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Topics - Ivy

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Pony Brag Arena / Ponies from Work!
« on: May 21, 2015, 05:05:51 AM »
A few weeks ago I was approached by a lady at work who knew I collected and said she was moving her stuff from her moms and she had some "ponies" and while she wanted to keep some of them would I be willing to take a look and buy some of the rest from her. - I said of course - but never expected anything to come of it because I've had this type of conversation many times over the years with various people and usually never see any ponies out of it.... Well today she brought in two bags full of ponies - one was the one's she wanted to keep and the other were for me to look at to buy. - I of course bought all the one's that she was willing to sell. There were a lot of really good one's in the other bag too -- but I do already own all of these... We spent all of lunch going through ponies and I gave her good advice on how to clean up the one's that she was keeping. I think a few of these may be upgrades - well Tootie Tails is for sure but most will be sold or traded eventually. The most interesting things in the lot were this Vintage playball with Majesty on it - That's definitely a keeper! I've never seen it before. The other was this white fakie... It marked 1988 L.G.T.I. - I don't keep fakies so she'll be for sale eventually but I've never seen this one before. I think it walks if I put batteries in it.

It's amazing what ponies do to my mood at work though - I was on such a pony high all night that nothing that usually upsets me could bring me down...

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I haven't checked out the FSF yet - I don't collect them so they will be for sale eventually
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And this one I'll have to research no idea what it is?
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Pony Corral / 2015 Michigan Pony Meet - Survey!
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:20:03 AM »
I'm working on planning this year's MI Pony Meet. Last year was a HUGE Success and we hope for an equally great one this year - but if the meet gets larger we probably have outgrown our space so please take the short survey to help us out!

I also added a poll at the top for the one question I couldn't ask on the survey (limited to 10 questions you know)  :blush:

Pony Corral / Applejack and Bow-Tie Picture Donation Requests!
« on: February 02, 2015, 11:56:12 PM »
I'm back off my hiatus and back to working on my website - this year I decided to focus on one year - in particular - 1985 (Year 3) in all my updates.
I'm also trying to keep my Facebook Page ( updated more with my activity on my website (

I was planning on working on one page a week but then counted and found that 65! ponies were released this year, Plus we are already 4 weeks into the year. so that leaves just 48 weeks.

Well I better get busy then - so to knock 4 ponies off the list (Applejack & Bow-Tie both the Curly-Hair Release and Euro Release) I figured I'd get the ball rolling with some easy ones.


Both pages already have a bunch of pictures -I do plan on retaking a couple of pictures and updating them both. - And since I'll be working on them I am putting a call out to all my lovely friends here on the arena for any pictures I still need on those pages.

Information that I may be missing is always appreciated too.

And feel free to post your pictures of you favorite Applejacks and Bow-Ties on this thread too - I love looking at all of them!

Pony Corral / Lets have a Spash at the Waterfall!
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:52:11 AM »
Spent the morning taking pictures again today - the subject of the day the Waterfall!
A certain someone I know has a Sprinkes obsession... :P

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Somehow all of my waterfall accessories seem to have gone missing so I wasn't able to get any pictures of them. Sad day!

But I did get a few shots of my Mail Order Sprinkles.
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Which I had yet to add to the page.

So everyone! Post pictures of your Sprinkles, Duck Soups Waterfalls!! And if you can help me out with the Argie, Brazilian and Italian Sprinkles I will  :lovey: be a very happy girl!

Also if you have any items with Sprinkles or the Waterfall on it that I don't have up show them off too!

Pony Corral / Once upon a time there was a Pretty Pony....
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:09:24 AM »
I have been starting to work on my website again - and cataloging my collection - never ending process I know...

So here I am at the beginning again... Seeing someone's post got me going on My Pretty Pony.
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So tell me all you know. :P

Here is something I know for sure that most people don't. There are 3 versions of My Pretty Pony!

Nope - I'm not talking about the yellowed pink version being the 3rd one. There are Two versions of the Brown My Pretty Pony.
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Now I don't have too much info on the second version, I don't think I've seen another one though I've heard of others with them.- I did get her with the standard box

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I also have a lovely Pink girl and a very yellowed pink version - I am looking for the pink girls hat still (if anyone has one for sale/trade hint, hint)
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The Brown Pretty Pony with the spot came with a red blanket and these ribbons...
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So Pictures, Info, questions? lol

lets tell the story of the My Pretty Pony!

Trader & Shipping Support / This is why I hate buying MIB Ponies!
« on: October 05, 2014, 04:48:45 AM »
I recently won a Romper on eBay for a decent price -sure the box was a little banged up but I haven't gotten myself a MIB for a while - well not since the TAF Megan with the glow and the dark mold growing all over her dress fiasco....
I got the package yesterday.... and I'm heartbroken...

What is wrong with sellers!!!
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First she's not even in a bubble mailer - which would have been just as bad. Nothing protecting her at all. Her box was pretty much destroyed. It won't even stand up anymore.
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So pretty much I just bought her Mint with all accessories now...Which I wouldn't have paid more than $15 for.

So at the MI meet this weekend I found the very last (well for the US porcelains) single that I needed!

