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Topics - glitterball

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So there are rumours that Basic Fun are *thinking* about releasing flutters - as seen at the 2019 toy shows - but of course with the usual caveats (like production costs, trade interest etc.).

Naturally, as evidenced by these boards, quite a few of us are super excited (yay clean, new flutters with intact wings!) - and maybe a wee bit apprehensive (will they actually get the proposed stronger, thicker wings looking right?)

Here is a link to an advert from 1986 -
I wonder if they had any "stunt flutters" with extra-strong wings that could last being played-with for the duration of the ad!  :lol:

I was lucky enough as a kid to buy Honeysuckle and Rosedust from the shelf, (WH Smith, I think) they looked so pretty in their boxes (I remember being upset that a wing fell off the moment I carefully de-boxed, but oh well).

Delicate, fairy-like poses, sylph-like bodies, their AB (Aurora Borealis) coated wings twinkling in the light, picking up the surrounding colours in their reflections, extra long curly manes and tails - magical!

I was a bit annoyed at their characters in the original movie and their reluctance, at first, to help the earth ponies; it bugged me!

G4: I look at the animation in FIM, especially for Celestia and how her mane magically swirls and twinkles and it does remind me somewhat of the look/effect of a flutter pony.

Please share some of your photos and memories - also, excitement and hopes for the new release (IF they ever DO get released, that it!) 

Customs / Saving Baby Bowtie - a custom restoration!
« on: November 18, 2018, 05:06:45 AM »
I saw Baby Bowtie as part of a bundle on an auction site and I won her! Sadly, her mane was trimmed and frizzy, her tail not so good either. I ummed and ahhed - then finally decided to go for it and re-root her!.

frizz city:
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Then I had to give her a wash O-M-G she was a filthy little pony!  :X :scared: I have never seen one as dirty, ever! So much dirty yuckiness inside, it was as if she were coated in some evil version of cocoa powder, I used antibacterial soap, then a quick oxyclean bath (to soften up her legs to persuade ALL the trapped dirt to come out) then a quick once-over in anti-bacterial again to double make sure she was super clean.  :angel:

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Then the fun part - re-hairing!
I use the old-fashioned needle - cotton - knot method, it takes longer than using the tool but it makes me feel confident that the hair plugs won't fall out when you style her, plus I don't like filling the head with glue afterwards - just my personal choice!  :lol:

Anyway, what colours? Rather than her usual pink, I opted to take inspiration from her purple eyes and pinky-white bow symbols - so I ended up using a trio of colours: Blizzard white, Wysteria pale purple and a  (forgot the name!) pale pink. Each plug was a tiny strand of one of the colours so from a distance it still look a bit lilacy-pink, so nearly like the original, but softer.

I re-haired her over two evenings while watching the TV  :lol: Anyway, I think she turned out OK!

Super-long mane, curled using the boiling-water / cold-water perm technique, using straws and clips to form the curls and drying on a radiator for 24 hours. I have yet to do her tail, but here she is!

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don't I look cute?  :P
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Enjoy! xx


I have a bald and baity Barnacle that needs lots of love and TLC, so I have started to re hair him  :)

I ordered Firebird (orange) hair for his re-root but am unsure what his stripe should be?

I do not have an original, haired Barnacle so have nothing in "real life" to compare to, only internet photos.

Is the stripe Golden Delicious yellow?

Thanks for your help!

Customs / Show me you 35th Anniversary Pony (retro) customs!
« on: September 03, 2018, 12:25:27 AM »
Has anyone had a chance to customise one of the anniversary ponies?

Have you been taking advantage of using the pristine-white vinyl to make new characters or re-creating a Gingerbread or Quackers?

How easy was it to remove the heads (especially for some that have not been glued down) ?

Was it easy to remove the mane and tail? Have they been glued down at the factory?

Show us your creations!


Pony Corral / G1 Grooming Parlour / Pretty Parlor NAME CARDS
« on: August 12, 2018, 12:25:26 PM »

Quick question -

has anyone made a digital graphic of the original name cards for this playset, i.e. ones that could be printed to replace lost ones?

