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Topics - jrr74

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Off Topic / Just opened up a flickr account, how do I post pictures?
« on: June 30, 2017, 07:50:16 PM »
So with all of the BS going on with PB, I just opened a flickr account.  Can someone please walk me through how to post a picture on the arena?  With PB, I would paste the link, delete the URL (?) and voila, the only picture I wanted seen popped up on my thread or post

[moving to OT ~ Mirn]

MLP Nirvana / PC on Nirvana CC
« on: June 28, 2017, 11:08:30 AM »
May have the opportunity to purchase a palomino Cotton Candy.  Don't know if it is Macau or Italian but was wondering what a good offer is.  Thank you  :heart:

Pony Corral / MLP UK kitchen and custom Candy Parlor (pic heavy)
« on: May 17, 2017, 09:21:37 AM »
Little back story, and I promise to keep it brief.  In 2012, I came across some of my childhood ponies during a difficult time in my life.  To help distract myself, I started to rebuild my childhood herd through eBay.  Good or bad, it did not stop there and I continued to buy other ponies.  Then just as quickly as I started, I stopped.  Good thing because I was paying some silly prices; didn't know any better or just didn't care. 

Fast forward to summer 2015.  Once again, going through some difficult times...and once again, I turn to buying ponies.  I realize I have a problem/addiction; probably spending more in 18 months than what some of you make in a year :blush:  The worst part was that I purchase these ponies and then just put them in a bins which were stored in closets.  My husband referred to me as an hoarder and he was probably right. 

2017 and I am finally in control of my spending.  I no longer have the desire to try to collect every pony released in the US and have done an excellent job of resisting the temptation to buy Nirvana ponies.  I like to look, and sometimes ponder.  I have bought a few mlp here and there, but nothing like before. 

I am still spending money on my collection, and it does add up, but in an indirect way that I feel ok with.  My money now goes to the displaying of them, particularly playsets.  I have finally found my hobby in the creating of accessories and purchasing current toy lines to accessorize my collection. 

UK kitchen.  I did not create anything here, just purchased items from current toy lines and then added the table and chairs from Sweet Shop.  I take it back,I did make the wall/divider  ^.^
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Custom Candy Parlor.  I bought this off of etsy a little while ago.  I first saw it here under a thread about customized playsets and fell in love.  When I finally decided to get it out on display, I no longer really cared for the accessories that came with it (from the Sylvania Families toy line) and decided to make my own. 

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Original photo from etsy. 

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photos I took without all the accessories so you can actually see the playset  :biggrin:
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Wanted! / ISO Weathervane for g1 Schoolhouse and Comb from PE
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:11:29 PM »
Title says it all.  Looking to buy or trade for items
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                 Found Katie's kitty 

Pony Corral / Top 3 Want list
« on: December 30, 2016, 05:31:44 PM »
I am curious to see what other people have as the top 3 of their want list. Items have to be mlp (any generation) whether it be a pony or an accessory.  Items on list also have to be something that you can realistically afford via buying or trading.  There is a ton of stuff I would love to have but cannot afford :( 

1) the weathervane for the UK Schoolhouse (have a partial one  :lol:)
2) Seven Tales Sweetheart (set completer)
3) crown clip for Sunbeam

update 1/2/17:  just tracked down Sweetheart  :cheer:

Trader & Shipping Support / Mailing to Italy
« on: December 11, 2016, 07:47:53 AM »
I have a pony item MIB (value $85) that I am suppose to be mailing to Italy.   I have two concerns, one-I have not heard anything good about the Italian postal services and two-they only allow toys made out of wood to enter the country.  So how does one mark the contents of the box?  Apparently I will not be using my old stand-by, 'plastic vintage toy'.  I have also looked into doing priority mail so that I may insure the item, but that would cost around $60 because of the size of box that I need to use.  It would be cheaper for me to ship to someone in the UK with a more reliable postal service and then have them do tracked and insured shipping to get the package to Italy. 

Is the Italian post office really as bad as it has been rumored to be?

MLP Nirvana / Completed Set of Alternate Birthflower Ponies
« on: November 12, 2016, 04:28:56 PM »
With a lot of help from other collectors and another 4 off of eBay, I am now the proud owner of these 13 ponies.  Though some have seen better days, all ponies deserve to be loved  :inlove:

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Pony Corral / MO Baby Pony Crib Size
« on: October 01, 2016, 03:29:13 PM »
I was wondering if someone with a verified(?) yellow crib from MO baby pony can measure it against a regular released crib?  Was mentioned to me that the MO crib might be small in size.  Besides Heart Throb's pastel yellow crib, a more yellow-yellow crib was released in an accessory pack for the UK Loving Family pony set.  Anyway, I think was only overseas that the accessory pack was released.  Could be dead wrong.  Would not be the first time :P  Anyway, just another pony mystery trying to solve  :blink:

Another thing that would be nice is a photo of the MO crib and the accessory pack  crib pictured side by side to see if there is a difference in color!

edit:  MO crib is the same size as other cribs.  Now if we can only determine if their is a difference in color between the two  :wonder:

Pony Corral / Paradise Estate Is Finally Set Up (PIC HEAVY) PONIES ADDED!!
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:28:21 PM »
I am very fortunate that I have the space to display PE sprawled out.  Her size can be turn off for many people.  I was determined to make her the center of my pony space.  I would like to say 'pony room', but I share the space with two ferrets. 

