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Topics - Desert Rose

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Pony Corral / I could have sworn...
« on: November 06, 2012, 05:57:29 AM »
So I'm in the middle of cleaning and displaying all my G1's. As I'm displaying them after how they came out and with their sets I've gone over them all several times to find the specific ponies. They're in no specific order in my bins so I've had to do this repeatidly to find the ones I'm looking for at the moment.

However, having gone over and over the G1's I have I can't for the life of me find SS Angel, TE Bright Eyes and Sprinkles. Three ponies I could have sworn I had. Heck I even remember when I took the bus up to the city when I was 16 to exchange money to dollars to send for SS Angel. But they are nowhere to be found O.O
I'm not too bothered by it really, it just.... baffles me :P
Meanwhile I'm finding ponies I had no memory at all that I have bought so it all goes around XD

How about you folks? Have you ever ended up looking through your collection and suddenly you can't find that one pony you could absolutely swere you had?

Pony Corral / How do you do it?
« on: November 04, 2012, 09:38:13 AM »
So I'm finally able to unpack and display all my G1 ponies. However, while doing so I notice alot of them have gotten abit of surface dirt which needs to be scrubbed of. This even though I've had them in ziplock bags - allthough they have never been completely sealed.

I've only cleaned about 50 and I'm already sick of it O.O First of all it's depressing to see so many of my ponies being all dirty after a decade of storage. Second of all it's so boring scrubbing ponies.
I just do a gentle surface cleaning, allthough they'd probably turn out better with a proper bath.

I don't understand how you guys do it? How all you guys who restore ponies and make them all nice and shiny, how you put up with it? I feel horrible for saying this as I love my ponies but this is just really tedious for me. Honestly it's turning me off the G1's quite abit :( And that's really bad because they're my favorite generation! :/

Off Topic / Any Care Bears collectors?
« on: October 21, 2012, 01:50:16 AM »
I'm fairly sure there's other Care Bears collectors on this board, but not 100% :P

If there are any Care Bears collectors out there, anyone up for showing off your Care Bears collections? :D I'd love to see em' and get some inspiration :)

Pony Brag Arena / I can't believe it!
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:45:08 AM »
In all my years as a MLP collector I've never been the target for a RAOPK. I honestly never thought I would be either since I've always had a hard time getting completely in to the community, and I never really make any friends since I'm absolutely horrible at it - both IRL and online :blush:.

But today a lovely member here - girlyponce - proved me wrong and completely made my day. My year infact :biggrin: Because this one has been pretty rough and it was only recently when I started collecting ponies again and joining the lovely MLP community that it has gotten better - much thanks to the great people here who are so supportive and inspirational, and also the wonderful little ponies which we all love for the magic they bring to our lives :) 

Anyway... to the RAOPK story :P

It was just a little while ago that I found girlyponces' sales thread where I found that she had the 25th Anniversary Scootaloo and Cheerilee for sale. I immediatly PM'd her with my fingers crossed that she still had them. She did and she also had the Sweetie Belle from that set which I had seen her mention in her post.
She did admit that the reason as to why she hadn't posted her yet was because she had some writing on her tummy and was in the process of sunfading her. The picky collector as I am said I would pass for now then, even when girlyponce said she would throw her in for free. I knew I would just feel greedy taking her up on it as she has been the one doing all the work to restore her and should get money for it in my opinion :)
A day or so later girlyponce PM'd me again and said that she had been looking through my wishlist and that she also had a MIB G4 Sunny Rays and Trixie Lulamoon for sale. I told her I couldn't afford them right now but thanked her for letting me know :)
So I paied her for Cheerilee and Scootaloo and as patiently as I could I waited for my new girls to arrive.

And so, today when my fiance picked me up from my work-rehabilitation (something that is supposed to make me feel better, but always makes me feel worse >.<) he had a little note with him that I had a big package to pick up at the postoffice. The uneasy feelings I had after my work-rehab faded and my focus was now on the pony that was awaiting me at the postoffice. We went there right away and sure enough it was ponymail. It said so on the package :P
But I would have to wait with opening it untill we had done the groceryshopping, eaten and cleaned up.

Then finally came the moment that I could open it. Like a child on christmas morning I tore into it - kinda curious since the package was pretty big for just two ponies O.o Once I finally got it open I just sat there and stared down at it for a good 2-3 minutes or so.

