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Topics - zombienixon

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Pony Brag Arena / November Pony Binge
« on: December 01, 2016, 07:59:48 PM »
Around this time of the year, I always spend a lot on ponies since I mainly collect G4 and the best deals in stores are either in November and December.  This is also coupled with the fact that I do not, with very few exceptions, buy any pony at full price.

So last month, I was continually eyeing different websites to see when they'd have a clearance on MLP.  A couple of weeks ago Target had a 30% off sale and helped myself to all of this, plus a few things from Amazon and TRU.

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At Target, I was lucky enough to find a Sunset Shimmer mini figure, plus TRU had the Guardians of Harmony Twilight.  I have been waiting for the GoH figures to hit stores just so I could get my hands on Angry Twilight.

Then, on Black Friday, I hit up two Targets in my area hoping they'd re-stock after the clearance the week before, and that's when I found all of the Wave 1 pearly ponies plus the Sparkle Bright Celestia and Twilight. I also found the pearly Nurse Redheart and one of the basic Pinkie EqG dolls at Walgreens.

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And on the same day, I found the GoH Spike and Chrysalis set half off on Hasbrotoyshop, got the GoH Nightmare Moon 30% off on Amazon, and found the big-winged Twilight brushable at Ross for $5.

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And, finally, I found this blanket at Target. This was more of an impulse buy, but it's actually really comfortable.

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Depending on if TRU has a Buy One Get One Free on MLP like they did last year, I may go through the same thing again this month. Fortunately, I try and ease up on spending in the preceding months so I can blow it all around this time.

Wanted! / Want List (for Swaps)
« on: October 26, 2016, 07:10:16 PM »
This list is for swaps only.

As far as condition goes, in general, I am not too put off by some head-body mismatch, or if they have had their hair styled, slightly cut, or de-tinseled.  Some small marks are fine.  For G1s with glitter symbols, I would like to have those as intact as possible.

EqG Minis

Sweetie Drops (Mall Collection)
Trixie (Mall Collection)


Shimmer Flutters Celestia
Glamour Glow Cadance
Silver Spoon
Sweetie Belle (Funko Mini)
Pinkie Pie (Funko Mini)
Rarity (Funko Mini)


Whistle Wishes
Marshmallow Coco
Winter Minty
Pretty Pop
Twilight Pink
Velvet Bow
Twilight Twinkle
Kiwi Tart
Cloud Climber
Snow'el II
Anchors Away
Party Cake


Twilight (Unicorn)
Cotton Candy

Pony Brag Arena / Another Con Haul
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:27:01 PM »
After having such a great time at last month's trip to Bronycon, I decided to go to another convention last weekend in Tampa, the Grand Brony Gala.  It was nowhere near as big, but still a lot of fun. I wanted to go to this one in particular for a few reasons.  First off, Nicole Oliver (Celestia's VA) would be there, and I've been wanting to meet her for a very long time. There was also a vendor going there who I wanted to buy from at Bronycon, but already sold what I wanted by the time I made up my mind to buy it.  It also fit in with a friend's plan to move back temporarily to his Mom's place in Tampa, so we'd have a place to stay for free.

The trip down to Tampa was absolutely nuts. We were hit with heavy rainstorms from the SC-GA border until we were outside of Tampa. I think there were about eight storms in total.

As soon as we got to the con hotel, I went to the vendor's hall and bought this as soon as I saw it.

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I saw a bunch of these around Bronycon, and made my mind up to get one, one of the Princesses in particular.  I was unsure whether to get Cadance or Celestia, because while Celestia is my favorite Princess and one of my favorite characters, Cadance is pink. As some of you may have noticed, I like the pink ones.

This is by far the most expensive pony I have ever bought. It was worth it because I absolutely love this thing. I had it perched on my shoulder for about half of the con.

Later that afternoon, my friend and I went to get Nicole Oliver's autograph. Since I got a print from Ponyqueen last year for Bonnie and Suzanne to sign, I thought I'd do the same for Nicole Oliver. 

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And finally, one of the vendors was selling Funkos at good prices, so I picked up AJ.

