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Pony Corral / FiM Season 8: Grannies Gone Wild Discussion
« on: April 15, 2018, 04:20:16 PM »
Looks like the elderly ladies of the apple family are in the spotlight this time!

"Granny Smith and her elderly friends are headed to Las Pegasus, and Rainbow Dash tags along as chaperone so she can ride the best rollercoaster ever before it closes. Unfortunately, following Applejack's care-taking rules for the "Golden Horseshoe Gals" keep Dash so busy, she doubts she'll even get to see the rollercoaster!"


Interesting note, it seems the blue unicorn stallion that appeared in the episode, named Jackpot, is actually Trixie's dad! This was hinted at by someone on the show and confirmed in a UK collectors guide.

NOTE: Yes, some episodes have already been leaked, and every episode synopsis for season eight is available. Despite this, please refrain from discussing information about these leaks until we get to the respective episodes. Thank you!

Pony Corral / G1 Media Retrospective: The End of Flutter Valley
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:32:08 AM »
Onto the next "movie"!

The End of Flutter Valley is a sequel of sorts to the My Little Pony Movie, but instead of being released as one long film it servers as a 10 part opener to the My Little Pony n' Friends TV Series. We revisit our Witchy villains, Hydia, Reeka, and Draggle, as they try to take over Flutter Valley.

These ten episodes aired in September of 1986, and has been released in a stand-alone format on DVD & VHS, and also included in the Shout Factory series DVD set.

Short Summary:
"The fate of Flutter Valley is at hand when the My Little Ponies try to save it from Queen Bumble and the evil witches of Volcano of Gloom."

Long Summary (courtesy of My Little Wiki):
Episode 1: Surprise is playing about and scares the other Ponies while out walking. Baby Cuddles jumps across the other ponies in fright and lands on Spike. Gusty tells Surprise to knock it off as they’re on there way to Flutter Valley and are already late for the celebration. Gusty blames Cupcake for their lateness as she had to bake a cake. The witches Hydia, Reeka and Draggle are watching them through a pool of water. They plan to ruin the flutter ponies’ celebration. Hydia sends her daughters out to stop the group making it to Flutter Valley. They use a spell on some Daisies, turning them into ropes to lassoes the ponies. They catch them ruining Cupcakes cake. The flutter Ponies had got worried when the group hadn’t shown and went out looking for them. They spot them with the witches and switch to utterflutter, a faster fluttering of there wings. Thanks to the pollen and the Flutter Ponies the group of Ponies get away while the witches worry about what Hydia will do to them. The witches decide to go to Flutter Valley too. At Flutter Valley Rosedust Queen of the Flutter Ponies, declares the day Sun Tuesday under a golden Sun Stone while the witches try to find another spell. The Bushwoolies hand Rosedust cakes she thanks them then Cupcake offers her Chocolate cake looking a bit ruin. Suddenly the earth shakes; the witches had use a land slide spell and the ponies run for covers. The Sun Stone looks like it’s about to fall.

Episode 2: The two witches think they have them when mud starts flying back up at them. It turns out Draggle had made a land pie as well, they run off and the ponies cheer. The Flutter Ponies Honeysuckle and Morning Glory argue whether to get revenge or not on the witches but Rosedust calms them down and the ponies tell the Flutter ponies they have to leave for home. The two witches get back to the volcano to a telling off from Hydia and she just can’t understand why they’re not evil enough. Hydia calls her family to her from out of paintings and they give her an idea to steal the Sun Stone and take over Flutter Valley. The girls go to find Bumble A big bumble bee, and her bees to help capture the Flutter Ponies and Sun Stone. Finding her the witches introduce them selves and convince Bumble she wants the Sun Stone off the Flutter Ponies who she hates and to help them. Spike watches for more witches when Surprise flies in warning the other ponies of creatures ahead. They find Furbobs friends of the Bushwoolies and they run over to say hello and introduce themselves. Where the Bushwoolies always agree the Furbobs never do. The Furbobs explain the Stonebacks are chasing them from everywhere they live. Just then the Stonebacks start eating the bridge they look like armoured armadillo with crocodile mouths.

