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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Mattel Little Pretty Kitties ID?
« on: November 01, 2015, 04:54:33 PM »
Hey guys!

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good website I could use to ID my Pretty Kitties and Puppies? I thought I had decent Google skills but I haven't been able to find any well organized, well functioning websites.

Pony Corral / Cute fakies spotted at Gordmans
« on: October 27, 2015, 06:50:07 PM »
The other day we were running errands and I spotted these- I don't buy fakies but I was SORELY tempted by the Pop Star Ponies! They're so cute!
(I did get some official blind bags for $2 apiece though, yay discount store!)

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Pony Brag Arena / Adopted my coworker's childhood herd!
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:10:58 PM »
Ever since I got back into ponies, my best work friend has been patiently listening to my chronicles of fixing up my childhood ponies. Awhile back she told me that the next time she went home to her dad's place, she'd try to find her own childhood ponies and that I could have them if I wanted them-- she was worried they'd end up going to a garage sale if she left them with her dad, but she didn't really have an interest in keeping them herself.  Well, this past weekend she went home and got the ponies, and now I have a whole bunch of ponies added to my salon to-do pile!!!

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Coworker had several adorable baby ponies I secretly would have loved to have too, but she kept those for herself as they had the most emotional nostalgia for her, so of course I couldn't be greedy when she let me have all these for free-- some of which were ponies I've been wanting! Plus a couple really cute fakies and a Cabbage Patch pony! And two lunch boxes, one vintage, one retro!

We had a lot of fun going through the box-- she herself hadn't looked at these ponies in years-- and discussing our childhood pony memories.  A few of these are duplicates of ones I already have, she said I could sell/trade them if I want to but I don't think I will.... it feels wrong somehow.  :blush:

So yeah.. I promise this is my last brag for awhile, I am not in a place to buy ponies right now, so I was very happy to have these come into my hands.  :lol:


Please, let us know who are in the box.

I'm not lucky with my friends' ponies.

Oh yeah, who did you all get it!? :)

Haha my inherent laziness kept me from going through the box and identifying everyone, but, I finally have so..... looks like we have:

Baby Graffiti
Baby Shaggy
Baby Sweet Stuff
Boysenberry Pie
Bride Pony
Happy Hugs
Hula Hula
Little Tabby
Little Whiskers
Merry Go Round: Sparkler and Flower Bouquet
Peppermint Crunch
Princesses Tiffany & Serena (with bush woolies)
Rockin’ Beats: Tuneful, Half Note
Secret Star (Secret Surprise Pony)
SS Paradise
SS Shady
Sweet Blossom
TAF: Up Up & Away, Sugarberry, Dancing Butterflies
Teeny Pony Twins Sniffles & Snookums
Tic Tac Toe

ALSO a few fakies (including a very darling Cabbage Patch pony) and a Mattel Pretty Kitty/Puppy AND a Lil Litters kitty. And this weird mermaid fairy doll thing I haven't looked up yet.

So thats it, unless I missed someone ^^*

Well its actually been a few weeks since I got the package, but Oniontart agreed to be my partner for my first ever private swap, and I just wanted to show off what she sent me!

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Thank you very much, Oniontart, it was a lot of fun getting to know you and I loooove my ponies (Bubbles especially!!) and the candy was great! :D

 :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:

Then a couple of weeks ago, I got all this at a thrift store for about $12.... I don't usually get G4 but I figured, all brushables, price was right, so why not. I think I may use the Ponyville ferris wheel to display my Pinkie Pie blind bags ponies or something.  Plus a couple of nice G3s, so yay!

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My cat is SUPER IN LOVE with them. Especially the strawberry scented G3. :/

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Pony Brag Arena / The Little Swap Brag Thread!
« on: September 17, 2015, 05:43:22 PM »
I was VERY pleasantly surprised to find out that I was the first one to receive my box from the Little Swap today... so clonesrebellion advised me to start up a brag thread, and so I have!  And I have a lot to brag about-- the lovely hannah725 took VERY nice care of me!

First off, I was AMAZED to see how many little bundles she fit into the box!  And I LOVE the pink polka dot paper!! 

