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Topics - HelloGoodbye

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Pony Corral / What is the Most Interesting Way You have Gotten a Pony?
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:25:25 AM »
I'd love to hear the story of the most interesting/weirdest/best way you have come to get a pony!

Mine would be from when I was in about 5th grade.  I had entered my former horse Ruben in a Halloween costume show.  I had done him in some "real" classes earlier that day, and he had been a total disaster, trying to buck me off, bite other horses and just in general be a total psychopath.  We had wound up being disqualified from everything, or losing.  The last thing I wanted to do was put him in a costume and do another class with him!  I decided to go in anyway though, since I had spent so much time on my costume.  He was actually a perfect angel in the class, which was shocking since there were about 40 horses in various stages of freaking out about their costumes. 

There were tons of categories, and we weren't winning anything, and I was totally crushed, and thought that the day couldn't get much worse and that I would leave without a ribbon.  There were only about 6 horses left in the ring (you had to leave when you got your ribbon), when they finally called our name!  We won 5th in Overall Best Costume, and the prize was a My Little Pony!  It was G3 Island Delight, and she is one of my favorites to this day.

Tell me your stories!

Off Topic / Beatles Brag!
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:57:30 PM »
So, I love love love the Beatles (although you could probably guess that based on my avatar and username)!  And tonight I was at a 50th anniversary of the Beatles coming to America party, and I had an awesome time.  I won a prize in trivia (a vinyl record that was missing from my collection, "The Beatles Story", which is a collection of interviews, etc.) and in general enjoyed the heck out of myself.  A few people were selling Beatle-y items, and well, I bought on of the coolest things ever, and it is one of the highlights of my Beatles collection.

I won't leave you in suspense any longer!

It is a piece of John Lennon's actual bath towel from his house!  Seriously!  And it is totally legit (certificate of authenticity, and I know the guy I bought it from and he has the single most extensive collection I have seen outside of a museum, actually, better than some museums.  So now I own part of something that a Beatle owned and used!  Gaaaah!  I'm so excited!  It is actually the first item in my collection to have been owned by a Beatle, so I'm thrilled.  Plus it was a steal at only $20!  How could I say no?

So that is my random Beatles brag!   :biggrin:

Pony Corral / How are There Still MIB/MIP G1s?
« on: February 06, 2014, 03:27:27 PM »
This may be kind of an odd question, but how have G1s in the box or package survived this long?  I don't think I ever left a toy in the box as a kid.  Are they left over stock that was never sold and wound up in the hands of collectors, or did adults collect them in the 80s and leave them in the box like a lot of collectors with G3 and G4 today?  This is probably a pretty random question, but I was just wondering.  I mean MIB/MIP aren't common by any means, but they also aren't totally unheard of, so there must be some sort of reason for them!   I'm glad that they exist though, since the packaging is so pretty and it is fun to see.  Plus the back card stories are adorable!  :)

Hi all!  So I have been looking into buying a Figma figure lately, and after doing some research, I'm more than a bit intimidated.  I've been looking at the Attack on Titan figures on pre-order, especially a limited edition one of my favorite character.  The fact that I have to pay in Yen is a little intimidating to me, because I'd be worried about doing the conversion right.  I'd kind of rather buy one on eBay or Amazon after they come out, but I'm worried that there will be a massive price mark up (especially on the limited edition Armin one).  I was also thinking about trying to find one at the anime convention I am attending in a few months, but things are always massively expensive at conventions...  I have also read that the quality of Figmas can be a bit spotty. 

Have any of you purchased a Figma?  Did you buy it directly from the website, or second hand?  Any advice?  I really love the look of these figures, but they're pretty pricey and I want to make sure I do this right.  Thanks!

I hope this is the right place to put this, by the way?  Would off topic be better? 

