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Topics - Ivaness

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Price Check Archives / My Pretty Pony PC
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:21:15 AM »
Aaah, My Pretty Pony. So pretty, so pony, so out of reach. The brown one seems to pop up so much more often than the other two.

But, I would like to know how much one would expect to pay for a Peachy Pretty Pony. Mechs don't work great, body is dirty and looks faded in places.  I'm looking to buy her (she's the grail of grails of me.)  I found one, but she isn't in good condition at all. She's the second one I've ever seen and I'd like to place an offer on her. But, I'm unsure what to offer.


Arts & Crafts Corral / Request: Tattoo Commission (Not Pony Related)
« on: February 06, 2015, 04:42:46 PM »
Hi everyone! I'm looking for a SUPER talented artist who has a little bit of free time to work with me on creating an idea for my next tattoo(s).  I don't have a lot of money, but I can throw some money your way, and maybe a pony or two.

Since I'm on here so infrequently, best bet would be to PM me or email me.  I really hope someone can help me!

Thank you!

I'm hoping this may be allowed, but I'm looking for people who like macabre art and fan art to follow my 10 year old on deviantArt. He loves to draw and he's quite good (and I'm only a tad bit biased!). 

Here is a little bit of info about my son: his name is Ivan, he's 10, almost 11 years old and he has Autism. He's always excelled art wise and I'm trying to encourage him to keep at it because I can see him going somewhere with it. I maintain his dA account and try to upload a few pictures every week. He gets so excited when his pageviews go up (he's at 35 right now).  He also enjoys making things from perler beads and Legos.

I hope some of y'all can find it in your hearts to add one more to your watch list. :)


On Friday, I shipped a package to Wisconsin from Pennsylvania.  The seller contacted me last night asking why her package is all the way in Washington state.  I have no idea. Post office receipt clearly says the package is going to Wisconsin.  And, I feel bad that I have no answer for her.  So, does anyone here have an idea why the package is on the West coast instead? It says it's still in transit with an expected delivery date of today. There are no new updates, I just want to put the seller at ease. I've never encountered this before.

Thank you!

USPS updated that her items are one state away from her now and will be delayed due to weather!  I'm so happy that she can breathe easier now. :D

Price Check Archives / Price Check on Pony Pals
« on: April 27, 2014, 11:57:01 AM »
I'd like a PC on pony pals!

They are also for sale, with Cutesaurus' fate being up in the air. (I don't know if I want to keep her or not, she's ADORBS!)

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I'll be adding more PC here on ponies I'd be interested in selling. Thanks guys!

Pony Brag Arena / A BRAG TO END ALL BRAGS! (Not really!)
« on: April 25, 2014, 03:28:25 PM »
Pictures will say it all!

First, Stripes came to live with her sisters from MonstarNomNom! She has such lovely curls and now they can all be gorgeous together!
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Today, while perusing Craigslist, I came across a listing only 4 hours old. I HOPPED on it and was SO thankful to win it! (They had had lots of interest, but they said I was the first one to say I'd come get them RIGHT then!)  Without further ado, THE CRAIGSLIST FIND!

After my sister helped me bring them in. (Also, MY SISTER IS HERE!)
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She has discovered the joy of brushing of pony hair!
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Baby Sundance's buggy with pillow and blanket
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Pony pals!
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Pincesses and Bushwoolies
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Pony Picture Spam! (I'm tired, lol. LOTS of driving today.)
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BAGS UPON BAGS OF ACCESSORIES! Some of them are Pixie Tails, LLLs, we also got a weird dragon with a rooted tail... I'm thinking it's a LLL Dragon? -Shrugs-
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Anyway, it was amazing!! I'm thinking the people might get back to me if they find anything more!

The best part? They're all in AMAZING condition. Those SS ponies? No flocking loss that we noticed. All the symbols and eyes are gorgeous and with cleaning, I feel they'll be as close to mint without coming straight out of the boxes!
Well, not true. Some of them need a major cleaning, plasticizer is leaking from some and some of them are drunks. :(

And some will be for sale!

Off Topic / How do I LONG HAIR?!?!?!
« on: March 30, 2014, 03:49:57 PM »
Sup guys!  I haven't been on much, sorry. :) This isn't quite a WYP, but Mods can feel free to move me if needs be. :)

I'm trying to go out my hair, I've NEVER had long hair in my life. Right now, it's FINALLY past my shoulders. I'm growing it out for the renn faire. :)

But, my dilemma is this. I've given up shampoo and conditioner, I feel like no matter how little I use, it just gunks up on the crown of my head leaving me with super itchy scalp and build up. (And I rinse like crazy! Just never feel like it comes out.) So, to counteract the itching, I've started using a watered down baking soda rinse and I just started watered down apple cider vinegar rinse today.  My scalp doesn't itch nearly as much, but my hair is super dry. :(  My hair, normally, is dry, frizzed, SUPER thick and it wasn't until I started this that it tangles real easy.

What more can I do to help my hair? I want to stay away from chemicals and all that as much as possible. And I want to do it cheaply.

