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Topics - brighteyes

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********Update 5/31/2016*******

I made a very simple attempt to clean up Majesty 2 which involved boiling her for 15 minutes and using a Mr. Clean eraser and lots of elbow grease to clear away the mold on her surface.  I did not attempt to remove mold inside the pony with the eraser.  I wanted to assess first a simple method of cleaning to be followed by more extensive methods like using peroxide and UV to remove any staining.  I found after my simple method there was in fact staining left behind by the mold. 

I examined the surface staining under a dissecting scope at 40x and also took chunks of affected vinyl from the neck plug and examined those under 40x as well.  I found that the surface staining mimiced the mold growth pattern and even followed the mold hyphae in some cases.  The treatment also seemed to make existing rust stains on the symbols worse.  The most serious stain began to look almost like a cyst or mini-volcano.  It was raised up and puckered, looking like it may have fluid inside.  Gross! 

When I looked at the slices I found that fungal hyphae had innervated the pores in the vinyl.  I think maybe the staining is the result of hyphae that are still inside the pores of the plastic.  These cannot be easily removed by surface cleaning.  I think they will be killed by sustained exposure to hydrogen peroxide and UV light though.  My next step will be to try this and also to grow some of the mold on slides in mold chambers so I can examine it under oil for a really good look at it.

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Just for comparison.  Here are some photos of this pony before treatment after treatment and after cleaning:

Before Treatment (note pre-existing rust marks on symbols):
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After treatment, before cleaning:
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After treatment, after simple cleaning:
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********UPDATE 5/26/16*********

Wow!  What a difference five months makes!  We have near confluent growth on the Majesty inoculated inside with mixed mold culture and swabbed with culture outside with 10mL sterile water added to the jar:

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Compare this with a Majesty inoculated in the same way but with no extra water added.  What a difference humidity makes in the growth of the mold!
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We are seeing growth of mold through the body of Snuzzle who was innoculated only with liquid inside and was not swabbed on the outside.  This was to test to see if mold on the inside of the pony could affect the outside.  As expected, there is mold growing out of the tail hole.  We can see some mold growth on the outside of the pony as well.  Is this mold making it's way trough the pony plastic maybe?  We will have to watch this spot and see what develops.

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The Sundance Control has only one mold spot that was likely from me holding her to put her in the jar.  I couldn't really get her completely sterile so I expected a bit of mold growth.
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Pretty crazy!  Do you guys think the mold will leave marks?  When should I take the ponies out and try and clean them to see if the mold stains the plastic or not?

To view previous results and history of the experiment click the spoiler:


Aaaand we've got more mold!  Here's some photos.  More detailed post on page 3.

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We talk a lot about mold in the collecting community and we also talk a lot about the various marks and discolorations that can affect ponies.  There's pindot, mold marks, cancer, regrind, highlighter etc...   Some types of marks seem to be contagious and others not so much.  We have a good handle on what causes some (like Regrind) but others are still pretty mysterious.   It can be pretty scary putting ponies into storage without knowing how they'll look when we take them out again.  Will they get moldy?  Will the mold leave permanent marks on them, turning perfect mint ponies into custom baits???

Lets play with mold and ponies! I've been wanting to perform a few experiments to determine if any of the marks we see on ponies are caused or perhaps exacerbated by mold.  Later, depending on the results of the trials with mold, I'll look at possible effects of bacteria on ponies and finally the short term and long term effects of UV light exposure.  I manage a microbiology teaching lab at a small university and have access to fun sciencey stuff like microscopes, growth media and incubators.  Let's put it to use to answer some questions about ponies  :nerdy:

This "study" is based on a simple line of questioning.  First, can mold grow on ponies?  Does the vinly/plastic even support mold growth?  If it doesn't then it's pretty clear the marks we see develop on ponies can't be caused by mold.  If it does, then that opens up another question- is the mold that grows on ponies responsible for any of the marks we see?  Finally, if mold is responsible for marks, what, if any, treatments will work to prevent mold growth and therefore prevent these marks?

