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Topics - karrie91

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Pony Corral / I was bribed by a coworker with a pony! lmao
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:40:49 PM »
So I've been really sick lately and because of it, I haven't been able to eat. Anything I did came back up and the site of food made me nauseous.. And on top of it all, I've been SUPER Dizzy.

I'm horrible at calling off though so I forced myself to work anyway. Well, my friend T (i feel weird using her real name on the internet :P) who is also kind of my supervisor(She directs the cashiers), forced me to sit down and told me to eat. I insisted I couldn't but she pulled a My Little Pony out of the returns bin by the registers and told me if I forced myself to eat a whole sandwich, she would get it for me. It was so funny! It was hard though, because with each bite I felt more and more sick. But I ended up eating! And sure enough she bought me Glimmer Wings Fluttershy  :lol:

Anyone else ever been bribed with Ponies??

Off Topic / 'Other' collections swap HOST WANTED :)
« on: January 05, 2013, 08:52:37 PM »
I was just wondering if there has ever been a big 'Other' type swap. I know we do Ponies, LPS, Dolls, Doll clothing, etc.. but what about all our other collections? I know I'm not the only one who has a zillion different collections lol.

Do you think something like that could work out in the future? It just sounds like a lot of fun to try building a collection that isn't ponies. :)

Would love to know if there's been this before and to see links to it. I myself am incapable of even dreaming of hosting a swap lol. But.. if enough interest builds, who knows, maybe someone will come along!

I can't for the life of me figure out how to check feedback for myself. Maybe it's because I have a really bad cold and am not thinking correctly lol.

Anyway, I know there's at least 5 but how do I see if there's a new one? I was expecting one for the dolly swap but I don't remember if I had 4 or 5 before then.

Any ideas?

thanks lol

The Dollhouse / More Picture Day dolls?
« on: December 30, 2012, 08:40:42 PM »
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Not sure if this is old news.. but does anyone know when these might be coming out? I NEEEEED that Frankie!  :biggrin:

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Fairies!
« on: December 29, 2012, 08:27:56 PM »
I absolutely adore the new Littlest Pet Shop Fairies. Are they all available at any store or were there single pack store exclusives?

I want to buy them all but as we all know, toys have been subjected to store exclusives  >_<

Also, is there any news to the line continuing?

And one last thing.. Were there dragons released too? I thought I remembered seeing dragons lol.

Off Topic / "Adults Should Read Adult Books" anyone else bugged by this?
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:54:15 PM »
I came across an interesting article while browsing the internet.


Quoted article:

The only thing more embarrassing than catching a guy on the plane looking at pornography on his computer is seeing a guy on the plane reading “The Hunger Games.” Or a Twilight book. Or Harry Potter. The only time I’m O.K. with an adult holding a children’s book is if he’s moving his mouth as he reads.

I’m sure all those books are well written. So is “Horton Hatches the Egg.” But Horton doesn’t have the depth of language and character as literature written for people who have stopped physically growing.

I appreciate that adults occasionally watch Pixar movies or play video games. That’s fine. Those media don’t require much of your brains. Books are one of our few chances to learn. There’s a reason my teachers didn’t assign me to go home and play three hours of Donkey Kong.

I have no idea what “The Hunger Games” is like. Maybe there are complicated shades of good and evil in each character. Maybe there are Pynchonesque turns of phrase. Maybe it delves into issues of identity, self-justification and anomie that would make David Foster Wallace proud. I don’t know because it’s a book for kids. I’ll read “The Hunger Games” when I finish the previous 3,000 years of fiction written for adults.

Let’s have the decency to let tween girls have their own little world of vampires and child wizards and games you play when hungry. Let’s not pump Justin Bieber in our Saabs and get engaged at Cinderella’s Castle at Disneyland. Because it’s embarrassing. You can’t take an adult seriously when he’s debating you over why Twilight vampires are O.K. with sunlight. If my parents had read “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” at the same time as I did, I would have looked into boarding school.

Now this just.. offends me on so many levels. And it really bothers me. I know I'm not the only one in the world but I know a lot of people here read, so I wanted to see how you guys feel about this. To me, I just don't understand what's so wrong with reading Harry Potter, or Fablehaven, or any other YA fiction series. They're not supposed to be educational like this man claims.. they're for enjoyment. They're wonderful stories that you shouldn't have to be young to enjoy.

I don't think I've actually ever read an adult book. I'm not even sure what an adult book is. I guess maybe the books where there's a murder and some detective solves it? I don't know.. I've always been into youth fantasy and I just can't figure out how it's 'embarrassing' to be into it. Since when are books supposed to be an entirely educational experience. I always thought it was a hobby.. something to do for fun. I just can't figure out where this guy gets off thinking this way?

And then to come and learn he hasn't read any of the books he's talked about. I haven't read The Hunger Games myself, but I did read Twilight, and while I'm not a fan, I see NO reason why it can't be enjoyed be anyone 18+. My mom loves Twilight and so does nearly everyone I work with. Really, it's no different than someone being a fan of The Notebook or any other Nicholas Sparks book for that matter.