So, you long haired ladies out there, what do you do for your hair? Do you have any tips, tricks of the trade that you can impart?

This is my hair from a week or two ago. I was still using some chemicals in this picture.
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Off Topic / My Son's 10th Birthday Is Soon! Tips?!
« on: January 26, 2014, 03:52:47 PM »
The kiddo is turning 10. TEN. A WHOLE DECADE (of annoying me senseless!)! :D

He is a GIANT fan of Minecraft, so of course, it will be a surprise Minecraft party. I haven't started searching yet, but so far, we've found the cake (   Since I'll be hand making the cake, putting rice krispies in like a square silicone mold, would work well, yes? Using food dye for the marshmallows to color the blocks, and he already has the toys... So, I could just steal them. :D

But, I would like y'all opinions on what else I could do for him. Minecraft type party favors, games, things like that.

Thanks for your help!!

« on: January 23, 2014, 05:52:49 AM »
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Last Post!!

Pony Brag Arena / Ginger Is A Girl's Best Friend!
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:23:38 PM »
With everything going on right now, Ginger (a member here and my RL friend) asked for my address and I figured she'd send me a card.

This was completely unexpected!
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She's gorgeous and I'm head over heels! Ginger has been such a wonderful friend to me through this tough time and I can't thank her enough for being a very understanding ear! (But I plan to!)

Love you, ladyface! <3

Off Topic / Price Check! Vintage Kewpie & Lady LovelyLocks Puzzle PICS UP
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:00:08 AM »
(Pictures will be uploaded as soon as Photobucket comes back up from maint!)

I have two vintage Kewpie ceramic figurines. Both in good condition, no chips, just some surface dirt (that I plan on cleaning.) One is holding its foot, the other is on his belly looking up, looking so sad. He's just saying PLEASE, GIVE ME A GOOD HOME!  I don't know anything about Kewpies (aside from they kiiiinda creep me out.)  So, really any information and a possible price check would be cool.

I also was given a 63 piece Lady LovelyLocks puzzle. The front of the box is beautiful, no damage to the picture that I can see. But, they kind of mangled the box when they cut to open it. I have pictures of it but, again... Photobucket. -.- All pieces were there at last count, no damage to the puzzle itself.

The items ARE for sale if anyone is interested! Thanks!

Pony Corral / Going Through a Breakup - Show me ... !!!
« on: January 09, 2014, 05:15:27 AM »
After 8 years, my relationship is coming apart at the seams. I'm really down, so...

Would y'all wanna show me ponies that are all about love?!  I've always wanted to collect them but I can never seem to get my hands on them, so I have none. </3

And of course, words of encouragement always mean the world to me. :lovey:

Pony Corral / Finally Introducing My 2 Year Old Niece to MLP.
« on: December 19, 2013, 04:51:41 AM »
This Christmas starts my slow and far away introduction of my almost 2 year old niece to My Little Pony.  She lives in North Carolina, while I'm in Pennsylvania.  While at Kmart today, Christmas shopping for my two little nieces, I came across these two items for the older one.
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She is going to look SO CUTE in it! I got matching little leggings that are black with different colored hearts all over them. Oh my gosh!  I'm thinking of getting her her first My Little Pony toy as well.

My other little niece is only 6 months old, so what did I find for her?  This super cute Superman tutu dress!
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I wish I could go to North Carolina with my boyfriend to see how happy she will be when she opens her presents from us. But alas, I'll be stuck in Pennsylvania while he's with them.
Just means he better take pictures!

Off Topic / SUPER BRAG! -Superhero Pose!-
« on: December 12, 2013, 09:44:25 PM »
For those in the US, you know how McDonalds has teamed with Microsoft to give away xBox Ones??

Guess who won one!?

THAT'S RIGHT! THIS GIRL DID! I don't even play the xBox, but my boyfriend and son do! AND IT'S MINE! ALLLL MINE!  -Maniacal cackle-

My dad actually bought the french fries that had the winning code on it and he didn't even look at it. He just handed it to me and was like "I know you and (Boyfriends Name) do these things, dunno if it's a winner but here ya go."

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Customs / Baby Wheat Penny - Fakie DG Baby Custom (In Honor of my Papi)
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:57:42 AM »
My grandfather (who passed in April) was a huge coin collector. I started collecting coins early on in life, even though I never really knew he was a collector until a few years ago. I fully believe coin collecting is in my genes. :D
I think this is a good way to honor his memory.

Introducing Baby Wheat Penny! BWP started out as a white and blue Dollar General fakie baby, very dirty. And I've never been so happy to rip out pony hair! (I also have a pink one and a blue one!)  I have no idea what she's been rehaired with, it's DollyHair though. (Those 5 random bags you can buy, haha.)  She's been painted with bronze and gold, with some brown mixed in to help it give it some ... dimension, I guess.

Onto the pictures!
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Closeup of her symbol, it's the symbol on the back of a 1901 Indian Head wheat penny I have. (Or a very simple attempt at it, haha.)
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The white of her eye may be melting >.>
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Thanks for looking! ^_^
I'm incredibly proud of her!

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