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Topics - MikeysGrrrl

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Customs / New G4 Custom ~ Jubilee
« on: May 26, 2015, 01:43:45 PM »
Made from G4 Princess Cadence, given a FBR as well as all details painted in acrylics. All sculpting done with Premo Sculpey. Rehaired using DH Mermaid, Daiquiri Ice and Wisteria.

Here is Jubilee

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I remember someone posting a beautiful custom that they were commissioned to make featuring dandelions/wishmakers, all I can remember is that the colour scheme was unusual (brown/blue or dark red). I think it was either a G1 or G3 pony. It was absolutely beautiful.

I've tried searching on here as well as google, and I've not been able to find it, hopefully someone here can help me out.

Rather than starting a new thread, I figured I should just resurrect this one since it's regarding the custom below :)

Custom I'm referring to:
It's Dandy Darling made by Pop-Girl.

Customs / Monochrome Swap Pony for Saja ~ Peacock Blues
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:36:16 AM »
Saja was my partner for the Monochrome Swap and as soon as I saw her list of colours and ideas, I knew exactly what I was going to do for her :) We all know how much she loves Peacocks ^.^

I used a G4 FS Rarity for the base, I sculpted all of the peacock pieces including the ones in her hair, I then used a variety of blues (both metallic and matte) to paint the body as well as all of the details. I rehaired using DH Forget Me Not, Bobby Blue, Bluebell, Blueberry Muffin, Heartless and RDUS Teal Saran. I finished this pony off with some micro braids and pearly pins.

I really love how this pony turned out, and I'm thrilled that Saja loves her as well :)

Here are the pictures
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So, last year there was the Pounds for Ponies thread which quite a few arena members took part in, while many more followed along reading about everyone's journeys and their ups and downs. It got me thinking that maybe we should have another thread here for helping and supporting each other to reaching/maintaining our goals.

My Story:
Throughout the Pounds for Ponies challenge I managed to lose roughly 15-17 lbs, however Once it finished last year I had fallen back into terribly bad habits within months, having gained back everything that I had lost and then some. You could say that I had completely given up.

Fast forward to November 2014 and I started to realize that I didn't want to be like this anymore, I was tired of being unhealthy, overweight and inactive. So I made a plan and set a goal for myself. On November 23 2014 I started my Healthy Lifestyle Change, my promise to myself that I would be mindful of what I was eating, making sure that I didn't go over my set caloric intake and that I would become more active.

I downloaded My Fitness Pal onto my cellphone, set it up as my homepage on my computer and I input my information (current weight, weight loss goal etc) and I began to log everything that I ate, any physical activity I did like walking or working out and the pounds just started to melt off.

I've been doing this for just over 4 months now and I've lost 51 lbs :biggrin: I've managed to drop down 2 clothing sizes and I definitely feel miles better than when I started.

No giving up my favourite foods, no crazy dieting or excessive exercise routines. All it took was being mindful of my portion control, planning out my meals ahead of time, finding healthier snack alternatives and making sure that I'm active every single day. This is what worked for me, it's what is still working for me. I'm halfway to my initial goal weight. Once I get there I will adjust my goals again and continue on. I've been using My Fitness Pal, reading healthy lifestyle magazines (weight watchers, self, shape, redbook etc) and looking up alternate recipes/ingredients for some of my favourite foods.

This journey has shown me that I CAN do this, my goals are completely attainable and that I have the strength to keep going with this, even if I have a bad day and allow myself to indulge ;)

Weight, eating, exercise and self acceptance are all things that I think each of us have struggled with from time to time throughout our lives. This thread will be a great way for arena members to share their own stories, tips, recipes, ups and downs etc. I don't know about you guys, but the arena (MLP and MH) are the only forums/communities where I feel comfortable sharing these kinds of things because I really enjoy being a part of this community and learning from everyone here.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Penguin Love Christmas Ornament
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:13:35 AM »
I know this isn't pony related but I wanted to share the ornament I made in celebration of my 3rd Christmas with my husband.  It features 2 penguins sculpted using premo sculpey, they stand inside a wooden box that was painted white, with scrapbooking paper for the background, cotton for clouds, opal glitter for snow is sprinkled throughout, wire for paper letter for the banner and then I topped it off with a purple ribbon.

I love how this turned out, it's my favourite ornament that I've made for us thus far.

