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Topics - WingsOfMasquerade

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Pony Corral / Heads Up: USPS Rate Hike Incoming! Mail Your Ponies Early
« on: August 24, 2020, 01:12:47 AM »
Another Heads Up from the business world with an article & warning...and good news?
The bad:
Rate HIKES incoming starting Oct 18 thru Dec 27 (to cramp on Christmas, no doubt)
The good:
They're TEMPORARY. They're going back to normal after Dec 27th.

What this means:
If you're planning Xmas mailings, do it before the Oct. 18th to avoid the hikes. Same thing if you're trying to sell lots on ebay to work up holiday dollars, best to do it before the hikes start scaring buyers away. Also, it's going to affect everybody, even Amazon, UPS and FedEx because they all use the USPS to 'last mile' stuff to rural folks and use it's other functions as well.

You can read more with this article, that lists out the percentages & talks more

Can anything be done about it by normal people?
Yes, if you live in the US.
Use this website

To help you send emails, regular letters, and call political people in your state to influence them to:
#1 Stop DeJoy (man who is removing mail sorting machines)
#2 Stop the 2006 "postal pension prefunding act" (reason why usps in trouble now & doing this)
#3 Give it covid funding help like other big businesses got (because mail went up but workers went down b/c virus)

If anybody contacts any of these government guys, it MUST be recorded what you sent them/what you said, even if you only get a call center or you 'think they threw the letter out' ---they are not allowed. So if anyone does anything it gets recorded & the more people who do it the better it is. Changes are already happening in one state people screamed the house down so they plugged back in the mail sorter machine and pushed DeJoy down....but only because enough people yelled.

If you hate calling you can use this
Senator makes over 3000 dollars per week, so they can receive a pre-written (but alterable) email from you with that form & it must be recorded.

Pony Corral / Hidden Dissectibles: Pinkie Pie's Intestines On Display
« on: August 17, 2020, 12:59:03 AM »
Has viewing Pinkie's Intestines always been something you've wanted to do?
Good news, here's your chance!
Plus, not only that, you can see Dash's 'angry bones', because her skeleton changes shape with her expressions (because cartoon) She belongs right next to Sekllita Monster High & her famous 'skeleboobs' in the pile of 'things that skeletons do not do or have'.

They're 13 dollars for a 4 inch figure with base...
AND they're blind boxed (because of course) AND there are uncommons (yet again ugh)

But like...why are the flesh side of them so good?
Why could we not have this during like, the height of G4 where everyone was going wild? I mean, they seem better than the funko smalls? AND they're in a variety of poses too? The Twilight is so nice seeming, and sitting Rarity is lots of fun. Why did it take anatomy skeleton whatever this is gimmick to get actual decent looking figures of the characters in a variety of poses. Of course I'm going to dump on the BB aspect of it, because I always dump on BB/think it's a bogus gimmick that's more frustrating than fun but that is an opinion.

See it at

Will you get these?
What do you think?

I won't get it because it's too expensive for a blind box. I do add it to my list of things you wouldn't think you'd see though.
Also of note that it's not 'movie heads' style, nor is it the wacko/potions style even though "G4 is supposed to be over" all-together.

Oh and going to throw this in here in case your day wasn't weird enough
(No srsly if you've had enough weird stay off this following link cause...)

If you click it you'll see a brushing Pinkie where she is literally a head with legs somehow. Look at how that back leg comes spiderly from back to front to cross over the neck arm.

Pony Corral / How Many Orders Does It Take To Sell-Out Target Online?
« on: July 26, 2020, 10:39:13 PM »
As I was shopping...
I didn't find the new wave (Gusty etc) in stores yet but then went to Tumblr and saw news that they were supposed to be on Target's website at regular price. So, of course I go there to grab these, annnnnnnnnd they're sold out online. Can't buy 'em. So that set me wondering:

How many orders DOES it take to make Target write 'sold out' on something in the website?
Did they have 1,000 of each pony in their warehouse and now they're gone?
Only 500 of each character?
Is there any way to know or to speculate how many they started with was only figured out like idk Saturday or something maybe that they were posted online so that is a turbo-speed sell-out if it took 'em 1 single day to blow thru all their Basic Funs.