Pony Corral / Final Exams Tomorrow, Show Me Twilight Sparkle!
« on: January 20, 2014, 10:53:08 AM »
Or any other "studious" ponies!  Hopefully they will help get me in the right mindset to take these tests!  Thanks!!   ^.^

Pony Corral / Is This a Bad Idea?
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:02:41 AM »
I had major pony luck at the thrift store on Saturday, and one of the ponies I found was a G3 So Soft Baby Rarity.  I actually really like the So Soft Babies, so I grabbed her (for $1.99, why not?).  Overall her condition is pretty nice.  I still want to wash her really well, though.  Buying stuffed animals from a thrift store always makes me a little nervous, since who knows where they have been and all that.

So her tag says "Surface Wash Only", but I want nothing more than to put her in a pillow case and throw her in the washing machine.  Would that ruin the voice box totally?  Is it worth a shot?  I mean, I won't be devastated if the voice box breaks, but on the other hand I'd kind of like to keep it operational.  I'd take the batteries out, by the way.

I'm also assuming that putting her in the dryer would be a bad idea, so I'd just air dry her (unless one of you guys thinks it wouldn't be a terrible idea).

Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / So Soft Shady Question
« on: January 02, 2014, 08:54:52 AM »
As a general rule, how sturdy (for lack of a better word) is Shady's flocking?  I have a rather nice, but in need of a little TLC, Shady.  Her flocking looks pretty good, I think (well, she is my first So Soft, so I'm guessing, but it looks good to me).  There are rubs where you would expect (tips of ears, nose, etc.), but other than that, it is nice and thick and soft.  I wasn't going to wash her (just her mane and tail), until I looked at her under a light and saw that she is looking a bit dingy.  I have heard that some So Softs have really fragile flocking, and others have their flocking essentially super glued on.  Where on this spectrum does Shady usually fall? 

If she is known for fragile flocking, I probably won't wash her.  I was just going to use dish soap, is that okay? Thanks in advance!

Off Topic / Getting Posters to Stay Up?
« on: November 27, 2013, 06:37:49 AM »
I have tons and tons of posters, and most of them are fairly large.  It feels like I spend half of my time putting them back up after they fall, though.  I have tried multiple brands of tape, which didn't work, and recently I decided to try that blue tack stuff.  Bad idea!  It stained my posters and my walls, ripped paint off of the walls, and ruined my massive John Lennon poster completely.  The only thing I haven't tried is thumb tacks, and I would rather not use them (holes in the walls, and holes in the posters...), but i am willing to if it comes down to it.  So how do you guys posters from falling?

Pony Corral / Am I Doing This Right? (Pony Spa)
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:37:40 AM »
Sorry I have been asking 50 million questions lately, but I am new to cleaning up icky ponies  ^.^
That being said, I just want to make sure that I am using the proper Pony Spa technique!  I have looked up tutorials and such, but there seem to be a lot of conflicting opinions on the best way to give a pony a bath.

This is how I have cleaned up 1 G1 and 2 G3s this way, and before I work on poor G3 Piccolo (who has what appears to have plasticizer leaking issues  :cry:), I want to make sure I'm not doing things that could hurt the ponies.

Here is what I do:
1.  I rinse the pony in the sink under running water, and avoid the roots of the mane and tail (and the magnet for G3).
2.  Still in the sink, I scrub the pony with a soft tooth brush and dish soap, and then rinse them again.
3.  I shampoo the pony's mane and tail, and rinse them.  Then I condition the mane and tail and let it sit for a while before I rinse it out.
4.  I give the pony one final rinse to get any conditioner off.
5.  I dry the pony, and leave it to dry with the tail facing down so any water inside can come out.

Am I doing anything egregiously wrong?  I was reading a thread on here from a while ago (just for fun I went back to page 200 or something) and someone was saying that they never rinse their G3s because of the magnets, but I have seen tutorials where people say it is perfectly fine. 

Thanks a bunch!  And I just want to say that you guys have been amazingly helpful and awesome since I joined the arena, and I really appreciate you all answering my zillions of questions.