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Off Topic / Meet the newest member of our family
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:56:28 PM »
Say hello to Tidus! He's part German Shepherd, Irish Setter, Lab and Golden Retriever. He's so stinkin' cute I just had to post a brag about him  :biggrin:

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Sigs & Site Support / Help with my messages
« on: December 17, 2014, 12:03:24 PM »
I was checking out the inbox settings and created a label, which I then decided I didn't want to use so I deleted the label. However, it looks like I may have received a message with that label because now my inbox keeps saying I have a new message but I can't see it, there's now a section that says labels (1), when I click it I get a "no messages", but the [1] is still there. I have tried logging out and logging back in, refreshing the page etc. I'm at a loss :huh:

Customs / Monochrome Swap ~ All Done !
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:11:29 AM »
Monochrome Swap
Your partner picks a color and you design a pony using only that color in different shades!

Sign ups: Dec 17th - Jan 5th or until full
Partners assigned before or on: Jan 10th (earlier if slots fill up quicker)
Progress pictures required: Feb 20th
Final check in: March 20th
Shipping: International by March 27th, Domestic by April 3rd

Please remember to always check your organizer's feedback before joining a swap.

1. You must have 5 positive Arena feedback and no negative Arena feedback. At least 3 of these feedbacks must be from trading/selling.
2. You must have been an Arena member for at least 6 months before sign ups are over.
3. You must have at least 500 posts.
4. You must have pictures of at least 3 of your most recent customs to show the quality of your work. This is a skill based swap.
5. Ship on time! I realize real life issues come up sometimes. If this happens, I want to know about it as soon as you realize you will be late.
6. No shipping early! We will be withholding addresses until shipping time to prevent this.
7. Be prepared with progress pics at progress date.
8. Pictures of your completed custom are required before you receive your partners shipping information. We want to know your custom is complete before it goes out.
9. Let us know right away when you ship your pony and when you receive one.
10. Do not let anyone know who your partner is. It is secret.
11. Extras are not required, but are welcome. However, do not go overboard with these. This is about the customs. A small treat/gift or 2 is fine and good but not too much. (We recommend spending no more than $5 on extras) After all, you worked hard on the custom, it should be the most exciting part!
12. This swap includes all generations of ponies (G1, G2, G3, G3.5, and G4), if there are any of these you do not like, include that in your form. Do not use any fakies unless your partner requests it.
13. The title of your PM should be 50 Shades of [insert color of choice], so I know you read the rules. If the title of your pm is not right, you will not be added to the sign up list.
14. PM the sign up form to us (dashesndots and Mikeysgrrrl) by the sign up deadline. We will do our very best to get partners out on or before Jan 10th.
15. You must check in with pictures for the final check in 1 week before shipping. If you do not check in, you will not be receiving a custom.
16. KEEP YOUR SHIPPING RECEIPTS! You need to be able to produce proof of shipping when asked. You need to hold onto your receipt until your partner confirms that they have received their pony. I also highly recommend delivery confirmation for those not shipping internationally.
17. IF AT ANYTIME YOU DO NOT ABIDE BY ANY OF THESE RULES, YOU WILL BE PULLED FROM THE SWAP. This includes, but is not limited to, missing check ins and sharing partners. Make sure you are familiar with the rules before you sign up. You are expected to follow them.
18. Please be willing to Post Internationally. If your not able to post internationally which is understandable, please don't be offended if your paired with someone not based entirely on skill.
19. Customs MUST be posted in a BOX. a well packed padded, bubble wrap, peanuts, foam something, but MUST be posted in a box. and must include a card or note from you to say who its from.

Swap Specific Rules:
1. No colors other than different shades of 1 of the 3 colors selected by your partner is allowed with the exception of eye whites. Eye whites may be white. NO BLACK OR WHITE (except eye whites) IS ALLOWED ON YOUR custom UNLESS THAT IS YOUR PARTNER'S CHOSEN COLOR! This includes hair blends.
2. Choose ONE of the 3 colors given. This is a Monochrome Swap. Do NOT include all 3 chosen colors on your pony.
3. Choose one of the themes from your partner's list to help with your design. If you are having trouble with your partner's list, message us ASAP for suggestions or we can ask your partner for more options or examples of their current choices.

Arena Name:
Real name and shipping address:
Email address (for contacting you off forum if we need to):
Link to feedback:
Links to pictures of at least 3 of your most recent customs (more than one image of each is welcome) {Please send pictures that show off the qualities you intend to possibly use on your custom. Sending me a bunch of ponies that are heavily sculpted but don't show off your painting skills when you only plan to paint or showing off ponies with no sculpting when you plan to sculpt is not very useful for pairing you up. Please choose what you feel are the best of your recent ponies displaying the qualities that would be useful for this swap.}:
Will you ship internationally?
Which generation(s) would you like to receive?
Which generation(s) do you prefer to customize?
Is there any generation you do not want to receive?
Is there anything you do not want on your custom?
Is there anything you favor on your custom?
Do you have any allergies?
Do you smoke, have pets, or any other things we should be aware of in case your partner has allergies?
Please choose and list 3 color options for your pony:

Please list between 3 and 5 interests/likes that you feel would look good in your chosen color(s):
Or say "Free For All!"  This will give your partner complete creative control as long as it doesn't conflict with your dislikes.