Do you think they had a ridiculously low amount of them for some reason?
Or, is this a FANTASTIC SIGN that BF is on a run of big popularity by choosing these beautiful characters that people loved from the show?
(not just fans but nostalgic folks that aren't in the community)

I have no idea how many of each BF makes at one time, either.
What kind of numbers would they think is good / fuel another character group etc.  Like how many times does Target online have to sell out of this batch so the BF gets enough money that they make the Twinkle Eyes or something. Because the Posey/Cherries Jubilee gang is the last set before everyone had a gimmick, isn't it? With SS, TEs, Big Bros or Seaponies or something (I forget) coming next.

In all--I'm actually not disappointed that I couldn't buy them online.
I'm actually happy to see every single one sold out (Sunday the 26th July) and will gladly continue patrolling my local stores to grab the set. (For myself and others)

So I have this pokemon board game...
And it's the Master Trainer Gold/Silver one that's in the red box. I guess usually the box is black? It's complete except for the yellow figure of Ash. So, I go to look it up on Ebay and it sells seemingly between 50 and THREE HUNDRED and Fifty???

How is this a thing?
I have never seen such a variation or prices on seemingly the same red boxed game?
How do you tell if you have the very pricey one?
Cause I sure...can't. Like it doesn't say 'which edition' or something anywhere that I can find. I also don't have the instructions. I tried looking it up, but all I get are board game reference sites and things that tell you what all should be in there (like the green clips, pog-looking tokens, etc) and how to play it but nothing about how there's some apparent mega-money version.

Any insight of what to do about this game would be much appreciated,

Editing post for Happy Ending!
Happy ending posted in a response to this post more rage-reading, the situation got fixed, hooray!

Ok so I am SO ANGRY right now.
And all at MYSELF. I feel SO STUPID and full of rage. But, instead, I will type things into this message board to try to help others avoid my situation instead and maybe that's a better way to do it. It's a very easy scam to do, and it's also very easy to fall for-----however, it is also just as easy to avoid. Don't be horrible and stupid like me. Because if there's one of these jerks there's bound to be like 50 more. And banning them is like stomping on mushrooms, it gets rid of 1 but makes another pop up somewhere else.

What happens in the scam:
An ebay user will send you a message RIGHT AFTER your item ends
It's "grandma" or so, who is buying the thing "as a gift" and so needs the address "corrected" before you send it out

But it's not the real buyer!
They're COUNTING on you NOT LOOKING at who the real buyer of the item was, and just correcting the address to that of the thief because they are in such a rush to get the item/such an important gift that you don't double check before you change the address.

Now you can see why I feel so stupid.
Like, who falls for that?
Who doesn't check that the message sender is the same person that bought?
Of course it ended up being some account with a single feedback only active since January.
And you KNOW they have absolutely been doing this "OMG ADDRESS" thing since they started on ebay, just doing it to every seller who had an item they wanted for free that already sold that item.

What did they get?
A pristine condition, with necklace white big talking princess celestia who I had spent good time on fixing up.
What is their fate?
I got them banned. I got on an ebay live-chat with a moderator there and they went through my transactions and messages to see exactly what all happened and the bad person got banned from ebay/unable* to make more accounts. (*Unable to....easily....there are always ways to make more accounts on ebay, they don't get your SS# or your bank account when you join, so these people will just keep doing it forever because free things!)

So anyway, this is a pretty obvious scam.
But when you get a message about an item that's been won CHECK IF ITS FROM THE PERSON WHO WON IT!
That's basically all you have to do to avoid it.
It's easy.
And if someone has a message like that, 100% report them right away via the live chat to ban them because a ban WILL happen. If anyone who didn't win an item asks you for a change of address on that item, report them, allow the ebay mod into your ebay messages when they ask and it's an insta-ban for the person. Just asking something like that makes the ban happen, which is really nice.