Episode 3: The ponies are on the bridge calling for help, the bridge breaks and Fizzy makes a bubble with her horn that the Bushwoolies and Furbobs fall onto. Surprise saves Spike and Baby Cuddles dropping them face first in some mud. The others fall in some near by water. The Furbobs can’t remember why the StoneBacks hate them and Baby Cuddles has hurts her leg. They decide to go to Furbobia as it was closer then Paradise Estate. The daughter witches try a spell of a rainbow with Bumble and steal the Sun Stone, they succeed and the flutter ponies chase the bees into Bumbleland. Bumble asks Sting her guard to prepare the honeycomb. The Flutter Ponies’ spot the stone on the floor, as they swoop in to get it Sting drops the Honeycomb on them trapping them inside. Bumble gets Sting to place the stone to warm the land while the witches enjoy their new home making it dark and dirty. Still unable to find Furbobia the ponies carrying Baby Cuddles on a raft rest. They tell Baby Cuddles not to worry while wishful the Bushwoolie wishes for some apples that fall straight off the tree in front of them. Surprise pushes them on reminding them the sun will be setting soon and they run into more StoneBacks. Bumbles land is flourishing and she starts eating all the flowers while the Flutter Ponies argue again. Honeysuckle suggests a plan to blown down the wall and escape. They shift to utterflutter and Bumble covers them with honey to stop them suggesting they’ll be her slaves.

Episode 4: Bumble is still tipping honey in but Sting reminds her she doesn’t want to drown them. Morning Glory hadn’t got hit as much as the rest and escape out of a window in the honeycomb, she’s chased but makes it to freedom. Surprise is trying to distract the Stonebacks but it wasn’t working. The other ponies too try but nothing works till Buttons drops a lot of apples on them and they run for it finding the Furbobs home. They tell the furbobs about Baby Cuddles leg and the Furbobs call out “prepare the steamer”. Meanwhile Morning Glory is getting tired the honey on her wings is slowing her down and making her heavy. The bees find her and she has to fly again but they capture her and take her back to Bumbleland. Bumble is feeling rather full after too much nectar when the bees drop Morning Glory in front of her. She gets Sting to put Morning Glory into a cage just before she falls to sleep. Baby Cuddles is scared about what’s going to happen to her. The Bushwoolies reassure the ponies that the Furbobs won’t hurt her. During the song Baby cuddles is in a box and the Furbobs make her float on multi coloured steam when she lands she’s all better. The ponies decide to help with the Stoneback as they’ve helped them; they decide to go back to Flutter Valley to get the Flutter Ponies. The daughter witches are having second thoughts about leaving the volcano of doom their home but Hydia still insists on it.

Episode 5: Bumbleland is getting so hot a bee Pointer, burns his finger on a flower. He dips it in the only tiny ice patch left that had once covered the land. He wakes up Bumble and tells her about the Sun stone she ignores him and goes back to sleep. The Flutter Ponies notice it’s getting hotter, Morning Gory tries to change Sting’s mind to let her go and return the Sun Stone. She learns he can’t fly so she teaches him. She almost gets away but Sting remembers his job and locks her back up. The ponies make it back to Flutter Valley and find its awful now. They’re greeted by Hydia and her daughters. They brag about having Flutter Valley but the ponies fight them. The ponies then have to run from Ahgg but he drops a web on them trapping them. Back in Bumbleland the Sun Stone has coursed a fire, the whole kingdom burns while bees drop water all over it. The bees abandoned Bumbleland and Morning Glory points it out to Sting Bumbleland is burning.

Episode 6: Back with the Flutter Ponies the fire still rages but it’s melting the honeycomb. The Flutter Ponies are hoping it’ll melt enough for them to escape. Morning Glory is finally freed by Sting when he realises Bumble has left him and he knock the Sun Stone to the ground burning a hole in the floor. Morning Glory then explains to him Flutter Valley is finished without it. Bumble returns and tries to get Sting to lock Morning Glory back up but he refuse and claims the Flutter Ponies as his friends. So Bumble orders Pointer to take Sting prisoner too. Sting and Pointer fight in the air with Sting the winner before they fly away and the Flutter Ponies escape from the honeycomb on hoof only to be stopped by the bees. Hydia and co are still waiting for Flutter Valley to turn dark. The other ponies have been strung up in a tree, in a web net. Fizzy comes up with an idea and uses her bubble power on the Furbob while the ponies ask Ahgg to let him out so Ahgg can play with the Furbob. Ahgg does and the bubble pops letting the Furbob run off for help to Hydia’s dismay. Sting and Morning Glory work on how to save the Flutter Ponies and Sun Stone when a rainbow appears. Morning Glory explains Megan lives on the other side of the rainbow and is hoping she’ll help them so they fly along it. They make it to her house but can’t find her instead they find a bull.

