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Topics - babylicketysplit

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Off Topic / Furfest Midwest! <3 will anyone else be there?
« on: November 16, 2013, 06:15:28 AM »
 ^.^ :P  its the one convention i get to go to this year!  so excited. my friend kyle and i already have our drive set and our hotel room booked in the convention suite area.   will anyone else be going?  its in chicago at the hyatt regency this coming weekend.  22nd through the 24th.

im a black and white husky by the way ;)  i dress anthro  but only because i havent been able to afford full suiting yet.

Off Topic / Im officially 25!
« on: July 20, 2013, 10:55:04 PM »
XD  :lol: ^.^

so i surprise the docs yet again by reaching another birthday!  mwuahahaha   :P i think im gonna outlive you all LOL.

so who wants some vodka and lemonade and some party cake!  or ahem.  a party cake  :lookround:

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Pony Corral / is anyone else feeling nostalgic for the G3 times?
« on: July 12, 2013, 02:40:40 AM »
 :cry:  i was just oggling my minty collection and my beautiful g3's with their diversity and their playsets. remembering all the good times i had collecting them and playing with my litle neice who is now 7! (still cant believe that)  and i was thinking to myself about how my neice and i enjoyed going after ponies and finding sets, then going home and setting up the playsets and PLAYING!  :P

the more i see G4 (not the cartoon mind you, i love the cartoon)  but the toyline....  is just UGH! closest thing to a decent fun playset that i would have personally considered fun to setup and play with, with a child was the sweetiebelle and pinkie pie candy store set. 
    G4 leaves a LOT to be desired when it comes to character diversity and creative play  :huh:  i mean theres only so much you can do with repeat castles, cardboard accessories and rc cars/trains.   even when they did release some more diverse playset setting like "camping with RD and AJ and stardreams bedroom and the fair set with sweetie belle and applebloom, we never saw them here in the states (at least i didnt).

so seriously why does hasbro seem to be forgetting the very nature if the my little pony brand as being a toyline?  :|  creating an environment conducive to creative play and diverse play situations (sorry i study child play psychology as a hobby!  :lookround:)   because what if the child in question doesnt want to push an automated train button or rc car... or for the bajillionth time play in the princess castle. what then?     also we all know that the company is focusing on the "mane 6"   >_<   which is also sterotyping and making girls/boys choose the personality type already formatted for them (pretty much what hasbro is saying when they do this!!) instead if creating their own personality for the character.  :huh:    theres a ton of research out there on child development that shows we should be encouraging creative and diverse play.    something obviously the hasbro executives do not seem to be worried about right now.

 :blush: sorry for the late time rant.  im sleep deprived and was just thinking too much on it tonite.

Off Topic / This made me laugh so much!
« on: June 07, 2013, 08:56:29 PM »

 :lol: XD  my friend nel showed me this, thought i would share since a lot of you relate to having kids.  (i dont but i still find this hilarious as i have babysat a LOT)

edit:  second episode also

Off Topic / Prince and i got invaded by the local news
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:11:10 PM »
 :lookround: Ok.. so i just got invaded by the local news.. and of course i was just about to pass out and i wasnt wearing any pants when they knocked on the door LOL.. how fitting. I threw some clothes on, and was asked "is this the jome of Prince the goat?" *head desk* i guess i should have known it would happen eventually. took them out to the farm because they begged to do a short few minute segment on him since he is now a local animal celebrity apparently. and the first service goat known to exist or be trained. its on at 11 o clock tonite i guess. and dont any of you jerks laugh at how i look! LOL it had just rained and i was covered in muddy hoof prints, and i had just gotten woken up. :blush:

ill post a link as soon as i get one.

Off Topic / any horror hosting fans out there?
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:17:30 PM »
 :lol: :lol:  Im a cast member and crew member on this show. ive known all of these goofballs for over 7 years.   even just your moral support (sit a spell and watch!) or helping the shows campaign helps in any way.

anyhow  for my fellow horror host dorks:

oh also in an upcoming episode Prince my little goat made his film debut as the indestructable assassin goat  :lookround: :P

Off Topic / Prince has his own official page!
« on: May 11, 2013, 01:09:09 AM »
 :blush: :P :lookround:  so after much deliberation my barn owner as well as a lot of the locals here near me have convinced me to make prince his own page and sort of "Out" ourselves. local law loves him, docs approved and he passed aggression and temperment tests.     He is the only goat service animal in the state of michigan at this moment who is in training to do the tasks he does.     as much as i didnt want the news or anything involved its starting to become unavoidable lol.     we have made our rounds frequently the last several weeks. and we also have visited as a therapy/emotiinal support animal at the local geriratric wards, veterans home and a few local petting zoos.  :cool:

i want myself to have as much anonymity as possible, but im slowly realising it aint gonna happen, not with how interested in him everyone is.   hes slowly becoming a favorite local animal celebrity LOL.  oh boy what can of worms did i open?  :blink: :throw: :duh:

anyway here is his page for anyone who wants to support goats as healers go ahead and post/like whatnot if you please  :blush: :P