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The kitty card is to DIE for cute!! And yessssss, Haribo gummi bears and Dove chocolate... I am ready to ear into them already... :D
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There was also a really cute notebook, some nice drawing pencils (I haven't worked with real drawing pencils in a dog's age!!) and an array of wonderful colored sharpies!! They're so fun, now I just need an excuse to write on stuff! XD. (Edit: there were some cute kitty stickers too, I just realized they didn't make it into the pics, oops!)
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An ADORABLE Sailor Mercury plushie, and really really cute hair ties! I'm definitely wearing one of these to work tomorrow!
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An assortment of vintage knick-knacks- pencil toppers and whatnot. I love them! I think the little dino is my fave!  :biggrin:
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Some Pinkie Pies!! A blind-bag Pinkie to add to my Pinkie army (she's an interesting shade of pink too, different from my other BB Pinkies!), a really pretty little keychain, and a G3 Christmas ornament!  I can't wait to put it on my tree in a couple months!!
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And now....... ::drumroll:: THE PONIES!  Sandcastle! Shovels! Gusty!! AND PINK DREAMS!!!! I did a little squealy shriek when I opened her, she's one of my grails! I love her even more in person than when I was drooling over her on the screen! They're all so cute and beautiful!! Just look at the glitter on Gusty's symbols, she's perfect!  And the twins are going to look adorable in the Lullaby Nursery! (Pinkie ornament did a photobomb too, thats how cute she it).
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The cat got in the way when I tried to photograph everything... then she knocked it all over and I yelled at her.  :blush:
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So there it is... thank you so much for everything, hannah725!  You put together a wonderful box!

I can't wait to see everyone else's boxes! This has been a really fun swap, and the first group swap I ever participated in, so thank you for letting me play along, guys!  :lovey:

Pony Brag Arena / Holy moly major luck at the thrift store! :D
« on: August 25, 2015, 07:19:34 PM »
Oh my goodness, you guys should have seen me. I think I squealed a little.

I had some time to kill this morning before I had to go pick up my grandfather and drive him to my parents' house for a day of family visiting, so I decided to make the rounds of thrift stores in town.  First one had nothing but oh my, the second...

After rummaging through many piles of toys, not really expecting to find anything, I got down on my knees to half-heartedly poke through the bottom shelf. Then I spotted the letters "MLP" and went   :lookround:
Turned out to be a bag crammed FULL of ponywear, brushes, and random accessories.  Score! I would have been perfectly happy with just that, but a few inches away i found not one, but TWO bags of G1 ponies. The words "Holy (expletive)" ACTUALLY left my mouth. Out loud.  :blush:

So I gathered up my prizes and ran to pay, went out to the car, and called my mom, because I was THAT thrilled. And as I was turning the bags over and over, I realized that my bundles included Majesty and Spike. And I realized I hadn't checked the back of the store where the larger toys sometimes wind up.

Hoping against hope to find a Dream Castle, I went back in.  I did NOT find a Dream Castle........ but I DID find a Lullaby Nursery!!!!  Sadly, the sticker on the front is pretty messed up but it is in pretty good shape otherwise.  AND it had a bag of accessories tied to it that included a Megan doll!!

I need to go trhough the accessory bags carefully and see what all I have. I'm pretty certain SOME of it is Dream Castle stuff, but a lot of it is Nursery stuff, so I'm not sure yet how complete the Nursery is.

So in short, I got all this...

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For just under $20!! Money well spent, I'd say.  ALL of the ponies need a spa day, a couple of them are downright filthy but I don't see anything majorly wrong with any of them. AND OMG THERE'S A CREAMSICLE IN THE BUNCH.

My hands were shaking, I was so thrilled! I *NEVER* thought I'd be able to have a brag like this.  So it just goes to show... keep hunting.. you NEVER know when you will have a day like this!  I'll probably never find another pony in the wild again, I think I used up a whole lifetime of pony hunting luck today!  :lol:

OK, hope this is OK to post here since I'm not selling ponies, BUT...

Long story short, I'm in possession of a whole bunch of Disney stuff that my friend consigned to me to sell on ebay when she got divorced and moved away.  So I'm selling this stuff as a favor to her and not particularly enjoying it (I'm not cut out to be an ebay seller!)

Long story short- the Disney Christmas ornaments I've been selling have garnered a lot of interest from people int he UK for some reason. Two different people have messaged me asking if I have more ornaments, and wondering if we could work out a detail for me to sell them all in one fell swoop.

I'm torn on this.  I don't *think* it would be violating ebay rules since the ornaments in question wouldn't be listed yet.... and if I sold them all at once they'd be GONE all at once and out of my hair, which does sound attractive (I still have a lot of other stuff besides ornaments to be rid of too though).

*BUT*.... I kind of want to build reputation as a seller (I'm working very hard at making these auctions nice and being helpful and all that).  Plus on ebay there's records of what all has happened and I don't feel confident about selling to some random person that I don't know (I think if I ever DID get around to selling ponies I'd do it on here rather than ebay..)).

Am I worrying too much? Or would you guys say I'm doing the right thing by just continuing to list the ornaments on ebay? I've been doing them in small lots (grouped by character type) and I do say on my listings I will combine shipping.  ((I also am not making a ton on these things even on ebay, so far average price has been less than $2 per ornament, so I would probably make even less per ornament if I sold them in bulk)).

Just wondering what you veteran ebay sellers thought. 