Okay- so based on that line of questioning, here's the plan.  The Pony vs. Mold experiment will take place in three to four phases:

  • Phase One: Can mold be cultured from a pony?  Do ponies support mold growth?
  • Phase Two: What does Mold DO to a pony?  If an unmarked pony is innoculated with mold obtained from plastic/vinyl surface, will it result in any classic pony affliction such as pindot, cancer, etc..
  • Phase Three: Microscopic Examination.  Samples of classic pony afflictions will be examined under the microscope.  If any mold is obtained from pony surfaces and cultured in petri dish, this mold will also be examined.  Physical characteristics of mold obtained from ponies will be compared to anything found in the afflicted vinyl
  • Phase Four: Mold Prevention and Treatment.  If it is determined that mold causes any discoloration or physical affects to the pony, what possible treatments could be effective at killing the mold?  Try Moldzyme mold cleaner, boiling water bath, OxyClean, UV light, etc...
  • Final Phase: After the conclusion of the experiment, ponies will be cleaned using most effective mold killing treatment (whatever that ends up being) and customized.

I started phase one today.  First, I selected four really dirty ponies: Snuzzle, Sundance, Sweet Pocket and Majesty.  Photos are in spoiler below.  They come from a really gross lot I recently one and also from a local flea market. 

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Sweet Pocket:
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Using a sterile cotton swap and saline, I swabbed the surface of each pony in particularly dirty areas.  Then I inoculated the surface of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SAB) petri dishes.  This media is designed to grow a variety of molds and inhibit bacteria. This will help us eliminate bacteria from our equations for now.  We can always go back and do these same experiments using bacteria instead of mold and see if we get any marks or discolorations.  I also took swabs from a Medly which had, to my eye, spots that look like mold and a Flutterbye that has spots that look like cancer or rust caused by metallic glitter (photos in spoiler). 

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Medly with prospective mold.  Notice tiny dot in center with halo of discoloration around it.  To me, this seems different than solidly discolored marks indicative of cancer.

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Does Flutterbye have discoloration from metalic glitter on her symbols?  Pony cancer?  Mold? All of the above???  Let's find out!

I then went into our lab's cold room which has it's own fine array of mold growing on plastic surfaces.  Photos in spoiler:

I swabbed each of these molds and put them on SAB agar as well.  Now we have a nice array of petri dishes.  No growth yet, but we may see some in a few days:

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I will take a photo of the dishes each day for several weeks to determine if anything grows and I will post any interesting results here.  It is possible that mold that grows on plastic or vinyl will not be supported by standard SAB agar and so we won't get any growth even if there is mold present in the pony plastic.  My guess is that we will get growth however, because the mold is feeding not necessarily on the plastic but on the oil residue left on the ponies after have been touched.  We'll see though!

If Phase One is successful, I will move on to Phase Two and inoculate new and older ponies with mold cultures.  The new ponies will be Dollar Tree fakies and the old ponies will be three Majesty ponies- the one shown above and another two baity ones I have.   Prior to inoculation the vintage ponies will be boiled and put in an oxyclean bath and photographed to note existing body markings.  The new ponies will be swabbed to check for "native" mold.  Two new ponies and two old ponies will be swabbed with a mixture of mold cultured from ponies (if any is cultured) or cold room mold and stored in a sterile jar in a dark location to allow for mold growth.  One of each type inoculated with mold will also have a layer of sterile water placed in the bottom of the jar to create a moisture rich environment. 

As a control, a new pony and an old pony will be placed in a jar with sterile water at the bottom to create a moisture rich environment in the absence of mold.  This should help us determine what change in the pony's condition is due to moisture and what change, if any, is due to mold.  I may try and spray the ponies with Moldzyme inside and out (a commercial mold killer) to try and get rid of as much mold that may be contaminated them as possible.  All experiments will also be performed in a BioSafetyCabinet (BSC) to prevent contamination from airborne mold spores.

If we get any mold discoloration on the test ponies I will take thin sections of the affected plastic and look at it under the microscope.  I will also swab the affected area and culture the mold in special mold culture chambers and observe the mold on slides.  This will allow me to see the structure of the mold and possibly ID it.

