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Topics - Eluluu

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Customs / show me... fantasy film!
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:46:16 PM »
I've been thinking of trying my hand working with this stuff, and have looked up the liquid and sheet forms... didn't find too many tutorials to form an opinion off of, so I figure I'll post a shout out here and get some opinions, examples, and hopefully tips!

So... which do you like to work with for wings or fins (or anything really) and how do you work with it?

And let's see some examples of what you've made with it so I can figure out which medium would work better for different effects =)

:glitter: Elu :glitter:

Customs / Bright Wishes; Private Stork Swap for Saja!
« on: June 10, 2013, 07:21:04 PM »
Saja just let me know that her girl made it home safe and sound, so i can post her now! =]

we did a private stork swap, cause... yay baby ponies! one of her pairings was Brights Brightly and Whistle Wishes... i just loved the day/night theme... and almost went with a yin-yang type symbol, but then scrapped it and went with something different, and im glad i did!

blah blah blah... PICS!

heres little Bright Wishes =3

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her pre-hairing next to the reference pics of her parents =3

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she was my first attempt at G3 style eyes, which i officially love doing... amazing the difference one more eyelash, reflection, and colorstreak make! and my first time glittering G3 style. at first i wasn't sure what i thought of the horn/nose thing, but it kinda grows on you. =P

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i decided early off that i wanted her to be blue, mainly cause i didn't like the idea of green (lol blue uni + yellow uni) and my yellow paint tends to be a bit too vibrant (and seems more prone to stickiness)... and i was originally thinking of having her mane be mostly yellow with a bit of pink to tie in Brights a bit more, but then changed it up to add a third color, just cause i prefer more than two. =P

im SO glad you like her Saja! sorry my pics aren't the best everyone, if you take any better ones feel free to add them S :heart:

Customs / Lady Frosting; Pocky Swap Pony for kaoskat!
« on: June 03, 2013, 04:49:06 PM »
i had the lovely Kaoskat for the pocky swap, and we had a lot of the same interests and tastes... after some stalking and talking to some spies i got a bit more info on her likes to work with... the two that i latched onto were: Hibiscus flowers, and PINK. the choice was clear for me. =P

Pocky = anime = cute outfits = adorable pink pony in a corset!

i tried a lot of new things (for me at least) namely, sculpting. =P all of the sculpting is done with Greenstuff then primed white and painted in acrylics and sealed with Armory Dullcoat.

my main idea with this piece was to make her look like her legs were dipped in frosting, like the Decorer pocky. it took a lot of poking around to figure out how the drizzles on the pocky were done so id sculpt it correctly. i was originally gonna have her body color be a pale pink or buttermilk cream (like the pocky sticks) then the dipped frosting be a darker pink, and the drizzles in white , but then on closer inspection i saw that the frosting on this particular flavor was in fact white with pale pink drizzles... so i changed up my color scheme for better contrast, swinging the body to a darker medium pink so the rest of the colors would pop more.

i was also originally gonna do cherry blossoms as the corset pattern but then found out she loved hibiscus more. =P

blahblahblah PICS! (these are from before she got conditioned, so her hair lies a bit more flat than this.

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hair is blended thru: heartthrob / Tea Rose / Pink Sugar / Fairys Breath / Buttercreme... with a pinch of Brilliant Pussycat here and there tinsil-style.

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im SO glad you like her Kat!

:glitter: Elu :glitter:

Customs / Mommy Princess [baby] Sparkle for KTT ~WIP~ *updated 9/5*
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:01:41 AM »
hey all, starting up a commission for the lovely Kissthethunder, who actually requested a pony ive had plans to make for myself some day... so ill be making 2 at once and showing the progress here. =3 weve both decided on a Scoops pose for her, and were both kinda thinking the same thing on it which was hillarious when we were first kicking around the idea. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! =P

blah blah blah- intro pics!

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bait is primed- gonna start the painful process of white FBRs today. =P thats my old man in the background. weve reached a compromise, when im painting he has to sit in time-out in his bed (tho he does manage to ninja his way onto my lap half the time anyways... jerk.)

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and a quick (not too great) sketch laying out the Master Plan. gonna add more details to PBS's symbol, mainly scrolling more clouds across her ribs and adding more stars and dots, and a crescent moon.

