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Topics - kestral_kitsune

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Off Topic / Denver ComicCon 2018
« on: June 17, 2018, 10:01:17 AM »
I only went yesterday and had fun. didn't get much pictures of cosplayers cause we were more interested in wandering around and seeing stuff and hitting up a couple panels. got to get a picture with Jim Davis! he apparently NEVER does conventions so this was a wild opportunity to get to meet him. He's a very nice man, and he was happy to see the plush I had in my hands in such good condition. apparently its one of the original plush designs before they started making the eyes in one piece. I also had a lot of people asking what booth I bought my plush from, sorry kids... I brought it from home after I bought it at an antique store. here's a set with the cosplayers I did get pictures of, there were more furries there but after the rude looks my sister and I got the first time I simply said hello it was like...'yeah I'm not gonna get photos with them.' there were a couple others  there but they were either resting, or on their way somewhere, and I didn't wanna bug them.  Don't know who the youngster in the partial is, she was having a great time and I kind of crack up at the fact her brother's just.. plopped down.

funny parts of con? umm Val Kilmer peeking out at people in the autograph den, he was waving at people and trying to get people from the Jim Davis line over to see him, his line was depressingly small, hes one of those actors that appeal to even the non nerds.  There was a family done up as the Incredibles including a just started crawling Jack Jack, and he kind of zeroed in on my tail again but he didn't get very far LOL but it kept him occupied while the mom fixed a bit of a costume malfuntion on the older kid and I don't mind entertaining a kid for a couple minutes.

my sister and i ended up giving an interview and so that was a bit aauuh moment lol cause they kind of ambushed us.
John Barrowman was also wandering around con space again, and no one spotted him :P I kind of wish we stayed for his event, but we ended up being done with everything around five pm and ended up just heading out

 I also apparently have the Whimsical Whiskers logo tattoo'd on my back. we walked by their booth and my sister thought they were the Kitlings who were were wondering where they were. And Sis spotted the sign and then realized why  it looked familiar we've never heard of them before yesterday I ended up buying a pair of wings for my Purrmaid
we also got some new tentacle kitties I got the Blucifer DCC Exclusive while my sister got the Cotton Candy one. the loot i and my sister got

Arts & Crafts Corral / HEADSUP: Flickr Aquired by SmugMug
« on: April 23, 2018, 05:11:21 PM »
this may be good, or it may be bad.   
BAD: Smugmug is a pay to use service.

good??? I have heard good things about the service, but it's not free.

Pony Brag Arena / rescued some ponies from my moms
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:45:42 PM »
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funny part:
These aren't child hood ponies

pretty sure she pony-napped them from my niece since she destroys everything.

Pony Brag Arena / Small brag first ponies in.. .a long time.... i think
« on: February 16, 2018, 06:07:43 PM »
 sis had to get her car serviced down in Dodge City so on the way back we ended up at Target and I got the only pony that interested me which was SongBird, BTW all Pony Items were 15% off. and I also got a seapony baby cause it was cute. the pokemon ball was an impulse since it had Alohan Vulpix with it and I can't apparently pass up Vulpix stuff XD

Off Topic / random thought on imgur: how to not get random comments
« on: October 11, 2017, 07:09:03 PM »
I went to check my settings and my albums are set to private that way only way people can see the picture is if I link it somewhere.
I just thought about that cause I remember someone commenting about getting rude comments on a picture. If you want to use imgur with out the comments just make sure its private XD

-tired rambling over-

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Antique Mall find
« on: October 05, 2017, 03:39:06 PM »
I randomly went to an Antique mall and found this Garfield with a 1971 tag and these two Breyers not sure which to or how old those are but was a good haul for me.
so far on the Breyer's i think the baby is the 1970 Arabian family foal and the horse is one of the moranglanz models but not sure as the identify my breyer site doesn't have his coloring up there ?