It doesn't matter where you're shopping.
But if it's going TO the USA from China or coming FROM the USA to elsewhere in the world there's a rate hike coming that nobody's talking about yet, and it's bad news. I know there are people from everywhere here so if you're planning to buy or trade ponies here or anywhere else do it NOW in June before the hikes hit.

I just found out about it at

So like.......tell EVERY one, get on Facebook or something because 100% rise is bad news bears for anyone involved seller or buyer--but especially here because of trading. I LOVE trading ponies and will trade with anywhere, I don't want it to get harder to do.
You can also bet the evening news isn't going to cover this on TV because the virus has made all countries to be "not in a good place right now" economically, and also that with the virus around shipping things to homes to stay safe is also really now is the opposite of 'an ok time' to jump the rates up on everybody when they need it more than ever and are also least-able to pay it.

They're only supposed to do such things in January of the new year, so I know that traders here and sellers aren't expecting it so close deals before July 1st if possible and spread the word all over the place because this has the potential to make things difficult.

So buying Chinese things off ebay, wish, alibaba fakies and silly stuff, all stuff like that is likely to get hit a lot--and that includes craft supplies and materials too it's not just ponies. Also loads of people trade with Canada and have friends and stuff so maybe prep the holiday/Christmas packages early if possible and get them out because 50% higher is no joke.

What about big stuff?
You'll see mentioned 4.4 lb or less, but it doesn't say what if it's big? Like you were get 10 pound thing? I don't know/the article doesn't say. I don't know if there's anything we can do to stop it. But since this does affect us...its better to know ahead of time.

It's apparently illegal to sell Skydancers dolls on ebay. And they suspend me for 3 days for doing it, plus pulling them both down after I had good bids. And then hiding all the rest of my stuff from searches until they decide not to because I might have more TeRRoR DoLls somewhere to wreak havoc upon...?idk?

It doesn't make sense.
I did look it up and yes the old original Galoob ones WERE product recalled at some point, but the recall was only to stores selling NIB product. Also the recall would end after Galoob also ended because you can't recall something to a company that doesn't exist. So the recall is expired, then how is it illegal?

How do OTHER people have their listings for the SAME dolls up and also SOLD still?

If Ebay knows it's a banned product like "A Gun & 1 Fresh Human Kidney--still works!"
Why even allow it to be listed?
There's even a whole search-suggestion for the stupid're not allowed to write swears into the listing titles, why not just make skydancers galoob a swear and not allow people to list? Why create entrapment by allowing the listing to go up and then smash the person down later. How is anyone supposed to know which now-non-existing-toy-companies had recalls on their stuff? What about the McDonald ones that didn't launch? What about knockoffs that do the same thing? Like if people were what, shooting the dolls at each other? You can still sell Franny Frufru Flyer and shoot her at anyone you please because it's the same thing.....that should be banned too but it magically isn't.

What's burning me is there's identical sellers with the same dolls and those are still up.
I'm super salty and really tempted to try and report them but that's not the right thing to do. (Unless it was they who reported me because they don't want competing dolls? That's so dirty if so....just wait! Everyone can sell)
Is someone vindictive about the listing & that's "Just what you get" for trying to sell or maybe they hated something else? The ones still up don't have anything special about the description either like "Its for adults" or "only sealed package never open it or your child will die of doll....uh...twirling...affliction" 

So what do I do now?
I have like heaps of these things, the fairies the animals the originals and launchers and what all. You're not going to be able to do Etsy or Ecrater either because they probably have the same secret (until you break it) rule in place too waiting to pop out like a viper.

Anyway.....just wanted to throw this into the dolls area to be sure no one else runs afoul of the secret trap on feebay.
3 days isn't the worst thing ever but it was just a nasty surprise.

Recently I got a batch of Fairy Winkles.
I guess these are dolls, they are like odd little human babies with wings and hair or an object on their head. They came in little playsets and things, and "they appear in a twinkle"........and then drive you up a wall trying to sort them all out. So of course, I start using Ghost of the Doll to ID all of the really micro fairies and their wide selection of stuff. Through process of elimination, I've gotten everything where it should be (so I can sell it away) except....

