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Topics - applejackbunny

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Wanted! / Desperate for Cranberry Muffins!!
« on: June 15, 2019, 06:50:26 AM »
If anyone has her, please do let me know - have been looking for her for sooooo long....  :yikes:

Pony Corral / Emotional responses to certain ponies?
« on: February 09, 2019, 03:44:18 PM »
I was just pondering the question of why certain ponies elicit certain emotional responses in me, and I couldn't really figure it out. So, I thought I'd see if others feel the same and if anyone can say what those feelings are, which ponies trigger them, and why that might be the case...

For me, the G3 Winter Series ponies affect me on a very deep emotional level, even though I never had them growing up - I first came across them in my late 20s! It's not nostalgia, what is it?

My gen is G1 so you would think that only G1 ponies would affect me like that because of nostalgia, but nope. The G3 Winter Series have cast some kind of hypnotic spell on me and I can't for the life of me fathom why that is...

Does anyone else have a pony, or set of ponies (or anything pony-related) that just gets you right in the heart? If so, which ponies do it for you and what emotions do they trigger? Is it just nostalgia, or is it something else? If so, what?

I don't think I can quite put my finger on what I feel when I look at or think about those Winter ponies...I think it's just pure, unadulterated joy!

How about you?

Please tell me I'm not alone  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / I'd like to see your first ever customs!
« on: March 14, 2018, 07:27:07 AM »
Here's mine...  :lol:

As you can see, she's VERY basic! And yes, it's Lyra just jazzed up a bit  :lmao: No attempt to reroot her hair as I currently have no tools (or hair!) with which to do it. I just wanted to give it a go.

She has been given a single coat of pearlescent nail polish (disclaimer - I DON'T recommend using nail polish at all - this is just for my own **personal** custom which is really just an experiment and for fun. It is better to use **acrylic paint** or something else as nail polish can have a negative effect on the vinyl and become tacky/yellow with age).

She has then had a layer of glittery purple nail polish on her feet and her horn, and her eyes and symbols have been painted over with silvery/rose colour glitter polish. I think she looks cute (if a little basic!)  :lol:

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Anyhoo...I was wondering how other people on the Arena dipped their toes into customisation and how their first ponies turned out... I would love to see your pics!

Also, anyone care to come up with a name for my pearlescent Lyra...?  :)

Post Merge: March 14, 2018, 08:20:34 AM

I'm also making another to go with her...I'll post when she's finished  :)

Excitement at my house today! Ice Crystal, Dasher and "The Frost Family" couldn't wait to catch their first glimpse of the snow that's currently covering the UK...  :biggrin:

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Pony Corral / ID for some accessories please...
« on: February 19, 2018, 05:29:38 AM »
Does anyone know if these are even MLP? The white bunny suit is *not* G2 Honey's but I can't find what else it could be.

The other item seems to be a candy vending machine but again, I can't find it on MLW....does anyone know?

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Wanted! / G4 Sweetsong wanted...
« on: February 13, 2018, 10:02:31 AM »
Anyone in the UK have a minty G4 Sweetsong? I'd like to keep the costs down so postage from the UK would be preferred but if anyone has one and the postage isn't too high, I'd consider it  :)

MLP Nirvana / Slightly confused about exclusives versus nirvanas!
« on: January 06, 2018, 08:34:50 AM »
I have a NC Sundance and NC Mummy Bright Bouquet. I have a box for Nirvanas and a box for European/UK exclusives. Where should I put these two girls? Also, is yellow Moondancer (HK version) a Nirvana or is she a Euro exclusive? :huh: Sorry for my ignorance and thanks in advance to any kind souls who can set me straight  :biggrin:

Wanted! / G4 Sweetsong wanted...
« on: December 19, 2017, 12:21:45 PM »
Does anyone in the UK have her?

Pony Corral / Mail Order Lemon Drop
« on: December 19, 2017, 08:59:43 AM »
Was there a MO Lemon Drop or did i dream that?

It's just that I can no longer see it on MLW...

Pony Corral / Comb ID please...
« on: December 19, 2017, 08:43:15 AM »
I've had this comb since the 80s, I think, but am unsure about its origin...does any one know if it's MLP or if not, then what? visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Tried to insert image from Flickr but it's so long since I last used it that it clearly hasn't worked!  :lol:

Could someone just remind me how to share a photo from Flickr please? Thanks.

MLP Nirvana / PC Yellow Moondancer
« on: November 26, 2017, 11:13:19 AM »
What would you expect to pay for her on Ebay in the UK?


Off Topic / Asperger's Syndrome and pony collecting...
« on: March 13, 2016, 09:21:20 AM »
Hi everypony!

I have been doing some reading about AS and much of it describes me (although I don't have a diagnosis or anything!). It would appear that I share many of the traits of people who have it including the desire to immerse myself in the world of fantasy and imagination. Apparently, this can manifest itself in toy collecting...

There is also a tendency to want to organise and categorise these collections...which again...I do, and a need to have a complete set of something...which again, we can probably all relate to on here!

I know that lots of people *without* AS are collectors too and that many of the things collectors do (such as categorising and obsessing!) are just associated with being a collector, but from what I've read, and what I know about myself and my childhood, there seems a lot more to it than that...for me anyway.

It is, apparently, much less common for girls to be diagnosed, because it's traditionally been viewed as a male condition. However, many diagnoses are missed in girls and this may be skewing the figures. So, many more girls may have it and are just better at masking it, so it goes unnoticed.

Maybe have a look into it yourselves before you reply so you know what some of the traits are, but I'd be interested to know how many of you guys are out there.

Anyone else feel that they may have some of the traits of AS?

Pony Corral / G3 charms...
« on: March 05, 2016, 11:14:53 AM »
I am trying to match up some of my G3 ponies with their charms. I had a look at MLW but I have no idea if it's a complete list or not...?

Can any of the accessory people here please provide a complete list (preferably with pics!) of all the G3 charms and which ponies they went with? I'd be so grateful - thanks in advance!  :)

Pony Corral / Photographing your ponies
« on: February 29, 2016, 01:27:17 PM »
Hi Everypony,

This may be a weird question, but does anypony have any hints or tips on how to take a really good shot of your ponies. My main concern is setting up the right background for them...I've tried several different backgrounds and continue to experiment but so far nothing looks...well...quite right. What do you all think - if I post a few of the things I've tried...which pony backgrounds do you like the best? Why? Which ones don't work and why? Any tips for how to make them look better?

I'd really appreciate some input as I enjoy taking photos of my ponies and looking at their photos as much as collecting them so I kind of want to do better  :P

Here's my first attempt at being creative with a candle and some flowers!

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Then I tried with mirrors...

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Then random objects and cushions!!
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Plain paper!
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Finally, a towel scattered with some glittery things!  :cry: Help!
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To me, they all look so so...and I really have tried hard to put in lots of effort so I'm quite frustrated, lol!  :drunk:

Seriously, I know it's down to personal creativity etc., etc., but I know it's possible to take a really great photo without the background stealing the pony's thunder and without it being boring either, 'cos I've seen a few really great shots on here! It's actually quite hard to get it right, I've found...So, if anyone who has struggled, as I have, to come up with a creative and interesting, but not overpowering, background to beautifully show off and enhance their pony, and has any useful hints or tips they don't mind sharing - I'd be one happy pony!  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / I'd love to see...water cuties!
« on: February 27, 2016, 03:21:38 PM »
Please post your pics of all your adorable little G4 Water Cuties - I love them and would like to see everyone's collections : )

Sorry if this has already been done!

I will post my pics of mine when I've taken some...

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