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The rest of the con I treated more like a giant meet up, I was more interested in talking to people than going to the panels, with one or two exceptions. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend many of the panels I wanted to due to having to drive the other guys around, and a round trip from where I was staying to the hotel was around an hour. I also missed a couple just talking to people.

That said, the main panel I wanted to attend I didn't miss.  Early on Friday, I had heard that they'd be having a panel about mixing drinks that night.  I went to drop the others off and made plans to sleep in the car in the hotel parking lot that night. Not only did it have some really good drinks, I also got a good bit to drink for my money considering the panel was only $15 to get in.  Of course, when I was there, I probably missed Nicole Oliver at the hotel bar, and my opportunity to get drunk with Princess Celestia. Maybe someday...

Pony Brag Arena / Bronycon Trip and Brag (plus TRU binge)
« on: July 13, 2016, 06:28:34 PM »
So this year, I was forced to make a choice between the Fair and Bronycon. And since I've never been and have friends who have been to several that I could carpool and room with, I decided to head to Baltimore this year.

At first I was a little apprehensive, and wasn't really as excited as I was for the Fair last year, since I'm not really a brony anymore.  Things picked up the day before the con started with the Brony Bar Trot, because what better way to start off a vacation than getting completely plastered?

I saw drawings like these in the front of every bar in the trot that I went to. It seems they prepared for the Bronies by writing in their native language- memes.

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They actually had some nice drinks made up for it.  One bar had a Fluttershy shot that kind of tasted like vodka and lemonade, and another had a really good one called the :muffin: Pony Hooves which had a pineapple flavor to it.

The con itself was probably the best I've ever been to. One of the first places I went to was the vendor hall.  I was expecting it to be more prints and plushes than anything else, and I was right, but the variety of all of it was a little overwhelming.

I spent hours browsing the booths, looking for things that caught my eye that I could actually afford.  Of course, by the time I had made up my mind to buy it, it had already sold out. Flurry Heart stuff seemed to sell out pretty quickly, and of course anything with the Princesses. I guess next time around, I should make a list of what I want and get to it before it's gone.

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I'm actually very seriously considering contacting the artist and getting one of these Sweetie Belle blankets shipped to me. Also, I'm pretty sure this guy is as obsessed with Sweetie Belle as I am with Pinkie Pie, which is really saying something.

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See what I mean?

I actually spent most of Saturday walking around with that plush on my head since I bought it early in the morning and didn't feel like going back to the hotel room to put it up. I had fun with the people pointing out the plush on my head by saying "What plush? OH GOD, IT'S BACK! Get it off! Get it off!"

I also found this in the vendor's hall.  This spoke to me on a spiritual level.
Maybe someday I'll get one.

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The best part, however, were the panels.  I think this year was the first time that all of the VAs for the Mane Six were in one place. One of the panels had them act out a story that Tabitha St. Germain wrote, which was awesome. I had no idea how talented Tabitha was, I guess this is why they have her voice so many characters. I also saw what one guy in line with me for her autograph was saying about her making us look normal. Especially when she started talking about her butt. She also wears the same glasses as Rarity. Or maybe it's the other way around.

There were several others almost as good as that one, especially the improv ones. Some with show staff, some with community guests, some with both. I think I went to more panels at this con than any I've ever been to.

Even the lines could be interesting, since you tend to chat with people you're waiting with. The line for closing ceremonies had people chanting all kinds of stuff, they even sang Bohemian Rhapsody in its entirety.  I remember when they started going "Ran-dom chan-ting!" *clap clap, clap clap clap* "Ran-dom chan-ting!" I told a friend that it was all proof that bronies are less of a fandom and more of a cult. He did not disagree.

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A picture from the closing ceremonies. I never got a good pic of the guy with the EqG Celestia standee.

I also was able to catch some interesting cosplays there

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I really regret not getting a picture with one of the Celestia cosplayers

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Also, this happened.

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The picturesque view from the terrace at the hotel.  We were able to see the masts of the USS Constellation from our room. Not pictured, the police helicopter that was there every night that weekend. We named him Steve.

This year's haul wasn't as big as from the Fair last year, but I got a lot more than I expected. And a few things I wasn't expecting at a brony convention.

Everything all together.