Episode 7: The bull is still chasing after Sting and Morning Glory, Sting knocks himself out trying to escape. So Morning Glory tries to distract the bull while Megan rides in luckily in time to help. Megan fetches the red blanket off of her horse and flags the bull back into its stall. Morning Glory and Sting explain what’s going on and they set off for Ponyland. The witches try to turn the little ponies purple instead turn them selves purple so they have to go all the way home to wash it off. The furbob realises he doesn’t know where to go for help just when Morning Glory and co drop in to ask about the other ponies. Bumble has had to go back to the old ways of finding flowers. Having run out, she orders the Flutter Ponies to her and asks them to get the Sun Stone back. She makes them dig the hole bigger while Pointer tries a crane to lift it out. Honeysuckle makes an excuse she wants a drink before spitting it up in Pointers face and taking over the crane. She lifts up Bumble and puts her over the hole. Pointer tries to help Bumble by cutting the rope and dropping her chair into the hole while Bumble jumps off. The bees then go on the attack again after the Flutter Ponies. Bumble ends up tripping Honeysuckle into the hole.

Episode 8: The Flutter ponies call out to see if Honeysuckle is ok but they hear no reply. Pointer puts the Flutter Ponies back to work while Megan tries to talk to Bumble. She tells Bumble she’s surrounded and twigs twitch all around them. Pointer knocks Megan; Sting goes to fight Pointer again while the Flutter Ponies try to escape again. This time Pointer wins and Bumble traps them all in another cage marching the Flutter Ponies back to work. The other ponies are trying to cheer up Draggle and they try to convince her to let them go. They offer Draggle pony magic before breaking out into song to show her. They trick Draggle into letting them go and tie her up but it isn’t long before the ponies are caught in another “fly” trap by the witches. Morning Glory is getting upset that there’s not much time left, Bumble runs out of flowers and Honeysuckle climbs out of the hole freeing Morning Glory and co. She tells them to get the flutter ponies to go down the hole and Bumble and her bees have a surprise coming. Honeysuckle’s brought the Stonebacks with her who attack Bumble. With the Flutter Ponies free Honeysuckle calls off the Stonebacks and escapes herself, Leaving Furbob at the top of the hole.

Episode 9: Bumble closes in on the Furbob but they pull him into the hole. The Ponies all start to fill in the hole. Bumble tries to go down the hole after them but gets stuck. Megan tries to convince the Furbob that the Stonebacks may want to just be friends with them but he has to check with the others first before he can agree. The Flutter ponies use utterflutter to cool off the Sun Stone and rush off with the stone to Flutter Valley. The Stonebacks dig them out and the Furbob goes with Sting to get the other Furbobs to help drive out the witches. Hydia is making Draggle run around carrying the spell book when she spots the Flutter Ponies. Hydia sends Ahgg to stop them after giving him a potion to stop him being tickled this time like they did in the first movie. Megan does try to tickle Ahgg but nothing happens.

Episode 10: Ahgg still has them trapped; Megan uses the Stonebacks to tunnel under Ahgg. The witches toast to their certain win. The furbobs and Bushwoolies turn up to help dig the tunnel under Ahgg. They make it to the other side and Ahgg falls over into his web. The witches run away as the Flutter Ponies realise the other ponies. They put the stone back just in time when Bumble turns up to steal it again. Sting gives Bumble some home truths and Rosedust offers that Bumble can come back any time to help herself so Bumble thanks them and leaves. The Sun Stone starts to restores the land and Morning Glory and Honeysuckle apologize to each other. Just when everything seemed fine a cloud turns up to block out the sun. It’s the witches trying one last attempt at claming Flutter Valley. The Flutter Ponies blow the cloud away and get the witches by blowing them away too. They then celebrate as the Valley gets back to normal.

- Opening Theme
- From The Sun
- Oh, Family
- Dark and Dirty
- Nature's In Harmony
- Stretch Yourself
- How Can I Be A Hero?
- Pony Magic
- Imagine You Were Friends
- From The Sun (reprise)

Ponies: Surprise, Baby Cuddles, Gusty, Cupcake, Fizzy, Buttons

Flutterponies: Rosedust, Honeysuckle, Morning Glory, Peach Blossom, Forget-Me-Not, Lily

Humans: Megan

Villains: Hydia, Reeka, Draggle, Ahgg, Bumble, Stonebacks, Sting, Pointer

Other: Spike, The Bushwoolies, Furbobs

Pony Corral / FiM Season 8: Fake It Til' You Make It Discussion
« on: April 07, 2018, 11:29:48 AM »
A Fluttershy and Rarity episode!

