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Topics - StrawberryMeadow

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Meet Mike. I am ridiculously proud of him. Like, Incredibly proud. Probably far more so than I should be, but hey. Summer_Blade mentioned DnD Minotaur, and I was smitten! :silly:
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Drippy snout!  :biggrin:

He started life as a bait Bunny Hop who had no hair and no symbols. She was cleaned, stripped, and chopped up. Her body parts were kept, her back legs sliced half-off and a wire structure added to push them out wider for balance. Her front legs were removed and lengthened into arms with wire and foil.

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Her ears were cut off and horns sculpted in over wire armatures,

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and her ears put back on below the horns, secured in the clay. A sculpted tail was added with wire inside the tail hole. Many many many baked layers of muscles were added. Her mouth was cut open and teeth and lips added. She is now a he! He had a lovely long braided beard but it snapped off and I decided the logistics of attempted shipping of a thin beard weren't going to work. So it's in a box someplace.

He was painted dark brown,

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 but then I decided it was to hard to get nice details from such a dark base, so I started airbrushing him lighter flesh tones.

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Then I airbrushed darker shades in gradients to get his colouring and shading. Then I spent a long time blushing all his muscles with highlights and low lights and flesh tones in many different colours of artists pastels.

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His eyes were painted a firey red to yellow and glossed with triple thick. His body was sealed with Testors. His horn ornament is painted with gold, his horns are drybrushed in a bone colour and a million layers of shading.

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His stick is a thin stick (I think a kebab stick!) with sculpey strapping and a clubby/spiky mace. Originally I had intended for him to be a mage-type but it turns out Minotaur are warriors and that wouldn't work. It is also painted in layers/drybrushed and has fake mosses on it with some bits glazed and some bits sealed with mod podge to look battle-worn.

All the sculpting is done with Sculpey. I tried very hard to keep as much pony in there as possible. His head still turns. References can be found here: and on youtube :p

If you read all this : you're awesome.

Le fin.

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a WIP pic where you an see her unfinushed Bat :visitors can't see pics , please register or login

and the only pic I have where you can see her leg pumpkins - though the macro has focused on my bloomin' facebook convo instead of the pony (my work colleague begging me to go to London McM and me complaiing about money rofl)
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So she was obv G3 with sculpted mask and saddle, lots of gorgeous hairs in the colours MM picked out, lots of shiny paints, sparkle, glitter, tiny swarovski crystals, Sculpey pumpkins painted little faces jammed inside her legs and glued in, airbrushed gradients, hand painted other parts, blushed with artists pastels (though it's not very obvious), and my really bad attempt to paint a caricature of Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus. Based on THIS Pinterest board : and in particular the fan art piece I took the image from.

Original design was very very different but MM said no gore and I thought something a little more fun instead (though I sent her the tattered bit of paper with the original design on too!).

I also forgot to take a pic of the cauldron I made which was sculpey on a little plastic lid filled with glass beads and bubbles and painted black with green sparkly "brew" and has water effects 'drips' on the outside. AND I forgot to send her hat. Never Mind!

MM was very gracious. Thank you so much. xxx

Customs / G3 Sweet Stuff with extra Diva!
« on: September 04, 2013, 04:31:10 AM »
Hey pony lovelies!

I am in a tight spot at the moment and need to shift some ponies!   :art:

Here is my G3 TE Sweet Stuff. She has piles and piles of lovely hair and swarovski crystal eyes (set into her head) and beauty marks. Her eyeshadow is a little Diva-esque and I like it! The purple is a shimmery paint.

:glitter: :glitter: :glitter: :glitter: :glitter:
 Her cutie mark isn't glittered but I *was* toying with the idea, so if you'd like to buy her but want some sparkle there I'll add it in for you! :glitter: :glitter: :glitter: :glitter: :glitter:

She's painted with acrylics and blushed with pastels. Hair is from MLC <3

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She is for sale £25 plus shipping (obo please, don't be afraid to message me)

Soooooo Steff just posted on my Facebook that these girls got there today. :frolic:

When I got Steff's list, I had no idea who some of these ponies were - I'm so ignorant! Anyway, I had wanted so much to so a colour-fade heart for babeh NSH but unfortunately it wasn't possible for me to get any paint like that, so her symbol is just a little paint with the bear on show. Her little hat is a felt thingy on a ribbon, because after a million designs this was the only one that didn't look clunky.

GH Ringlets was made from a lovely white Gingerbread bait I had, and I put some iridescent shimmer paint and triple thick on her eyes to make them sparkle again! Steff loves TE's just like me so it seemed nice to make her a TE (with some encouragement from Miserati!). I think she has almost 5 hanks of hair in her big face and butthole! :frolic: Her ribbon was a franken-ribbon I made from some bits I bought from ebay!
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an image to show Ringlets' hair length!
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Off Topic / Electronic Cigarettes & quitting smoking
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:57:58 AM »
Anyone else quitting smoking using one of these?

