feeling right.  This one might get scrapped. Butts  all the way across the board.  Have been told that the saddle looks like barley and strawberries to my great amusement. :D

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6:20  Alright I think it might be time to bake this sucker round one.

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June 30th!  I decided to do some work before I left time.  hurray for mild guilt?  For some reason I have a thing for ropey braid stuff?

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Post baking it occurs to me that I'll have to go back in later.  But this is just round one.  I pulled the chopstick out after I baked it then whittled it down so it'd fit a bit better.  And possibly ship a little easier?  Something to that effect.  I'll be doing more with the base and a topper but that's for like Monday or something. :D

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7/2@10:00 am It is MONDAY! Which means it's also another one of my off days.  I have a lot of off days this week. :/  Having once again imbued myself with the powers of coffee at 8 am, I started work again. I kicked around a lot of ideas for the topper and it's been a real hassle. I sculpted two other toppers and ended up tearing them down because they just weren't working right.  POS

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7/2@4:17 This is the base that I ended up with after some toiling about.  It looks better in person and it'll look better after a serious paint job.  At this point there's a few structural issues that I'll have to address before carrying on.  Mostly in the bottom part. Love it when problems don't make themselves known until towards the end. I would basically call sculpting done. Her reins were temporarily removed because they'll interfere with painting her eyes. Now to do some minor repairs, apply a base coat, and pick out paint colors,and underpaint, and over paint, and glue stuff back on, and touch up, and touch again, and apply sealers, and put hair in and apply glue to make all the hair stay in place. Geezus. I must have masochistic tendencies somewhere.

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7/5: So I've been working on this pony off and on for the past couple of days and did a good deal today.  Which included more skirt for structural support(i might mildly regret it) and paint work. This is the current state of affairs.  Not too promising at the moment; the only thing I'm really digging is the green feathers and already painted skirt areas. And the eyes which you'll see in a moment.  I think the number one advice I can give to someone doing a custom and you don't like how it's turning out, just keep working on it.  It will eventually work.  blah blah perseverance, etc.

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As most of us know, eyeballs are a pain but the one thing I stand by fully is micron pens.  It's how I get by! This is basically how i make my eyes.  I start out with a pretty crappy looking paint job...
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And apply my pen. and voila!  Eye magic! :3

Thanks for looking and Stay tuned for more!

Off Topic / Yesterday's Pizza
« on: June 23, 2012, 02:53:52 PM »
Do you eat it cold or heat it up?  It was a topic of intense debate at work today.
I'm all about some cold pizza.  It's the breakfast of champions!

Customs / Princess Fancy Feather
« on: June 11, 2012, 10:45:41 AM »
 I've been slowly working my way through a lot of old projects and trying to finish them off before I move onto anything new.  I decided to finish this one but unfortunately used her base for another project.  Luckily it fit on another pony of the same mold.
 This is Princess Fancy Feather--a prissy named seemed most fitting.
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Her skirt was made with Super Sculpey.  She’s been rehaired with Espresso, Mango Tango, Peaches and Cream, Daiquiri Ice, Unlucky clover, Atomic Turquois, Sea Nymph, and Pacific Ocean. 

Customs / Argus
« on: April 18, 2012, 12:51:10 PM »
I haven't made a pony in about a year!  Since I've finally settled down after moving..and ran out of manga I feel like reading, I figured it was time I got around to finishing some of my works-in-progress.  Painted on Sunday and rehaired last night/this morning depending on how you look at it. :)

Well anywho, this is Argus she's inspired by Hera's giant who had a 100 something eyes.  I got the idea for her at the last peacock swap and I finally go around to making her happen.
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 Yeah that's right..I photograph ponies on my stovetop. ;)  Well it is a nice white surface.
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I used acrylics  and she's been rehaired with the following dollyhair colors. : Candy Kiss, Black Magic, Envy, Frivolous, Mermaid, Yellow Fever, Atomic Turquoise, and Sour Apple Martini. 


Off Topic / So today the car I parked in front of...
« on: April 14, 2012, 08:14:11 PM »
Was rocking this badass front plate.
I'm posting its majesty here for all of you to revel in.  ;)
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Pony Corral / Nice Collection!
« on: March 22, 2012, 08:02:12 PM »
While I was doing my daily gossip rag browse a pony article came up.

Who says she gets the biggest fan?  :P

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