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Mane six coasters!  I've wanted pony coasters for some time for a while now.

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Pony shot glasses. These are probably my favorite things I bought. They also got tested out Friday night. They definitely work. Also, Rarity.

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All of the cards I got, and a new tin for accessories!

This is the Pinkie plush that spend most of Saturday on my head. She was the last one in the vendor hall.

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Not much of a print person, due to space constraints, but they were passing them out for free on Sunday, and I was able to get the CMC one before they were all gone after about 20 seconds.

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I really liked the print they had for Tabitha's booth, but I really wish I had come up with the idea to have her sign a G3 Minty before I was in line for her autograph. And before the one that was in the vendor's hall sold.  She seemed surprised when I mentioned any of her G3 work. Next time I'm hoping to get a Winter Minty for her to sign. I also told her I was looking to seeing her at a future convention so she could talk about her butt some more. She got a laugh out of that one.

The guide book they had for the con had some great art in it. I think it was done by one of the people who does the FiM comics.

I got a few postcard sized prints, as well.  I'd really like to get more like these.

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The one in the center is lenticular. It's really cool.

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Finally, I got some G3s! It was a very pleasant surprise.

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I don't normally collect MIB, but I couldn't say no to Alphabittle, and I don't have to clean them or mess with their hair.

Fortunately, next year, I shouldn't have to choose between this and the Fair, and I may even have an ex-brony friend going along.

Pony Corral / Anyone going to Bronycon this year?
« on: June 17, 2016, 06:18:03 PM »
I know there won't be a lot of people here going, especially since it's at the same time as the Fair, but I'm curious who plans on going.

Pony Brag Arena / First Pony Holiday Swap Brag
« on: December 17, 2015, 07:14:07 PM »
I guess I'll start with the brags for the First Pony Holiday Swap this year.  Here's what I got from Sweet_Stuff.

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I had to pause myself to take a picture of it all before tearing into it like a six-year old on Christmas morning.  Well, I may have had to put one back in its wrapping for the picture.  :blush:

First up, the Ponies! I had a pretty long wish list, with G1, G3, and G4, so I had no idea what I was going to get.

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Princess Peppermint and Chilly Breezes are really fitting choices for a wintertime swap, I'd say. Plus the G3 Winter Ponies are personal favorites.  I'm really loving the TaF Sweetie Belle, too, she looks so cute in person.  Bowtie's been a want of mine since I saw there was a G3 version of her.  And now I finally have all of the FiM gift set ponies!

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I don't have many pony ornaments, so this one was a happy addition to my tree. And I love the Celestia and Pinkie pens, they're on my desk right now.  And the storybook I believe is the one that came with the FiM gift set.  It kind of reminds me of the G4 comics where they use these off-looking vectors and it's kind of funny.  They even refer to Luna by her original name, Selena.

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Soooo much candy.

I actually had a little bit of fun with all of the candy.

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Everything all together

Thank you so much, Sweet_Stuff!

Pony Brag Arena / Canterlot Castle Playset
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:50:14 PM »
I decided to take advantage of a few deals at TRU yesterday.  They had Canterlot Castle at 20% off and the new FiM Collection Blind Bags, too.  I got a better deal than I was expecting, too. I didn't realize it until I looked at the receipt earlier today, but the cashier scanned both the coupon for the blind bags and the castle, and both got applied to the castle, so I got it for a little over $50!  I also got a $10 gift card for December, too.

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This castle is the first playset I've ever wanted, and I've been waiting for months for it to go on sale. It's definitely the nicest G4 playset they've made, and it's got some really nice details to it. One thing that caught my eye was the detailing on the surfaces, almost none of the floors have a plain surface. The bottom floor and stairs have a finish that looks like engine-turned metal, the middle floor has shooting stars, and the top floor has Celestia's cutie mark patterns. It's a small thing, but a nice touch.

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It was all pretty easy to assemble and everything fits together well.  The only fit that's less than ideal is the tiara that fits into one of the towers on the top. And the cardboard backcards can be tricky to get into place without bending. Plus the gap between the edge of the top floor and Celestia's throne is absolutely massive.

