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Topics - Gypsy_Nights

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Our new beagle puppy, Ginger, is about 3 and a half months old now and she started getting brown and black freckles on her legs about a month ago.  Its really cute!  She didn't have the freckles as a young puppy.  She has them on her white snout too but they have now blended together into splotches on each side of her nose.  So is this common in many beagles?  Do any beagles you know have freckles or small spots on their legs or elsewhere?

Also interesting thing about beagles, I didn't know this before I bought ours, is that the Tri-colored ones are born mostly black and white.  They get more tan in color as they age.  So their head is mostly black as a puppy and it slowly changes to tan.  As well as the outermost extremities (legs, tail) of the black part of their coat.  So the freckles on her legs are tan and the ones behind her neck are black!  Hah!  Beagles are kind of like dalmations in this way, I guess.  How dalmations are born white then slowly get there black spots as they age.

Heres some pics of her as a very young pup to pics I took of her tonight:
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Sorry for some of the bad pics.  Tried to make them smaller on photobucket but apparently it didn't take.  It was so hard to get her to hold still for the pics too!  That's why in one of them she looks like bat dog! hehe!  That's my darling daughter Chloe in one pic.  She got Ginger for her birthday last month.  She just turned 3.  :biggrin:

I saw the presale for the collector's set with nightmare moon on Toys R Us's website a few days ago but decided to wait to preorder when I had a little more money.  So I was going to oder today and couldn't find it on there website any more!  Does anyone have any idea if this means they sold out of them already?  I would hate to have to buy this set on ebay!!!

So I was on ebay searching "comic con" and the glow in the dark Zacora ponies came up too.  Is she going to be at TRU eventually too?  Or is she the Comic Con exclusive pony now?  And if she is at both will she have different packaging for comic con vs. TRU? 
Anyway, I really want her so if she is never going to be at TRU I needed to know so that I can look into getting her on ebay or elsewhere since I'm not going to comic con.  Thanks for any help!   :)

I was wanting the G4 Cheerilee's SchoolHouse Playset that comes with the school, not the 3 baby ponies.  If its open that's fine too as long as it comes with all the accessories.  I don't need Cheerilee though. 

I was also hoping for G4 AppleJack's cowboy hat that comes with her in the Barn playset.  I was wanting to use it for a customizing project.

I can get and trade any G4 US exclusives that international collectors need.  I also have many G1s and G3s I can trade. (I have over 400 ponies in my collection)  I also have many G4 duplicates (mane 6 and cheerilee's) I can trade if someone is interested in them for customs.  Anyway just PM me your wish list and I will see what I would be willing to trade and can send you pictures and detailed descriptions of any flaws on G1s.  Nearly all my G3s are Mint out of box, as well as my G4s.  And of course I will probably trade multiple ponies for the schoolhouse.  Whatever the trade value will come to, to equal the Schoolhouse set.

Wanted! / G4 Cheerilee's SchoolHouse Playset! And G4 AJ's cowboy hat
« on: July 09, 2012, 11:16:28 PM »
I was wanting the G4 Cheerilee's SchoolHouse Playset that comes with the school, not the 3 baby ponies.  If its open that's fine too as long as it comes with all the pieces.  I don't have to have Cheerilee either.  I can pay with Paypal.  Just PM me how much the playset cost and the shipping total for shipping to the US.
I am also willing to do a trade with any G4 US exclusive ponies I can get at the stores here in the US.   :biggrin:

I was also hoping for G4 AppleJack's cowboy hat that comes with her in the Barn playset.  I was wanting to use it for a customizing project.  Those will probably be hard to come by though, huh?  Anyway, anyone willing to sell or trade their's just PM me a price and we can make a deal.   :biggrin:

I am also willing to trade...  I can get and trade any G4 US exclusives that international collectors need.  I also have many G1s and G3s I can trade. (I have over 400 ponies in my collection)  I also have many G4 duplicates (mane 6 and cheerilee's) I can trade if someone is interested in them for customs.  Anyway just PM me your wish list and I will see what I would be willing to trade and can send you pictures and detailed descriptions of any flaws on G1s.  Nearly all my G3s are Mint out of box, as well as my G4s.  And of course I will probably trade multiple ponies for the schoolhouse.  Whatever the trade value will come to, to equal the Schoolhouse set.

Pony Corral / What Happened to the G4 School House Playset???
« on: July 09, 2012, 01:24:57 PM »
We never saw it in stores here in central Texas and I just looked on the Hasbro site and its not even listed there anymore either!   :(   I was never able to buy it from the Hasbro though even when it was listed there.  It never had a "buy it not" link.  Who all saw it in the US at all?  And at what stores?  I'm thinking I may have to buy it from evilbay at this point.

And for that matter, anyone seen the Sleepover set or the Picnic set in the US either?  Or the extra train cars?  Hasbro is really getting ridiculous with distribution!