1. dashesndots 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,367743.0.html
2. Mikeysgrrrl 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,368343.0.html
3. Uninu 1st check in Finished Shipped Received
4. Roogna 1st check in Finished Received,367607.0.html
5. Iris Patch 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,368103.0.html
6. Saja 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,368317.0.html
7. jupiternwndrlnd 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,367734.0.html
8. gemini_pony 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,367942.0.html
9. WaePonies 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,368949.0.html
10. RedLynx 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,367726.msg1381861.html#msg1381861
11. Jennifer2004 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,368223.0.html
12. pandabear_chan 1st check in Finished Shipped,367984.0.html
13. Salli 1st check in Finished Shipped Received
14. NoDivision 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,368014.html
15. kaoskat 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,367956.0.html
16. Tiella 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,367471.0.html
17. archidraca 1st check in Finished Shipped Received,367716.0.html
18. wiccanpony1 1st check in Finished Shipped Received

Approved ~ CSA 12/17/14

Customs / Horns & Skulls Pony for cloverofmist
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:27:44 PM »
cloverofmist was my swap partner for this swap and she had some awesome ideas for what she'd like to see done, I decided to go with a Fantasy/Elegant Male Unicorn based on this photo she provided.

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She had mentioned that she loved blues, purples and greens, so I chose to utilize blues and purples and came up with this magnificent guy :)

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I sculpted the horn, chin hair, fetlocks (I think that's what it's called :blush: ) and a portion of the tail. Painted in acrylics and sealed. He's been rehaired in Deadly Nightshade, Sour Grapes, Wisteria and Arctic Frost from DH. This was my first time doing this amount of sculpting and I'm really loving how it turned out :)

Pony Brag Arena / Macau Jenny & TE Mimic are Mine ~ all MINE!
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:14:45 PM »
Thanks to the wonderfully awesome SeashellnBubbles, I am now the proud owner of Macau Jenny and TE Mimic :biggrin: I'm psyched to finally have both of these lovely gals in my pony herd. Being the thoughtful friend that she is, she decided to surprise me with 2 additional ponies Baby Starbow and Baby Nightsong :newpony:

Here's a pic of the newest additions, sorry but the MH/EAH Dollhouse is the only area I really have for taking pics in the collection room right now :blush:
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Look how beautiful they all are :biggrin: Thank you so much Seashell :tackleglomp:

Price Check Archives / PC Please on G4 Alicorn/Pegacorn Brushable Rarity
« on: October 24, 2014, 01:11:56 AM »
I have searched through the threads and not seen any recent pc on her here or completed listings on ebay so I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask for a PC on brushable alicorn/pegacorn Rarity. Thank you :)

Customs / Closest DH colour to Gusty's Red?
« on: October 20, 2014, 08:30:14 PM »
Hey guys, I was just wondering what red is the closest match to Gusty's red on the DH site? Also, confirmation of atomic turquoise as the green?

Thanks in advance :)

Customs / Halloween Swap for Aflame - Pennywise/IT
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:43:06 AM »
Aflame had noted that she's a huge horror movie buff, so I decided to take that and go with Pennywise the clown from Stephen Kings IT. The pony was given an FBR in a deep dark blue acrylic, painted Pennywise on using various acrylic colours and then sealed. Added the eyes, sealed, rehaired in 2 shades of DH red and finished it off with a clown ruffle collar.

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Customs / 3 New Customs by Me :D
« on: September 15, 2014, 01:24:58 AM »
So it's been quite a while since I've posted any customs, so I thought I would share my 3 newest ones. I apologize for the crappy photo quality (cell phone pics).

Regal Harvest
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Patina Love
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Sweet Peridot
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All ponies were given an FBR with acrylic paints followed by satin sealant. Eyes and designs were painted on and then sealed. Rehaired using DH. They are all available for sale at $30 each + shipping.

Price Check Archives / Price Check needed on 20+ G4's
« on: August 22, 2014, 04:35:14 PM »
3" brushables
Daisy Dreams
Cheerilee (no forelock and not the newest one)
Twilight Sparkle
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Glitter Pinkie
Easter Fluttershy
Princess Cadance
Dj Pon
Chery Berry
Pinkie Pie (glitter on symbol)
Diamond Tiara
Queen Chrysalis
Nightmare Moon
Princess Celestia (white)

FS Size
Pink Celestia w/accessories
Rainbow Dash (original and translucent)
Luna (tinsel hair and non tinsel hair)

Talking Celestia (Pink)
Talking Nightmare Moon

Thank you :hug:

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