They have a few neat accessories, too.  Celestia's bed was a nice touch, and you even get a couple of letters for her, too. They even give you stuff for a bathroom like a sink, a bath mat, towels, and a towel rack.  And it looks like they threw in some G3 accessories, as well, which I found amusing.

You've got tons of room to make a nice display, too, I've got about 30 on there now and it could probably display closer to 40 if you made use of all of the space.

I was able to move around my shelf in the living room so I could get it properly displayed, although it left no room for the staircase. And it does look a little out of place on the same shelf as my cars. Still, it looks great.

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I know that November's barely even started and it's still a while away, but considering all of the toy sales that go on this month, I figured I might put together a list of some things I want so people (well, one person in my case) know what to look out for, particularly when there's a sale on and they can get something that would usually be out of their price range. On the other hand, it still seems like it's a little early to up and say what I want.

This is a little bit different for me, since usually I don't ask for specific things. I think the last time I actually made a list was when I was a child.

I was curious when you all start to make up a Christmas list to give to other people. Am I jumping the gun here?

Wanted! / Wanted: Early G4s, G3
« on: October 26, 2015, 07:45:42 PM »
Right now, what I'm looking for the most are early G4s, but am also looking to expand my G3 collection.  As far as condition goes, as long as there isn't noticeable permanent damage, I'll be fine.  I don't mind if I have to clean it up, either.  I prefer to have ponies loose rather than MIB.


Regular Size

Applejack (w/bangs, FiM Gift Set)
Cheerilee (w/bangs, Neon Rainbow Power)
Cherry Berry
Daisy Dreams (reg & Glimmer Wings)
Diamond Rose (reg & Glimmer Wings)
Flower Wishes (Earth pony)
Fluttershy (Easter special, Shine Bright, Glimmer Wing)
Glimmer Wing Sweet Song
Holly Dash
Lemony Gem
Lulu Luck
Luna (Canterlot, Shine Bright)
Ms. Cake
Nightmare Moon
Pinkie Pie (Valentine's special, Neon Rainbow Power, FiM Gift Set)
Ploomette (reg & Glimmer Wings)
Rainbow Flash
Silver Spoon
Star Dreams
Star Swirl
Starbeam Twinkle
Twilight Sparkle (FiM Gift Set)

Fashion Style

Pinkie Pie (Pinkie Pie's Boutique)
Rainbow Dash (w/accessories)
Shining Armor (w/accessories)

Styling Size

Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash


Deluxe Rarity (Original)
Rockin' Hair AJ
Rockin' Hair Pinkie
Rockin' Hair Rarity
Sweetie Drops


Always & Forever
Autumn Skye
Beach Belle
Brights Brightly
Chilly Breezes
Cloud Climber
Daisy May
Denim Blue
Garden Wishes
Hidden Treasure
Minty (Diva Pose)
Pretty Pop
Princess Peppermint
Pumpkin Tart
Sweetie Belle (reg, 2008 Valentine)
Twilight Pink
Twilight Twinkle
Twinkle Bloom

Styling Size

Pinkie Pie


Baby Applejack
Cotton Candy
Twilight (Unicorn)

Pony Brag Arena / An unexpected find
« on: October 19, 2015, 05:53:12 PM »
Last weekend I took a little mini-vacation to go up to a brony convention up in Knoxville. I've wanted to go to one just to see if it's something I'd be interested in, and since this one was only a three hour drive and I knew people I could split a room with, it was the perfect opportunity.  I could even get my registration fee back by volunteering, so it wouldn't be too much money.

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect in terms of what the vendors had, but I figured it would mostly be fan-made stuff, and if I was lucky, they'd have some toys I'd want.  Well it must have been my lucky day Friday, since while I was helping the vendors move their stuff into the hall (which was super easy since it was like 75% plushes), I came across one box with some MIB early G4s.  As soon as I could get some time from helping set up the stage, I went straight to her table and got this.

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She had these for a while, wanted to get rid of them, and was selling them for $15 each!  Granted, it was a little much for the Traveling Pinkie and Twilight, but a great deal for Twinkleshine and Cherry Pie.  I was also very excited to finally find Celestia socks that can actually fit an adult.