In it I saw my two new lovely little girls Cheerilee and Scootaloo:
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But there were also two other G3 ponies peeking out. Sweetie Belle and a gorgeous Puzzlemint =O
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And last, but definitly not least, (and they actually were the two I first noticed when I opend the package :P) were MIB Sunny Rays and Trixie Lulamoon!!! :shocked: :newpony:
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Honestly, since I never thought anyone would send me a RAOPK I pm'd girlyponce and asked if it was a misstake XD But nope, she had just been so amazingly wonderfull and sweet and sent them along with the two I bought from her since she had seen them on my wishlist.
I still can't believe it and have no idea how to thank her enough because this is really amazing to me =) 3 hours later and I'm still smiling about it :biggrin:

So, other than telling this little story of something that meant alot to me I also wanna take the time to say thanks to all the lovely people here on this forum for all the support and kindness you show. Listening to my rants in the WYP board and giving me great advices and showing that you're there. And I want to let everyone on this forum know that each one of you always brighten my days whenever I stop by the forum :grouphug:
And a special thanks to girlyponce for this RAOPK =) It really ment alot to me :hug:

Pony Corral / The last of the G3's
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:08:29 AM »
For a few months now I've been back into collecting again and it's great :) I've put my main focus on the G3's for now as those are the only ones I've been able to display so far in my half done pony room :P And so far it's been an easy task. G3's are common as dirt and have good prices too for that reason.

However, I'm nearing the end of the list and I realize that a bunch of G3's from the last few years that they were produced seem very rare O.o I'm talking about ponies like these:

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Since I had stopped collecting by the time the last of the G3's were beeing released my question is: Were these even released? Why do they seem so hard to find? Had people grown so tired of the core 7 by then that they just simply never bought any of them?

I'm just a bit baffled as the rest of the ponies from those years seems fairly easy to come by. Any insight would be awesome :)

Trader & Shipping Support / How long should you wait?
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:19:08 AM »
I'm curious what the norms are regarding selling and trading.

If you put something up for sale/trade and you forget to add how long you're willing to hold items for, then how long do you in general hold the items for if the person who has expressed interest doesn't get back to you?
I'm curious what the general opinions are on this matter as I am having this dilema myself. Like, when can you assume the sale/trade won't happen if you don't hear anything and feel guiltfree with putting the items back up for sale?

Thoughts and opinions wanted :)

Pony Corral / Washing G1 plush ponies?
« on: August 25, 2012, 12:36:43 PM »
While digging through all the stuff I have I found my G1 plush ponies which I discovered are abit dirty. Beeing paranoid as I am I'm debating wether or not it's safe to wash them in the washingmachine or not?

I also have some Care Bears in somewhat desperate need of washing.

So what suggestions do you guys have? Can the G1 plush ponies and vintage Care Bears handle machine washing or am I gonna have to wash them by hand? I might add that they are in fantastic condition otherwise if this matters.
And if washing them by hand, any suggestions on how to do it and still get them properly clean since I have bad experinece with handwashing stuff :P

Trader & Shipping Support / What to do when a seller won't communicate?
« on: August 25, 2012, 03:24:06 AM »
I've read alot about what to do if a buyer doesn't communicate/pay after an auction is won on Ebay.

But what do you do if the seller won't communicate? I won an auction on Ebay which stated that the seller do ship internationally. I clicked "buy it now" but could not pay since the seller had not registerd a shippingquote to my country. The "pay" button was grey and I could not click it. I naturally wrote to the seller, I left a message at the checkout and sent a normal message through Ebay to the seller, asking for a paypal invoice with the total with shipping so that I could pay.
But I haven't heard back from the seller nor gotten a paypal invoice. And nothing has changed on my purchase so I can pay through Ebay :huh:

So what do I do now? O.o I can't pay if the seller wont give me a shipping quote. And I absolutely hate not beeing able to pay for myself right away. And right now I'm just worried the seller will get annoyed about not getting paid and file a claim or something =S

Pony Corral / Well now I feel bad
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:15:30 AM »
I was going to the mall today with my fiance to buy some plastic bins in the big grocerystore Coop that they have inside the mall. As usual we walked past the toyaisle, but since this guy in his 20's and in a uniform was sitting there, kneeling by the MLP blind bags I kept on walking cuz' I'm the kind of person who are abit shy about my pony collecting and I never stop to check ponies if there's someone else there.
I couldn't help but to be curious though, thinking it was a worker for the grocerystore, I thought maybe he was putting up new Blind Bags since I saw he was checking the MLP Blind Bag boxes out, turning them over, checking the pictures on the side etc.

I figured we'd go back when we've picked up the plastic bins and so we did. When we reached the toyaisel again the same guy who had been kneeling down by the blindbags before came out of it and I noticed his uniform was one of the store "Game" in the mall that sells computergames etc. And in his hand he held some blue MLP blind bags.
I couldn't help but starring while we headed over to the ponies and kinda exited I whisperd to my fiance "Oh my gosh he must have been a brony!" And I let a laugh escape me. This was only because I was so exited and happy to see a brony in my area.
Thinking back though, I feel really bad because he might have heard me and thought I was laughing at him :blush: I really really hope not because I think it's a great thing that the Ponies get so much love and attention from all kinds of people these days.