Pony Corral / Questions about G1 Ponies!
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:26:07 AM »
Hello all!  Last month, I decided to start collecting G1 ponies in addition to G3 and G4.  I just recently got my first G1 pony (who I LOVE).  Now that I have been bitten by the G1 bug, and started hanging around on the arena, I have some random questions that I would love to know the answers to!

1.  Is a Nirvana just a pony from another country?
2.  What exactly are the G1 "piggy" (I think that's what they are called?) ponies?
3.  On a similar note, what are the squeaky butt ponies that I have heard people talking about?  Also, do they have tails, because in the pictures I've seen they don't look like they do (granted, I've only seen like 2 pictures!)
4.  Are the flat footed ponies or the concave ponies earlier?  Also, why do they come in concave or flat footed?
5.  How many movies/ tv specials are there?  (the only one I've seen is the Midnight Castle one)
6.  What exactly do the Dance and Prance ponies do?

Thanks in advance!  Sorry if any of these are silly questions!

Pony Corral / Original Price of G1 Ponies?
« on: October 23, 2013, 06:12:59 AM »
I was just curious about how much the average G1 pony cost when they were new on store shelves.  How about G2?  It occurred to me a few minutes ago that I have no idea how much they originally were, and I think that it would be interesting to find out.  Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / My First G1 Pony! *advice needed*
« on: October 16, 2013, 09:36:15 AM »
Twice as fancy Milky Way just arrived today!   :biggrin:  And she is gorgeous.  She is just a little bit grubby, but overall she is quite lovely.  I have wanted a G1 pony to add to my collection for a long time, and when I saw this pretty girl on eBay I knew that I really wanted her.  She is in even better condition than I expected from the photographs.  That being said, she is still kind of a "project pony", and I want to make sure I do this right!  I have read some tutorials, but I just want to double check some stuff with you guys.
  • Is it safe to clean a TAF pony with regular dish soap?  I don't want to rub her symbols off.
  • She has some nail polish on her front leg, can I use nail polish remover to get it off?
  • Her mane and tail are lovely, but I still want to wash them.  If I get her tail too wet can it cause tail rust?
  • A couple of her stars are a little bit rubbed off, I am a good painter, should I touch them up?
Sorry for asking millions of questions  :blush:

EDIT:  There is a little mark on her side that looks like it may be a little cancer spot.  I don't think it is, it looks more like a scuff.  But if it is cancer, can it spread to my other ponies?
If anyone has any additional advice to offer me, I would love it.  I'm just so excited that I finally have her! :newpony:

Introductions / Hi There, Everybody!
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:21:17 AM »
Hi all!  I'm HelloGoodbye and I am very excited to be here!  I have been into collecting MLPs for about as long as I can remember.  G3 came out just at the right time to totally enthrall me as a kid.  My first pony was Tinka Tinka Too.  I still have my whole G3 collection from when I was little, and a good amount of play sets, thanks to a very generous aunt!  I never stopped collecting MLPs, so I have both G3, G3.5, and G4 ponies.  I love all the generations, but I have a soft spot for G3 since that is where I started my collection.  G4 is also nice, and I love the cartoon.  I just made my first foray into G1 (yay!) by purchasing a Milky Way pony on eBay.  She has not arrived yet, and is apparently in somewhat rough shape, but I am excited to go through the process of restoring her.  I have wanted to get into G1 ponies for some time, and I am glad that I finally have.  There are no G2 ponies in my collection yet, but I hope to change that soon!  :biggrin:

Outside of MLP, I have been horseback riding for my whole life, and am at the barn basically every day to ride my mare.  I enjoy jumping and competing at horse shows.  I am also completely obsessed with the Beatles (hence my username!) and I love other classic rock bands such as the Grateful Dead and the Who.  In my free time, I do a lot of art, especially drawing, painting with water colors, and sewing.  I collect other toys, too (Breyer horses and LPS, mainly).

I am thrilled to be here!  :newpony:

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