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Topics - Sugar

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Pony Corral / Retro Firefly and book?
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:21:03 AM »
Hey, ponyfolk!

Can't tell if this has been mentioned before, but I was spending a gift card at Indigo Online, and I stumbled across this:

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According to the site, it's on pre-order for April 22, 2014, from a company called Running Press, and the blurb runs as follows:

Everyone loves a pony, and this collectible kit features one of the original My Little Ponies for fans of all ages: a mini-sized Firefly with rooted mane and tail. Kit also includes a star-shaped brush and a 32-page mini book with quotes and retro illustrations.

I'm putting in my pre-order today! ^.^

Trader & Shipping Support / 45 day deadline approaching *RESOLVED*
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:54:47 AM »
I purchased a lovely G2 Golden Glow from a UK seller on eBay (I'm in Canada, btw), with whom I've had nothing but positive experiences.  She really knows her ponies, and I've bought several from her this year, always pleased with the speed of shipping and quality of merchandise.  However, maybe it's just the time of year (eeek, holiday post! :freak: ), but my pony hasn't rolled in yet. -_-  I ticked the "haven't rec'd item" box, but have heard nothing from her yet... so today (with two days left in my deadline!), I'm sending her this message:

"I'm really sorry to have to message you about Golden Glow, but I haven't yet received her.  It may be that she's still coming in the post (maybe just took a wrong turn somewhere?) and I know the post is particularly busy at this time of the year... but I also have to advise you within a set amount of time according to eBay.  Since my 45-day deadline is approaching fast, I thought I'd let you know.  I really don't know what to do in this situation (it's never happened before, and I've always been especially pleased with my purchases from you particularly), so any input would be appreciated.  Thanks so much, [seller]!

I'd appreciate any help from fellow collectors - what do I do from here?  Thanks, all! :hug:

Just a heads-up for fellow pony-merch-starved Canucks:  I found FiM 2-in-1 shampoo, as well as FiM lip balm, at WalMart this week, and FiM bubble bath (in a cute ornament-shaped bottle) at Uniprix (which Wikipedia informs me is like Pharmasave in the RoC).  It may be old news, but I was so happy to find *anything* pony-related, since we're usually outta luck for any merch beyond Hello Kitty.  (Don't get me wrong, Hello Kitty is cute, but I want me my pony stuff!)

I'll try to pick 'em up this coming weekend, and post photos afters. ^.^

Off Topic / Anyone playing Dragon Story?
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:23:49 PM »
Just wondering... I started playing this a few days ago! and wouldn't mind a few neighbours. ^.^. Or some hints... ;)

Pony Brag Arena / My growing G2 herd!
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:05:32 AM »
Interestingly enough, I never fancied this line when it was out in stores, and only really got into it when I started back seriously collecting a couple years back.  Sorry it's a bit blurry, but here are my newest loves!

(Picture split into two because I'm too technologically-challenged to figure out how to get around that... :sheepish: )
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Thanks to some wonderful ponyfolk here and some great sellers on eBay, I've quite made up for lost time!  In addition to these beauties, I've got a couple in the post, poor Prince Fauna on the fix-it table, and a few on the cleaning waitlist... getting close to forty G2s! :squee:  (Just pay no attention to the ravenous little collection of Bowsers in the background... :whistle: )

Wanted! / Anyone selling an old SNES?
« on: November 16, 2013, 10:16:07 PM »
Just putting out feelers; my son announced this is something he's hoping for. :lookround:

Off Topic / Victorian/Steampunk Literature - need suggestions, please!
« on: November 14, 2013, 10:25:21 AM »
Okay, so a bit of background - I love Victoriana, devoured the Annotated Sherlock Holmes when I was in college (and it was one of two sets of books I've seriously considered "losing" from the library - for shame! - though I dutifully returned them every time), and still retain a fond affection for the era.  I've not read much in this vein until just recently, when I picked up the Infernal Devices trilogy, by Cassandra Clare, and the Gemma Doyle trilogy, by Libba Bray.  I'm enjoying both immensely, and they have rekindled in me a keen desire to read more books of a Victorian or steampunk flavour.  Please, suggest books to me! ^.^  Old or new, doesn't matter... the wider my list when I go book shopping on Tuesday, the better book shopping shall go.

Thanks in advance! :hug:

Pony Corral / McBooks are wonderful... but where are our McPonies?
« on: October 27, 2013, 08:06:00 AM »
I just checked out the Happy Meal website, hoping (against hope) for news of an impending McPony release, and I learned that the next Happy Meals will be featuring books.  Normally I'd cheer ('cause kids can never have too many books), but I'm just kind of glum about it.  It's looking like it's all quiet on the McPony front for the rest of the year, and no hint of them for early next year either from what I can glean.