"Fluttershy is the only pony available to look after the Manehattan boutique while Rarity is away and takes on a series of characters to cope with the intimidating clientele. But as her characters get more and more exaggerated, Fluttershy learns that she was already the best pony for the job just by being herself. "

My thoughts:
I really loved all the costume changes Fluttershy had in this (even though they became too much for her). I really want to draw them lol. Maybe I missed something here but it seemed she became aggressive for no reason? It was fine when she was changing personalities but then she turned against the customers on top of that. She always takes things a little too far. Maybe I'm just tired but it felt a little muddled to me lol. Even at the end she got a bit agressive when a stern tone would have been fine, and then laughed it off as inner strength though Rarity was uncomfortable. Eh, it was weird.

Another Animatic!:

NOTE: Yes, some episodes have already been leaked, and every episode synopsis for season eight is available. Despite this, please refrain from discussing information about these leaks until we get to the respective episodes. Thank you!

Arts & Crafts Corral / I'm Now Taking Commissions!!
« on: April 05, 2018, 05:26:22 PM »
Hi pony peeps! I'm finally doing something I've been wanting to do for a long time, taking commissions!!

This isn't a full time job for me, but it's a way to get extra funds as my job search continues.

Commissions are for USD, but to my favorite pony people here on the Arena, I'm also offering art in exchange for ponies!
I have tons of cheap/common ponies from all gens on my wish list, just PM to discuss!

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I know there's no ponies shown here, but I do draw MLP! I can do any of the things listed and even make reference sheets, backgrounds, or do ATC's of your pony characters (and more!)

Of course you don't have to commission only pony art from me, I do all the listed things  :)

Full a few overview of my prices, examples, TOS, & more check out my Weebly site!

Pony Corral / FiM Season 8: The Maud Couple Discussion
« on: March 31, 2018, 11:19:57 AM »
New episode ahoy! Here's one for you Maud and Pinkie Pie fans.

"Pinkie Pie's super-best-friend-sister bond is challenged when Maud gets a boyfriend that Pinkie can't stand."

I'm not big on Pinkie or Maud, so this one wasn't for me really. I do like that Maud is always willing to put aside her discomforts for her sisters sake, it's the only part of her character I enjoy, so I hate that Pinkie can't do the same. It is difficult, but hey, it's just a show. Pretty odd to me that they picked Maud to get a significance other though. Nice to see Pinkie's other sister again!

Check out an animatic for this episode as well!

NOTE: Yes, some episodes have already been leaked, and every episode synopsis for season eight is available. Despite this, please refrain from discussing information about these leaks until we get to the respective episodes. Thank you!

Pony Corral / G1 Media Retrospective: My Little Pony: The Movie
« on: March 29, 2018, 12:43:31 PM »
"Something bad is coming down, Have you heard the news?"

This week's discussion is a doozy, our first full-length My Little Pony film, My Little Pony: The Movie!
The movie was released theatrically in June of 1986. The now defunct studios Sunbow and Marvel Productions were responsible for it's production, and animation by Toei and AKOM!

As with most theatrical films, some guest star voice roles include Danny DeVito, Madeline Kahn, Cloris Leachman, Rhea Perlman and Tony Randall.

The film was a flop in it's run, making less than $6 million and receiving poor reviews form critics.


"The first day of Spring is on its way and the Little Ponies are preparing for it with a big festival. But all the fun may come to an end if the witch Hydia has her way! Can the Ponies defeat Hydia and her evil daughters, Reeka and Draggle? More importantly, can they save Ponyland from the witches’ concoction, the strange purple goo called Smooze, that s threatening to bury the whole town?"

(longer summary in the spoiler)

Our film opens with the arrival of spring and the ponies planning the Spring Festival, including Baby Lickety Split who is coming up with some creative dance moves. Meanwhile, our witchy villains are  watching them through a potion with disgust. Hydia believes her daughters are not living up to her evil standards, and send them to ruin the ponies festival.

We return to the festival to watch the baby ponies dance, and Baby Lickety Split gets ahead of herself with her dance moves, runing the performace and upsetting Buttons and the other baby ponies who berate her until she runs away in tears. Baby Lickety Split decides to run away though Spike does his best to stop her.

Reeka and Draggle have made it to Dream Valley, and are trying to figure out how to ruin the festival. Draggle uses a spell to shoot water from a water fall to drown out the festival, but are thwarted by seaponies. They wash out to the festival where they are called "cute", and leave, offended.

Baby Lickety Split attempts to fly over a cliff but, since she's an earth pony, plummets down with Spike in tow and gets stuck. The other ponies realize the two are missing and believe she may be with the Bushwoolies. 

Disappointed in her daughters' failure, Hydia decides to use the Smooze, a purple goo that previously destroyed Grundleland. First she needs the proper ingredients, and the witches are sent out once again. Baby Lickety Split and Spike try to get up the cliffside with little luck while the sisters explore the swamp for ingredients. Hydia begins prepping the Smooze recipe by throwing the ingredients into the volcano, creating the Smooze despite missing an ingredient. It flows down the volcano and into Dream Valley.

