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Topics - LadySiha

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Pony Corral / Help Me Clean Up Baby Princess Sparkle
« on: November 10, 2013, 06:00:19 AM »
I managed to find a Baby Princess Sparkle!  However, she had some pretty serious dirt.I went over her with a magic eraser, except for her star and symbol. 

Her symbols and glitter are amazing and I don't want to damage them.  However, I can still tell how dirty she was around her symbol and would like to know the safest way to clean her up the rest of the way.

Thank you for any help you guys can offer me!  ^.^

Pony Corral / Little Ones and Ponies
« on: October 10, 2013, 01:51:21 AM »
I was just curious if anyone else had noticed this....

My big sister handed down her ponies to her oldest daughter (she is 3) - all G1's.  She's had them for almost a year, now.

However, it blows me away because my niece just LOVES them.  Whenever I visit, one of the play sets is set up.  Or one pony is out of it's spot, clearly having been recently played with.  When my older niece (she's 8) visits my sister, it's one of the things she really wants to play with her little cousin.

I'm not trying to talk them down, but compared to some of the toys that are around NOW they don't really seem like much, but again and again my nieces are proving me wrong.

Has anyone else noticed this with the younger ones?  What is it about this particular 80's toy that gets that younger age group?

Should I be recording her playing and send it to Hasbro or something?  :lol:

Customs / Dragon Age Origins - Morrigan Pony
« on: September 20, 2013, 07:53:40 PM »
Morrigan is my favorite female character in Dragon Age Origins.  I've cosplayed her, and even joke with a friend that she's my "spirit animal".  This girl is my first custom, and I've been working on her for a few months.  I finally finished Morrigan (and Flemeth's Grimoire) last night.

Without further ado.....

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I used a Twilight Sparkle body, since Morrigan is a mage so she needed to be a unicorn.  Sculpting was done with Apoxie Sculpt, her hair is DH Black Magick and Deadly Nightshade (which I found hilarious given the character).  I have a lot of experience with painting in acrylics, but still a lot of firsts here.  I was terrified of the eyes, because Morrigan needed sultry eyes and I didn't know how I'd make it work, but I did.

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Flemeth's Grimoire turned out a bit less impressive.... The paint keeps scratching off from pretty much nothing.  The cover turned out pretty, though.  The inner colors were chosen to match (sort of) Casandra's Seeker Tome from Dragon Age 2...

Click "spoiler" for photo-spam (I was having soooo much fun taking pictures)

If all goes well, she'll get an Alistair buddy and they can glare at each other on my shelf!

Customs / Can I see G4 Boy Customs & Questions
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:01:11 AM »
So.... I made a custom.  It's based on one of my favorite video game characters.  It's my best friend's favorite character, too.  He thinks that it's cute that I did a girl, but wants to try and make me my favorite character from the same game, that is male, so that she has a buddy.

So, I don't know how to track down a baity G4 boy body for him, so can I see (and show him) what you guys have done to make your girls look like boys?

He would like my help, as he's never done a custom pony before.  However, I don't have a lot of sculpting experience (which I suspect would be helpful).  He can actually sculpt, quite well (just hasn't ever done it on a pony).  Is there any advice you'd suggest I pass along for this venture?  Is there a certain TYPE of body you suggest we look for?

Also, I told him I'd lend him my Apoxie Sculpt for the project, so that's the sculpting medium we're using.

Customs / Hair Pin Help! (Adhesive Problems)
« on: September 18, 2013, 06:13:47 AM »
So I've been working on this custom for, what feels like, forever.  I'm almost done with her.  I pretty much need to style her hair.
I have my heart completely set on hair pins with feathers on them.  I got some dress maker's pins, found some small feathers, and assumed my good old standby (E6000) would do the trick....

.... but it's not :cry:  When I apply the E6000 to the pin the consistency gets weird and the feather won't stick to it.  I've used this stuff with metals before and not had a problem.

I want to stay away from hot glue, because it gets so goopy, and don't know if super glue will make the feathers weird.  What would you guys suggest I use to affix these feathers to the pins?  I only need a few to hold her 1/2 bun in place.

Pony Brag Arena / Finally Got a BABW Spike
« on: September 15, 2013, 09:41:17 AM »
I was running errands, yesterday, and my best friend was tagging along since we'd both had a crummy week and needed some buddy time.  I needed to stop at the mall to get my make-up (from Sephora, because I'd run out of everything at once) and we were walking past Build-a-Bear and I commented how much I wanted the Spike.

He asked me how much they were, and I said I'd never looked so he practically dragged me in to find out.  I found out Spike was only $10 (really!?) so I was going to get him for myself.  We got up to the register and my friend sniped the credit card swiper on me, like he was a ninja!!  I insisted that I get him something that day, and he refused. 

I almost cried, later, when I took him out of the bag to put up by my Aurora Pinkie Pie, because not only did I get a Spike, which I really wanted, but it turned out to be a gift from a friend who was really trying to cheer me up. 

Pony Corral / Can I See Some Pink and/or White Ponies?
« on: September 12, 2013, 08:08:47 AM »
So between work, crummy co-workers, being a supportive best friend, student loans and other stuff I'd rather not go into, I've not been sleeping well all week and have been super stressed out...

So can you guys help me make it through this shift by showing off your pink and/or white ponies?  Any gen, any kind, even fakies will make the cut today. 

Thank you so much to any of you that do, in advance.

