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Topics - bagheera86

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Off Topic / Cavy/guinea pig snuggle bags
« on: February 21, 2013, 05:17:04 AM »
Why the heck do they cost so much? Is there a pattern out there that I can use or should I just, cough up the $15?  :lol: Or will a pillowbase/old beanie do? Is there anything about them that's particularly special?

Off Topic / How to clean novelty felt hat.
« on: February 09, 2013, 06:11:17 AM »
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 <-- This is what it use to look like, minus the coloured jewels, I KNEW it was missing something >(

I have a novelty cowgirl hat that's pink and is a plastic covered in a cheap flocking/felt. I wear it to concerts (The last one I wore it too, the singer actual stole it off me and wore it and even put it on the bassists head!) to a) keep the sun off me and b) keep my head warm and c) keep god knows what out of my dang hair.

So right now it's covered in dust, and with the up coming concert i'm attending, I want to wear it... but NOT while it's all dirty and gross looking. How do I return my beautiful hat to its former glory? :(

Off Topic / 'make an offer' help
« on: February 06, 2013, 07:05:44 AM »
There is an item that is being sold for $4, but it had a make an offer option.  Is it rude to make a $2 offer? :blush:

Off Topic / The Darkness in Brisbane
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:02:48 AM »
When I heard they were coming back I squealed like a pinched pig.

So. Who loves them and who wants to come with me for an awesome rock concert, they're even touring with Joan Jett!

OMG I need someone with me xD! Guy, gal- I don't care! It's going to be at the riverstage so it's always more fun with a friend in the mosh pit with you!

The Dollhouse / Bonnibel Bubblegum- My first MH custom.
« on: February 01, 2013, 07:51:02 AM »
Ooookay, like my FIRST pony custom, this took over a year. Alot of stopping, starting, erasing and restart, loss of motivation, loss of materials yaddayadda, the list goes on. So she's finally finished!  AFTER ALL THIS TIME.


I can't believe how adorable she is in photo's, but how ordinary she is in person xD!

Well, lemme know what you think! She's bald for a wig reasons and well, I know that's not the actual hair colour but she needed to keep h er h ead warm somehow, and I'm looking for someone to make her default dress for me. I'll get around to that eventually.

edit: also- her head is REALLY stiff to move. is that normal?

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 ugh stupid blurr and stupid flash.

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 she's all cutesy with a wig, but all business without hair.

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moved to MH - Jupi

The Dollhouse / Monster high custom, how to get the head BACK on?
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:54:54 AM »
Okay I'm finished and ready to pop her head back on but... how? There are so many tutorials for how to take them OFF but not how to get them back on haha!  :lol: Can anybody give a gal a hand? xD

Off Topic / show me your art stations!
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:48:36 AM »
That's right, show me where you do your thing! Whether it be customs, painting, drawing, reading or whatever hobby that you like to do! I need to be inspired to clean my stuff up xD

Customs / Old bubblegum colour hanks
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:48:05 AM »
So~ Does anybody have any of these? Dollyhair site says she is sold out, I need about 4 hanks.

Go me, I should have got them when she had them orz

The Dollhouse / blushing draculaura
« on: January 29, 2013, 06:17:24 AM »
So working on this custom, and I'm stuck on her cheeks... How exactly do I apply blush? I just realised I have absolutely no idea @_@ :blush:

It's been resolved! Here's the finished result, so how'd I do blush wise?,321703.msg617086.html#msg617086

Moved to Monster High for ya, they might have some good face up advice :) - CSA

Post Merge: January 29, 2013, 06:56:32 AM


The Dollhouse / Show me HAPPY ghouls!
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:37:55 PM »
So many customs I see are great, i love them all... But I can't help but notice most have a sad, depressed or slightly worried expression. So can anybody show me some happy dolls? :D :lol:

Customs / Looking for someone who makes silicone molds!
« on: January 25, 2013, 05:35:33 AM »
I've been creeping about etsy, ebay and ecrater (their search engine is STUPID), looking for someone who makes custom silicone molds. None. They all say they're are from a supplier they will never ever reveal.

I'm looking for someone to make those flexible silicone molds out of things I plan to make in the future, but, I'd like the items to remain my own and not have them reproduced by who ever has done them for me.... Do you think I'll have much luck with that? :(

The Dollhouse / Barbie horse info needed!
« on: January 20, 2013, 03:42:20 AM »
Okay, so I got the name but other than that I can't find much info on this little beauty, her name appears to Pacifica, all legs have two joints, the neck and head also move and it's all manual, no batteries needed. I picked it up at the flea market today.

Originally it was $15 but I got $2 off. haha. Does anybody have any more info on this horse? My google powers are weak and all I can do is find images haha. Did I get ripped off or did I get a bargain or is itaverage? I thought she had a hair cut, but if she did it's awfully minor judging from the photos.

