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Topics - systemcat

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Pony Corral / Cheap Ponies At Target!
« on: July 18, 2014, 06:25:35 PM »
I don't know if there has been a topic on this already but it's new to my knowledge. I had to buy a few items at Target the other day and at checkout near the floor on display, I saw ponies for sale. I thought at first due to price & packaging these were fakies, but they weren't. Plastic bagged with cardboard ID at the top labeling it My Little Pony: FIM, official Hasbro, were two dollars and ninety nine cent ponies! I only saw Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Lily Blossom. I'm sure other ponies are available this way :cool:.

Off Topic / My Web Comic
« on: July 08, 2014, 02:36:35 PM »
I asked permission in the Sigs & Site Support part of the forum permission to make this posting and Kiwi granted it.

I've been working on a web comic named Light Bulbs for a few years now, specifically since Oct. 17th '11. It is in an oddball sense kind of follow up to a virtual series written before it. It barely has any readers and that's why I thought to make this topic. To maybe intrigue some of you into reading it.

The series is sci fi & fantasy based with a continuous plot. But that plot is broken into chapters which at this point is currently on it's fourth chapter. It updates every Monday and I haven't missed an update of adding installments to it but once back in '12.

The low down on it so far is it's set next century and nature has been obliterated. Nothing bad like a war occurred to have this happen, how it happened is supposed to be the progress of people's thoughtless destruction of the environment for the newer and better. One man named Gray decides he wants to be a wizard and try to return magic to the world and try to better it. Besides one mistake use of magic in the beginning, he conjures up a teacher wizard to guide him in lessons. How ever what he gets is an unhappy to be where he is wizard named Glendake who is from the distant past. He'd rather not be teacher to Gray and would rather be in his own time but is forced to abide Gray's wishes because he can't get back to his time. Why? Because wizards & witches draw their power from the environment, second they also draw this power from being fueled by each other's power. Neither one exists in 22rd century Earth. Top that with Glendake only having just been certified at his job, so he's some what new to practicing magic him self.

Glendake knows the world has to be restored to having forests, grass, flowers, you name it, even non-polluted sky & water for his magic to truly work again. Dragon, Glendake knows are a key source to restoring the planet. A dragon under control of a wizard won't shoot out fire. Instead they can be forced to shoot out plants & animals. Currently the only notable dragon in the series so far, "Watt" has produced a few flowers ...that and not by Glendake's command a full size pine tree in the middle of a court room.

Various other characters are also in this series. From genetically engineered creatures named Znos who were the under class of society for a long time. To a man from another universe forced into this universe by Gray's mistake in use of magic, his companion being what looks to be a talking skunk but is actually a powerful alien. To fairies who were brought into existence by a wizard not Glendake, that were once upon a time Human. To a pair of men who have knowledge of higher beings that are akin to gods that they talk with. To people refereed to shadows that come from a place that no longer exists with a powerful beast. There are many interesting characters in this series that if I went into details over all of them this post would be too long.

In the beginning I didn't give a rat's butt about the art to the series, so I know it looks bad. But currently the series has a good set style.

Please tell me if you intend on reading Light Bulbs, and you can comment on the web comic's site without being a member of Comicfury  :).

Light Bulbs can be found here  ^.^:

Sigs & Site Support / May I Make This Topic?
« on: July 07, 2014, 04:45:29 PM »
I won't do this unless you say it's ok. In the "Off Topic" part of the forum, may I make a topic to advertise & talk about my web comic? It has so few readers and is ok for family reading & viewing, so younger members of the Arena need not worry.

Off Topic / Art Galleries in Houston?
« on: July 05, 2014, 05:15:48 PM »
I just made two new paintings yesterday ...and I don't want them to sit  :|.
At this point mainly thanks to the period where I didn't have a car for months, I now have a decent non-digital gallery for the first time in years. Thing is the last time I approached local galleries it was mainly over the phone & leaving messages on machines for people to get back to me because apparently no galleries ever answer the phone during business hours. To me that feels like shooting blind and doing it to a wall because people don't call back.

What I'm asking here is does any one here have some familiarity with galleries around Houston & which ones are accepting new artists?

I'm not a new artist by any means, in fact I'm a professional. I'm just not well known  :blush:.

Off Topic / Creatively - What music motivates you?
« on: July 03, 2014, 01:26:35 PM »
I've been drawing comics since the early 90's but in mid & late that decade I did tons of home made comic books while mainly listening to a Baltimore / Washington rock radio station. Now every time I hear certain 90's rock and certain classic rock it spurs me into itching to pencil - ink - color comics. Does any one else here have the Pavlov's Dog effect on their creatively over certain types of music?

Off Topic / Need Help Setting A Watch
« on: June 27, 2014, 09:12:46 PM »
True this is not a problem for any watch on average, but this watch is strange. The seller on eBay said it comes with a manual but it didn't and they directed me to a web site showing a poorly scanned piece of paper quote un quote saying how to set the time and read it. ...I've read over that page on it's English side more times than I can count trying to decipher it to no luck. Could some one here try breaking it down into intelligible instructions?

This is what the watch looks like:

And this is supposed to be my instruction guide:

Off Topic / Proceeding Unwanted? web comic
« on: June 21, 2014, 09:59:12 PM »
Over a year ago I posted a short web comic mini series online and since this happened it's been linked to my main web comic. Thing is about the mini comic, it has a massive back story which was written back in the 90's that has never been posted online. I asked people if they wanted more with these old characters brought to the internet for the first time, and the answers are confusing at best. No one has come forth with yes, do give these characters more story, but at the same time I get the distinct impression they want more back story relayed which I can't do without really focusing on the characters in a purely centered on them story. (Their appearance in my main web comic has them as side characters to the main focus ones).