I saw a photo of some original cards on MLW, but I am after something more crisp  ;)

Thanks in advance!  :rainbow:

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Tokidoki series 1 unicornos
« on: February 11, 2018, 12:20:24 PM »
I saw these in Tesco (UK) this week,

Series 1 blind bags for £3
and £12 for a box set of 3 Tokidoki unicorns + 1 mystery unicorn

I have not seen these before! They are really cute and great treats for when my kid has been good  ;)

Shocked to find these for sale in Claire's Accessories for £6 per blind bag  :shocked: ?!?!

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Anyway, so far we have Ribbon and Icicle  :cool:

Anybody else heard of these / collect these little cuties?

8 in this series to collect:

Goldie, Pistachio, Carousel, Ribbon, Daisy, Dottie, Sunrise, Icicle.

Can anyone help advise me of a hair match for baby German Honeycomb? I want to re-root a baity adult Honeycomb to match her baby!

Is it the same as G1 Applejack? (golden delicious from dollyhair?)

Thank you!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Craft: new Sizzix UNICORN Bigz die
« on: January 08, 2018, 01:16:25 PM »
Hope this is in the correct area  :)

A heads-up for all you die-cutting crafters out there - Sizzix have released new dies this month, and 2 of them are unicorns!

Sizzix™ Bigz Die - Unicorn by Samantha Barnett® # 662503
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Sizzix™ Bigz Plus Q Die - Unicorn Softee by Debi Potter®  # 662506
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I have just ordered the top one - can't wait to have a play :)
I reckon this would make a lovely banner/bunting. I have a Sizzix cloud die, I think something whimsical and cute can be made out of these - especially using pastel coloured felt fabric!  :biggrin:

Off Topic / Silly things bought in the Sales
« on: January 04, 2018, 01:41:35 PM »
Have you bought anything funny in the sales?
Did you spot an amazing bargain?

So today I walked past Waitrose supermarket - and a man was putting yellow price-reduction stickers on fake outdoor Christmas trees (80cm tall, approx) at £2.50  :shocked: I was suckered into buying one! My husband will go mad at me... now I need to hide it away for the next 11 months...  :lol:

Also, in another shop, I found a pack of cute pop beads for 70p (instead of £5) which my kid loved playing with  :cool: and what I ended up wearing later this evening as I prepared dinner (so glam!)

I recently (2 months ago) discovered these for my daughter - she loves mermaids + shells + the little pets that come with them.

They are roughly Shopkins sized and they "play well together" with them (and with the baby seaponies, too!)

But - WHERE are they?  :wonder:

Most UK stores are out of stock; I managed to accidentally find 3 boxes of the 12-packs (including mermaids) and hurriedly bought them in time for Christmas, but I am especially after the little blue collector shell (approx £3).

Ebay/Amazon: some stuff there but no choice on what box you get; saw an Amazon scalper trying to sell the £3 blue shell at a crazy  £52!  :shocked: so sad.

These cute little shells have suddenly turned into grails! I managed to buy 3 pre-owned ones off ebay - much to my daughter's delight, but the whole point of being a collectable is... well... being able to buy more to collect!  :lol: I know they are selling the pink starfish versions in the USA too, but it is the blue shells we especially like.

Here is a picture of the blue shell with 2 pets (plus baby seaponies for an idea of scale)
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So - anyone (in the UK) seen these around?

Stores I have tried: Argos, TrU, Tesco, Smyths, Entertainer, Home Bargains, B+M Family, Asda, Sainsburys, Fenwicks (!), Morrissons, Debenhams, plus a few indie toy shops - to no avail!

I guess we will be deluged with them in the next few months - but such a shame they are not around to be bought as Christmas treats...

Pony Brag Arena / My beautiful, celestial *Night Glider* Grail is here!
« on: November 17, 2017, 06:06:10 AM »
*sigh* I am in love...  :hearts:

she is finally here from across the pond! My beautiful girl!  :lovey:

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A Christmas present to myself, her hair is as-new silky + uncut, her symbols sharp and defined, and did I imagine it? Did she still have that hint of *new-pony* aroma? Bought from a seller in the US, the post was tracked and arrived promptly.