I will post pictures of the petri dishes every few days.  If there's any suggestions or questions or input or whatever feel free!  Ooo or should we take bets?  What do you think will happen?  Will the petri dishes from the ponies grow mold?  Will mold make marks on the ponies?  I know Black Curtains has done  a lot of science with ponies before- it would be awesome to compare results!  Her study on pindot and dirt was really cool (  Maybe we could sterilize some dirt and see if that makes a difference? 

UPDATE: 12/27/15

Here is the basic rundown of the results thus far and some of the more interesting photos of mold growing on the ponies.  So far, the only visible mold growth is on the ponies that were inoculated with a surface swab of the mold mix.  The pony that was only inoculated inside (Snuzzle) and the sterile water control (Sundance) do not show any mold growth so far.  The Majesty with the addition of water in the sterile jar is showing substantial more mold growth than the Majesty with no additional water.  She has a large patch of it near her symbol.  Neither of the fakies are showing growth yet but they also did not have a surface swab.

So, now we know given the right conditions, mold can grow on ponies.  The question will be, does this growth leave non-removable marks?  I think it's obvious the addition of water will encourage mold growth.  I wish I would have added a treatment with a descant in the jar, because adding liquid mold culture to the inside of the pony alone will increase humidity in an enclosed space.  So there is no really good control for the humidity test  >_<

Anyway, on to photos!

Customs / G3 Baby Dancing Butterflies
« on: September 12, 2015, 04:58:16 PM »
Hello all!  I finally finished re-hairing her a few days ago.  She's been sitting around waiting forever but life intervened and I just couldn't get to her until now.  I like the way she turned out, though I wish the wings were more delicate,as I had envisioned them.  I was kind of going for the classic swan pose when they swim on the water and puff up their wings.

She was made from a G3 baby (can't remember the name) that had a bad hair cut, a symbol rub and bite marks on the leg.  Unfortunately, I forgot to fix the bite-marks so those are still there, but she's got new symbols and a fancy set of wings.  Anyway, here she is.  Thanks for looking!

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Individual photos:

Sunshine29102 was my partner for the Hasbro Missing Link Swap and the second set of rainbow ponies featured high on her wishlist.  I had never really considered this set of ponies so I checked out the few that I have and found that I had overlooked some really cool ponies.  Their different rainbow colors and strong body colors as well as their delicate symbols were very striking.  What was missing from this set?  I decided to do a flower themed pony because rainbow makes me think of rain which makes me think of flowers.  I chose a sitting pose and a minty green because these were high on Sunshine's list and they go with the flower theme.  I imagined this pony sitting to smell the flowers or dig in her garden.

I wanted to make pony wear as well which turned out to be really difficult because of the sitting pose.  I also gathered some accessories for her to make it look like she has a little market stall and made a back story for her.  I forgot to save a copy of this so here's a rough recalling of it (with the addition of Posy because why not LOL):

Flora is a pony with a green hoof.  In fact, she is so good at growing flowers that not only is her hoof green, her whole body is green!  Her best friend is Posy and they love nothing more than to picnic in each other's gardens.   Flora sells flowers from her and Posy's garden in the Dream Castle open air market and ponies come from far and wide to buy her pretty arrangements.  Flora loved the way the pony's faces brightened up at the sight of the pretty flowers so much that she decided to surprise them by decorating Dream Castle square with flowers on the first day of summer.  Majesty was so pleased with the display that she gave Flora rainbow hair to match the vibrant floral arrangements and named her official florist of Dream Valley. 