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Post Merge: January 20, 2013, 03:45:16 AM

OOPS; Just ruined the hooves, I forgot about the joints and pressed down to try to get the head to go down so I could dry it better and scraped the bit of paint off her hooves. DANG IT. I can't have nice things. orz

Customs / Clays, resins, sculpting material- Which is best?
« on: January 17, 2013, 07:43:49 PM »
Okay I've been working with fimo soft (there's no hard..) and milliput mixed with green stuff and green stuff on it's own is fabulous.


Which is the best?  I want to try using molds and what not. I found Fimo soft to be crumbly if it's too thin, but my milliput mixes can weigh a fair bit and green stuff is so sticky I'd need to use vaseline as a mold release and vaseline on plastic will be a PAIN to clean especially inside a mold with little nooks and crannies, and I can't even imagine trying to clean it off my piece once it's set.

I'm basically looking for a material that is light, won't shatter/chip when dropped and possibly- easy enough to pop in and out of that mold. any ideas?

Off Topic / Marcus the pesky cat xD
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:28:10 AM »

THere's this cat that has been visiting for the past 6 months during the day, I love him to pieces and here's how we met and I know now. This is all my fault xD
My own cat, miss Muzzy, aka- Most beautiful cat in the world, had passed away on june 2nd 2010. And it was on a day I was particularly missing her, missing her fur and cuddles and her sweet little voice and her big golden eyes and booping her adorable nose as I did dishes. I looked up out the window with my perfect view of the back yard, to glance to my guinea pig house and what so I do see... A small black cat, about 7 months old or younger working up my piggie. Just laying on his side with his tail aflickering and staring at the piggie.

So I went outside and called out to him, he got scared and dashed away... And as I was about to sulk and return indoors, I glanced behind myself and saw him peeking out at me from behind my neighbours fence. So I rattled the peeler I was holding and he came over cautiously, and we spent the afternoon cuddling. and the next few days after that.

But then my holidays ended and I went back to work but... Apparently, he still visits while I'm away and he's been turning up at 7am in the morning, at this time he had no collar but he was shiny and healthy enough so I resisted teh urge to feed him. So after two weeks of these visits and he still has no collar, I get him one of my own.

So this cat is blacker than ink, so I give him a bright holographic pink collar with a note attached, sure enough he comes back the next day and I take off the collar to see if there is a reply (I had written it on the inside of the collar) as a phone number, so I nervously call it.

So mystery cat is called Marcus, he has a puppy friend and two kids who adore him. His lady thought it was a hoot that her cat came home with a collar on like it was nothing. That was a huge weight off my shoulders because I was starting to think he was a stray, and now he comes around with a purple satin collar with 'marcus' all blinged out on it haha.

But.... He started breaking into our house  :lol:, I woke up at 3am one day, with something wiggling on my bed and I was terrified, I picked up my torch and flickered it on to see his little glowy eyes staring at me in shock... As if I was the in the wrong place! He was bouncing about and clawing at my sheets, and he did this a few times before I figured out how he was getting in and shut the window.

And for a while he went home around 6pm, I didn't encourage his stays, I do admit to playing with him for an hour if he ever caught me home. (For the last 3 months we've been missing each other) but lately his bad habits come round again, it's almost midnight and he was scratching at the screen on my window and when I barreled out the door to tell him off he shot off like a 747 so he knows he's in the wrong, if he didn't he would have welcomed me with a meow and rolled around baring his belly to me.

So lately I've become concerned, I know where he lives and it's a 3 minute walk, it's 11pm past and he's STILL hanging around. Don't his people know where he is? Plus he does this thing where he wanders around and meows constantly, he's SO FRIENDLY, he's like a little labrador. Which just makes me want to kidnap him, but that also worries me about him bumping into the wrong person one day.

So long story short, I have a super friendly young cat that visits, but has a habit of trying to break into out house and make himself comfy. lately he's been good of turning up at a decent hour and leaving... But- he's starting to fall into the habit of NOT leaving and begging me to let him in (Example: I'll say no to him at the back door... Then he'll try the front, and this game goes on a few times before I just stop answering the door).

 He KNOWS his way home. So it could be one of few things

a) he's so hypo, that he forgets to go home and my yard and my neighbours yard with our gardens is like, narnia for him or something

b) he has not much to go home too, he's bored or he doesn't get much attention

c) he's not being fed something he's interested in, so why go home when our place has ugly little geckos for him to get AND not only are they fun to catch... But he also gets to see out startled reactions every time he thumps the kitchen window.

Thoughts? xD First off, I think I'll start being less friendly to him.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / bootlegs? How to tell..
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:50:43 AM »
I'm new to this game, they're adorable and slowly growing on me. I got my first the other day, a little deer and a wrong one from a different seller.

But I was wondering, how do you tell the boot leg ones from the real ones?

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