Now - she did have a couple of small brown spots on her neck region, I have ever-so-lightly painted her in safe, watered-down acrylics, colour-matching as best I could and dabbing the touch-ups to blend in with the rest of her body colour.  As someone who once had a tiny pink scar to hide on my chin, my old camo-makeup foundation techniques came into play nicely  ;)

Apart from those little spots she is very close to minty-mint - I am thrilled to, at last, have this gorgeous pony in my herd!

I don't normally splurge lots of money on G1s but this was a special occasion!

I hope you enjoy looking at her pics too!  :biggrin:

Pony Brag Arena / Boot-sale Pony Haul! 13 is lucky for some
« on: November 12, 2017, 01:37:37 AM »
So it rained overnight - could I be bothered to go to a bootsale this damp, chilly morning?
Heck yeah!  :cool:

And these are what I found... THIRTEEN PONIES - a mixture of mainly G3 and a couple of G4.
I will be honest and say that I do not know the names of them - I only just got back to photograph + upload them -
I will have an online look later -

unless any of you clever guys can tell me who they are before then!  :lol:
are there any special ones there or are they all commons?  :shrug:

The blue one reminds me a little bit of NightGlider
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Ten more ponies:

Rest of photos are under spoilers to keep the bandwidth down:

G3 + G4
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G3 + pegasus
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Enjoy!  :biggrin:


ETA - I have tried to ID them using the wonderful Strawberry Reef site:

pink - Amazing grace
lilac - Wysteria V
blue - Moondancer

small white pegasus - Honolu-loo
G3.5 Pinkie Pie
G4 Rarity
G4 Pinkie Pie

purple body swirly flower - Lavender Lake
white body, butterfly - Fairy Dust
purple body, turq gem - Twighlight Twinkle

pegasus - Twinkle Bloom
gradient leg - Cheerilee
lollies - Triple Treat

are these correct?  :)

** Update **

I am now looking for G1 SS Scrumptious   - to perform a de-floc  :cool: (white body, green hair, watermelon symbol)

Again, I am not too fussy about condition, so please let me know if you have one for sale, even a baity one!

Especially interested in UK sales (purely for postal logistics) - but USA/Europe sellers are cool too!


I am not a fussy collector, in fact, I would be willing to consider a baity pony , subject to looking at photos / right price etc. If she needed a re-hair, I would be cool with that, it would be a labour of love; certain small marks are OK. Pony cancer - well, depending what the rest of her looked like, I would have to decide, but do let me know!

So - if you have a spare pony that needs some extra tlc and a new, loving home in the English Home Counties, please pm me!

I am based in the UK and use Paypal.  I also have a friend based in the USA (San Jose) who may be able to accept parcels too and can then pass them on to me in-person at a later date.

Thank you!  :hearts: :hearts:

Not sure if you are aware - I only found out today as I got an email from Disney Store heralding Olaf's Frozen Adventure movie - and associated merchandise  ;)

Anyway, two sets came to my attention:

Firstly, Prince Hans in his white suit! (OK, linked to the original movie, but still...) I have longed for this as I could never have afforded the D23 limited edition version.


Secondly, Anna & Elsa in their new outfits for the Olaf movie - interesting hair accessories.

Looks like they have changed the boxes too - very plain compared to the original ones. Anyway, I think they will look awesome together with my existing dolls - at last I can have a proper ballroom scene with Hans and Anna in her green coronation dress!  :biggrin:

Hi there!

A question about which of these characters will be released in the UK - I have so far bought 4 of the 8 (as per the leaflet enclosed with each toy) but I keep seeing the same 4 for sale! Have the UK just been given these ones or am I just being impatient?  :bateyes:

Well, I have visited Smyths and Asda, all I can see are the following:

Sun Twist*
Sea Foam*
Crystal Pearl*
Ocean Gem*

Waiting to get the following:

Bubble Splash
Jelly Bee
Sea Poppy
Lilly Drop

I have just noticed - the ones that I have are noted with a * on the leaflet but I cannot see anywhere that explains what the * is for!  Is this some sort of code for release waves? Anybody know?

My child is having lots of fun playing with these ponies in the bath, they are the perfect little gift to give as rewards - I have only given her two so far - she needs to carry on being good if she wants the rest!  :P

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