Currently on DeviantART I'm doing a fan comic and once I've finished it I plan to tackle doing more writing for this mixed impression of reader want. Given the odd feedback would it be worth it? You know people might read a full story, or pass it by with indifference?

Pony Corral / My Little Pony Tales Screen Shot Request
« on: May 28, 2014, 10:40:43 AM »
I want to do a piece of fan art that shows Melody's twin baby brothers but I can't find a reference image of them any where. Could some one help me out with a screen shot? In the screen shot it would be preferable to have their cutie marks visible.

Off Topic / Ideas for Remembering Retro Sci Fi & Fantasy Shirt?
« on: May 17, 2014, 08:18:51 PM »
I might get to attend a convention next week end and since I can't afford to piece together some thing nice for cosplay, I thought I'd do some thing different but fitting. Some times and I applaud these people. The ones who dress in obscure costumes that people have to be well geeky to acknowledge.

Not dressed in either some thing Star Trek or Star Wars for cosplay, but say book characters, or old anime.

Since I'm not cosplaying I thought why not quiz people's knowledge of sci fi & fantasy movies & TV shows over the last either 60 or 70 years?

What I'm asking here is for ideas to put on a shirt showing iconic images to use in this quiz.

These are just a few ideas so far, one came from a friend here.
. A G1 cutie mark (the center piece)
. Robby The Robot's dome head
. Gillian Holroyd's siamese cat
.  A "LASA" logo
. The symbol used on the GAH
. The Guardians symbol (Reboot)

Off Topic / Birthday Ideas?
« on: May 09, 2014, 04:28:01 PM »
To mod.s this is more than whimpering. It's me relaying information in regards to a question. So please don't delete this because of my post count  :ninja:.

I have an awful track record with birthdays. Up until last year I had not had a good one in 20 years. You don't want to know the heartache of the ones in between. Normally I try and try to plan out some thing good well in advance for the day but these plans never prevail well. For example of how last year this finally turned around. I told my only local friend I wanted a little vacation, just a few days at the beach that is only about an hour's drive from home. He commissioned me to make two digital portraits for a friend of his. It took some time and effort to please him with many tries at making the art to just what he wanted, but eventually what I did pleased him and I got the money. The shame is I got it too late. Online travel booking sites had adjusted their prices in between starting the project and finishing it. Now every hotel had a price tag too high for a decent trip meant to help stress level and act as a gift to my self. Only one motel had a reasonable price tag but online reviews and even talking with staff over the phone made it sound bad, so I lost my trip because I didn't want to stay in a roach infested, far from any thing, poorly maintained motel. The friend who had given me the commission chatted with another friend of mine, although not a real local friend. This one lives one state over in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a day's long drive from home. The friend in LA. decided to take me in and try to show me a good time. The trip felt like nothing for days until the big day finally happened and only the evening felt special. Finally a break in the chain of awful birthdays. The shame is how things are currently sizing up in my life right now, it looks like on June 12th the old pattern is going to start right back up again of awful birthdays.

The friend in LA. no longer really has even the time to talk to me. All my friends away from Houston are too far away for visiting, and my one local friend is always so busy with a million matters he's involved with, I'm amazed exhaustion hasn't put him in the hospital. So flat out no friend around me for when the time comes. My car has been broken down since last year and I doubt it will be repaired in time for the day. But if it was, what could I do to celebrate by my self?

A friend here in the Arena said do some thing I really enjoy. Lets see I can nearly walk around the zoo blindfolded, and HMNS has nothing new in it I have an urge to really see. I recently spent a whole day at the Galleria, and besides being a wuss on the ice and wishing I had more money it was an ok day. I can't firmly remember how this was brought up but the friend here and myself, we started talking about what if I went to an amusement park. The shame is Houston doesn't have one, only water parks a good drive away and I'm not fond of water parks (that's a story for another day). I did think of maybe going to a sports event, but my favorite team I think is gone and it isn't even the right season for hockey.

Thoughts of the simple nature have also been boiled over in my mind, like catching a movie. Looking at what's upcoming ...uh I don't see any thing I'm really tempted at. Sure there's that X-Men movie coming, but with as much as I love comics, I'm strangely not into the X-Men movies. They're ok but I don't feel the need to jump up and buy a ticket every time one comes out. Some movies, I prefer renting to discovering if they're good or not.  While it seems Dreamworks has a halfway decent track record with it's animated films. I'm going to wait for How To Train Your Dragon 2, to come out on disc before I watch it. (Yes, I know it opens on the 13th, but I'm tried of small kids causing havoc just behind my theater seat and whining little babies else where in the theater.)

I hope you guys have better ideas what I could do other than sleep through that day.

Off Topic / Who Here Reads Web Comics?
« on: April 05, 2014, 02:41:51 PM »
Just wondering who here reads web comics? I know another member here and myself make them,..well er she used to. But both of us read them.

Also if you do read them, how many different ones do you read (follow) on a weekly basis?

Sigs & Site Support / Pony Art Area Question
« on: March 13, 2014, 08:09:28 PM »
Can setup photos be put in the Pony Art section? I already have an art thread there, and would rather not make a whole new thread over two pictures.

Off Topic / Dropped
« on: March 10, 2014, 05:53:20 PM »
I know where this would fit in the forum, but it's either gone or FireFox and IE don't see it any more.

My agent has dropped me  :cry:. I don't know what I did wrong. In social events, like a gallery opening of a friend of his. I was told I was ok, but should have never mentioned my want for work.

He wants to cease all projects with me, and we never even got started with a single project  :yikes:.

I gave him time. I told him I was ready for work. He knew why I needed work.

Every thing was supposed to be ok, and I feel like I've done something awful  -_-.

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