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closeup! let me know if you like the direction its going KTT =] plenty of time before i start the symbol and detail painting so chime in when you can. no worries at all if you want me to tweak the design a bit. =]

:glitter: Elu :glitter:

*** 6 / 04 ***

spent the day sanding and adding more watery coats, then knocking out the heads. finished their eyes and the glittery stars. may add more coats to the glitter tomorrow if i see some thin spots. just have to do her blush and seal those (without hitting the stars. poop shoulda done that before i glittered. so used to doin blush last.) and the heads will be completely done. will start the symbols tomorrow if nothing crops up that needs my attention first.

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***update 6/5***

spent the day pencilling on the symbols, then got the basecoat of yellow and purplish magenta over that... sealing now then starting... THE :glitter: GLITTERING :glitter:

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***update 6/6***

spent the whole day (no kidding... from like 10 am to 11pm... i work slow, and this takes SO many layers) doing glitter. pretty much done with the gold bits now, ill spot check it when i finish the rest of the symbol for thin areas and touch up as needed. tomorrow i start the magenta glitter. i did a few coats of magenta on one of the castles just to see what itd look like. then i started to hate my life and decided 13 hours is enough for one day lol

oh and added 4 gold stars to the symbol to help break up the purple and help balance the design. =]

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***Update 6/7***

spent the day glittering and triple thicking and marathoning Roseanne seasons on youtube. woooot got a lot done today. =D

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blushed and sealed cheeks... and added a few coats of triple thick to the eyes and forehead stars (ooooh glittery)

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added glitter, glitter, and more glitter to symbols... then added a few coats of triple thick over that.the gloss definately helps. =]

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definately pleased with how these two ladies are going. fairly identical, with minor differences from freehanding, but still very close. =D tomorrow is garagesaleing then gamenight, so i prolly wont be able to work on them again til sunday, which will be hairing, tinsiling, glueing hair, and signing. (unless the house explodes with drama, in which case monday will be all that stuffs.)

*update 9/5*

this project has been backburnered waiting for a hair order, then from the move, then they and a bunch of my other customs were growing progressively more and more tacky. so they were shelfed in a fit of rage, then treated and resealed for tackiness...

then, to my delight, I saw they both had a healthy amount of lint trapped in them now that I hadn t seen when they were still glossy looking! so the one I had completed for the commission I decided to keep for myself, as she had a LOT more lint issues to repair, and I spent a couple days rewhitening the other (at the time still hairless) one. basically by carefully adding a couple more layers to the fbr, resealing (again) with a different brand of topcoat (as im still not entirely sure whats causing my tacky issue) which killed all of the glitters sparkle, so I had to do 3 more layers of glitter to bring back the bling... then a coat of triplethick for the glitter and eyes... THEN I decided the blush needed redoing as well, cause the old white around it was a bit obvious next to the fresh white, so I redid her cheeks and sealed them (with my finger covering her star and eyes lol)

the original girl (the one with her head on) still needs rewhitening, reglittering, and hair washing to get the dullcoat out of her scalp, which is gonna wait til I feel froggy enough to tackle that project. the headless one was just haired and glued today, and is balancing to let the glue pool along her plugs.

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the original girl, you cant see the dust issues on her in the pics, but believe me, theyre there. ooh, and I was wondering, can anyone recommend a different tinsil? this kind is pre-crimped and when you comb it out it tends to frazzle and separate. =/

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booth are haired in Pussycat by DH and rainbow gradient tinsil.

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as soon as the glue is done drying ill trim her to the same length as the other, and give them both forelocks.

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Customs / legwrap woes
« on: June 02, 2013, 09:23:23 AM »
Just a quick question to you other customizers, I keep having a minor issue with my legwraps... I'll wash and condition the hair in hot water, wrap the leg (or neck), wrap over the top of it with a strip of paper towel and hairtie it down... after letting it sit for a day I'll unwrap it, resulting in beautiful curls... but... it'll leave teeny tiny hairline indents for lack of a better word on the topmost of the leg or whatever surface it's wrapped tightest around.

It's not a huge deal but it's beginning to frustrate me, as I'm thinking of selling one of my gals (maybe... I'm still torn) to go toward the "Eluluu needs to order some hair fund" and she has the hair imprint on 2 of her legs...

so... any ideas? Maybe another shot of dullcoat on their legs? But I'd worry about tackyness or other issues from over-sealing a custom... and I shouldn't have to reveal darn it! Or am I doing it wrong... tho this is how a tutorial I found ages ago said to do it...

