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Topics - Hannah66665

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Off Topic / Help my friend win a giftcard? :)
« on: January 20, 2015, 08:00:11 AM »
I hope it's not against the rules to post this sort of thing... I've seen people ask for votes on things before and I figured it might not hurt.  :)

My friend is taking part in a contest on tumblr and the prize is a gift card for tea (she's obsessed  :P) Whoever gets the most likes/reblogs wins. Everyone wrote something about their life and tea and this was her post. ... if there are any tumblr users here that don't mind, can you give her a  reblog and/or like?  :)

The Dollhouse / Are there any sites for finding doll shoe matches?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:05:30 AM »
Thanks to an ad on craigslist, TwistedRiver and I got some doll stuff... we got a bunch of shoes but a lot of them don't have a match and it got me wondering...
There are a lot shoes we wouldn't even use but we don't want to just donate single shoes with no pair. Then there are shoes we'd LOVE to find the match for.

Are there any sites or doll communities that you can upload photos of shoes that you want to put up for adoption/trade/sale or specify that you're looking for a match? Since I would assume other people get handfuls of shoes with no match either...
Something like this? (sorry for the poor photo quality, just a quick example since I'm terrible at explaining things)

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Example tags: purple/pink, black, fits bratzillaz, fits monster high, Bratzillaz Magic Night Out Doll, Yasmina Clairvoya
(I really want the match to this shoe actually if anyone has one)

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Example tags: black, silver, fits monster high
(we're not sure who this belongs to but we'd love the match too)

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Example tags: high heel, hot pink, may fit barbie?

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Example tags: heeled boot, boot, silver, may fit barbie?

Not the best examples.  ^^; Hopefully it got the point across... and there'd be something where you specify if you're offering the shoe or looking for a match and provide better examples of the size and such.
It's probably too complicated to work... but it's an idea?  :blush:

Pony Corral / What'd I just buy?
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:56:03 PM »
This morning I won a cheap auction for a white Fluttershy from a seller in China.
When it comes to G4s I have little to no knowledge about them. Is she some new release or a fakie? Either way I thought she was cute.

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(not my photo)

They also have her in pink.
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(not my photo either)

Off Topic / Help me ID a couple little kitties?
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:56:28 AM »
I've gotten this little pink kitty(leopard?) and I've been trying to find out what it was... I had guessed it might be some sort of littlest pet shop item since it has a number on the bottom but all my searches came up empty.
It has little gems in it's eyes.  ^.^

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This last photo isn't mine but I have the playset they're from... I got it when I was about eight or nine and it came with four cats, a mom and three kittens. They have magnets that let them interact with the playset. Mine are currently packed in the garage but I've been wondering what they actually were and these are the only ones I've found online.
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I remember there was a second playset at the store when I got them... hoping to find out what they were so I can someday track it down since I never got it when I was still little.
Maybe Barbie..? Not sure though...

 I am in LOVE. When I first saw this girl in the prize list I had to enter immediately and I managed to get it in just in time.  :frolic:

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I had no idea when I entered the coloring contest that I'd actually place first in one of the divisions. I'm still stunned.  :shocked: I'm even more shocked that I actually got to choose her!

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Adorable wrapping and a kitty photo bomb.

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My pictures don't do her justice... she's absolutely precious in person - and so tiny! I love her little freckles and being a huge fan of candy apples I just want to nom on hers!  :dribble: Everything about her is perfect! Thank you Griffin! :hug: She's arrived home safely. :heart:

Off Topic / Wood Splitter Lee's Creations + brag
« on: October 20, 2014, 11:27:59 PM »
Hopefully there wasn't already a thread for this that I missed.  :blush:

Lee Cross creates GORGEOUS lifelike animals, fantasy and real alike.
She's self-taught and each new piece she creates has me doing a double-take at just how real they look.

She's pretty famous (she's even gone to the Weta workshop!)and I didn't know if there was anyone here who's been lucky enough to own one of her works? If so I would love to see pictures.   ^.^ Which leads me to the other reason I'm posting this...

Last year I was fortunate enough to adopt her breathtaking Cloud Lamb.
(Her photo, not mine)

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He is absolutely PRECIOUS in person and I can't help but brag a bit by sharing some recent photos of him.

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These were taken a few days ago on my moms camera... I didn't know how to turn off the timestamp at the time.  >_<

Cloud has become one of my treasured 'friends'. He accompanies me to therapy and I hate the fact that I don't have a proper display area for him yet.