As i am in desperate need to pay off some bills for my horse, my new therapy goat in training, and my own medical bills (affording special autoimmune disorder medication)
I have listed these sets and will be listing more.   If anyone here or from the kenner forum would like to message me with an offer or to reserve a listing for them i can do that too :)   but i will only reserve for so long. due to the nature of the sales.  :blush:  or to enquire about a set you are searching for and if i have it i will list it for you if it is not already up

I will not turn down any reasonable offer. but understand the only reason these items are for sale is to make money as soon as possible for medication and other bills for renny and prince. So i am not going to give these items away for much less than i paid for them.  i only listed them because of their rarity and high value.   <3   
some things are just more important than material items to me right now.  and i have enjoyed these pieces for a while now  ^.^

 :P ^.^   So after much strange fascination on my doctors part and much research and recording on mine.  my doctors are going to possibly try and get me a therapy animal liscense... but...... for a GOAT.  :lol: :lmao:

they were the only animal that came up negative on my allergy tests. and they seem to not only mostly keep my seizures and anxiety away but if i have one, they can predict them!  :shocked:  about 15 min ahead of time in fact.   they get visibly upset block me from leaving the barn, getting on my horse, or in my car and even nip me before i have one.    they are incredibly spot on.    and not to mention i love them all.   if i am able to get a license, i would get a whether which is a castrated male.   im very attatched to the lamancha breed and the nubian breed so hopefully a minimancha or mininubian.  :blush:    they seem to be more intuitive and affectionate.    and yes they can be house trained but its very difficult.   and even more difficult to get them registered as a therapy animal.  but with all my medical issues lately it would be nice to have something/someone to help.  :) <3

Just thought i would share as you guys may find it interesting and entertaining.   if this works for me i cant wait to see the look on peoples faces when they see me walking around with a goat in public LMAO

MLP Nirvana / PC pretty please? NO country Daddy sweet celebrations
« on: April 16, 2013, 09:16:29 PM »
 ^.^ :blush: hey guys was curious if any of you collectors know what the going rate for a mint no country daddy sweet celebrations.  i am thinking of letting him go but am not sure of the price..  he was a gift a long time ago and wouldnt want to let him go for too little if the current value is low.

thank you! <3 :biggrin:

[moving to Nirvana ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Off Topic / Balto and jenna Plushies Info?
« on: January 18, 2013, 03:34:16 PM »
 ^.^  so i just got done cleaning these two up from being in storage.  what do you guys think?   i hear they sell very well and are actually quite rare to get ahold of. 

anyone have any information on them?

They are both in excellent shape.  about 16 or 17 inches tall  :)   

Off Topic / So i am now helping out a local horse rescue group
« on: January 10, 2013, 08:00:56 PM »
 Was not sure where to put this post (lovely omnipresent Mods may move at their discretion ;) )


Along with the other ladies at the barn i board at, we have been asked to get the word out about a local rescue trying to get off the ground and help more horses. i donated some auction items to help them because they are really struggling (i know i am too, but i had some collectables and handmade bracelets that i had not listed on etsy yet so i donated them. its a really good cause and the owner has seizures like i do.)

I am not asking for donations for them, but in february they are having an auction on their facebook page some of my items will be in the auction, and any bids are appreciated. even just liking their page on facebook to help them get more known would help!       <3  i couldn't help but want to share this with you. *SUPER HUGS*  There will be some g4 pony items, Vintage lisa frank stationery, and handmade crystal ankle bracelets by me :)

It is local and i will be visiting their facility soon and possibly volunteer there if i hve time between classes. They are a recognized charity, so NOT scammers.   they are also recognized federally. ^.^

Off Topic / My Horse Renny is close to having her baby! on Foal watch
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:49:36 AM »
im nervous and happy all at the same time... she has big changes today, staying down close to the barn and the other horses aren't leaving her. her girl parts are leaking fluid a bit and the baby has shifted.

 no waxing yet. she let me handle her teats but shes been very cranky with them the last few days, shes bagging up right now, and she was slower on her daily walk today. and kept stopping. shes in a fresh stall of straw, with plenty of fresh flake hay, fresh water, and she got her serving of grain today with her supplements.   i love my baby! still no baby yet, but definitely a change in energy today, she wasnt running today like she was yesterday. will keep you ladies updated.
She is only stalled at night but gets pasture during the day with the other mares. we just dont want to risk her dropping the foal in the pasture at night when no one is around
i cant wait to meet and see the baby! i wonder what it will look like 

Pics from tonight:

 :blush: sorry for bad picture quality, its difficult to get pics at night.

 >_< 2 false labors so far. ugh i wish she would have the baby already and stop making me insane with worry :(

Off Topic / Created a vintage lisa frank collectors facebook page
« on: November 23, 2012, 12:32:28 AM »


since the company doesnt seem to be satisfying its fans and collectors, i want to try and help them connect with one another so i created a page :) feel free to join!

 :lol: :P   my friend kyle is taking me down with him (as im broke)  so i wont be buying but i sure as heck am gonna be dancin and havin a good time!? anyone want to meet up?

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