Customs / G1 - G4 Dancing Butterflies
« on: May 21, 2013, 08:18:26 AM »
sorry about the delay on posting this, my laptop gave up the ghost and ive been posting on the Kindle, which cant copy-paste pics. so I stole the bfs comp when hes at work =P

sooooo... I had DB, who was an exercise in love and hate... painted all of the butterflies from the original DB onto her in as close to exactly the same position and angle as I could on the G4 body, a few had to be moved a little cause of the different contours of the G4 form, but theyre all there... every... bloody... one.

painted them all white originally to give it a nice bright coat to build off of, then added the blues and pinks.

gave her a simple chunky curl via legwraps, and separated the manes curls into multiple curls (which are now getting droopy... stupid Chicago weather!)

blahblahblah... pictures!

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BAM! Dancing Butterflied!

:glitter: Elu :glitter:

Customs / show me... Corset Ponies!
« on: April 24, 2013, 01:19:21 PM »
not sure if this thread has been done (prolly has) but im debating pushing myself further and trying my hand at one, i have most of it sorted out, but im having issues figuring out how i want to do the chest/ 'arm' area... so please share yours so i can see what looks good where!

thanks a ton!

:glitter: Elu :glitter:

well my partner says shes recieved her ponies, so pictures away!

i just realized going thru my picture files that i seem to be missing the Final-final pictures >.< but it just shows them after they were washed and styled, so if you can Maycrest, post some better pics =D

first up, AJ:

i like how she turned out but her hair still kinda bugs me. i did it during the Great Dollyhair Drought, so a couple of her colors are off =/ id read somewhere that Daiquari Ice and Lemon Drop worked for her, but wow did that change her colors! still cute but very orange/green imo =[ Sorry Maycrest! :yikes:

keep in mind that they got haircuts and legwraps when they were done... cant believe i lost the final pics =[

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the second one i made was Baby Columbian Bowtie. for this one i tried something a little different with the hair to try to get away from the orange/green look. with Aj i did a yellow blend (meaning she had yellow in both rows of plugs, so blue + yellow and pink + yellow) for Bowtie i did her in a pink blend (so blue + pink and yellow + pink) it helped a little but the colors are still off =/

still bloody adorable tho =3

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(lol hairing mohawk... so much cuter after she got the wraps >.<)

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then as an extra i made... baby Columbian AJ!

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happy family =3

*sits back and hopes Maycrest can post some better pics*

Customs / latest WiP BnG Fizzy (& Shawnee pony) updated 3-12
« on: March 06, 2013, 07:05:23 PM »
and for giggles... the latest Eluluu project... after my last BnG (Moonstone) wasnt functional i figured its time to try again. =P

first off... the nasty bait!

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whats the scary thing is this is it after it got a good scrubbing. :yikes:

primed, sanded, and FBR in Sea Breeze, a close match to Fizzys teal. then painted the whites and lashes on the eyes (the irises size matched and cut out prior to primeing)

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2 or 3 coats of dullcoat (im using Armory brand atm- found in gaming stores, tho i also use testors equally often, this is just what i have atm.) to protect the FBR then did symbols today. gonna touch up a few areas that are still bugging me a bit tomorrow, then give her another 2 or 3 coats of dull.

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and where shes at as of right now. i was about to start doing her mane while im waiting for symbols to finish drying for touchups but i dont have any uncut Tearose... so i have to wait for my latest massive order of dollyhair to come in... any day now... i hate waiting! >.< :coffee:

so any tips out there for how to make sure she works on reassembly? i still need to drill and pin the little nub on the neck post but im confident ill get it on there strong. i have all her innards in a baggie so i wont lose any of the mechanism.

***update 3-8***

my hair order came in! WOOOT!
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such a happy sight! finally have the stuff i needed to start the mane...

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aaand mane is done. she didnt want to ballance proper on the mug so i just have her propped up right now to let the glue start soaking into her plugs. ill prolly let her sit and dry for two or three days before i mess with her eyes and mechanism.

so in the meantime, im working on a Bday gift for my mom, its her 55th on the 12th and she needs cheering up, so im tryin to knock out a Shawnee Puss n Boots pony for her (shes collected these things since forever

reference pics:

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the project thus far. primed and sanded yesterday, and finished the white FBR (grrrr) earlier today, she has a couple coats of dullcoat on her now to protect her body... it should be a fairly simple paintjob so i should make it on time barring insanity. debating if ima try to make her hat or look around for something that might work. thinking ill just paint the bow on her tho...buuuut a shawl of doilie style lace could be cute instead of painting that on, and i could just sew it to a ribbon and tie it on instead...

what do you guys think?

