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Topics - Sochy

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Off Topic / A not so agradable doctor...
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:23:15 AM »
Well, long story short, I have a home hospitalization for already more than one week due a virus. Im much better now! But I still have to recive visit from doctors everyday in order to check my evolution until my blood exams are ready.

Basically everyday I see a diferent doctor, some or them were good, other a simply "ok", they come, check my signals, fill the form and go away, simple as that.

But today... oh today...

For those who dont know, I have my Pony collection in the living room.At the moment you open the door to enter to the house, you can see them in their cabinet.

When the doctor just arrive, she was like "Oh wow, what a colorfull collection... they belong to...?" Obviously, I tell her their are mine, and she dont ask anything else, just sit in the couch and start to ask me questions.

Everything was cool, until the moment she got up to leave. "I think you need to get rid of them already" she said "You are already too old!" (For those who want to know, Im 19 years old, My 20th b-day in in april). I tell her calmly that I love them at for the moment their are just going to stay where they are.

"If my daughter come to me with something like that, I SURE won't let her do it" She reply. At that moment, I was a ball of angry. I just leave the livingroom and let her with my mother.

Im still really mad. I mean, if you are a doctor... please... dont make comment like that!  :cry: They hurt a lot... and I feel a bit bad for the doctor's daughter if she dont let her have hobbies...

NON of the other doctors said me something bad about my ponies before! Only other two make some comment, one was a nurse that come to take some blood for an exam and she love them and the other was a doctor that said their were really pretty and her girlfriend sure would love them.

Sorry if I have some gramatical error... Im really angry while Im writhing this  >_< I think Im going to move my collection to the dinning room where is more diffult see them... but is a really dark place to display them.  :(

Some of you have an experience like this one before? Non specificaly with a doctor, but maybe some other random person in your house?

Pony Corral / Is Build a Bear retiring MLP line?
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:00:23 PM »
Today I read about it on a post on tumblr, sadly there wasnt so much info and I cant found the post right now (I follow a lot of people and my dash is complety full)

I checked on the website and there are only 5 different plushes left, Shining Armour, Applejack, Twilight, Zecora and Vinyl Scratch.

Somebody know something about it?

Pony Corral / Did you give ponies to your pets?
« on: January 20, 2016, 12:57:57 AM »
So, long story short. I always have next to my PC a Twilight Sparkle toy. A common brushable one.
My kitten just seem to love it and always steal it from my desk, so I deside just give it to him. Now he is super happy with his new toy and play a lot with it (I think that whas he love the most is the hair!)

So, did you give ponies to your pets? Obviously I will never give one of my "Good" ponies to any of my cats, but the baits ones sound like a good toy for them.

Also, I skip for giving plastic toys to my dogs. Im worry that they could eat them, but cats only throw them from one side to another, so it seem a lot safer (I know they also can pull the hair away, in that case is only thing to cut it)

Pony Corral / A small litte gesture...
« on: January 12, 2016, 07:37:17 PM »
So, like some people know, I use a Private Mailbox on Miami to recive all I things I buy outside my country and later bring them to Uruguay with a private service (Since Uruguay have really horrible laws with buying things outside our territory  :huh: ) This mean usually pay two shippings, but is the only way of get ponies...

Today I was cheking if I have some new items on my box. They usually give me a photo of each package to have an idea what it was and upload a bill for it.

But today I think somebody have a little extra time or something, so they send me this photo  :lol:

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Wow Spike, all the ponies around you!

For a better idea, all the photos they usually send to me are more like this one:
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But well, I think this is one of that little gestures that make your day!

Wanted! / Wanted! Pony Friends & Pretty Pals!
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:22:01 AM »

I was seeking for some Pony Friends and Pretty pals for my collection  :)

Im looking for:
-Baby Nectar
-Baby Woolly
-Baby Leafy
-Baby Hoppy
(I also wanted their respective baby ponies, but Im more open of buy the Pretty Pals alone)


Kingsley the Lion

Also, I looking for Oakly, Edgar, Cha Cha and Cutesaurs, but not at something really important. I know they have pretty high prices and sadly I cant afford them, but if somebody have someone kinda bait or in a good price It would be awesome! I also can pay in part with animations or art (?)
Well, thats all! PM me please if you have something!  :)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Free pony art: Christmas edition!
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:39:06 PM »
Hello!  :)

Like always, I open my free drawings slots. This time theme is "Christmas gifts"
Since Christmas is a time of giving, the rules are based on that: You can only ask me a draw for another person, not for yourself. It could be from whatperson you want, inside the forum or not.

If you want it to be a surprise, private messages are welcome.

-What I can draw? Well, ponies, pets, animals in general. Im not good with humans.
-Two character max per picture.
No complex backgrounds, but I always open to do something simple or use some free art stock.
You can do whatever you want with the picture when is finished! Print it, use in a signature, FB image, etc.

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-Taken- Private
-Taken- Private
-Taken- Private

Pony Corral / Is this cancer or mold? [Heavy photos]
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:25:29 PM »
So, I was cleaning some of my ponies and I remember I have this guy whit strange marks in all of his right side.

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His left side look a bit better, but the general color of the pody is darker than the head:
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I want to have an idea what it is before open him...
Maybe is Regrind?

I remember saw a photo of a Whitecap that look like she have the same problem as him.

Pony Corral / Ponies and light (Info needed)
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:59:39 PM »
Hello! First of all sorry if there are some mistakes in my english. Im with my phone right now and it autocorect me to spanish and is kinda tedious open a tab to another to check the traductor  :drunk:

Now to the important part...

Well, some time ago I read about the issue of ponies when they recive so much light, like discoloration for example.
The thing I want to know for example is how much light they  can recive? I mean, I have my ponies in a glass cabinet in my livingroom. When there are no visist I keep the doors of the cabinet open so they have some air. We have two windows usually with white courtains that let enter light to the house. They are usually closed.