Flora was made using a bait Bubbles (thank you DashesnDots!!) painted with a minty-aqua color I mixed from other colors.  I wanted the color to fit in nicely with the existing set and wanted her to look as factory as possible.  Her symbols were painted and then glittered with microfine glitter.  Her hair is dolly hair (can't remember exact colors but they were listed as matches for the rainbow second set).  Getting the eyes just right was the most difficult part.  I love how she turned out though and am so happy that sunshine29102 is happy with her too :D

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With others from this set:
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With accessories:

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Sigs & Site Support / Is there a way to edit feedback?
« on: July 09, 2015, 03:03:22 PM »
I messed up when I left feedback for a custom swap I did with UrocyonFox.  I meant to paste the long comment in the detailed description box, but I put it in the short description box instead and so only one sentence of feedback got posted.  Is there anyway I can edit it? 

I meant to say:

"Partner in a private original character swap. She made two awesome customs of Bright Eyes and my OC Ependork.  She put so much thought and effort into these customs.  I really appreciate them! She also included concept art of the customs and also art of a bunch of additional art and extras.  She really spoiled me like crazy!  Anyone who does a swap with her is in for a treat!"

I'm so happy to share these with you all!  UrocyonFox and I decided to do a private custom swap with the theme of Costume Ball/Fancy Party using our original characters.  I used her Flutterdie and Sky-Pin characters.  I couldn't decide on an outfit for Flutterdie so I made her two: a goth ball gown themed cloak and a spring Lolita look.  Sky-Pin was easy to dress- she definitely needed a goth-punk corset.  I also made her a little corn snake friend since Fox loves snakes and was kind enough to help me out answering some questions about my scale-baby- Chibi. 

Onward to the parade of photos!


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Click spoiler for many detailed photos of sculpt etc...

Spring Lolita Look:

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Details of design, hat etc...:

Gothic Cloak:

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Sky-Pin and her scale baby:
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details of sculpt:

Thank you so much for looking!  I really had a fun time making these  :biggrin:

Pony Brag Arena / Private custom swap and goodies from UrocyonFox
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:38:05 PM »
I just got my box from a private customs swap I did with UrocyonFox.  She really spoiled me!  Look at the art! The candy!  The fossils! The ponies!  The customs!  I am sure she will be posting better pictures of the customs on the custom forum, but for now check out what she sent.  Isn't her art style awesome?

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Concept art:

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Cute bookmarks
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customs and ponies:
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Super cute mugs I'm going to use to make my lab-mates jealous
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Cute card and grow dinos:
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Magnets, charms and a corgi!
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Frozen sticker packs which my daughter promptly got into:
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Contemplative/Devious Bright Eyes cel:
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Super cute ATCs:

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Thank you so much Fox!  You are the best!!!

Pony Brag Arena / Huge Goodwill Score!
« on: June 03, 2015, 10:37:43 AM »
I stopped at Goodwill on the way home from work and was amazed to find a My Little Pony case.  It was listed as only 6.99 so I thought what the heck, I’ll grab it.  But, when I lifted it up I could tell there were ponies inside!  Or, at least I hoped they were ponies and not something sadly unrelated like old socks or Carebears (I find SO many Carebears when looking for ponies, it’s ridiculous!).  So, I carefully peeked inside and sure enough, I saw a tell-tale wisp of pink hair!  There wasn’t really a place to open it in the store so I didn’t look any farther than that.  Also, I wanted to be surprised.  I scouted around and found a Dream Castle in very good condition and a Show Stable in good condition.  Neither had much in the way of accessories.  I could see a bed in the stable, but didn’t check it out too much.  The stable and castle were each listed for 3.99- a definite steal!

I’m still kicking myself for not getting a cart and looking through the other toys more carefully.  There could have been more ponies or accessories and I didn’t check the puzzles at all.  I may run back up there in a bit just to double check.  I did wander through the Nick-Nack isle and I didn’t see any porcelains.

After I got them to the car, I opened the Collector’s Case and was astonished to find a mass of nearly mint condition ponies, ribbons, wear and two stickers!  I’ve never seen glitter symbols as lovely as these before!  I got a total of fourteen ponies.  The only condition issue I found was on Surprise who had what looked to be lip gloss smeared all over her cheeks, eyes and lips.  I’m guessing whoever owned the ponies had some Sweet Secrets toys as well and played.  Her hair also looks like it’s got something in it- conditioner that wasn’t washed out or something.