I bought one last week, on Thursday and haven't had a "real" smoke since. Going well, and my OH has got one (different kind) too. I'm hoping it will help with the new workout I have just started.

Anyone else tried this? Any success stories? Feel free to share here!


yey for increased lung capacity!

Customs / G1 to G4 Merriweather
« on: May 29, 2013, 12:59:46 AM »
Hi pony folks!

I never gave Merriweather her own thread, so I thought I'd pop her up.

She was a Pinkie, Airbrush FBR'd, rehaired with Nylon from MyLittleCustoms (washed and styled) with an extra row of plugs, painted with acrylics, triple thick on eyes, Dullcoat on body. Her TaF symbols are placed just as the original, on both sides. TINY RAINBOWS!


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she is for sale $25 plus shipping.

Customs / G3 MGR Sparkler ON HOLD (warning -pics)
« on: April 29, 2013, 04:41:00 AM »
She is finally finished! Though she is flawed, I think she is beautiful. She can be for sale if people want her!

Scuplted in Apoxie, painted with various acrylics, sealed in gloss and matte sealer, haired in Mermaid from MLC. Her gems are Swarovskis and the tiny ones are plastic nail diamantes. Blushed with artists chalks.

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As you can see, when I prepped this bait over a year ago (possibly the first or second one I did), I butchered her neckline. However her head does still turn so that's a bonus. She will be living with me unless someone really wants her, and then you're welcome to make an offer.


Customs / Reverse Body Peach Blossom
« on: April 27, 2013, 07:09:50 AM »
So I had a flutter who needed a new life, and decided to make a PB (Turquoise Blossom now?) as a gift for Miserati. :)

Painted with Acrylics, Haired in Mermaid Nylon from MLC and Dollyhair (bit of both) and sealed with ModPodge and Triple Thick on her eyes. Wings are some shiny stuff I had, heat-molded around a mesh-wire mock-up of Flutter Wings.

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The Dollhouse / Red and Wolfy - Twisted Fairytale Cross-post
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:48:44 PM »
So I made a MH custom to go with my TFT Swap pony, and I though as some of you no longer frequent the pony custom forums, I'd bob her in here too. It's a dance class Howleen with a FBR (which chipped and peeled like a mofo, and I won't be doing that again in a hurry!!!) blushed with chalks, face-up in acrylics and watercolours, and finished with irridescent powders and gloss. She is re-haired in Nylon Sunlight, Golden sun and Peaches and Cream from MyLittleCustoms. All clothes are fully removable and she even has lacy underwear!

She's not perfect by a long stretch, and I have learned a lot with her, but I'm proud of my hard work!

Her thread (containing mild gore) is here:,328161.0.html

And here's a pic of her and Wolfy waiting to be packed away, if you don't wanna click!

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Sooooooooo...... I changed my mind at the last minute and made Red and Wolfy. I'll do final pics first, then Red's story, then WIP thumbnails for those who want to see the whole process form start to finish. It was my first Monster High custom, was my first time sewing dolly clothes, my first doll custom really, my first fully scuplted pony, etc etc.

Usual blurb:
Red is a custom Dance Class Howleen, Full Body Repaint, blushed with artists' chalks, re-haired with Sunlight, Golden Sun and Peaches n' Cream from My Little Customs her face is painted in a mixture of watercolours and acrylics, and finished with some shimmery powders. Her clothes all sewn by hand. Basket was Crocheted in strands of raffia and filled with mosses. Dolly heads came from local charity shop! Wolfy is a G3 diva pose (something yellow!) scuplted in Scupley and painted in a million layers of acrylics and inks. <3

PIX!!! (beware: there are bajillions!)
My BF did this one for me:
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THE CHEESE: (hey, everyone loves cheese, right?!) ;)
Everyone knows the story of Red and the amazing last-minute rescue by the brave hero Woodcutter. He cut her – still alive – from the reeking innards of the huge, terrible, monstrous wolf. What they don’t know is what came after. Nobody thinks about what happens to a young woman after being bitten by a werewolf. Nobody bothers to wonder how the experience might affect her, and her future.
Red’s transformation from young lady to… whatever she has become… was painful, lonely, horrifying, terrifying and life-changing. Her lust for blood, violence and vengeance on the wolves consumed her. She tried to deny what she was, to cling to her humanity but the bloodlust was too much.
The little girl the Woodcutter thought he had saved is long dead. In her place lives a twisted, violent, disturbed creature; mesmerisingly beautiful and hauntingly serene as she stalks the forest. But beneath her enchanting exterior lies the violent mind of a hunter: Hungry, terrible, cunning she stalks the villagers who failed to save her and her family from this fate. She tears them apart and feeds them to her wolves. For she is their leader now. Red and her Wolves.
Don’t go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise.

and now to the un-edited ones (I'm useless with Photoshop)
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slight edit to add warning to title - Jupi :heart:

The Dollhouse / Blob/Ice Cam pack: for customising
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:15:30 AM »
Was looking at a blob/ice girl cam pack last night. SOOooooo tempted because I LOVE glittery things, but wondering how well I'd be able to customise these? I can't imagine they take blushing very well, and what about the heads? I'm guessing wigs only because rooting that would probably look a mess?