I don't feel I should be embarrassed and judged for reading a Harry Potter book. And his whole thing about a man looking even more worse for reading that instead of porn on a plane. That's just plain insulting and ridiculous.

What exactly is an adult supposed to do? I'd really love to see what his definition of an adult is.

I hope this suits better here than in What's Your Problem. Because it's technically not a problem for me lol. Just something interesting I came across that I'd thought I'd share.

Pony Corral / Heads up. Meijer has the FiM train on sale for 12.00 dollars
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:44:46 PM »
I picked one up and wrapped it and put it under the tree as a Christmas gift to myself! Couldn't pass on that deal!  ^.^

Sorry if this is old news. Thought I should spread it.

The Dollhouse / Where do you get your custom clothes?
« on: December 08, 2012, 10:10:47 PM »
I've looked on etsy and have seen some things.. but are there actual sites out there for custom Monster clothing? I really want to buy my girls a big giant wardrobe someday! lol

So do share all your wonderful dolly boutiques!  ^.^

The Dollhouse / Is anyone into Polly Pocket?
« on: December 02, 2012, 10:32:27 PM »
I'm starting to crave these.. I'm talking about the ones that you can buy in store. Not vintage. I just think they're so cute. I had some when I was younger.. and had vintage when I was even younger. But I had a lot of fun with my Polly Pockets.


The Dollhouse / Who's got barbies?
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:29:52 PM »
I am so in the mood to see barbies! Anyone collect? I love the new "I can be" line. After Christmas I might be hunting for some of them on clearance.  :biggrin:

Please share your Barbie collections with me! Or let's just talk about Barbies!

I'm hoping to collect 90's-current. I have Oceans Kira/Marina and Taylor Swift as well as 2012 Halloween witch Barbie.

For anyone who is purchasing from them, I want to explain that I had a very hard time getting her to ship my items. I just want people to be warned that she gives the run around and tells you a different date every time that you ask. When I opened a dispute against her, she acted very immature and responded with sad faces. Through all the messaging she responded with me by putting <3 hearts all over. I don't think she is professional and I would not recommend her to anyone.

If anyone has ordered from her and has not had their items shipped I would suggest opening a paypal dispute and asking for a refund. She has no intentions of shipping out for people on the time she said. She has a very strict policy that she does not even go by and she tried to use it against people. I ordered from her on the 9th. She did not ship it out. Kept telling me when she would and then wouldn't.

She also threatens to 'black list' those who ask for refunds. Unfortunately she was the person I ordered from for a swap. It's caused a lot of stressed and took a lot of fun out of my first Arena swap. =/

As of right now, she claims to be giving me a refund. It hasn't come yet. I will keep you all updated. If anyone has any problems with her, I just want you all to know that you are not alone. Please don't let her continue to give you the run around. She sells on three different websites and can't keep track of everything. This is unacceptable and she needs to realize that she's taking WAY too much on on her plate and that it's affecting her customers.

Here are links to ALL her shops:

UPDATE: I have finally been refunded though she did so in a very shady manner. I'm just glad this is over.

Pony Brag Arena / My frist G1's! MAN PONY!!!!!!
« on: November 16, 2012, 08:35:38 PM »
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My sister is BAD! She gave me two of my Christmas gifts early today. My VERY first G1's!!! Dancing Butterflies and Daddy Apple Delight! Both of which I wanted VERY much!

And OMG MAN PONY! He's so beautiful! I must have more man ponies!!!

Off Topic / Anyone here use to go to SuperPokePets?
« on: November 14, 2012, 01:37:32 PM »
I use to frequent that game a LOT. I even had a bunch of money into it because I loved it that much. I miss buying new gold every week and entering habitat contests. It was so much fun. And collecting everything you wanted and trading.. Ahh.. the good old days. :)

Anyone here use to play it? Anyone find a game just as great since? The closest I've come is Moshi Monsters and it's not as good.  >_<

I use to hang out in the main gifting thread to help others get items to make habitats. The nicest people hung out there!

Pony Corral / Does anyone have a complete G3 collection?
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:56:00 PM »
If so, I'd so love to see a picture of it. I'm in a huge G3 mood and my collection is still so small. I know there are quite a few ponies out there but I'm kind of wondering what someday my collection would look like if I were to complete it.

Pics anyone? Or links to pics? :D

Pony Corral / G3.5, what if?
« on: November 11, 2012, 08:20:19 PM »
I was browsing strawberry reef when I happened upon the G3.5 section. Personally, I think they are cute. It got me thinking though. What if that generation branched out to other characters besides the main 6 (or was it 7..?) Do you think it would have been a success or a fail? If it stretched out longer over a course of several years with lots of different ponies like the other past generations?

I think that to a point, it might have been successful. The mold of the ponies was cute to me, but to others not. I get that. But I think having a wider selection of ponies to choose from might have made it more popular. Then again, it could have gotten REALLY repetitive. Lack of originality being the big factor there. Still.. it makes me wonder if G4 would have ever come if G3.5 was managed differently. It could have been a huge fail in the long run and ponies could have gone into the vault of toys that we forget about until ten years later lol.

Thoughts and opinions welcome! :)

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