The ponies I got were:

Mama Surprise
Baby Surprise
September Birthflower Pony
Baby Firefly
Paradise (with PERFECT flocking!)
Lemon Drop
Cherries Jubilee
Baby Lickety Split (her sticker was in the case too!)
Sunlight (with puffy sticker)
Flat Foot Cotton Candy
Baby Cotton Candy

Also bonus accessories Dream Castle Throne, Bed for Show Stable with blanket, show stable bridle, pony wear, diaper, blanket, stickers and Birthflower/Collector Pony Brochure.  I’m so excited to have found these and I wish whoever had them would know that they’ve found a good home.

Here are pictures:
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Pinwheel may have glitter loss.  It's hard to tell if the darker spots are glitter rust or areas where the original thickness of glitter is still present.
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All for under 18$!  I seriously NEVER have good luck at Goodwill before this.  I ALWAYS check and the best I've found in 20 years of looking is: A Birthday Pony (in 2000), a Skippity Doo with good flocking (in the late 90's), occasional random G3s and playsets and a G1 firefly stuffie in poor condition.  I guess it pays to keep looking though!

Customs / Dryad's Saddle Pony for Rarity91: Fantasy Swap
« on: April 15, 2015, 02:42:06 PM »
Hi All,

My partner for the Fantasy Swap was Rarity91.  She had a lot of really awesome things on her list, but what really captured me was the tree spirit/dryads.  I wanted to create a pony that look liked it stepped out of a tree so I made bark on the legs using apoxie clay and a dryad saddle mushroom on the back as a saddle and a few on the legs and rump as well.  The pony can actually support a Monster High sized jointed doll.  I really wanted to make a custom doll to go with it, but I ran out of time  :cry:

The bark texturing technique is really simple.  I coated the legs, one section at a time, in apoxie clay.  Then I obtained a few pieces of nicely textured tree bark and pressed them at varying intervals into the apoxie clay to create the pattern.  I then painted them a nice dark brown and dry brushed up the color.  It still didn't seem tree like enough- too brown so I looked at real tree bark and noticed that it has a gray color to it, so I made a top dry brush coat of a gray mixed with brown and that did the trick.

Anyway, here is the pony!

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Ponies with Hats!
« on: March 22, 2015, 04:02:34 PM »
I've been busy making tiny hats for ponies.  The hat below is entirely handmade, right down to the faux porcelain roses.  I plan to make an entire set of these for my rehaired flutter ponies.  I think Rosedust looks especially elegant now  ^.^  I'll update this thread with pictures of new hats as I make them.

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Customs / Gauging Interest:Pony Family Swap
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:16:35 PM »
I really love the Loving Family sets.  It's is so cute that the mom and dad of a baby pony that are similar but a little bit different than the baby.  For example, how Daddy Apple Delight has trees and Mommy Apple Delight has apples and the baby has trees with apples.  How cute is that?

Anyway, I think we need more pony families, don't you?  So, in that spirit, how about a custom swap where we make a family for a pony of our partner's choosing?  In this swap you would be responsible for making at least three relatives for a pony chosen by your paartner.  Customizers would be instructed to take inspiration from the original pony's design, but not follow it slavishly, kind of like the Loving Family Example. 

I think it would make the most sense if you had to make them the same generation as the pony your partner chose.  So for example, if I chose G1 Bright Eyes (and I totally would), my partner would need to use G1 baits to make her family.  If I chose G3 Minty, they would need to use G3 baits.  That way their pony and the customs could be displayed together as a cute family.  Not everyone is comfortable using G1s as baits though so people could specify in their forms which generation they feel comfortable working with. 

So, what do you think?  Would you be interested in participating in a swap like this? If so, when would be a good time for it to run?

Do you think three customs are too many to make or would one or two be better?  I don't think this would be as labor intensive as some of the other more advanced swaps so that's why I was thinking three ponies as opposed to one or two.

