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Topics - TwistedWindSox

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Off Topic / We're FREEEE!!
« on: June 10, 2013, 02:23:32 PM »
We're finally done with high school! We're FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!
I just wanted to share some pictures from our graduation :) I only have a few right now but people are sending them to me, so I'll add more as I get them.

Me and Cody before the ceremony. I went to pick him up and his grandma insisted on taking pictures of us together :p  (i'm really bad at smiling for pictures so if my face looks goofy I'm sorry :P )

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Just after the ceremony. It was about 90 degrees inside the building where the ceremony took place so I was already trying to get my gown and everything off.

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Cody, me and our friend Devan at Cody's for a little party thing. I'm so proud of these two! They've worked hard to get to where they're at, and now they're even planning on going to college together in the fall. Devan got his GED just a week or two before our graduation. :) I love these guys, they rock!

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I'll add more as they come in to me. Thanks for looking! :)

[Graduation Sticky - 6/10 - Eviecorn]

Off Topic / Duckling Watch! PICS ADDED :)
« on: May 28, 2013, 11:50:39 PM »
Here they are! I don't know what sex either of them are. I don't know how or if you can tell this young anyways. :p
I have named them Glenn and Oswald. I guess I'll need to change them if one of them turns out to be a girl. :)
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They're living in a brooder by my bed right now. They're so cute and curious! And if you hold them or put your hand by them they'll "groom" your skin like they do to each other. I love them so much. :D

A while ago, my parents brought me home some duck eggs. I'd been begging for a duck for a couple of years, with no success. They said if the eggs hatched, I could keep the ducks.
We weren't able to get hold of an incubator, so we made the most makeshift incubator ever. I didn't really have any faith that they would hatch. I set up our little nest thing, and waited, turning the eggs and hoping that maybe they would hatch.

Well, tonight is the night! My mum just brought the nest up to me while I was on the phone with my boyfriend, and showed me that both of the eggs had cracked. The crack on one has gotten quite a bit larger in the past half hour or so. It looks like they're going to hatch!!!!! I can hear them peep occasionally, and can hear tapping inside their eggs.  :shocked:

Oh god I'm so excited!  :lol:

Pony Corral / Best way to sell off tons of Blind Bags?
« on: May 10, 2013, 09:15:17 PM »
Hey all!
I think I'm going to sell off most of my G4 collection. The majority of it is Blind Bag ponies (I think I have close to 100). I'm just not "feeling it" any more with them. I'm only going to keep some that are special to me or that were gifts.
I was just wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to do this? should I sell them as one big lot? In lots based on the sets? Or should I sell them all individually? I have both the TRU exclusive sets, and the first wave complete. All other waves are partial I'm pretty sure. How much would be a fair price to ask for them? They're all fresh-out-of-the-bag mint, no damage unless they came that way.
Also, how should I sell my playful ponies? I don't have  ton (i think seven?), and most have had their hair cut or styled. Should I sell them in a lot or individually?
Thanks in advance :)

Off Topic / Promise ring... What do I do with you??
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:46:47 PM »
My boyfriend gave me a promise ring today for our one year. It's nothing fancy, but the meaning behind it is more important than the price tag.
The only problem is, I can't seem to find a proper consensus on exactly what to do with it. What hand do I wear it on? Should I keep it on all the time? I'm not a big fan of wearing rings. It's also a bit too big and I'm afraid it may fall off and I could lose it. :( Would it be weird to wear it as a necklace?
I'm just wondering what everyone else here thinks about it, and if you had a promise ring, what exactly you did with it. No one seems to be able to tell me proper "promise ring etiquette", so I'm just looking for some advice. :)

Hey guys!
My boyfriend recently got his senior pictures done, and has asked for my opinion of which he should put in the year book (I believe we're allowed two per person. Our class is small so we get more page space each :P )
So, I was just wondering what you all thought. I don't have any females friends in real life, really, so I figured I'd ask all of you wonderful arena people. :)
I've picked my top six out of the 30 or so he sent me, and I was wondering if you could help me decide from there >_<


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Off Topic / Might as well show you my fursuit too :p
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:17:07 PM »
I'm working on a new fursuit too!
My fursona, like my ponysona, is named Twis. She's a white and pink corgi :)
I hope to have my suit done by this weekend, as I have plans to do a small photoshoot thing. I already know i need to add fur to the bottom of the legs, and tighten up the back of the legs so they're not as baggy. Is there anything else I should change?
To fill out the suit in to a more corgi-shape, I dropped the crotch to about five inches about my knees, and padded my knee, calf, hip, thigh and ankle to give myself a chubbier, corgi-er shape. :)

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Sorry the pictures are so low quality .-.

Wanted! / Twis's Wants-- SO SOFTS!
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:33:39 PM »
Hello! I have decided to do an extensive wantlist, so bear with me here. I am listing them by year and set.
 I am not extremely picky, but I would prefer very good condition ponies if the name is in bold. I don't mind having to clean up a pony that I'm not super crazy about.
I can pay with paypal or a money order, which ever you prefer.
Bolded ponies are ones I want most!