The other ponies pass right by Baby Lickety Split and Spike, unable to hear their cries over the waterfall. They meet up with the Bushwoolies, who are on their way to the Festival. Both parties are stopped when the Smooze rushes in. Magic Star takes the smoozed Gusty and all but one Bushwooly back to Dream Castle, leaving Shady and her Bushwooly companion to continue the search. The smooze has reached the trench where Baby Lickety Split and Spike are trapped, forcing them to retreat into the cave. Magic Star and the others reach Dream Valley just in time, ushering every creature and pony into Dream Castle.

North Star and Wind Whistler go to find Megan, who is with her siblings. They initially come only for the Rainbow of Light, but all three convince the ponies to let them aid in the fight.

Back at Dream Castle, the ponies are attemping to barricade against the Smooze, but it is too strong. The pegasi arrive with Megan and her siblings, and she unleashes the Rainbow of Light, which is eventually defeated after a battle. The Smooze is revealed to be weakened due to the sisters forgetting to get one specific ingredient. Megan, North Star, and Fizzy leave to seek out The Moochick while the sisters work together to get some Flume to strengthen The Smooze.

Megan and her pony companions reach Mr. Moochik, who reveals he has no more Rainbow for them, and instead sings about the types of homes the ponies can find now that Dream Castle has been smoozed. He creates Paradise Estate for them and informs them that the Flutter Ponies are the only ones who can take care of The Smooze.

Spike and Baby Lickety Split are trying to find a way out of the cave the Smooze trapped them in. They come across The Grundles, who convince them that, though they appear scary, they are quite good. Their kingdom has already been destroyed by The Smooze, and they offer to help the two.

The witches toss their acquired Flume into the Smooze so it can reach it's full potential. Back in Dream Valley, the ponies are excited to explore Paradise Estate. The celebration doesn't last, as the smooze is coming back with a vengeance. Shady continues to struggle to find Lickety Split. We cut back to the volcano where the sisters are told to seek out Ogg, bringing an offering of food.

Shady's distress is cut short when the smooze reaches her. Megan, Danny, Molly, Fizzy, Magic Star, and Wind Whistler seek out Flutter Valley, narrowly escaping threats such as The Smooze, evil trees, and a giant spider. They meet up with Shady and her Bushwooly along the way.

The Grundles, Spike, and Baby Lickety Split also have a run in with the smooze that they escape, though Spike gets a little of the goo on his tail. They land in a flower field near a well, and Baby Lickety Split sings into it. At first they believe the voice inside is an echo, but after it sings back they discover it's actually a Flutter pony, Morning Glory. She offers them help since they rescued her from the well, and they head for Flutter Valley. They reach Flutter Valley and meet Rosedust, who turns them down. Suddenly, Morning Glory arrives with Baby Lickety Split and the others, finally reuniting the groups. They beg Rosedust to assist them as The Smooze begins to reach Paradise Estate.

Hope seems all but lost as the Flutter Ponies and the others arrive, pushing back The Smooze with the gusts of magic from their wings. Dream Castle and Dream Valley  are freed from The Smooze as the witches are chased back to their volcano. The Grundles are offered Dream Castle as thanks for their help in keeping Lickety Split safe. The Flutter Ponies return home, the Rainbow returns to it's locket, and Megan and her siblings head home knowing Dream Valley is safe.

For now...

* My Little Pony Opening Theme
* Evil Witch Like Me
* I'll Go It Alone
* I'll Do the Dirty Work
* Nothing Can Stop the Smooze
* There's Always Another Rainbow
* Home
* Grundles Good
* What Good Will Wishing Do?
* My Little Pony Closing Theme

Ponies: Gusty, North Star, Shady, Sweet Stuff, Gingerbread, Buttons, Lofty, Sundance, Magic Star, Fizzy, Wind Whistler, Ribbon, Paradise, Rosedust, Morning Glory, Baby Lickety Split, Baby Lofty, Baby Sundance, Baby Ribbon, assorted Seaponies.

Villians: Hydia, Reeka, Draggle

Other Characters: Spike, Bushwoolies, Mr. Moochik, The Grundles, The Grundle King

Humans: Megan, Molly, & Danny

Pony Corral / FiM Season 8: School Daze part 1 & 2 Discussion
« on: March 24, 2018, 02:04:38 PM »
Time to kicks off season eight with a brand new tried and true two-parter  :biggrin:

Please remember that in canon, season 8 takes place after the MLP Movie (which will be quite obvious from the episode).