Anyone else having this problem?  I go to eBay to check on an auction and it says my login info is not correct so I try again- still incorrect.  I have recently changed my password- like maybe three weeks ago and thought maybe I just don't remember it correctly so I click 'forgot my password" and get a screen where I put my username in.  It says my user name does not exist  :shocked:  So I put my e-mail in instead, the e-mail where I received a notice from eBay not two hours ago and it says that it also doesn't exist  :shocked:

What the heck?  Have I been hacked?  How could someone change both my e-mail and username without me getting an e-mail about it on my current ebay e-mail?  I also searched for my eBay user, brighteyespony, and couldn't find it in eBay's database.  I know I haven't done anything to be NARUed, I haven't sold anything in ages and haven't skipped out on paying for anything. 

I tried to contact eBay but in order to contact them I need to login and that of course is the problem  :cry:

Customs / Twisted Fairy Tale Swap: A Tale of Two Maleficents Pic Heavy
« on: August 27, 2014, 06:47:45 AM »
My partner for the Twisted Fairy Tale Swap was dashesndots.  She listed Sleeping Beauty as one of her options and also expressed interest in having a custom with sculpted wings.  I had never made sculpted wings before but really wanted to try and so I decided to do a take on the new Disney Maleficent movie and make a custom of Maleficent with wings and Maleficent after her wings had been cut off.  In this custom I did a repose (adding a shy head to a reading G3 body), extensive sculpting, repaint and rehair.  I also made a staff to support Maleficent rearing and a base to support Maleficent's giant wings.   I tried to pack it very carefully, but it was broken en route to Dashesndots :cloud:.  I hope that it was not broken too bad and that it can be repaired and displayed.  I had so much fun making it and I hope Dashesndots really enjoys it :D

Anyway, here is the picture spam:

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Price Check Archives / Price Check: Mint Tux n Tales, Porcelains
« on: August 14, 2014, 07:21:16 AM »
Hi All,

I'm pruning my collection and wanted to know if I could get a price check on a few things so I can put prirces on my sales thread:,358991.0.html

I have a mint mail order Tux n Tales as well as a few porcelains.

G1 Tux:

Condition: Very minty!  Even has some original curl.  Hair is nice and soft and colors on hair and body, symbols and eyes are very vivid.  He looks like he was kept in a box for most of his life!

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Pony Playhouse:

Condition: Fair.  AJ has broken off the base at some point and been re-attached with glue.  The glue is visible on the base and the fence. The paint on the ponies is a bit faded as well.
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First Born:
Condition: Very good. 
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Apple Orchard:
Condition: Cotton candy has broken off the base and is missing so Tootsie is the only pony present on base. 
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In this thread about MLP Quilts,357734.0.html we started talking about the idea of a My Little Pony Community Quilt Swap.  The basic idea would be this:

Each participant makes a quilt square for each participant and in return receives a quilt square from every other participant.  For example, if there are 13 people in the swap, each person will make 12 squares and will receive 12 squares which they can put together to make a quilt.  The size of each square would have to be standardized so that they could all be put together to make a quilt, but other than that the design of the blocks would be up to their maker.  Each person could make a list of things they would like or dislike on their quilt blocks- some people might be okay with yarn hair on the ponies appliqued on to the quilt while others may dislike that idea, for example.  People can also post lists of their favorite ponies or things that they love about pony collecting for participants to take inspiration from in making blocks for them.

At the end of the quilt, not only would you have a beautiful quilt, you'd have a visual memory of your time on the Arena and the wonderful community here. 

This swap would require a big commitment of time and so would have a long working time.  It would also probably not be a newbie swap as the commitment would be large and we'd need proof of the prospective participant's ability to participate in swaps faithfully.  Thus a minimum selling/swap feedback would have to be set.

So, what do you all think?  Would you be interested in a swap like this? 

Hey all,

Could I please have a price check on a Lullaby Nursery?  It comes with box in good shape, seems to be fairly un-faded and largely intact and comes with only the tub, hanging bassinet/swing thingie.  It seems to have all the stickers in tact and two puffy stickers attached to one wall.  It also still has it's blue bow.

Thanks in advance!  ^.^

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