Some of my other favorite works of hers are her Shetland Ponies, Unicorns and Tiger cubs and... there's just so many!

Because of the prices they tend to reach in auctions I don't foresee myself ever adopting another (I'm still paying back my mom for her help with Cloud) but I love looking at them. <3

Pony Brag Arena / Very overdue grail brag!
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:47:07 AM »
So a few months ago I stumbled upon one of my most wanted ponies on ebay by paradise auction and I snatched her up right away.  :heart:
It took me a while to get back to the forum since, though. So that's why this is so late.  :blush:

Breast Cancer Awareness Pony!
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She is absolutely GORGEOUS and only missing the 3D heart on her symbol which I hope to replace.

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Here she is with my beautiful custom by BerryMouse
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I still hope to obtain the closed mouth version... as well as a replacement heart for this one.

I found a heart that could work if I painted it...
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I'm not really sure about the shape, though. I would like it to closer match the original... I may attempt making one out of clay using reference photos.

Since losing my kitty to mammary cancer I've become sort of obsessed with the pink ribbon theme, even though I know it's for human breast cancer... I can't help it though. If I can ever find space for a shrine dedicated to her I'll be including these ponies in it.

That's about all.  :) Sorry for the meh-ish photo quality.

[stickied 10/10/14 - kiwimlp :) ]

unstickied 14/10/14

Sigs & Site Support / Is my signature okay now? :)
« on: June 03, 2014, 04:36:18 AM »
I had too many bytes before so I resaved my images as gifs. Is it alright now, or are further changes needed?  :)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Grand Champions custom Epona
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:03:47 PM »
(Seeing as this is none-MLP if this isn't the appropriate section, please let me know.  :blush: )

Sooo a couple months back during a thriftstore hunt I came across a toy horse with
coloring that reminded me of Epona from Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time version)

I've been a huge LoZ fan my entire life and a lover of all things Epona since I was about five. XD
So I couldn't resist attempting a custom of her. :)

I'd already dehaired the horse before I found out what Grand Champions even were... I
panicked a bit worrying that it was an expensive collectible but I did come across the
same one on Ebay for about 20$ so I figured eh... not that rare. Too late now anyway.  :P

I was finally able to ID the horse as a Canal King draft stallion (seen on this page ( except mine was in poor condition.

Anyway, here she is.  ^.^

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The saddle was purchased from another member here at the Arena for another project but it fit her so well. It's not as accurate to the reference as I would have liked, but ah well. 

The hardest part was her hair but seeing as my sister did that part, I'll see if she can
share her story. XD

Edit: Realized I never included any of the images I used as reference.
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Pony Brag Arena / Birthday Brag <3
« on: February 14, 2014, 03:07:39 AM »
For the last week or so the entire household has been fighting colds/some sort of flu. I'm very behind on the forums and I still haven't posted a lot of my newest ponies.  >_< BUT seeing as today (well, technically yesterday now) was my birthday I wanted to share my loot.  ^.^ I'm almost over this cough and once I'm feeling right in the head I'll take more photos of the rest of my newest additions.

Again I apologize for the photo quality - these were taken at about 2am and the camera battery was dropping.

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20? What?  How did I get so old.  :shocked:

Firstly - PONIES!

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Springy - she looks GORGEOUS in person.

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G3 fakie from on top of my cake. Wish I'd gotten a picture of it before we cut into it. She'll probably be turned into a custom.

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Totsys! Now I have three colors. Fakies = <3

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This beautiful gem. <3 She needs just a tiny bit of cleanup.

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Not a very big g4 collector but I've wanted this guy for a long time. (yes, guy. mines a boy!)

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The start of my mommy charm collection with one more on the way.

Then there's this VERY special girl - she arrived a few days earlier. <3
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Always by BerryMouse. I love her so much!

My mom also bought this sweetie to keep her company -
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Then the non-pony loot.  :P

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I couldn't get good photos of the clothing at all. But there's Hello Kitty PJs...
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An owl shirt (LOVE my owls)
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And then a gaming tee
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HUGE Legend of Zelda fan so that last one made my night. XD

I'm so desperate to get my room all fixed up to properly display my collections. I have to get over this cold!