School Daze Part 1:
"When the Friendship Map grows bigger to reflect the world beyond Equestria, the Mane Six realize they'll need a way to spread the message of friendship far and wide. Luckily, Twilight knows just what to do-- open a School of Friendship!"

School Daze Part 2:
"With her School of Friendship closed by the EEA, Twilight Sparkle must reunite her students, inspire her friends, and buck the rules to stand up and show what she knows is right - ever ycreature, pony or not, deserves to learn friendship together."

NOTE: Yes, some episodes have already been leaked, and every episode synopsis for season eight is available. Despite this, please refrain from discussing information about these leaks until we get to the respective episodes. Thank you!

Pony Corral / G1 Media Retrospective: Escape From Catrina
« on: March 18, 2018, 01:11:29 PM »
Onto the next special! Thanks for those of you joining in on the discussions, lots of great information was learned from the RaMC thread :D

Escape from Catrina is this weeks subject. This is the 2nd My Little Pony special, and aired in 1984. Just like Rescue at Midnight Castle, it was later edited and added to the My Little Pony n' Friends episode lineup. This special has a whole new cast of ponies, but Megan makes her return.

Just like with Rescue at Midnight Castle, the special was split into two episodes, and one of the songs was cut for time constraints along with original end credits. The art style has also changed for this special.



The ponies are preparing for a visit from Megan, and trying to make sure everything goes just right. Sundance accidentally makes a mess while trying to catch a ball, ultimately causing it to knock poor Baby Moondancer in the water and the ball being lost in a cave. But deep in that cave we see something interesting, strange fuzzy creatures are hard at work. These little guys are called Bushwoolies, and they are grinding up Witch Wheat to make a potion for our main villain, Catrina.

Unfortunately the little fuzzballs are clumsy, and they spill what little there is of the potion, enraging Catrina. Rep, Catrina's (INSERT HERE), had already warned them to be careful. The Bushwoolies openly announce they're sick of being slaves, and they're going to escape! Catrina overhears and picks up the purple bushwoolie, planning to toss him into the pit for his insubordination. Rep and the others plead her to stop, but she throws him in anyway. Luckily he is saved by Rep. Enraged, she demands more Witch Wheat Potion before we cut back to our pony pals.

Megan is almost here, but Sundance and Baby Moondancer's clumsy antics cause a few issues. No bother in the end, as Megan arrives safely on the back of Skydancer. The ponies present her with the Rainbow of Light, once again asking her to wear it. The baby ponies are excited to meet and play with Megan, but Posey informs them they need to nap! Megan offers to babysit them, and agrees that the babies shouldn't nap ("Lets Not Take A Nap") and they play instead. It was just a ruse by Megan to wear out the kiddo's, and they quickly fall asleep.

We cut back to Catrina, also asleep, and the Bushwoolies plan to escape again. Rep tries to reason with them, but it fails. They successfully run off, causing Rep and Catrina to go to the surface in order to recapture them. She spots the ponies playing and decides they will make fine replacements. After drinking some of her potion from a small vial, she grows in size and uses magic to create a snowstorm to freeze the ponies. Powder manages to escape, but the other three are left in the snow. Megan comes to action quickly, using the Rainbow of Light to knock over Catrina and Rep and clear the clouds away so the sun can melt the snow. Catrina still insists that they try to capture the ponies to be her new slaves. Rep reminds her things used to not be this way ("The Good Old Days") but it doesn't get through to her, and she is enraged again when she realizes she's completely out of her potion.

We return to Dream Valley were the ponies are getting the last of the decor in order. Sparkler berates Sundance, and the poor pony runs off to cry. Megan comes to comforts her and reminders her that she has other wonderful skills that make her special. Then Megan goes to get the baby ponies dressed up, and helps put together an outfit for Baby Moondancer. Megan even lets her wear the Rainbow of Light! As Baby Moondancer heads for the ball, she's stopped by Rep in a pony disguise who comments on the locket she's wearing. Baby Moondancer refuses to hand it over so Rep returns to his original form and tries to force it away from her. The tough little pony fights him off, but Catrina decides to just take Baby Moondancer as well, and the two escape with the poor pony, just out of Megans grasp.