Pony Brag Arena / Eeee IT'S HERE! European Pretty Parlor with box!
« on: July 24, 2015, 06:21:23 PM »
Or, "Buttonso learns a lesson about hastily bidding on items without checking to see what country its in, and pays through the nose for shipping but that's OK because SHE REALLY LOVES THIS PLAYSET!!"

I was never even interested in playsets as a kid but OMG I AM NOW.

Look look it comes with its box even!! :D  I was doing some research on the Pretty Parlor trying to figure out what version I have... it's got French and German writing (Whoops sorry I've been informed it's Dutch! Makes sense since it came from the Netherlands... Silly American me, lol) but the box says "Made in Italy".

It's nearly complete- as far as I can tell the only things missing are the ribbons and Butterscotch's name plate.

And Oh. My. Gosh.  I am so so so in love with Italian Peachy.  I love her soft pink hair and her big pretty blue eyes and, just.....eeee!!! I didn't really even realize I was getting an Italian pony out of the deal!
 :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:
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So yeah... I'm a happy pony tonight.  :lovey:

Pony Corral / Whats up with this Fluttershy?
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:33:18 PM »
So I got this in a bag with some other little toys... I'm assuming its a McD's toy or something of that nature but WHAT is the deal with that plastic circle on top of her head? It looks like something maybe could have been attached to it?

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Just wondered if anyone had any idea. It's kinda weird, my husband and I are both puzzled.   Apologies for blurry cell phone picture :p

Pony Brag Arena / My first Nirvana!
« on: July 06, 2015, 04:57:36 PM »
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I am not a Nirvana chaser but I came across Spanish Mommy Apple Delight on eBay... she hadn't been bid on so I thought I'd give it a shot, and I actually won!  I feel I paid a good price for her.. it wasn't really any more than I'd be willing to pay for most ponies in similar condition. (And I scoured the Nirvana gallery to make sure she REALLY counts as a Nirvana.. since I thought Nirvanas were all super expensive!  :lol: )

 I am very enamored of her, she is very pretty, but then I have a soft spot for white ponies. :D

Course I don't have any other Apple Delights, so let's say Mommy's on holiday until the rest of the family can be rustled up.  :cool:

Pony Corral / My Wigwam... *sigh* (updated pics on page 2!)
« on: July 03, 2015, 07:36:59 AM »
So I'm continuing the process of cleaning up my childhood ponies.  My one and only Big Brother pony has been in the "putting off" section of the pile for two reasons... I suspect he has mold, and his hair has been cut.

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I'm pretty sure that dark stuff on his leg is mold? It doesn't look like a surface stain and seems to be coming from the inside.><  Also, I'm not sure when his hair got cut.. as a general rule my sisters and I weren't prone to hair cutting, but it's been 20+ years so who the heck knows.

Last weekend I tried to get his head off, but no dice. I put him in boiling water but was afraid to leave him in too long... it didn't seem to have much effect on the glue. His neck is stuck TIGHT. ><

So. My questions.  Any better ways to decapitate a pony? Should I try the hot water again and be more persistent?  Also, if he was your pony, would you consider re-hairing him or leaving him as-is?  I have no intention of selling him, I'm keeping all the childhood ponies, for better or worse, but I would like him to at least be clean before I put him out with all the display-worthy ladies. ^^*

EDIT: I have at least washed/conditioned/combed his hair and given him a once-over scrubbing, his big leg mark is still there but he does look freshened up. I put the photos on page 2.

Wanted! / Wanted/Needed list and Swap info (w.i.p.- not buying yet)
« on: June 28, 2015, 11:13:25 AM »
This list is incomplete and I'll update it as I go.  It's for my own purposes for now so please don't PM me to let me know you have stuff for sale (at least not yet- I will change the thread to indicate I want notifications when I'm ready).

Bold type denotes ponies I particularly want but I wouldn't say no to any pony on the list when it comes to swaps/trades.  ^.^

I've repeated this below with the swap info but I will put it up here too: I am perfectly willing to give ponies a scrub and bath/hairstyle, I'm not hung up on ribbons/brushes/etc (they are nice to have but not a requirement). I prefer ponies with no or minimal age spots and without big obvious stains, but I don't mind little flaws in symbols/eyes/etc. I rather like ponies that were clearly working ponies that were loved and played with.  My only major deal-breakers is haircuts. Basically, if it looks good on a shelf I'm probably going to be just fine with it........Not that I'd say no to minty ponies when available!  :lol:

My favorite sets are the Twinkle Eyes, Twice as Fancies, and Flutter Ponies, but that doesn't mean I dislike any of the others!!!