Does anypony have rumours to share?  Are there whisperings or murmurings of ponies to come at the Golden Arches?  I think I'd even be pleased with McEquestria Girls at this point... :whistle:

I won two auctions from a seller in France this past weekend.  The listing says "Will ship to Canada."  I've been trying to contact the seller to receive a combined total (since I had messaged her before the auctions ended, and was assured she'd combine shipping), but to no avail.  I can't even pay for them yet, since the cost of shipping hasn't been filled in by the seller. :(  They're two really nice G2s, too... but more than that, I'm kind of worried that if this doesn't go well, I might get dinged as a non-paying bidder, when in fact I've been trying my darnedest to pay this seller for those ponies!  Especially since I got a message from eBay, "reminding" me to pay for my items. :mad:  I'd have already paid, like, Sunday after I won them, if I could've!  Argh!

Any suggestions?  I've already messaged the seller twice besides the original request for a combined total, but no reply has been forthcoming.

Off Topic / Xbox (original one) - help needed!
« on: October 06, 2013, 10:34:37 AM »
So... I found an original Xbox at thrift this weekend. :cheer:  Assuming it still works (I'm working on getting the wires to hook it up :blush: ), it'd be a surprise under-the-tree gift for my son.  The help I need is:  I know squat about Xbox games!  We're Nintendo folks here, and he loves Mario and Pokémon and Plants vs. Zombies, and lately Kirby... with that in mind, what from Xbox's stable of games might you recommend? :what:

Thanks - and please keep your hooves crossed for me that the darned thing does indeed work... :whistle:

Pony Corral / Unexpected pony luv
« on: September 27, 2013, 07:35:41 PM »
Ever fall tail over teakettle for a pony you wouldn't normally expect to?

Case in point:  not being a "girly-girl," pink isn't one of my preferred colours.  Far from it, in fact.  I also tend to not like roses, nor much in the way of frou-frou things.  But when I found this lovely girl at thrift:

(photo kindly nabbed from Strawberry Reef until I get a pic of my own uploaded)
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It was :lovey: at first sight, and now she's front and centre on my display shelf.

So how about you - any unexpected pony luv happening?

Pony Corral / G2 - Prince Fauna tail rust... help?
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:26:25 PM »

So I got my hooves on Prince Fauna and Princess Flora.  They're missing their eye crystals, but otherwise lovely!  Unfortunately, Prince Fauna has the beginnings of tail rust. :(  I read a bit about them, and there's a gimmick - her heart lights up when their noses touch (d'awwww!) - but it left me wondering.  Can I behead him to fix that tail rust?  Or would I be better off trying to yank his tail out and de-rust what I can that way?  For that matter, are G2s set up in the same way as G1s, like with washers and tail clamps and the like?

Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated! visitors can't see pics , please register or login

ETA:  2k posts!  Woot! :woohoo:

Pony Corral / Design-a-Pony cleaning tips?
« on: September 21, 2013, 01:17:02 PM »
Hey... so I lucked out at Value Village today, and nabbed a Design-a-Pony Fluttershy... yay!

But she's about 1/3 coloured-in... boo!

Sally Hansen nail varnish remover (salon strength with extra acetone!) seems to be removing some of the incredibly pinkety-pink marker that the previous owner used... yay!

But it's also quite handily removing the black ink demarking where Fluttershy can be customized... boo!

So I figured I'd bring the conundrum to my friends on the Arena... yay!  Got any tips for cleaning up this sweet little addition to my growing Fluttershy army?

Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / Random blindbaggage
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:24:42 PM »
After today, I'm forever carting my extra blindbags around with me!

I happened to be with my son at a dollar-and-up store today, and we were buying some FiM colouring books (he's a bit sloppy with his colouring, so we're practicing in order to stave off the inevitable commentary from his teacher this year :rolleyes: ).  The clerk was ringing them through, and I was a bit distracted with my boy (he spotted the Tic Tacs, darn it!), and when I looked back, she was paging through one with a big smile on her face.  I must have looked a question, because she sort of laughed and said she'd just started watching the cartoon, had been for the past couple days, and she absolutely loved it because the ponies are all so sweet and such good friends, it practically made her want to cry. :biggrin:  So as I was getting out my money to pay, I noticed this spare bb Rarity I had in the bottom of my purse - I had been planning to add it to my display at work - and gave it to her, telling her to have a pony day.  She was so happy, and I was delighted to share the pony joy.

Just had to share. ^.^

Pony Corral / Where in China are ponies made?
« on: August 20, 2013, 04:43:49 PM »
Just an idle wondering as I was reading about toys arriving all dirty straight from the factory.

Does anypony know whereabouts in China Hasbro's toys are made? :wonder:  Not that I want to visit or anything... I'm just feeling curious. :lol:  I'm also betting on Guangdong province... but I'd be delighted if anypony could let me know for sures. ^.^
Thanks! :frolic:

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