Megan and the ponies venture to find their kidnapped friends and run into the Bushwoolies in the forest. They show Megan and the ponies the cave they escape to, informing them it was once their home until Catrina came along. They slide inside and come face to face with Catrina and Rep. Catrina asks them to be her slaves, and the ponies refuse. She tries again, and after another refusal she threatens to throw Baby Moondancer into the pit. Rep stops her, tell her she's gone too far, but she kicks him aside. Rep transforms into a bull and knocks Catrina into the pit as the locket and Baby Moondancer go flying. Megan catches the Locket, and Sundance catches Baby Moondancer. Catrina is clinging to the inside of the pit, begging for help, but Rep is hesitant. In exchange for being saved, they ask her to destroy her Witch Wheat machine. At first she refuses, but she knows she will die if she doesn't. Rep brings her the very last drop of Witch Wheat, witch she uses to grow in size and escape the pit. She turns to the ponies at first, but turns again and destroy's the machine as she promised.

As the story comes to a close, we return to Dream Valley. The ponies put on a costume parade for Megan ("Dressed Like A Dream"). Even Rep and Katrina join in. Our story ends with Megan giving Baby Moondancer the locket to wear once again. As the credits roll, the ponies say goodbye to Megan before Skydancer takes her back home.


* My Little Pony Theme
* Let's Not Take A Nap
* The Good Ol' Days (uncut version only)
* Dressed Like A Dream

Ponies used: Baby Moondancer, Sundance, Sparkler, Posey, Powder, Starflower, Lickety-Split, Skydancer, Baby Surprise, Baby Cotton Candy, Baby Glory, Backstroke, Seabreeze, Sand Dollar, White Cap, Sea Mist.

Villains: Catrina & Rep

Other Characters: Spike & Bushwoolies

Humans: Megan

Off Topic / Girl Scout Cookies!
« on: March 11, 2018, 08:06:07 PM »
I haven't had a chance to buy any cookies myself, but my mother came through and picked up some for me! I LOVE girl scout cookies!

My personal favorites are peanut butter patties & caramel delites. I'm trying s'mores for the first time this year!

Optional questions:

- Were you a girl scout?

- What bakery supplies your area? (ABC or Little Brownie)

I wasn't a girl scout, and my area is supplied by ABC!

Pony Corral / G1 Media Retrospective: Rescue At Midnight Castle
« on: March 11, 2018, 05:33:18 PM »
Hey pony folk! thanks for all your wonderful feedback! Lets kick off these G1 MLP Media discussions :D

Of course, we'll be starting with the very first MLP TV Special: Rescue at Midnight Castle

This special was originally titled as simply "My Little Pony" in 1984. It didn't gain it's current title, "Rescue at Midnight Castle" until 1986 when it was edited and thrown into the My Little Pony n' Friends TV series! It has also been released under the title's "Firefly's Adventure" and "My Little Pony in Dreamland".  ^.^

The normally peaceful Dream Valley is raided by a creature named Scorpan and his Troadon's who have come to capture ponies to serve his master Tirek as creatures for his chariot. He manages to capture two ponies. A pony named Firefly runs to get help and finds it in a human girl named Megan, who is brought back to Dream Valley. Just as they arrive, another raid begins, as not enough ponies were captured the first time. Two more ponies are taken away, and Megan and a few others decide to find Tirek and rescue them.

They cross a rickety bridge, which Applejack falls through (and Megan goes after), but are rescued by a group of seaponies who bring them to shore and offer an item that will call on them if they need help again. The group continues to the house of Mr. Moochik, who explains that Tirek want's to cast an eternal darkness on the land by using his Rainbow of Darkness. He gives them a small piece of the Rainbow of Light to help them defeat Tirek.

The group arrives at Midnight Castle and cross the waters with the help of the seaponies. They are spotted by a guard, who warns Tirek. Scorpan runs to rescue the ponies and his dragon friend Spike, who Tirek has threatened to behead. Applejack is captured and transformed into a monster, but the others escape only for Tirek to burst from the castle on his chariot. Scorpan attempts to sabotage Tirek but fails. Luckily, Megan and Firefly have it covered! They steal the Rainbow of Darkness and keep it from the guards before Firefly accidentally drops it back into the hands of Tirek. Megan unleashes the Rainbow of Light, and though it is overpowered at first it quickly turns the darkness into a Rainbow. This Rainbow destroys Tirek and returns the transformed ponies to their real forms. Scorpan is revealed to have been a human prince, transformed by Tirek as well. Pony land has returned to peace, with some new friends as well.

This special had four songs. The My Little Pony theme, "Dancing on Air", "Call Upon the Seaponies", and "A Little Piece of Rainbow". The last song is cut from all versions except for the original in order to shorten the run time after it was edited into the MLPnF block.

Ponies Featured: Twilight, Ember, Glory, Bowtie, Medley, Firefly, Applejack, Moondancer, Bubbles, Cotton Candy, the mystery Rainbow pony, Seawinkle, Sealight, Wavedancer (and TJ!)