Skyflier! I never seem to come across her at the right time on eBay and when I do bid on her I usually get sniped last second. So when I saw her at the MI Meet during set up I asked her to be set aside - I said I'm not even asking the price I'll buy her!

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And here she is on the shelf with all her new friends!
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The Bigger Sets are currently taking up housing on top of my coloring Books - I need to get another cabinet to put under the wall so I can display them under the rack with the little ones.
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The very last US porcelain I need now is the Dream Castle Porcelain - I have been stalking eBay for over 2 years now trying to win it. Hopefully I find it sometime soon!

Oh and if your curious as to what is on the top of my Porcelain Display
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Sometime later today I might do a picture shoot of them all to get nice clean shots for my website! But right now I'm just basking in the completeness of the shelf - the poor coffee mugs got moved to the top shelf -they use to be on the shelves with the porcelains. I'm thinking of getting sturdy cup hooks to hang them from the bottom of the shelf unit - if I get a few more that is....

Arts & Crafts Corral / Complete - Little Mermaid and Seapony
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:47:04 AM »
Ok a while back I posted some sketches some may remember some not...

One of the favorites was this sketch of Ariel and a Seapony- so I decided that I should finish it off (big accomplishment for me since I rarely take anything past the sketch stage (I have about 40 sketchbooks full of sketches)
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Sooo... after much debate I decided to paint it - I haven't painted anything in years and years....

I decided the on Sealight for the sea pony as her colors seemed to go well with Ariel.

and while it's not done yet - still need to add some more detail work - like they eyes, lips etc it's getting there and I have to wait for the paint to dry before I add anymore so I thought I'd post the WIP....

It's going to be a prize at the Michigan Pony meet so some lucky person will get to take it home with them. I'm gonna be sad to let it go though because I am loving the way this is turning out....

Oh you wanna see???

Ok then. This is what it looked like yesterday ..
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Today I actually ended up re-painting the sea ponies head - I wasn't quite happy with the way it kind of shrunk in the first attempt.

It still needs a bit of touch up and of course I have to sign it still but here is the new and improved almost complete WIP

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Well I finished up and signed it - but didn't get the best shot of it..
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But here it is with it's new owner Dewprincess who won it at the Michigan My Little Pony Meet today - visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Sigs & Site Support / testing, testing 1.. 2... 3...
« on: August 14, 2014, 05:53:22 AM »
New sig for me. It's been a while since I've had one so...

I've been working on my accessory website again... Started today on year 9 (not sure why there, but why not)

and I found I am seriously lacking any pictures of the Secret Surprise Pony accessories -probably due to the fact that other than a couple of the keys I don't own any.

So once again I'm hoping the community can help me out a bit.

I'm also looking for a few MOC pictures of accessories for that year
Sweet Pocket
Baby Rainribbon (had one but the file has mysteriously disappeared and I can't find it!)
all the secret surprise ('cept I know they came in a box so can't see their accessories :()
and Beautybloom.

Any help will be appreciated and I'll see what I can do about matching up loose brushes so I can get pictures of their loose accessories up too.

Thanks to everyone who came (I think the grand total was 48! :o )

I posted a fb picture albumvisitors can't see pics , please register or login

and be sure to like the Community Page for updates on next year. Of course, I will be posting here too!

Pony Corral / Moondancer's Symbol
« on: July 02, 2014, 12:40:39 PM »
I just noticed that my collection Moondancer has a weird symbol The moon on her right side faces her head while the one on her left side faces her tail.

I don't have any other Moondancers to compare her to atm so is this all Moondancers or do I just have an oddity and which way is the moon supposed to face?

Pony Corral / Top Ten Favorite G1 Ponies
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:19:18 AM »
ok need this for a project I'm working on and I expect the range to be huge but what is everyone's top ten favorite G1s?


Arts & Crafts Corral / Some recent sketches -update more added
« on: May 12, 2014, 09:52:48 AM »
I haven't been in an artistic mood for quite some time. But it's nice and spring is here - and well I've been listening to Disney music all morning... ..that might have something to do with it.

Well here is the results - I may or may not finish them ...

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--I know I failed at inking Jasmines pants - I sneezed at the wrong moment - darn allergies...

And my eyes were watering so much I left the last one in pencil
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This morning I spend a few hours in my art room.. I'm still in a Disney/Pony mood as you can see and while I'm not completely happy with a couple of them I might continue to fiddle with them.

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--first this is a shot of the desk in my art room - if you notice the picture pinned on the wall you'll see these aren't the first Ariel/Seapony combos that I've drawn - that one is about 3 years old. I just love Little Mermaid and Sea Ponies. :D
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--one of the one's I'm still working on - I'm not quite happy with Lilo..
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Again need to work on the girls in this one too..
Comments, remarks all welcome.

Pony Corral / New Retro Plastic Cups at Wal-Mart
« on: February 11, 2014, 07:31:45 AM »
We got an endcap display in at my Wal-mart last week. It has throwback cups in it - including a G1 MLP Cup with Firefly - Sundance and Princess Sparkle on it...

If I had my camera working I'd post pictures...

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