These 2 things.

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and upside down

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They ARE FW, because they are made out of the exact same matter as the other accessories that are on the guides and they are also sculpted in the same way. I put the other things in there because FW did use 2 different tones of that coppery plastic to create the accs.

It is some kind of maple leaf theme dish or tray with little feet and a small leaf on a sort of conical stand?
I bet that pink circle is FW too.

The FW, as kids do, were all piled into 1 bag so I have since having to sort them.
Because I am looking to sell them away, does anyone know what these 2 oddities might go with?

Also, does anyone know why there is a hole in the top of the Peek a petals posy?
Ghost of the Doll doesn't explain the posey at all.
How does the flower to close?

Any help with these items is much appreciated, there are lots of tiny fairy babies that need a new home.

Pony Corral / Basic Fun: MORE Ponies! Pics! Gusty!
« on: January 22, 2020, 04:36:41 PM »
Basic Fun is doing new ponies!
AAAAAAA time to get excited! As expected for 2020, they're letting out new ponies! So, we'll get the 2nd set of earths with
Lickety Split, Tootsie, Cherries Jubilee, and Posey
Heart Throb, Surprise, Gusty & Sparkler (Probably Surprise--but I cant find anyone with a photo of her)

There's photos! (Not my insta idk how to share otherwise)

I'm going to get all of them!
I love bright white Gusty.
CherriesJ with the different hair color is interesting to me also. It's not like the one I have here.
I hope they correct Sparkler's hair color before release.
Tootsie seems more pale.
Heart Throb is too mauve I believe but I still think she is ok? Ish?
I think Cherries is my favorite from the set along side Gusty.

Who's your fave?
Who will you get?
Gonna get super tempted to do an alt hair Gusty by buying more than 1...
I hope distribution is really good and all Targets get them all in nice quantities.

BUY BF! Any BFs you get encourages them to make more & we will get ones like Crumpet, Mimic, and Quarterback / brothers AND flutters with good wings when BF continues to succeed. But they're going in chronological order because they have to. So get everybody in on BF to make them make the next set.

Pony Corral / What was the BEST out of G4 TOY-only ?
« on: January 17, 2020, 04:14:12 PM »
Now that G4 toys are done...
Nothing else G4 toy-only will be coming out. Blindbags are long replaced by cutie crew, which is now gone for G4.5 or whatever it'll be called. Brushables are over, and FS is too. Everything from this point on will be the new style. So with nothing else capable of coming out, we have our playing field.

So it comes time to ask the BIG question:
What was the BEST TOY of all of G4? Figures DO count / so yes Funko. It doesn't have to be brushable but it can be.
Show a photo if you like!

ACCURATE - Does it look like the show/character while being appealing?
QUALITY - Does it have actual collect or play value?
FUN - Do you think it is fun to have?

Nominate your toys!
But you have to list WHY it belongs in the 'best' category. Share photos, use the criteria or add your own. You can add a "wacky extra" too, if there's something strange but charming that you really like. Tack it on! I want to see what everyone thinks was the best item. Do we agree? Is there something you missed? Let's find out.

My Picks:
1. Fashion Style Tempest Shadow-
THE. Most. Accurate. Pony. Looked exactly like the movie. Looked like an actual pony! Her brushable didn't even do as well, and her GOH was only fair. This thing was the best, plus, she was brushable AND a light up figure too. Buy this while it is cheap.
2. Funko Celestia & Luna Full Size-
These are a close 2nd even though I don't own (but want) both of them. Transparent manes like the show, show-proportions (if not scale), individually sculpted, pretty colors, good glitter. They don't do anything, so they're in 2nd place.
3. The Zillas-
They had accurate wings unlike FS. They were big enough to feel quality. Discounting Cadence & Celestia who had weirdo hair colors and looked like baby versions of themselves, the mane 6 were very nice and solidly done here.
4. Glamor Glow Rarity (and lesser known GG Cadence)
Kinda-TAF, good light up feature, pretty designs but rotten hair quality. Would be very suiting for Rarity to want to be 'glamour glow'. Loses all its points for bad hair, but makes the list for very pretty sculpt, good design, and good light feature.
5. Maybe the Hikari Soufubi Dashes?
Amazing pose but the face was kinda odd, great glitter/colors, but kind of hard to find. Good quality plastic but you couldn't do much with it.