Not only that, but we checked out, went to another store and then headed out of the mall. As we did I saw that guy again standing in the middle of the highly trafficated mall by a bin and ripping open the MLP blindbags. I smiled and turned to my fiance and just went "yup, brony" :)
We talked about it and how it was great to see adult guys having no shame at all in buying ponies and I thought, if guys are so cool with it, why can't I be?

Right after we headed to Toys R Us which is located right next to the mall and when we got to the pony section and I noticed they finally had the Blind Bag packs with 3 in each I let out such a loud squeal that a little kid just stopped and stared at me XD I raised my eyes abit and saw.... The Wedding Castle! I actually shouted to my fiance who stood abit away "OMG they finally got the castle! LOOK!" I grabbed it and hugged it all the way to the register with a big smile on my face. Something I would never EVER have done before. Usually I jump of joy on the inside and try to act all cool like I'm buying the stuff for someone else.
And I realized that I suddenly felt no shame what so ever anymore in loving the ponies so much and beeing all exited about finding new stuff. Most likely cuz' of how that guy I had seen previously had no shame in it.

So thanks to finally seeing another person, a guy ontop of everything, beeing totally cool with buying ponies I think I finally got over my own shame - and this makes me feel even worse if he did hear me and missunderstood my reaction in the grocery store =(

Maybe I should head to the mall and appologize or something or at least start a convo about ponies with this dude? I dunno, I just hate myself right now especially since I do have him to thank for getting over my own fear and shame :lookround:

Off Topic / Care Bears Collection Guide?
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:55:52 AM »
I've collected Care Bears for ages, but I've never managed to find a proper online guide to all Care Bears that has been released.

For My Little Ponies we have Dream Valley, Strawberry Reefs site, My Little Wiki and so forth. Is there something similar for Care Bears?
If you know of a page like that please let me know cuz' looking at all my Care Bears and trying to bring some order to them just leaves me scratching my head :P

Pony Corral / Wave 5 Blind Bags in Sweden *Pictures Added*
« on: August 17, 2012, 07:43:27 AM »
To all our Swedish members. I was at Coop Forum today and checked the toysection as usual when I spotted yellow blind bags. I went closer to look and almost started jumping with joy when I realized it's Wave 5 of the Blind Bags that they had :)
I grabbed what was left in the box which were 6 =/ But hey, better than nothing :P

Managed to get Lyra Heartstrings, Plomette, Sunny Rays, Skywishes, Junebug and Diamond Rose :heart:

So keep your eyes open if you're in a Coop Forum guys :)

Off Topic / I'm sticking to "Buy It Now" >.<
« on: August 12, 2012, 10:46:46 AM »
I was just on Ebay (which I shouldn't be, but I had found a pony I really wanted and for a REALLY cheap price :P )

And as the seconds were ticking down and I was refreshing the page every other second I felt my heart race faster and faster. Thoughts spinning in my head such as: "Will I be outbid in the last second or will I win this pony? Will i have time to put a new offer in if I do get outbid? Should I put a new offer in if I do get outbid even though my highest amount is all I can afford? OH PLEASE DON'T LET ME GET OUTBID NOW!"

I usually try to look for actions with a Buy It Now and I've done that for so long I've forgotten what bidding does to me XD I think I'll continue to stay away from bidding from now on and continue to look for Buy It Now auctions lol. My nerves can't handle this XD

Am I just beeing weird or do other people get all worked up over bidding on auctions too? :P

Customs / Fairytale Ponies
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:04:37 PM »
We all know of the Hasbro-made ponies Rapunzel and Goldielocks. What I hoped to see were some gorgeous Fairytale inspired customs :D

I'm terrible at customizing so unfortunatly I have no pictures to show, but I would LOVE to see some beauties :)

Pony Corral / New Blind Bag Pack
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:59:02 PM »
Not sure if this has been posted about, I had a look but couldn't see anything.
We've all seen the random Spa pony and Zecora blind bags. Well I checked Toywiz and saw this teeny tiny little image:

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So I guess we now know who they will be released with :P

Pony Corral / Why My Little Pony?
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:07:36 PM »
Out of all the toys that ever has existed I sometimes can't help but wonder: How come My Little Pony became so increadibly popular? To the point where there are thousands of fans and collectors, there are collector editions beeing released, there are beeing held conventions and fairs... and the list goes on.

So what is it with My Little Pony that has made them so increadibly big? I mean, we all know why we love them obviously :) But sometimes I'm still just baffled about the popularity of them and the amount of people collecting them when there's so many other toys out there.

Anyone has any thoughts or ideas about why? :P

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