Any advice/pics of these customised would be greatly appreciated. :hug:


Off Topic / Insanity Workout: I WILL BE THIN!!!
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:30:49 PM »
Soooooo.... I've just started the Insanity workout. If I have added any of you on Facebook you may have noticed this from my annoyingly daily posts whining about it ! :silly:

My OH basically decided he wanted to lose weight, and not to be outdone by all the fit guys at work who lift etc, he decided to really go for it and do Insanity. Of course, he's trying to force as many people to do it with him as possible and I got dragged along. I'm really overweight, and am terrible at getting weight off and keeping it off. What can I say? I love chocolate and biscuits and mostly BACON!

So Today is day 8. On Saturday I had a bit of a breakdown, sat crying for the second half of the workout about how I was in too much pain and how I'm not getting any better and it's no use etc etc. But today I bought some proper gym trainers (had been wearing skate trainers!) and they have made a massive difference. I did notice I was doing better, I don't know if it's because I had a day of rest (Sunday you don't do stuff) or if it's genuinely because I'm improving but it felt kinda motivational!

So, is anyone else doing Insanity? Have you had results? Does anyone else want to join me in it? (Having others ALWAYS helps motivate!)

I'm 5'7'', 30 years old, I weigh 14stone 12 (that's 208 pounds) and I'm INCREDIBLY inactive so this is a big thing for me. My main motivation is to get healthier, I have a daughter who I struggle to play with outside, and I'd like to be more active with her in summer. I also worry my inactivity is rubbing off on her as we don't "do" outside stuff together. So. Here it is. I also know a lot of you younger folk will probably be horrified by my stats, but hey-ho. Honesty is the best policy and all that!

INSANITY. Who's with me?  :biggrin: :frolic: :joy: :green:

Customs / Children's Book Character Swap?
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:54:32 AM »
So I'm just putting feelers out to see if anyone would be interested in this. I don't think I'm up to/qualified for hosting this, but I was thinking about it while doing my hair this morning and got so excited I thought I'd put it to you guys.

The idea is make a custom pony based on your favourite children's book character. Could be anything from the Cat in the Hat, to Where the Wild Things Are, to The Gruffalo, to the Hungry Catterpillar, to well, anything!

It would have to be skill-based as there would probably be a lot of scuplting involved in quite a lot of them, unless we went with complicated FBR's with scenes from the book etc.

I think the participants would need to list between 3 and 5 of their favourite characters, their favourite lines, and possibly which book they like them best in (if they appear in more than one). And possibly provide images for their partner to work with in case they don't know the book.

There are quite a few of us customisers who have little ones, and if anyone else is anything like me, I'm sure we all share our favourites with our children. How lovely would it be to have a gorgeous custom to pass on to our little ones when they get old enough (or if they're already old enough) to appreciate ponies who are for looking and not playing?

Of course this can be worked around other big swaps. I know we have the TFT swap and the Carousel swap at the moment which are heavily involved. And working time would be a long one due to the possible complexity of the work.

What do you think folks? (Poll at the top, thanks! :blush: )

Thanks for reading ,

Pony Corral / Bow Tie's eyes!
« on: February 20, 2013, 01:22:40 PM »
Hello lovely pony friends!  :hug:

Just a quick question after spending a bunch of time trying to find my answers on the webz: Bow Tie in shy pose with darker blue body and HK mark and Dark Blue eyes: is this a Euro thing? My Little Wiki has Euro Bow Tie down as having purple eyes but mine is deffo' a lovely Royal Blue. I just want to know where she's from and such. Her symbols have faded to basically white, if that's any help too? I did a little custom/painiting experiment recently and made my custom G3 Bow Tie with the same colour eyes, but now I'm thinking I picked the wrong colour! (not that it matters, I totally made her eye liner dramatic and used the wrong pink in her hair and her body colour is closer to US BT but it *was* only a quick custom... :drunk: lol)

Thanks in advance  :hug:


Customs / People who use Createx Iridescents: Help please?
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:08:21 AM »
So when you make a pony with these, do you seal them, or just heat cure them?

And do you heat cure between layers, or just at the end?

I heat sealed a pony I have been working on for a while, she was almost done apart from details (and hairing) and then I decided to seal her with Mod Podge, out of habit. The Mod Podge, even in its watered down state, peeled off several layers of colour and she's now completely destroyed.

I've airbrushed quite a few other ponies this week, and now I'm terrified and don't know how to finish them?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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