Wacky Extra:
Stratos Skyranger Movie Sounds Action GOH-
Buyyyyyyy this guyyyyyy while he is cheap. He's an old school giant action figure with wing flapping light up and sound action. And ironically, he's the most pony like thing G4 ever produced. I'm gonna say it: He's MOST!
But he's not like the movie and he's not even a hippogriff because they didn't give him a beak/bird head, but a real horse nose. So he's not even accurate. But he's actually fab looking with accurate horse-back-legs, beautifully done hair, excellent proportions and is actually really graceful with the big wings. They wrote him out of the movie, but don't write him out of the collection.

I was under the impression that Grand Champions only did realistic horses...
I didn't think they had any fantasy at all, so that's why I didn't pay as much attention to them. I would buy them at a flea or garage sale to customize if they were cheap and in bad shape, but I've never run across something like this before.

Mare-ey Cherry (I already named her)
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This really, not-kidding, bright red horse. As far as I know no horse can be this red color. The hair is the exact color of 'red hair people' hair (my dad had that color) which CAN happen on real horses, but on them from a distance it looks more brown till you get really close. It looks a bit too orangey for that in the photos but in person, it's there. There's clearly the GC gold mark on there, it's a known pose for their horses and the eye type is the same too. It also has the print in the leg.
So why's it red?
Are there other fantasy colors that I can't seem to find photos of online?
A really good knockoff?

I thought this was interesting to see, whatever she turns out to be.

It's that holly-jolly wintery time of year!
Do you have a holiday display or set up anywhere in your house featuring Christmas regular ponies or HQg1s? Can I see it? I want to get even more into the season if possible with fun inspiration.

What do you do with your holiday ponies?
I put mine away rather than keeping them out all year.
Do you have a certain way to display them?
I put mine on the edge of my dresser because there's no-where else really to go...but I just stack them on permanent boxes that get packed away too.
Do you have all of them?
I just added santa Minty ville, but I still need Jingle Jangle. Then, I think I will have every holiday pony.

Pony Tree:
This tinsel tree was gifted to me by my penpal. She has made some santa & pony ornaments for it. (Some are fakies, others mcg3s) So, gathered around the bottom are my HQ gang, plus 2 of her xmas g1 customs.
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Regular Display
This one has all the G1 official and G3 ones except Snow El Pegasus (she's on another shelf/always on display) and G3 Jingle Jangle who I don't yet own but do want.  The horse there is Peppermint Trotter, the candy cane theme Barbie horse custom I did, and probably can spot Merry Cherry the Breyer stablemates red custom with gold hair.

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Gotta star Dasher!
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Polkascrew Pony
This one was an ornament for my penpal so I don't have her any more, but she's named by my pal after a kind of candy there polka and the twisting is called screw so......

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Candy Cane Flutter Pony
Another gift on another year for penpal, she has poinsettia flower petal wings. (fake)
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Another year another gift
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(From a Glory without symbol nor hair)

This one I kept
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Snow Ball Sweetie
(Out of a stripped bait G3, idk who it was/from a lot)

Of course, working on another this year!

A while ago at thrift...
There was a bag with a huuuuge Tokidoki Unicorno in there. So of course, I had to buy it.
Tokidoki is usually tiny though, right? It's like keychains and little vinyl figures and stuff usually, I think. I have like 2 or 3 of the little figures simply from picking them up with ponies and thrift bags and things over time. But this plush is the largest one of these that I've seen. It's actually too big for me to keep it though, because my Basicfuns are taking up more room. But when I went to sell it on ebay, I have no idea what to do because nobody has one at this size to even know how much to put it at.