Pony Brag Arena / Thrift store hunting with TwistedRiver.
« on: February 04, 2014, 02:05:02 AM »
Last Friday a friend of ours was nice enough to drive us to a Savers and another thrift store on our way to pick up my kitten from the vets (she's fine, we just had her fixed)

Wasn't the biggest haul (I swear they only have ponies when we don't have the money) but it wasn't too bad either.  :)

Of course with shopping at savers, we got some weird and random items as well... some of which I didn't get pictures of. XD Excuse the poor lighting and tiny space - it was nighttime when I took these plus my room is a mess.

First - ponies!

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As far as I can tell, those apples don't actually go to AJ but they happened to be mixed in one of the savers bags and I thought they fit well.

Then we get to the fakies - weren't very many this time.

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Can anyone ID this tiny little flocked guy? I thought he was a filly princess but there's no crown.

Also got these cuties:
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And even a gorgeous Build a Bear that looked brand new for only 1$.  :shocked:

Then there's an assortment of cute and random things including a calico critter for our collection. (our other huge obsession other than ponies)

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There were a lot of other oddities and some cute items. Including a robotic looking toy horse that my sister is trying to ID. Didn't get any pictures yet, though.

Before we moved a couple years ago, we lived ten minutes away from a thriftstore. Now, we're lucky if we can go to one a couple times a year at best. Neither of us can drive and the family car was wrecked last october.  >_<

Pony Brag Arena / Merry Treat's new wardrobe + January Brag
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:06:30 PM »
A few years back we bought a small pony lot on ebay that included a Merry Treat. Her hair looked to be melted to her neck and after a lot of recent attempts at removing all of it from her body I gave up and instead started browsing ebay for a winter scarf I could use to hide it. After a little searching I came across this cute hat and scarf pair and they arrived today.

Unfortunately they are both larger than I had hoped - the hat especially, but they still suit her.  ^.^

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In other news, so far this January my collection has grown with these beauties:
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Plus two G1 CF cotton candy's ((mom bought a total of four, two went to my sis)) and I'm now waiting on an assortment of ponies to arrive in the mail. Almost all of these have been early birthday presents from mom. XD She keeps buying them up and when they arrive she can't help but give them to us. Both my sister and I have Birthdays February so this January has been very ponyful.

Pony Corral / Removing lipstick stains... from a so-soft? *cringe*
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:02:22 PM »
Again, if this is the wrong area please let me know. From what I gather, pony restoration still falls under the customizing category?

Anyway... as mentioned in my intro at some point during my sister's childhood she decorated her so-soft truly with lipstick.  :shocked: Truly was passed down to me and today she had her first bath in what was most likely over two decades.

I wasn't at all surprised that the bath did nothing for her yellowed body and the pink stains covering her. They are around her eyes, her mouth and on her hoofs. I tried researching about whitening so-softs and removing red stains from white bodies... lipstick stains have given me trouble on several of my adopted ponies. I haven't found any helpful information for this issue, though.

Deflocking is not an option. I don't want to and it's beyond my skills.  >_< I highly doubt the whitening creams would be a smart idea on this baby either. I'm at a loss for what to do. Can so-soft ponies be sun faded? Am I completely out of luck?

[moving to Corral - kkat]

Pony Corral / Who's this g4 pony? (solved, thanks xD)
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:33:22 AM »
This is the appropriate section, right?  :blush:
I know literately next to nothing about G4 and  I was looking at pictures on the My Little Wiki and I found a page about "Taobao Ponies" and it linked to places to buy... on one of the sites I came across this adorable thing.

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The site wasn't in english and I was having an awful time trying to translate it. Does she/he have a name..? How big are these types of ponies and is there anywhere I could snag them? I've never seen anything quite like it.

Thank you.  :heart:

Customs / Rehairing Princess Tiffany
« on: January 21, 2014, 08:00:39 PM »
I'm currently working towards restoring my Princess Tiffany and I'm having difficulty finding tinsel that is just right. I know that Virgin Snow is the white color and I had found a website through the MLP Preservation Project with tinsel that looked to be a close match... sadly I'm coming to realize that these sites aren't up to date and I have no clue if I'll ever hear back on the order I had placed. My mom had good luck ordering from dollyhair so I'll probably place an order for the white hair. Silver tinsel is abundant on ebay and amazon but I have no clue how to tell if one will be a match or even something I can work with? Any advice would be appreciated and I hope that this is the correct place to post.  :)

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