Pony Brag Arena / new brag for me
« on: March 23, 2017, 03:44:04 PM »
another instagram post but we went out of town to go to the zoo down in Garden City and hit up the target there and boom new ponies that I don't get to see up my way until their wave is way over.

got old models Pretzel and Cherry Berry and new models Cadence Shining Armor Lyra and Flurry other than Cadence's balloon head I am loving these new molds. Quality in Lyra compared to Twist and Cherry is  is about the same, they're in need of spa days but they're not horrible quality and also Lyra's drink fits on Twist  better so I gave it over lool

Pony Brag Arena / yay i had pony mail.
« on: March 10, 2017, 12:32:14 PM »
my sis is the best some times.
I've had to basically stop buying ponies for financial reasons. and was having a crummy few weeks so turns out my sister won her for a decent price. She is extremely nice condition, no marks other than some white specks that look like she came with them. glitter undamaged eyes undamaged hair soft tail still has its curl. I looooovvee Firefly if I think I ever will make an army it would be her XD

Off Topic / sigh killed the cable but we got a Roku..
« on: February 09, 2017, 01:38:50 PM »
 due to expenses we got rid of our cable because we can't afford it, and was waiting for taxes to get a Roku, went with the Streaming Stick and so far Youtube looks wonderful on our tv lol oh and if you have gotten one and had issues with connecting to your network, go into the screen and disable pings it fixed the error for me.

so one if the tests I ran to make sure sound and stuff was working right, is I watched Moon Rises and it is GORGEOUS on my tv  went to watch Lullaby... and it ..actually kind of pales -shrug- stiill enjoy it I just.. don't care for how the animator did things like the hair other wise its good.

Off Topic / sooo Shazam anybody?
« on: January 03, 2017, 05:59:42 PM »
This is kind of amusing my sister and I apparently the movie staring Sinbad Shazam! NOT to be confused with the movie Kazaam! doesn't exist.

I remember this movie though, my older sister remembers it and so does my little sister. We also think it came out before Shaq's movie and were not impressed with that one because of it.

but even Sinbad himself is saying he's never played the character, but he had hosted several Sinbad movie specials wearing a genie outfit.

Wanted! / Kestral's Want List: Buying currently on HIATUS
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:24:39 PM »


I'm looking for these ponies..
I can pay, or do artwork for them.
Candy Cane
sew and sew
bumble sweet
gem blossom
Crystal lace
strawberry reef
cloud climber

movie Firefly
north star
SS Truly
SS Angel
Beach Ball
Ice Crystal

any of the merry go round ones
brilliant blossom bng princess?
any of the Tale's ponys
Bold are current Grails that will never happen lol.

Non-Pony  Grail: SDCC Shera oh my goooodd
I don't care much about condition as long as they are not truly bait or horrifying XD
that's about the ones I would be needing..
my art page if your interested is here Deviantart

Off Topic / Happy Squeals=geeking out moment-
« on: November 07, 2016, 07:14:34 PM »
I just saw from facebook and tumblrs that Young Justice is coming back for a 3rd Season -flail- oh my god yesssss
we did it! we binged enough on young justice to show that YES we want this back! -flail- I'm doing a happy dance over here because I'm a big freaking DC fan and I can't stand to think that the only Animated Show on TV is Teen Titans Go which... is just.....

-does a happy dance and then goes pass out-

Pony Brag Arena / pony mail: Seashell
« on: September 15, 2016, 12:26:23 PM »
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my sister was browsing ebay and was all ooo sitting pony and bid on it for me XD cause she knows I don't have the sitting ones. this one is such a good condition even comes with her brush! only mark on her is a K on her left front hoof

Pony Brag Arena / ooo nice surprise!
« on: September 10, 2016, 06:07:19 PM »
went to Denver yesterday for the Luke Bryan Kill the Lights concert and we stopped in a walmart so that the people with us could do some clothes shopping - better options and price than where we live. and I decided to go check out the pony aisle because I'm a nerd and found these two! snagged them because I don't know when or if stores near me would get around to stocking seeing as we're ...i think two seasons behind?

Off Topic / my life for kit kats...
« on: June 01, 2016, 07:21:07 PM »
gluten free kit kat bars why are they not a thing -sob- my sister is being an evil butt and munching away on kit kat bars and making obscene noises cause she knows I can't have them.

or the twix bars she has in the freezer XD

in other news: how's your guy's day going?

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