Its this white one, in perfect shape
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It's like 16 inches or so high, though it's almost all 'head'.

I don't even know how to find out the name of this one.

Any help is appreciated, because although she is fluffy soft and neat, I just don't have the space.

The A Horse of Every Color store gets a big update...
Which means free shipping on everything in the USA if it totals 35 or greater. What better way to celebrate than a rainbow? (With free shipping at the end of the rainbow) Each custom rainbow hair pony has a full 7 color rainbow in the mane and tail. Each one is made from the HQG1C blank pony line with custom dyes, glitter, dip-dye, & hair work. They mostly just need a symbol & a name from you, to join a collection.

If you see anyone that doesn't appear in the shop or has 'sold out', they can be similarly-created as a made-to-order basis , just let me know.

If you don't want Etsy or are not an Etsy member I will sell it here at the Arena also. There are way more than just these newest additions in the shop, and each one has tons of photos. Photobucket turning to garbage has restricted my photo ability. 

The new color "Awesome Aqua" joins the bunch with this great new dye.
The Tropical Beach sisters are created.
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Sparkle-z sister has a tricolor fade hair, and jelli-z sister has the traditional unicorn stripe. All their colors are un-dyed dollyhair. (The white for jelli-z is the matte color for seafoam)

Teeny Tiny Baby isn't glitter, but she's all white with a pastel rainbow
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(you can dye her hair)

Dip Dye Custom Hair is a trend that's now 'in'
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for sparkle-z sitting zebra

A thin band of rainbow is lots of fun
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but what's her symbol? You decide...

Of course a Stripe-Z zebra cousin is here with more rainbow fun
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This one has thin 'actual zebra style' black/white stripes in the rest of the mane

Tiny stars for a tiny pony, they're all sprinkling in
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Pastels are nice for babies, each rainbow of hair is all pastel soft colors to go with the white glitter bodies
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baby brother
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Rearing baby sister
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Very small friend

Want to decide her hair instead?
Sparkle-Z rainbows have you covered...
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Rainbows in the Night glows SO bright in the dark when you charge her up (but the camera hates it.......)
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So glow-photos are pending for her. The black hair brings out the richness of the 7 colors.

Not everything's rainbow though, there's the contrasty fun
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jelli-z unicorn and

Cant leave out Big Brothers
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Hazy striped bright brothers
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Or very dark bold brother
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Also, the selection of custom Breyers
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is also still present. (This is a Stablemates, but there's a Classics too)

Full characters can also be created
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Little Moonbeam has a glowing glitter symbol & hair already done. (Almost anything you want can be requested and made with HQG1 customs. Mix & match styles and hair, sparkle-z, jelli-z, dye, stripe-z, fades, rainbows, glowing name it, I can likely work on it)

Because they have been saying for a while now 'g4 is ending'...
What do you think the FINAL G4 item will be?
A plush?
A brushable?
Some stupid licensed ugly thing?
Something else?

Since they're still clearly letting out all kinds of things it's not about to happen yet. Even odd "Movie" branded things like those smaller than a bb but carded and transparent cheapo toys are just now appearing. So this final item, will probably be a while in coming. So, a whole year from now? Maybe longer?

If you're placing bets, now's the time to do it.

Also, if you're collecting G4, would you buy the final item, no-matter what, if you knew for sure that it was?
If it's something rubbish like those horrible RADZ or that PP who had a Rubik's cube for a head or something like that, I think I'd skip it. But if it was a no-quality hair brushable or something I'd consider it/just keep it moc or whatever.
Like, I was talking the other day if that 'twilights 2 pak' where it has that odd 'retro' one in the spinner box with the normal G4 was the LAST item, I would have bought it even at the 30 dollars or whatever they have it at. But since it's not...idk...I just can't see spending 15 dollars for a trash twi you can get in any dollar flea bucket and another 15 for a 2 inch teeny 'retro' whatever. I guess. It'd be the significance that would cause me to collect. But, I'm curious about what everyone else thinks when the situation will arise. 

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