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Topics - cacopony

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Pony Corral / Giant vinyl scratch...
« on: July 25, 2013, 03:45:03 PM »
a friend posted a pic of the giant vinyl scratch from the convention...if any of you have pictures of it, or of other giant ponies used at fairs and conventions I'd like to see it, also I wanted to know what happens with these giant ponies after the fair, how do collectors obtain them and stuff like that.
I think there was a giant :muffin: Pony too?

MLP Nirvana / susi pony?
« on: July 13, 2013, 05:04:41 PM »
I've seen a few times a few pictures of a baby pony named "susi" said to be made by estrela, is this a real brazilian pony or not?
If it is, can somepony provide info regarding her?
I've seen pictures of her and I think she looks cute x3

Pony Corral / ponies with shiny paint?
« on: June 29, 2013, 08:18:22 PM »
so I have been thinking ever since I got cupcake (actually I have 3 because they are the only pony I keep finding in the flea market)
that the brownish-orange part of the cupcake is shiny or glittery or something, does any other G4 pony have that kind of paint?

Pony Corral / ponies and rement :3
« on: May 12, 2013, 05:19:45 PM »
do you use rement for your ponies? or sylvanian families' stuff for them? I love rement and I'd love to see ponies with fitting rement please C:

Pony Corral / diamond tiara already?
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:58:58 AM »
I found on facebook a pic of a diamond tiara, the picture looks like the type of pictures that come from taobao.
anybody has seen her on taobao, or ebay?

Pony Corral / wysteria on taobao!!
« on: May 05, 2013, 11:54:43 AM »
guys and gals, I saw wysteria and pinkie pie on taobao
has anybody else seen them
when I saw them, then I F5'd the page and they where all sold out :C
anyway, did anybody manage to buy them from taobao???

Price Check Archives / prices for G1 animal friends?
« on: April 28, 2013, 07:56:02 AM »
hello, I'd like to know which is the rarest animal friend and also I'd like to know some prices for the animal friends. thanks

Pony Corral / when you have to sacrifice your ponies...
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:40:03 PM »
what pony sacrifices have you done, to achieve or manage to get something not pony related?
It's very hard getting varied pony merch in my city, so I have one of the best collections at the moment in my city, but in order to do what I truly strive for, I'll have to sell, and raffle all my pony stuff.
I mean G4 stuff. sadly no one likes G1 in my city.
I have blankets, quite a lot of ponies the funko dr whooves (thanks to ren-ren)
actually, most things not sold here normally I got them at the arena. so thanks to people who helped me. It makes me sad to think that my collection will vanish :C but is for a greater good.

so, what pony related sacrifices have you made for non pony related stuff?

Off Topic / need info on a miffy rabbit sekiguchi FOUND A PICTURE
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:48:17 PM »
hello, I found a miffy rabbit sekiguchi figure, and I love it. is very pretty, but I have been searching info on her and I find none :/

I can't take any pics, but I will describe herthe best I can...let's see....
to begin with, it's made by sekiguchi, it's jointed in the head, the arms and legs.
her "skin" is like the one of the sylvanian families, and wears a blue dress with a white button and white flowers, the dres says " since 1918   SEKIGUCHI  illustrations Dick Bruna   COPYRIGHT MERCIS B.V  1953-1998"

if somebody knows anything I'd be thankfull

I didn't know whether to consider her a doll or not so I didn't post this on the dollhouse topic, in case it goes there, please move it. thanks

I shall add that I found a picture, aparently is from some playset
I had to mae a searh in japanese to find a single picture of it.

if anybody knows, please tell me, or at least if anybody knows japanese tell me what it says here :/

Pony Corral / here's a touching story...probably....
« on: March 25, 2013, 05:56:37 PM »
so I went t a party, I were forced to, because everytime I'm invited I always refuse, but I had to accept this time, so, bad time at the party :/

there was people of all ages everybody talked and I were there, sitting down looking at everyone, then a group of girls start playing just dance 4 and so I sitted in a big sofa near them, to watch them.
then a little girl that I didn't know who she was sat next to me and hugged me as she cried.
I weren't sure what to do, or to say, since I feel I am terrible with kids.

"why are you crying?" I asked quietly as  hugged her.
"the other girls don't let me play with them, now I'm all sad and alone" she said as she kept crying
I looked around and saw the other girls playing, completely ignoring her. It reminded me of my own childhood, as I couldn't play with other kids and spent all my time alone, so I took of my sketchbook, that, despite my mother's protest I took with me to the party, and lend it to her, with a pencil. " do you like drawing?" I asked her, she took the pencil and sketchbook "yes, but I draw ugly" she started drawing some figure sticks and said "see, I draw bad" she said saddened.
I had to make her happy, but how? then It banged me.

"do you like ponies?" I asked quietly, she stared at me and stopped crying, as she nodded.
"do you want me to draw you ponies? which one is your favourite?"
she looked at me "draw the yellow one", I took the sketchbook and pencil, and began drawing
she saw me draw, and stared quietly,without being sad anymore. I finished and she pointed at the pony "she is fluttershy" she said. "what other ponies you like?" she thought for a little "I...I like the blue one that has wings too, and...and the purple one with a horn" I smiled as I draw them, I finished and then she said "those are rainbow dash, and twilight sparkle" I only smiled.
"can you draw me the little yellow pony with red hair? her name is applebloom" she asked, then I said "of course I can! I'll add applejack next to her!" the litle girl smiled and laid next to me, as I draw aplebloom and applejack. once I finished them I were about to tell her that I finished, so I turned around and I saw her sleeping, so I took all the pages and placed them next to her.
then I left the party and went home. now I'm horribly sick xD
end of the story UvU

Pony Corral / what if a taobao seller.....
« on: March 25, 2013, 06:19:59 AM »
....has a bunch of one prototype, or, like has rejeted unique ones and sells, like 10 or so and then waits for everybody to want her and then starts selling them very pricey? I don't know, I mean
like :muffin: Pony that is being sold quite pricey at taobao right now?

Customs / someone doing clothes for their ponies?
« on: March 17, 2013, 04:00:51 PM »
does anybody here make dresses, or clothes for their ponies?
I'm doing a few, like, I have done 2 already
one for honeybuzz and another one for starbeam twinkle

I'd like to see othes for ponies made by yourself! :D

Customs / G4 ponysona customs! show me!
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:58:49 AM »
I'm doing myself a ponysona out of a playful pony, mine is called blueberry swirls C:
so I'd like to see your ponysona!

Customs / How to lighten the color of a G4 pony?
« on: March 02, 2013, 02:14:00 PM »
I don't know if there is a post about this, if there it is, sorry U,U

so I want to lighten the color of a G4 pony (playful pony) and I were wondering with what I could lighten it.

I searched around and some people say that leaving ponies at the sun will lighten them, but I'm not too sure, like, won't the pony lost it's color and fade to a more warm, yellow-ish tone?

and also, Is it safe to leave G4 ponies in bleach (or bleach with water)?

Pony Corral / anypony here owns sweetie blue?
« on: February 24, 2013, 08:44:03 PM »
so yeah, I wonder how many people own the playful version of sweetie blue.
she was aparently only sold in taobao, so I guess that only collectors would buy her, but I've never seen a pic from a collector, only the pic from taobao.
or those that don't how how she looks:

so if anypony has her could you guys tell me? xD it's just strange that I've never seen a collector's pic of her.

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