This has definitely been a labor of love and my first [just about] completed pony project.  I am hoping to do similar displays for other MLP playsets...Well maybe not quite as involved

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I really enjoyed doing the various landscaping projects.  May need to commission a customized 'Ground's Keeper' pony  ;)

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Just a few close ups of my projects...

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Probably should have swept the walkway first  :blush:

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Couldn't forget the garden gnome.  There is a second one by the front gate.  Originally had four, but thought that might me an overkill. Maybe the remaining two will show up at a certain show stable  ^.^

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In my effort to make a water feature, I managed to ruin a frying pan and give myself a second degree burn (little blister >_<)  Finally settled for something simpler, but I still like it!

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Gerbera daisies are my favorite flower.  They are so happy looking  :heart:

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Did not want to deal with all of the tiny utensils.  So in my set up, they are dirty  :P

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Dining for three at a poolside table

I could posts more pictures.  I definitely took enough, but I figure this is pic heavy enough.  I may add a few more pieces here and there, but for the most part I am done and ready to move on to my next project; Sea Pony Display!!  Just waiting on DH to paint a few pieces before putting the cabinet together.

I will now take this opportunity to spam my own post.  LOOKING FOR BLUE CONCH SHELL  :help:

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Did someone say pie!

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Windy debating the diving board.  Bubbles making her way down the waterslide in the background.

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Fraternal twins Sweet Clover and...Sweet Clover? finishing up lunch

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Sunbeam, hostess with the mostest.  You go girl!!

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Tipping back ice cold ones while waiting for their food to arrive from China (ordered plastic food pieces off of eBay)

More pictures to follow as I continue to add ponies and accessories.  Thanks for looking!!

Wanted! / ISO Princess Accessories [Closed]
« on: September 22, 2016, 08:22:48 PM »
Help, I am really hoping to complete my set of princess accessories before the end of the year (besides the ribbons, have no interest going down that path  >_<).  I really want to get a way from buying in 2017 but need some closure (aka completed sets) before committing myself to such extremes  :P

I am looking for

Princess Sunbeam's lilac crown barrette

Princess Dawn's yellow crown barrette

Princess Starburst's aqua glitter pick

Princess Pristina's fuchsia wand

Thank you for taking the time to read my want list

MLP Nirvana / Huge Favor: PC on Alt. BF Ponies
« on: September 13, 2016, 06:41:48 AM »
I have decided to pursue the alternate birthflower collection after putting it off for a year.  I keep seeing other people's group pictures, and well, I now am quite smitten by them.  I know prices have come down some and was hoping to get a price check.  I think most run around the same price range, but know that others are going to cost a tad more. 





May/Lilly of the Valley


July/Water Lily*


September/Morning Glory




If you know of a link with a recent price check, would be happy with that.  Tried looking myself but came up empty handed

With that being said, I am looking to buy!! (spamming my own post  :P)
**  really, really want
*    want

Pony Brag Arena / My Yellow Card Arrived!
« on: September 06, 2016, 06:06:05 PM »
Little back story, as we all know, Babydoll sells a lot of HTF items.  I asked her many months ago about the yellow card for the bed and crib set.  Unfortunately, she did not have one for sale .  Fast forward to present day minus a few weeks.  After I have declared going on a hiatus, what comes up in Babydoll's auction?  None other than the yellow card that I wanted more than anything else pony at this time.    Unless we are talking about a super HTF nirvana at an unbelievable price.  That, of course, I would want more than a yellow card.  She just "happened" to come across it in a mix bag of 80's toys.  I digress.   

So auction times happens and there are only two bidders for the card with me being one of them.  Out of fear of being sniped, I place a fairly high second bid on the card.  Second wind down, and no additional  bids are placed.  Hallelujah!  So without further ado, my finally completed bed and crib set 


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Now all I need is one of the nurse ponies with very HTF hat  :lol:

Trader & Shipping Support / No penalty for non paying bidder on eBay
« on: September 05, 2016, 06:11:45 PM »
I have crossed paths multiple times with another bidder on eBay due to us going after the same MLP items.  I know of three incidents alone where they were a non-paying bidder because I get a message that the item was relisted.  I once paid double what an item was worth because they placed an initial high bid and I really wanted it.  They have also had multiple retractions.  I once followed an auction where  MOC TAF Yum-Yum sold for $700.  This individual retracted her highest bid and the second highest bidder won the auction.  The problem in both of these situations is "This non-paying not only hurts sellers but also legitimite bidders. These criminals are running up bids and then not paying. If a real bidder does win, he or she may have paid an inflated price"  (not my words but I couldn't have summed it up any better  :blush:). 

Why are there no repercussions for people like this?    :enraged:

Trader & Shipping Support / How do I find Japan auction sites
« on: August 30, 2016, 06:10:33 PM »
I stumbled across a Takara pony blog site today which listed previous auctioned Takara ponies with most of the sales occurring in Japan.  I did a brief search for Japanese on-line auction sites and came up empty handed  :shrug:   With that being said, I'm hoping one of you fine people can shed some light on how to find and register for such sites  :help:

Also, are these pretty reliable sites?  Takara ponies are expensive and I would prefer to avoid anything shady.

Like title says, looking for a total of 24 LPS figurines that are connected to the sea.  This include the seahorses, sea turtles, hermit crabs, and whatever else.  Also looking for a LPS frog. 

I would prefer to buy in one large lot if possible to save on shipping, but open to smaller lots of 6, or if you have one that is really awesome looking, I may be game. 

I am not a collector of LPS, so don't need anything rare/HTF.  I just want to use them with a mlp baby sea pony display (for when I make one anyway)


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