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Topics - Shileah

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Pony Corral / Glue blob giving me a hard time dehairing
« on: January 10, 2016, 02:51:15 PM »
I have encountered the first issue where I need some help (that was quick! :D ). I have a pony with a huge blob of glue inside the head, right on the mane, and I am stuck trying to dehair her. I've left her in hot water in the sink for around an hour, which didn't help. I cannot get a grab on it with any tool, so simply trying to yank it out isn't an option, either. Anyone knows what to do here?

Tried to catch it in a photo, this was the best I could get. All the "waves" you can see are glue, and the protruding bit at the bottom is also a big blob:
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No clue if that was a rehair job or factory, though I tend to go for the latter as it looked and felt exactly like the others I've done so far. Until I reached the blob block!

Argh, I had a perfect thread and then it went "poof" after the preview -.- So this one might be less elaborate!

As I just recently started collecting, I wanted to get some bait ponies to practise restauration on before I started working on my own childhood ponies. ebay was very tempting, and I spent what probably is my budget for the next several months on ponies in the first week of the year!

I have more than enough to practise now and the next thing will probably be a rather extensive shopping trip for new hair. I guess I will ask quite a few questions, so I apologise for that! And sorry if I don't know the names of all of the ponies, some were released after my childhood with them and I am not yet familiar with their names. I looked them up when I made the first thread, but as that one disappeared and it is after 3 in the morning here, I just want to finish the thread.

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The Flutters and the TE were what got me here. Sadly, the TE has lots of stains and shadows. I'll probably make a thread on her at some point, because I have no idea on what to do regarding these. The two Flutters are really poor off as well, the yellow one is missing a part of the wing mechanism - the one to put the wings into. The blue one has the full mechanism, but two deep cuts in the side. It's pretty painful to see actually. The white pony has a horrible paint job. Don't know what to do with her yet. You already know Baby Cuddles, and the others are usual work.

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Princess Pearl is simply beautiful!

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A Show Stable with few accessories and Lemondrops. In rather poor condition. Pony is oozing; the tail has already moved to Blossom from two pictures upwarts. I had to put the rest aside for now, don't think I can do a lot with her body. There are several broken parts on the stable, which will be quite some work, and the right side doors are missing. I've got something on my mind here though.

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A Mix n' Match Pretty Parlour. Definitely too high level for me yet, work on this will have to wait. A pretty Peachy to add to my army of Peachys!

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This arrived today (technically yesterday). I love the balloon packaging! The seller even included a really cute little (non-MLP) present, that's just so nice!

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A pretty Pretty Parlour! (And - tadaa - another Peachy!)

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Another one! And lots of accessories that I will need your help identifying. Some probably aren't even MLP - I think I've spotted one of them Lady Lovelylocks hair things.

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A bed, which is new to me. My guess is that it is from a later generation than g1 - anyone knows more? The bathtub needs some replacements, but I've got one from my own childhood which is almost complete, which will help!

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A kindergarten playset. It's later generation as well, isn't it?

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Two sticker albums, but more important: several of the original official MLP magazines! I was very active in their "community" back then as a child - wrote letters, send in pictures, looked for pen pals and all that, and I sometimes made it to their community feedback pages. Haven't found the time to look at them yet, but I am curious to see if I can maybe even find me in there! (See, that's one of the advantages of a rare first name... )

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And then, there is this lot. I spent waaaayy more than my limit on auctions, but it's 49 ponies plus Fakies (not pictured, I don't collect these). They include many "firsts" for me - first Wedding Pony (and directly a double), first BE (ew...), first weird tail mechanism button on breast thing pony, first Sweet Sister, and first Macaus and Italians! I will need so much hair for them all. This will take a lot of time, but I am really looking forward to it. I have started working on them - mainly cleaning, removing the rest of the manes or de-frizzing hair that is still ok. I really hope that whoever cut off the hair and the tails of the Macaus and Italians did so because the hair was ruined, and not to use it as donor hair.

Sorry this got rather lengthy, but I have so much new stuff and I didn't even go into much detail! I don't know if you guys care to get updates on some of the more interesting restorations I try myself up. Let me know if you are - I'm sure I could learn a lot from your feedback so I'd really be happy to do so!


Edit: Pics working now. It was such a simple mistake, ouch!

Pony Corral / Baby Cuddles and the thin tail
« on: January 05, 2016, 01:24:52 PM »
I recently bought a bait lot on ebay and it contained a Baby Cuddles with a very thin tail. I had no idea why, until I opened her up. The tail was inside her, all fizzy and tangled up, it was one big furball.

A lot of anti frizz lotion later, and Baby Cuddles has her tail back! Anyone else experienced this? Maybe it even is a common issue, I don't know yet. It was a first for me!

I documented the process:

What's with the tail...?
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There it is!
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Yeah alright, I have nothing planned for tonight anyways...
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Getting there! (Looks like an exotic plant)
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All done!
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And Baby Cuddles has a pretty tail again!
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Introductions / Hey all!
« on: December 29, 2015, 02:26:20 PM »
Hey all,

I'm Lea, I'm 38, from Germany, and I'm pretty new to the collector world! As you might guess from my age, I grew up playing with G1 ponies and I loved them. I had a collection from over 70 ponies, plus various play sets. As probably many did with their old toys, I sold most of my stuff when I grew up and stopped playing with them. I kept a box of my most favourite and oldest ones though and they always had a place in my heart. I've now decided to try and restore my collection and complete it in the process, and while researching on the net, I found this forum - so here I am!

Aside from MLP, I am into computer games a lot and also work for one as a community person. If I'm not hanging around at the computer, I enjoy crafting a lot - it used to be sewing, now I'm totally into resin casting. I'm living with my finacé and two bunnies. No kids yet!

As I just started collecting, my plans on what exactly to collect will probably still change, but right now, I plan completing/concentrating on G1 years 1 - 5ish, not necessarily all lines per year - ponies take up space! I'll probably be more of a lurker on the boards, but as a total noob, there isn't much wisdom I can add here, anyways! :)

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