I never used to buy ponyville ponies, fashion style ponies, or "So Softs" (that are now more like baby dolls than the G1 versions, which I miss terribly by the way!  Wish they would make more like them!)  I used to buy only the regular sized brushables.  I didn't buy ponyville ponies because they didn't have real hair and have alot of the same poses, fashion style because they were to big, and "so softs" because they were to big and more for a child. 
I don't know what it is but I'm buying tons more G4's than I ever did G3's.  I have tons of the blind bags, all the fashion styles, and I even went ahead and bought the Sweetie Belle, so soft, baby the other day!  Partly for my daughter, but I'd be holding back if I didn't say that I bought her mostly cause she is so darn cute!  And I'm thinking of buying the Rainbow Dash baby when it comes out too.  Been buying alot of playsets too.  (I always think I'm buying them for my daughter but I have them set up nice and neat in my display area where she can't get to them.   :blush:   I do let her play with them every now and then though.   :satisfied: )  I think I'm going to buy the talking Cadence and talking, white Celestia when they come out too.  Even though I think they are huge.  And of course I have even more of the regular sized brushables.  I've gone pony CRAZY!  Maybe its because the of the major pony drought we had when hasbro kept making the core 7 over and over again!  :rolls eyes:  I still don't like to buy duplicates though.  Course I don't think many people do.  I hate it when hasbro pairs duplicates with the new ponies, making you have to buy the duplicates if you want the new pony.  I have plenty of custom bait when it comes to that though!   :lol:
So has anyone else been finding themselves buying more G4's than any other generation?

Check my last reply for the new questions I'm wondering about.  Any help would be great!  Thanks to everybody!!
I've seen y'alls dolls and  >_< !  I think I'm going to break down and get one!  I want to dress it up with different hair, eyes, dresses!  Looks like so much fun.  Anyway so I know they cost an arm and a leg so I want to do it right and be happy with the one I get.  Any tips y'all might have.  Or I would love to know of some other Websites I can look at here in the US to buy from so I don't have to spend so much on shipping.  I know of The Junky Spot, Doll Emporium, and Mint on a Card.  I had been looking on ebay at first though.  Is that a bad idea? 

I'm dyeing to get the school house and the sleepover set and I have been checking everywhere.  Especially online and alot of the online stores have them listed as "sold out" (at least the Schoolhouse).  But I know they can't be sold out yet.  Can they?!?   I've also been curious about the train cars.  I know they are sold at the hasbro site but are they going to be in any of the stores?  Anyone know anything?  Or found them for sale anywhere? 

There used to be these little bears, about 3 inches tall, they were posable and they came in a hard plastic case.  They were all dressed differently too.  Like in dresses or tuxes or overalls or baby clothes....  My mom used to buy me one every time we went shopping at HEB.  They were only like $3.  I thought they were so neat and would run to see what new ones they had everytime.  I loved playing with them too.  Does anyone remember them?  Or what they were called?
I would love to know what they were called.  I've always wanted to look them up to try and find a small collection of them to buy.

Pony Corral / Using Oxy Clean I need Advice
« on: February 28, 2012, 04:02:03 AM »
Ok I've read a few times that Oxy Clean works great to get ponies clean and I've always thought I would try it but now its been a year or 2 since I read the instructions of how everyone does it.  So I'm going to get some and I need some advice on how y'all do it.  Do you soak them?.....  And what part oxy to what part water?.....Hot water right?   And are there any "DO NOT DO's" that I should know about?
   And any other great advice on how to get a pony sparkling clean would be great!   :biggrin:
Oh, and I have always used a baking soda scrub (can't remember what it is called exactly.  It's used for cleaning rather than actual baking soda.  I just ran out the other day and threw it out).  But anyway I've always used that and liquid antibacterial soap with a little water all mixed together.  And use of a toothbrush to scrub.  It works well but I think the oxy would do better for some stuff.

Wanted! / Looking For 2 G4 Applejack Cowboy Hats From the Barn Set
« on: February 26, 2012, 02:03:16 AM »
I'm wanting to make a couple of G4 customs, that need cowboy hats.  Even if you just see one on ebay, I would appreciate the heads up.  Thanks for looking!   :)

Pony Corral / So Out of the Main 6 Ponies from FiM, Who are you most like?
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:52:48 PM »
So out of Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie who are you most like?  Who is most like your personality?  Or is there another pony from one of the other pony shows you are most like?
I am most like Fluttershy.  I was actually amazed how much like me she was.  I am a very shy person until I get to know you well.  I also LOVE ANIMALS!!!!  Ever since I was a little girl I've loved just about every kind of animal and wanted to have them all!  And I am kind of a coward too!   :lol:   Kind of embarrassing to admit!  I guess I am alot braver now than I used to be as a kid.  But if you mess with one of my friends or my family, I would end up defending them in a heart beat, even if it led to a fight.  I hate most horror movies too.  XD

So "The 10th Kingdom" is an Awesome fantasy book that was also made into a movie.  And the author wrote the ending in a way that hinted that they might make another one.  I would love it if there was another one!!  :biggrin:   Or does someone know if maybe they are in the process of writing the 2nd book?  What is the name of the next book?  Thanks to anyone who can help!   ^.^

MLP Nirvana / PC I just bought my first Argie! Truly! Woo Hoo!! Pic inside!
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:02:16 AM »
I just bought my first Argentina pony, Truly!  Sooo Excited!  Been wanting her for about a year but I never kept my eye on the Nirvana market so I'm wondering if I over paid since I was surprised that no one else bid on her.  Here's this gorgeous girl's pic.  and I paid $105 free shipping.
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So happy!!!!  Even if I did over pay I'm still ecstatic to get her!!  I love the Argie Rainbow hair ponies!!  :D  So Happy!!  :cheer:

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