So Soft Crumpet
So Soft Twiligt

All So Soft ponies MOC (except Shady, Lofty and Twilight)

Year One

Flatfoot Bluebelle
Flatfoot Snuzzle
Flatfoot Butterscotch
Flatfoot Blossom
Flatfoot Minty
Flatfoot Cotton Candy

CF Bluebelle
CF Minty

Year Two



Year Three

Cherries Jubilee


Baby Cotton Candy
Baby Firefly
Baby Blossom
Baby Glory

Year Four

So Soft:
Cherries Jubilee


Morning Glory
Peach Blossom

Year Five

so Soft:


Sweet Tooth
Milky Way

Princess Serena
Princess Sparkle
Princess Royal Blue
Princess Primrose
Princess Tiffany
Princess Starburst

Wind Drifter
Tropical Breeze
Cloud Puff


Baby North Star
Baby Fifi
Baby Bouncy
Baby Tic-Tac-Toe
Baby Quackers
Baby Lickety-split

Milkweed + Tumbleweed
Rattles + Tattles
Jangles + Tangles
Sniffles + Snookums
Doodles + Noodles


Year six

All Year Six Twice as Fancy ponies


Lady Flutter

All Year six Princess ponies

All Sundae Best Ponies

All Brush n Grow ponies

All Happy Tails ponies

All Magic Message Ponies

All Peekaboo baby ponies

All Sweetberry ponies

All year six newborn twins

All year Six pony friends

I will add more later. x_x

Arts & Crafts Corral / Non Pony -- Glenn Danzig Charcoal WIP
« on: February 09, 2013, 03:32:54 PM »
If this is in the wrong board, I'm sorry. I've posted non-pony art in Off Topic before and it always gets moved here, so I think this is the right place.

So, I haven't drawn a human being in well over a year, and I've never used charcoal before, so I decided to take a risk and drawn a person with charcoal. I picked my favourite singer, Glenn Danzig c:

So, here's how it looked yesterday:
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And here's the face today:
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any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I'm brand new to using charcoal so if you have any tips for me, I'd love to hear them. When the drawing is totally finished, I'll post another picture. :)

Customs / G3 Fashion Size question
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:45:03 AM »
I'm going to be working on a custom G3 fashion size pony over the Christmas break, and I am just starting to get all the materials together, and I need to know:
How many hanks of hair will I need? I'm going to be buying from Dollyhair most likely.

Off Topic / 1,000 posts o_o
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:35:44 AM »
Well, I have 1000 posts on this forum.
I've never been this active on a forum before! I've never even come close to having 1000 posts somewhere, except maybe Neopets and they don't keep track. :p
 :straw: :banana: :apple: :pineapple: :broc: :cuke: :carrot: :bacon: :cheese:
I kinda wish I would have hit 1000 yesterday for my birthday, but whatever. :p Close enough.

Off Topic / Music suggestions? Heavier music, please? :)
« on: December 07, 2012, 01:31:47 PM »
I'm bed ridden for the next day or two (endomitriosis is the worst) and would like some new music to listen too so I don't get bored with what I have! I have recently started listening to I guess "heavier" music and would love any suggestions.
I am really digging Avantasia, Edguy and Danzig (love love LOVE Danzig, haha) right now, along with Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, some Electric Wizard and Burzum and Dethklok (yes, I've been watching a lot of Metalocalypse lately). I also like lighter music like Seabear and Modest Mouse, and some ambient electronic like ISAN and Boards of Canada.
I'd love any suggestions you might have for me! c:
Thanks a ton in advance. And if anyone else is looking for suggestions for music, feel free to ask here too!

Off Topic / Question for people who sell crafts and items on commission...
« on: November 02, 2012, 02:48:11 PM »
Hey y'all, I have a question for those with more business experience than I have:

At a horse show a couple weeks ago, a woman payed up front to have me make two felted horses based on her daughter's horses. I recently got the wool in, but because we couldn't find a dyed wool that matched her horses' colouring, I had to hand-blend two colours together. Now that one of the horses is near completion, I see that it still does not quite match the colour of the horse. Should I e-mail her and offer her a partial refund because the colour is not quite right? Should I send a partial refund along with the horses when I send them? Or should I just chalk it up to powers beyond my control and not offer a refund?
 This lady is extremely nice. I made her a felted horse based on her gypsy stallion, and even though it wasn't *exact*, she was over the moon about having it. I feel bad about the horses not being the right colour. HELP!

Off Topic / It's a WHAT?
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:19:35 PM »
So today my friend and I were hanging out, and I noticed a very large mosquito hawk on his wall, and pointed it out to him because I thought it was a large mosquito. He shook his head and told me in all seriousness that it "Isn't a mosquito. It's a Snolly Gosster"
I'd never heard the word before so i thought he was kidding, but I guess it's what people out here call them.
The same friend also commented on one of our classmates bringing a "bumbershoot" in to school when it didn't even rain. He had to explain to me that it meant umbrella.

Have you ever learned any silly or quirky words for every-day objects?

Off Topic / Best Friend's Operation Went Well!!!
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:51:16 PM »
I just felt like posting a happy thread! :D
My best friend has/had Pectus excavtum which was compressing a chamber of his heart. His parents were worried it would cause other problems later in life, so today he flew down to San Diego to have surgery (the Nuss procedure). I was really worried because in all honesty the procedure sounds horrific. I waited all morning and afternoon to hear how everything went, and I guess it went well!  :cheer:
I don't get to see him until the 19th, though, because they're staying in San Diego for a couple of weeks until he can be somewhat up and about.
I'm just so excited that everything went well and he's doing okay! And, of course, his dad took a very short post-op video. :P
I guess after the video, he also managed to say "I'm gorgeous" which is something he would most definitely say (he always thought that the condition made him unattractive).

Off Topic / Cheer up pictures/.gif's/videos/music? [Img heavy]
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:15:02 PM »
I've been having a rotten couple of weeks, and need a pick me up! The other funny pictures thread hasn't been active for a while, so I think it's time we start another thread for funny or cute pictures, videos and .gif's... Oh, and happy music, too! :)

My first contribution...
Corgis! c:

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