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Topics - Malancaiwen

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I'd love to make one myself but 1- I'm usually the last one aware of the releases or the news 2- I can't see members pics unless they're on photobucket which makes things even more complicated -_-

To help motivate you I added a little poll so people can show how much they loved (or didn't?) this thread on the old arena.

Pony Corral / Princess Celestia and Friends Teatime
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:21:29 AM »
Has anyone heard about this set?
A taobao seller sent me pics, they don't have if for sale yet but they took pics of it so I came here to share it with you!

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I wish we could have had at least one non mane 6 pony though...

Pony Corral / My little pony bedsheets - is this old news?
« on: April 20, 2012, 08:45:47 AM »
So ... more discoveries for me tonight:
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Sorry for the tiny pic, it's the only one provided...

Does it look so cute! I'm very tempted to contact the seller just to get the pillow covers!
Which got me thinking, in France we have square pillows, here in China we have rectangle ones like the ones in the pic, is it the same in the US?

(written on the pic is "US representative" btw

Arts & Crafts Corral / Whose art is this ? Lineart maybe?
« on: April 20, 2012, 08:36:04 AM »
I was browsing Taobao when I found this:
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Looks like someone got tired of gluing ponies on ipads so they are only drawing them now ...

Thing is, it doesn't look like official lineart so I'm thinking about art theft :(
Does this piece look familiar to anyone? (it's beautiful btw!)

Wanted! / Looking for baits: G2 and G3
« on: April 05, 2012, 07:20:09 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to rebuild my custom since I moved to China. I bought some paint and brushes, have some hair on its way but now I need baits!

I'm in the monochrome swap so I'd like a nice lot of 5 or 6 G3 ponies in different colors (pink, blue, orange, purple, ...)

I'm also interested in G2 baits, only in 2 poses:

I'm also interested in a pair of small hermostas (sp?) to prepare my future baits ^^

If I could get a big lot from one person it would be lovely, shipping will have to be to China.


Off Topic / Help with Postsecret?
« on: April 04, 2012, 07:44:42 AM »
Hi everyone :)

I was wondering if anyone could help me see this week's secrets on by saving the pics and uploading them temporarily on photobucket?

I'm in China and many websites are blocked (including imageshack btw) and though I can reach their websites, the pics don't show :/

I used to go through an anonimyser but they closed their services for the moment and all the other ones I knew are also blocked (and I cannot even make a google research for it for the same reasons ...)

Thanks for the help!

Pony Corral / Fakie ID
« on: March 23, 2012, 08:06:29 AM »
Second topic in a few minutes from me, must be a good day! :p

I found this fakie:
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I usually don't like fakie and it might be a trick of the photo but I find this one wonderful! Does anyone know her? I need her!

Off Topic / How to choose a bird?
« on: March 12, 2012, 05:08:07 AM »
Hi everyone :)

Living in China, the thing I miss the most is walking around in the forest and just listening to the birds singing.

I recently walked through a bird market nearby my school and really felt like getting myself a little pet.

My mom used to have Canaries, and I saw lots of them at the market.
My problem is that I have no idea on how to choose a bird!
I would like a singing bird so I think I'll get a couple of canaries, it will bring back memories at the same time ^^ What should I look for?

I'll definitely check their feathers, beaks, eyes and legs but, anything specific?

I saw a few green canaries too. Me loving green I'm tempted. Are they as good singers as yellow canaries?

I'd like to get a couple (or the male won't sing) and a nice big cage for them to be happy :)
Thank you for your advice!

Off Topic / Internet forwarding?
« on: February 16, 2012, 12:56:59 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm currently living on a school campus and I get the internet through a RJ45 cable that comes through the window. I just plug it on and get internet access. The modem is in the main office.

My problem now is that I have 2 laptops (mine and my husband's). My laptop could emmit a wireless signal very easily to share it but I'd rather not have my laptop constantly turned on.

What device should I get to do this?
I though about a routeur but routeur needs to connect itself to the internet to then emmit right? I would also need a device that could work with both windows and mac.

Thank you all for your advice!

Customs / OUMAXI paints?
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:57:09 AM »
Hi everyone!

I'm looking for paints are the choices here are very limited. In china most people use gouache or watercolors.
The only acrylics I found are OUMAXI.

I know this brand for nail art, I read some nice reviews on it, strong colors, covers well, but I don't know if it will bleed on ponies.
Has anyone tried it? What's your experience?

Thanks  :)

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