Another pleasant surprise was that I saw someone else from the Arena there.  It's always great being able to talk to other collectors in person.

I also had fun at a Q&A panel with Prince Whateverer, one of the few brony musicians who does rock/metal, which is probably why I've actually heard of him.  Apparently, he was into the G1 cartoon when he was young, and there was a short conversation about how dark the G1 cartoons got.

I also feel the need to share this

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Because the little Celestia in the middle was so adorable, and because of her excellent taste in Princesses.

Pony Corral / How do you display your playsets?
« on: October 03, 2015, 05:13:24 PM »
I was never much for playsets before, but now they're coming out with some really nice playsets that I really want. They really make for a nicer display and it frees up space on my shelves The problem I have is finding a place to put it. I was wondering where you all put your playsets, so maybe I can get some ideas of what to look for.

Pony Corral / Need ID on G3s
« on: September 23, 2015, 08:01:22 PM »
I got these two in a lot, and I have no idea what they are. My first guess was McDonalds, but it has brushable mane and tail. I was also unable to find the MLP logo anywhere on them. Any clue who they are?

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For Sale - For Auction / G3, G3.5, G4, for Sale
« on: July 21, 2015, 07:35:43 PM »
I have a few extra ponies up for sale, some G3s, G3.5, and G4, and some extra McDs toys in their bags.


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From left to right: Butterscotch, Sunrise Song, Pink Sunsparkle (small scratch on cutie mark, only noticable up close), Banjo Blue, Daisy Paisley (color gradient gone in some spots). $1.50 for Daisy Paisley, $3 for all others.


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Left to Right (back row): Rainbow Dash x2, Cheerilee x3 (1 TAF, 2 regular), Scootaloo x2 (1 TAF, 1 regular);
(front row): McDs Pinkie, McDs Rainbow Dash x2, Newborn Cuties Scootaloo, McDs Cheerilee, TAF Sweetie Belle. McDonalds ponies have hair with frizzy ends $0.50/ea. Newborn Cuties Scootaloo in good condition $1. Brushables appear not to have been played with much, if at all. Asking $1.50/ea.


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Dewdrop Dazzle- $6, Fantastic Flutters Cadance- $4 (wings bent, tail end frizzy, cutie mark and extra symbols good), Fluttershy- $1 (haircut, otherwise in good condition), Rainbow Power Rarity- $3 (Hair/Tinsel in good condition).


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There are 3 EqG Twilights from this year and 2 Fluttershys, 2 Twilights, and Pinkie from last year's toys. Asking $1.50 for each in bag, $0.50 loose.


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Ask if you need any additional pictures.

I will combine shipping on any sales, and ship internationally

Pony Brag Arena / I went on another pony binge
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:07:50 PM »
I thought I'd go light on the pony purchases after the fair, but as soon as I saw the clearance stickers popping up everywhere, that plan went out the window. So I went around to all sorts of stores this week looking for some good deals, and I was able to get all sorts of things at a good (or at least decent) price.

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The Twilight with the elaborate outfit and Celestia dolls I've been wanting for some time now, but I've only now seen Twilight go for sale online and finally found a Walmart willing to put their Celestia dolls on clearance (You'd think that after being there for nearly a year, they'd maybe consider marking it down to make room for the new exclusive). And I've been wanting that Sweet Shoppe set ever since my sister got me a Pinkie POP set with accessories, and the playset would go really well with it. Of course, this leaves the problem of finding room for a whole playset.

I also took the opportunity to get some more EqGs I've had my eye on before they go off the shelves. I have to admit, I've really taken a liking to these, and fashion dolls in general. I'll probably just stay with Equestria Girls for the meantime, though, since I'm already spending enough on toys, I really don't want to start a new collection.

And finally, last week on a whim, I did a search on ebay for a Fluttershy plush, and I was able to get this big 20" Funrise plush for $13 including shipping.

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They may have odd proportions, but they're still really cute, and the spaghetti mane really works well for Fluttershy.

Pony Corral / Build a Bear 2 for $35
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:58:07 PM »
Build a Bear is having a sale on ponies (and others) for 2 for $35.  It's for both online and in-store, and lasts until June 21.

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