Customs / Has anyone done Power Ranger customs?
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:23:21 AM »
So... I have this best friend, who's completely awesome and he LOVES Power Rangers.  He also likes the idea of MLP customs, to the point he's mentioned doing some himself.  So, it's a long way off, but I'm thinking of making him a custom based on the original Green Ranger using a g4 body.

So!  I have some ideas, but has anyone else actually done one of these?  If you've done any could I see pictures for inspiration?  I know it's a long shot, but.... *fingers crossed*

Customs / Need opinions on cutie mark placement (WIP)
« on: September 03, 2013, 05:26:51 PM »
So, I've been working on my first custom for quite awhile.  Mostly, because I've slowly been amassing customizing supplies as I'm working on her.  I finally painted on her cutie mark and I love how it turned out (so no way I'm taking it off) and I think I maybe should have done it on the other side :huh:.  So, I was thinking maybe I should do the marking on both sides.  However, there's probably to way I'll be able to get them symmetrical.

Cutie Mark Side (still needs some clean-up):
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I'm probably still gonna put a furry bit along the top of the lower cloth bit on her front leg.

My favorite angle (probably how I'd display her if I don't change the CM):
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Non-Cutie Mark Side (with that pretty buckle!):
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I'd love to hear back some opinions!  Thank you!!
(And, sorry the pictures are so blurry..... >_<)

Off Topic / What is this fakie and where can I get one?
« on: August 26, 2013, 05:25:59 AM »
So, I was outbid on an eBay lot last night and I'm pretty bummed.  One of the reasons I was interested was this wonderfully bizarre fakie duck that was in it.  I wanted her almost as much as the couple of ponies in the lot that were on my wish list!

Here's a picture of her:
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What is she?  Does anyone know what she's worth?  Does anyone have one for sale?  It's so weird that I just really want one!  :lol:

Pony Brag Arena / So much to brag about! (Pic Heavy!)
« on: August 23, 2013, 06:41:34 PM »
So... This last month has been very..... productive.... in growing my pony collection...

First of all:
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I work in a comic store and make sure to pick up all of the current My Little Pony comics.  I usually, begrudgingly, put out retailer incentive covers in a bag and board and put them in my boss's comic box to sit there for eternity, since he will never do anything with them.
Not this one.  Not only does it have Big Mac and the Cutie Mark Crusaders on it.... Not only does it have Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake on it... It's a complete homage to Adventures in Babysitting!! This one I put in my comic box and paid for the following week! So happy to have it!

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I finally found my glitter girls and that Black Tie Pinkie I wanted!  I was stalking Target for weeks!!

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Here they are hanging out with some more of the heard ^.^

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I did some buying and had two packages come on the same day!  It was so awesome to have a mini-pile of ponies to come home to and play with! (This is pre-spa)

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My Takara fakies came in the mail while I was out of town for work!  It was wonderful to open up these little cuties after working a very stressful week!  They still need to get cleaned up and I plan to re-hair them (they don't have much left).

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And they had a garden party while I was at work one day!  They're using the fairy garden furniture that's in my house plants  :lol:

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Some blind bags I really wanted (I love Flim and Flam!!) and my classic MLP cup!  I wasn't expecting that cup for another month or so!  I use it constantly now!

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I saw this custom by Corona pop up, and IMMEDIATELY fell in love with her.  I don't think I've ever impulse bought something as quickly as I did Okami Pie, but I didn't regret it for a second, especially as soon as she got here!

Off Topic / Lex Luthor and the Pickle... Let's Caption This...
« on: August 06, 2013, 02:35:05 PM »
Disclaimer: I know it's supposed to be kyrptonite, but let's have fun anyway!

So today, at work, we got in some new DC Chess pieces, and one is Lex Luthor holding up something that looks suspiciously like a pickle....
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So what do you guys think he's saying, or thinking?

Mine was "Fear the pickle, for it shall rain brine-y doom upon you!"

Pony Corral / And This, Boys & Girls, Is Why BBEs Terrify Me..
« on: August 06, 2013, 08:52:16 AM »
As some of you know, I work for a comic/gaming store and I've been cleaning up a huge collection of ponies for resale.  Yesterday, I pulled this out one of the boxes:
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It's one eye was broken and stuck down giving it this weirdly nightmare-inducing :muffin: Pony look....
I figured I'd clean up Baby Ribbon, anyway. Get her cleaned up and hair straitened out, and this happened:
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In the course of cleaning up and moving her around, her eye fell in entirely.  With that paper towel holding it's hair it now looks like trauma-victim pony and it will haunt my dreams for years to come.... LOL!

Off Topic / GenCon Indy 2013
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:14:01 AM »
I'm just curious if anyone is going?  I work in the vendor hall every year (for Chimera Hobby Shop).

I wouldn't mind meeting Arena members either.  Though, how busy it is will determine how much time I have to chat.

I don't think I'm cosplaying anything this year, but might do an un-body painted Princess Bubblegum (see avatar  :lol:). 

Otherwise, I'll probably have the middle register on the CCG and T-shirt side. I'll be the one with the curly reddish-brown and pink hair!

If you're gonna stop, let me know!!

Pony Corral / Fakies - Safe to Sunfade? Now With a Picture!
« on: August 04, 2013, 10:02:18 AM »
So, I picked up a Totsy fakie for $1.00 but she needs A LOT of love.  New hair, some painting, ect...
I'm not sure if that's actually what it is, as her body is lavender, but she appears to have purple pen marking around her eyes (like someone gave her eyeshadow/eyeliner).  Would she be safe to sunfade, or is this a different problem that should be treated differently?

I really love her look (like she has a naughty secret) and really want to get her looking cute again.

Now with a picture of her cute naughty face:
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