-All FF ponies except Cotton Candy and Snuzzle- Minty and Botterscotch in particular

Earth ponies:
Cherries Jubilee

NON-So-Soft Buttons

Pegasus Ponies

Baby Ponies

Dutch Baby Cat
Baby Surprise
Ember- blue or pink or purple WITHOUT the star (I have the one with the star)
Baby Blossom
Baby Cotton Candy (NBBE)
Baby Sparkle Northstar
Baby Sparkle Starflower
Baby Apple Delight
Baby Lucky Leaf
Baby Quackers
Baby Tic Tac Toe
Fancy Pants babies- any but Sunnybunch
Newborn Snookums (to go with Sniffles!)
Yo Yo

Rainbow Ponies

Sea Ponies
Any but Sea Winkle

Princess Ponies
Princess Primrose
Princess Starburst
Princess Dawn
Princess Misty
Princess Moondust
Princess Pristina
Princess Sunbeam
Princess Taffeta

So Soft Pony
North Star
-Any other besides Best Wishes, Paradise, Shady and Magic Star*
*but only in very very good condition OR Deflocked.. I don't want to clean flocking ^^*

Twinkle Eyed Ponies
Party Time

Big Brother Ponies
Any other except Wigwam

Twice-as-Fancy Ponies
Love Melody
Milky Way
Sweet Tooth
Yum Yum

Brush n' Grow Ponies
Any but Bouquet or Curly Locks

Happy Tails Ponies
Any but Tabby and Tossles

Magic Message Ponies
Cloud Dreamer
Magic Hat

Summer Wings and Windy Wings
Lady Flutter
Sky Dancer
Cool Breeze
Moon Jumper
Starry Wings
Sun Glider

Sparkle Ponies
Any but Star Dancer and Sunspot

Sundae Best Ponies
Everyone except Banana Surprise and Peppermint Crunch

Candy Cane Ponies
Everyone except Molasses

Sweetheart Sisters
Any except Beauty Bloom, Starflash, Dainty, Lovin Kisses, Happy Hugs, or Sunglory

Year 9 - Rockin' Beat Ponies
Pretty Beat <~ Set completer!

Soda Sippin'
Strawberry Scoops

Pony Friends
Any but Spunky, Creamsicle and Oakley

Sets I don't have ANY ponies from:
Perfume Puff Ponies, Loving Family members (except Mommy Apple Delight, I have her but not the rest of the family), Ballerina, Glow n Show, Precious Pockets, probably some others I'm leaving out ^^*

Mail Order Ponies: Pretty much all of them except for the Baby Christmas Pony and the Baby Valentine Pony.

Dutch Baby Cat
NC Daddy Apple Delight (to go with my NC Mommy Apple Delight)

Umbrella/bow for Cuddles' Buggy
Wigwam's headdress/bandana
All accessories/wear for Tux n' Tails and Satin n' Lace

Would like to find a nice condition Show Stable- I have Lemon Drop and a lot of the accessories but not the building or Brandy the dog.

Other Gens:
I appreciate G2s and G3s but don't actively collect them. With G4, I buy blind bags when the whim strikes but don't actively collect.
My favorite G4 pony is Pinkie Pie- I seem to have inadvertently started building up a Pinkie army, but I don't really keep track of what I do and don't have with her. ^^*

Pony Brag Arena / My Pony Case is ready!!!
« on: June 27, 2015, 06:56:20 PM »
My awesome husband went to IKEA this morning and brought me back a case for my ponies AND put it together for me... so I took all of my display-ready ponies and they just barely fit in the case.  :lol:

Bottom 3 shelves are G1 (and three Fairy Tails, since they fit snugly in that one spot) - fourth shelf is G2/G3 and top is my randomly accumulated G4 things.   My To Do pile of G1s and G3s still needs to be addressed but I did clean four ponies today sooo... the work continues. I'm just so happy to have my stuff displayed nicely.. and now my other case with my action figures can have some breathing room.. tho it will probably fill up with more ponies as I continue to clean. ^^* 

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Also a photobomb by a couple Barbies and Transformers... and... of course... I had the help of my trusty assistants when I was assembling everything.  :P

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I still haven't gotten around to getting my ponies into their own area... and they've already started to bleed off of their own designated shelf into the territories of other items. Do you guys allow your ponies to mingle with other collections or do you keep them separate? (would love to see pics if you do mix collections!) :D

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...Then this happened.
Husband sent me this pic today while I was at work.

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Pony Corral / Cat related ponies?
« on: June 14, 2015, 12:08:06 PM »
I was bumbling around online and stumbled on Pink Dreams. I conceived of a NEED to have her for myself, but until I do get my mitts on her, I wondered if there were other ponies (across all gens) with cat symbols or anything cat related about them? I have a Tabby, her kittens/cubs symbol was what drew me to her as my first purchase of my great Pony Renaissance this year.  :) :enthralled:

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