Other Characters: Scorpan, Spike, The Moochick, Habbit, Tireks' Guards, & Tirek

Humans: Megan

Share your thoughts, memories, trivia, or media about this special! I'll come back and add my thoughts later  :)

Pony Corral / G1 MLP Media Retrospective, Are You Interested?
« on: March 08, 2018, 05:58:17 PM »
Hey pony folk! I have an idea I wanted to share. So MLP:FIM Season 8 is on it's way (March 24th) and I plan to start my weekly discussion posts. However, I know there's plenty of you who aren't here for FIM and aren't interested in such things.

Well, I wanted to do something for the rest of us! I want to take a look back on all the G1 MLP media, from Rescue at Midnight Castle to My Little Pony Tales. I'll post a discussion post about the episode/film/special, give a summary and mention special points or trivia, and then we can chat about it!

So here's what we'd be looking at in order:
- Rescue At Midnight Castle (original TV special)
- Escape From Katrina (TV special)
- My Little Pony: The Movie (original film)
- The End of Flutter Valley (ten part TV episode special)
- My Little Pony n' Friends Season 1 (TV series)
- My Little Pony n' Friends Season 2 (TV series)
- My Little Pony Tales (TV series)

It'll be quite a bit, which is why I want to have the option of doing more than one discussion a week. You can always comment on them at any time. Thankfully, a lot of the episodes in MLP n Friends are two or four parts! I'll be watching the episodes every time I make a post so I can be as accurate as possible.

If y'all enjoy it, I'm absolutely down to do G3 media after we finish these off! Let me know your thoughts!

And if you need a refresher, those of you in region 1 at least, Amazon has MLP Tales and MLP: The Movie on sale on prime for about $5 each, and the complete MLP n Friends TV series for about $20 :)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Monster Hunter World
« on: March 07, 2018, 01:02:54 PM »
Anyone playing? I love it so much, I'm having to balance my schedule to fit in more hours to play  :lol:

I'm not super far in, currently working on the Pink Rathian mission, I think I'm HR12 right now! My hunter's name is Bekuno (of course) and my Palico is named Rockabilly. My main weapon of choice is the Switch Axe! It's so satisfying to smash these big monsters in the face when you're inches from death.

Who are you hunting? :dragon:

Off Topic / Enamel Pins and Patches
« on: March 07, 2018, 12:59:16 PM »
I'm noticing these are becoming quite the trend! I actually just picked up a denim jacket the other day to put patches on  :blush:

I'm LOVING this craze! I've seen so many cute and cool designs come out of it. Fandom, geeky, original, aesthetic-pleasing... they have everything! It's looking like these are becoming a great new way to express yourself.

I actually have a pinterest board for them myself lol! I'm looking to collect ones related to dinosaurs, monsters, cryptids, and some video games I love. Right now I don't have any, they're just a bit too pricy for me to afford right now. Maybe for my birthday?

Do any of y'all collect? Have displays? Ita-bags? Wishlist? Share with me!

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Off Topic / Here Comes The Easter Bunny!
« on: March 07, 2018, 12:47:18 PM »
Another candy thread, but keeping with the spirit of the holiday.

Easter is coming! April 1st to be exact, isn't that funny? Might want to keep an eye on your sweets this year  :lol:

My favorite part of Easter was getting a bucket full of candy every year, even when I got too old to hunt eggs I'd always get a handmade basket from my wonderful mother.  :)

I know that during the holidays, we often get candy we don't get any other time, so I'm wondering if there's anything your looking forward to getting for Easter, or after Easter when the candy is on sale!

Off Topic / Lets Talk Sweets!
« on: March 07, 2018, 12:35:01 PM »
I considered making a poll but there are just soooo many options out there! We're from all over the world, there's more than just Hershey and Reeses out there. So let's answer some questions instead!

1. Whats your favorite candy?

2. What's your least favorite?

3. Do you have a preferred type of candy (chocolate, gummies, hard candy, etc.)?

4. What's a candy you like the others often don't?

5. Are there candies you don't like that everyone loves?

6. Nuts or no nuts?

7. White, Milk, or Dark chocolate?

8. Can you stand sour candy? What's your limit?

9. What's your favorite candy from your country?

10. What's your favorite candy from another country?

You're welcome to answer as many as you like, or ask your own candy questions!

My answers under the spoiler  ;)
1. Twix or Milky Way!
2. Chocolate covered cherries... bleh
3. I honestly like gummies the most!
4. Candy Corn!
5. I hate cadbury eggs!  :X :razz:
6. No nuts please!
7. Milk or white  :)
8. I love it! Usually Wonka Shockers are the only thing to make me pucker.
9. Twix!
10. Hi-Chew!

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