***update 3-9***

finished the paintwork today on Shawnee Puss n Boots pony! im pretty happy with how it turned out. gonna give her a couple rounds of topcoat tomorrow and start hairing sometime tomorrow night. taking my mom to a fleamarket tomorrow morning so wont have time til i get back.

for colors im thinking white or ivory with some pale pink and pale blue... not sure if its gonna be a blane, streaks, or stripes... debating if ima go virgin snow or the new ?oyster shell? i just got... thinking i might go with the more ivory oyster since the whole thing is already very white... opinions? suggestions?

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if i had more time to work with id go thru and make the shawl and boots a little more detailed but i want to have it finished (or at least completely haired) by the 12th, so i just went with minor details to give it the look of ceramic stitches. i also briefly considered using crackle paint for that pottery look but didnt want to use an unfamiliar paint on an important piece.

***update 3-12***

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just glued the head onto Shawnee. (haired her yesterday) i shoulda base coated the boots and shawl in an ivory first for a little splash of color but its not bad in white. just hindsight and all that =P when i first started it i wanted to be as close to the original pottery pieces as possible, which have white shawls that match their body... cause... pottery. but when i went with the more antique looking ivory hair i was like... OOOH that might look good... but by that point id already painted some vague stitchwork onto it and i was running out of time to go thru and redo it. and.... lazy. :silly:

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hair is Oyster Shell with a few tiny blends of Arctic Frost, Honeysuckle, and Fairys Breath.

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i have to go thru and do a few small touchups. i noticed when i was hairing her that there was a tiny bit of red lint under her lip that got sealed in and its bugging me. =P gonna touch up some white paint over it and give her a quick shot of dullcoat again to protect it. =/

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just need to look around for a little hat to tie it all together, but its fine without =P

Customs / im sure its been asked... but Perfume Puff hair?
« on: March 06, 2013, 05:53:07 PM »
what do you use? im going to Hobby Lobby tomorrow and thinking of seperating yarn and brushing it out... suggestions on types/brands of yarn or other mediums (preferably easily obtained... im impatient so im trying not to resort to online buys)

pics of the finished puffs would be appreciated too so i can see the different effects =D

Pony Corral / shelf tiers? HELP!
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:51:30 AM »
ok, i know there was a thread a while ago on this, but i couldnt find it... i recently got a display case but it only has 2 shelfs in it, which isnt a big problem cause i was planning on putting tiers/risers in it so i can hold 3 or 4 rows of ponies per shelf... and i remembered someone saying in the old thread that they got some off ebay that were originally spice racks or something that were the perfect size for ponies...

so long story short... where do you guys reccommend getting some from? id like to avoid making my own if possible cause the case is so nice (go goodwill for $15!). plastic would be preferable since the shelves themselves are glass sheets, i dont want to risk scratching them up, but ill use wire if needed.

Customs / Void Dancer (tardis spacepony) for Berrymouse!
« on: February 23, 2013, 10:26:59 AM »
im so excited my box made it safe and sound to Germany... and so much faster than i thought itd take! *huge sigh of relief*

so i was originally gonna make a Dalek but then i kept having one problem after the other and ended up having to scrap that pony just a few weeks before shipping time... but im pleased with what i came up with =] lol the entire time i was working on it i kept having moodswings of 'this looks terrible' to 'ok... this might work' to 'hey... i kinda want to keep it... i cant believe this is working!' then id start another nebula and the cycle would begin anew lol =P

so without further ado... Void Dancer (named by my bestie, when i was sayin i was havin trouble thinking of a non-cheesy ponyesque name... with the reasoning of: "well, what does the Tardis do? it dances thru the void." ) my first galaxy-type pony =]

sorry for the sub-par pics... in person she looks super dark in some light but is a nice brilliant blue in others. wreaks havok on my camera lol

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hair is a cereful blend of Sour Grapes (dark purple), Wisteria (lavendar), Fairys Breath (pink), Lemon Drop (yellow), Bluebell (medium blue), Water Nixie (light blue), Arctic Frost (whiteblue), Snowflake (white)

and as an extra i made a BnG Moonstone (tho sadly it doesnt work... poo. didnt have time to crack it open again and take a look. it cranks but the tail wont feed in, so somethings disconnected somewhere)