The ceiling light is in the middle of the room and kinda high (maybe out ceiling is a out 4mts of the ground)

I was thinking of move the ponies to a darker place of the house, but im kinda unsure since they look so cute and give life to to our livingroom.

But well, Im woried they maybe are exposed to much light? I mean, is the normal one for a house, but Im still new in all of this of collect ponies and I want to keep my girls and boys in good conditions.

Thanks for the help!  :blush: sorry if im like to worried  about all this light issue :scared:

Off Topic / Show me yours Christmas cards! [Card Swap]
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:18:14 PM »
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Christmas Cards Swap 2015   :green:

Hello everyone!
First of all, sorry if this is not the right place, Im not 100% sure about where to put it.

Second and more important, I really want to see all the christmas cards that everybody recive from the swap card! I read their descriptions and all sound amazing!  :accomplished:

Sadly I cant start posting one myself, I still waiting for mines :lol: Uruguayan Mail is something reaaaally slow, so their may be somewhere :frolic:

(Also sorry If my english have some mistake, corrections are welcome!)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Little animation test!
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:37:28 AM »
Hello! ^^
Since I end my classes for this year, I deside to keep trying be myself to get better. Im an animation and art studen, mostly focused in 2D animation  :blush:

This little thing is what I do today. Is kinda a sketch right now, hope finish it later!  :drunk:

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Customs / Pony Tales Blind-bag size customs ♡
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:15:03 PM »
Hello! :D
So, yesterday I finally found two bling-bag Pinkie Pies to have 7 in total and can start to do some little Customs ^^
They are not nothing awesome since is the first time I paint something as little as a Blind Bag pony, but Im still happy whit them <3

So here they are! Melody still fresh in the photo, she was the last one I did. I think I will paint her eyes again.  :huh: Her mane also looks a bir green because I confuse colors and I paint it yellow first  :lol:
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Here are some other photos btw.
First, the Pinkie Army before star painting.
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A little mess during it.
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And this is an extra custom for my mom. Her fav pony is Springy, so I made a little one whit a Rarity base : D (The horn is still there, I only paint it like part of the mane)
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Pony Brag Arena / Awesome big new lot! <3 (Heavy pics!)
« on: October 23, 2015, 06:27:39 PM »
Hello everybody! Today just some hours ago I come back from the mail to catch my last USA packages (Like somes know, I can bring directly things to my country, so I usually send some packages to a mailbox at my name in Miami and later, whit a private company bring them for me)

Well, the package weight 5.6kg!  :shocked: more or less 12.lbs! It was pretty huge and, ugh, a bit expensive, but Im more than happy to finally have all my ponies whit me! (There are still some left in Miami that I can fix in this batch  >_<)

Like always sorry if my english have some mistakes.

Less talk and more photos, here is the big look to all of them!
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And here some photos. A beautifull BonBon from Babydoll ^^
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This lovely Sweetheart come from Australia. She have a haircut, but I just can't rehair her. I think she have her own style now!
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This little AppleBloom was from Moevelvet. She have a little problem in her eye, but nothing that a little love whit paint cant solve.
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3 hugh lots of g4 minies! I have some 2 or 3 times now, so maybe I would do some custom or sold them.
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Yes! Muffins and Trixie from Build-a-Beard! I realy need to said thanks to cassstorm, who recive them first for me and take away all their inner stuff so they weight was bit less. (Dont worry! They hearts come whit them)
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This cutie! My first Baby brother! I just love him ^^
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SS Gusty. She lost some of her cover, but her hair is still awesome.
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Huuugh lot of g4 brusheables! Some of them vae their hair realy bad, Maybe later I give them a bath.
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Daddy Apple Delight ^^ He is a bit dirty, need a bath too!
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G1 folders! The complete lot +2 extras.
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And last, sombody send me a cute card whit halloween stikers and those cute cats! Sadly I dont know who send them or if they where from two different people since all my things comes mixed in a big one box : (
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Well, thats all! I dont take photos to aaaalll of them, but yes to my favs! ^^ I need to make space for them later.

Pony Brag Arena / Finally, my ponies have their own place!
« on: October 01, 2015, 05:36:05 PM »
Hello! : )  :happy:

Well, today I buy for myself a cute glass cabinet for my ponies! (Some of them where in my room and others in boxes) My mother let me put it into the living room for now since I dont have so much space in my room  :whoa:

Im so happy for finally can show my little collection here!  :blush:

So, here it is! I start to collect ponies two or three months ago :blush: . The only ones for my childhood are the 4 G3 ponies. We dont put the glass doors shet since one come broken.

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I need to work in this shlef
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Trader & Shipping Support / [Help] Worth it? Applejack from Peru
« on: September 14, 2015, 05:51:05 PM »
So I found a locall seller that have one Applejack from Peru for sale. He is asking about 18 dollars for her, but is in a really disrepair.

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What do you think? Buy her or not? : / I dont know anything about Nirvanas in general and internet dont help me whit this one.
Sorry if there is the wrong subforum!

Wanted! / Looking! 7 Tales Ponies!
« on: September 10, 2015, 02:02:47 PM »
Hello guys! Since Im at one step to finish my big Brothers collection (I only nees Slugger's bandana!  :happy:) I go to my next dream: 7 Teales Ponies.

I already have Clover and Melody, so Im seeking the rest.

-Patch (I REALLY want her! ;_;)
-Starlight (Im not a big fan of her, but well)
-Bright Eyes

Is somebody have at last one of them please contact me!  :whoa: Im only looking for buy since I dont have anything to trade right now : ( (Oh well, I have an extra Chief and WigWam whit no clothes)

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