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still not bad for a display piece... and now im a little more confident that my next one stands a better chance of bein functional.

in all they were both fun projects with their own share of face-desking haha

Customs / Dr Who Swap Brag thread =D
« on: February 21, 2013, 09:59:25 AM »
Figure its time to make a regular brag thread for all the Dr Who ponies coming in, so its easier to find and admire the new additions =] so please post your arrivals here if you can.
*goes back to wait by the mailbox* :nomail: :silly:

Customs / OCs for my sister unveiled
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:45:39 AM »
well ive been sitting on these for a while now lol (made them the same time as baby fizzy) but couldnt show them cause they were a christmas gift for my sister, Foxfire, which made gamenights at my place interesting cause i had to hide them every time she came over.

well theyve finally been delivered so i can show them off now! =P

heres the reference pic i went off of:

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and heres what they turned into:

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used a SHS bait cause shes always had a softspot for them... blended a creamy white for the body and the hair is a blend of 2 or 3 different browns. wanting to say copper chocolate and tiramisu, but there may have been another color... been a while. *shrug*

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and since i was on a baby kick (still am lol) i decided how cute would it be to make a baby version of her? used one of a million baity Cuddles i had rattling around. still not sure if i shoulda trimmed her mane more but just couldnt make up my mind so i left it longish.

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much to my irritation her curls kept falling out... they were so pretty when they were still chunky. but now theyre kinda on the limp side. all well. im not really suprised lol i have next to no girlie skills like that.

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pretty sure i used Heart Throb, Fairys Breath, and Tearose (or maybe Pussycat or some other pink i dont remember)

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and the group shot. =P

Arts & Crafts Corral / Christmas/ December ATC swap *Partners posted*
« on: December 05, 2012, 10:45:42 AM »
Sorry bout the delay folks, time got away from me. so without further ado...

now taking signups for the Christmas/ December atc swap!

what is an ATC, you say? well its a tiny drawing (the size of a baseball card, 2.5" x 3.5"), you can find blank pre-cut ATC cards at places like Hobby Lobby and i believe Walmart- by paper supplies or baseball/collectible cards and such. (and if you cant find them you can make your own by cutting out the proper sized paper- thats what i did for a while)

this swap requires no feedback (and is a great way to build up feedback while getting cute drawings from different people)

all skill levels are accepted and encouraged! just try your best!

taking signups til a next wednesday, (Dec 12th) partners will be randomly assigned and posted by Thursday 13th, then you have til the end of the month to complete and mail off at least one atc (tho if you want to make multiple for your partner by all means run with it) if your card is going to be late thats fine, we all know Real Life happens, just let your partner know.

Pm your partner for their address once you know who you have, dont forget to send them yours too!

keep this thread updated so we know everyones status. let us know when youve finished a card and when you mail it- and when you get any! if for some reason you have to drop out of this midway let me know and i will make a spare card myself to cover your partner.

if you have a scanner/camera feel free to post pictures of the card(s) you get, everyone loves to see pretty ponies!

thats pretty much it for the nitty-gritty (if you have more questions feel free to PM me or ask here), on to the fun stuff. =]

this months theme- Christmas (or Hanukkah etc) or just something that screams December if your partner wants a more seasonal card.

Signup form:

Favorite generation-
Favorite ponies from said generations-
Anything in particular youd like to see (ie Galaxy hanging Christmas lights, caroling, etc)
Digital or traditional art-
Would you be willing to be a wild card*-

*wild card is when theres an uneven number of people then i will randomly draw a second time from those who agree to be a WC, and the person drawn will have 2 partners and will have to make a card for both.

Say 'Nondenominational Celebration' somewhere in your post so i know you read all of this.

make sure youve already mailed off previous swaps ATCs before signing up for this one! (if you played in the last round)

:glitter: Signed up :glitter:
1) HoneyPaws
2) Marigold
3) Amenoo
4) therainbowtroll
5) ValhallaLilly
6) RandomPony
7) EvilMuffins

:glitter: PARTNERS :glitter:
Evilmuffins <-----> Honeypaws + theRainbowTroll
Amenoo <----->RandomPony
Marigold <-----> ValhallaLilly

so Muffins is our wildcard =]

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