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Topics - WeepingPiano

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Customs / TFT Swap Custom for RedLynx
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:56:51 PM »
I decided to put a little spin on a fairytale that I had never read before. It is called "Pus Cat Mew". ( ). My partner's summary of it was "This story features a faerie princess who is forced to live as tortoiseshell cat until she gets married.  She is sweet and helpful, saving a man from ogres and other dangers.  She is often frustrated with him.  A twisted version of her would be cool.  Part of her tale involes a poem about her petticoat which whispers corset to me."

And thus, pony was born:

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I was going for a tortoiseshell look with her dress and hair. Her FBR is a swirled, magic-y black over purple (totally evil looking color combo >.>) with gunmetal fae markings around the cat eyes.

This is my very first corset pony, and her skirt is made of fabric.

The flank symbol is a fairy, taking advantage of the bait's original crystal.

I also included a "lost chapter" to the story explaining why this character is indeed evil :)


I now have a facebook page for Lochlyn-Rose! Like if you'd like :D It will have updates, pictures, and hopefully videos!


As some of you know, I work at a renaissance festival as a mermaid! Well, I finally have some pictures to share :)

They are not the professional ones, but I thought y'all might want to see these now, and I can add those later :D  *edit* new pictures at the bottom

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(my friends were making me laugh in the last one)

I am having a great time and kids love me! (most of them, some of them cling to their mothers)

also, watching adults be giddy and child-like is the best.


(p.s. I made the top of my costume, and my two belts.)

I hadn't realized how well some of the PotC merch I have shows up in pictures :3

aaaaand that locket is a little tribute to my not-so-secret-anymore crush

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Me and my sister

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Me and my brother-in-law

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4/22 ~ Most of these are from last weekend, but the really good one is from this weekend

myself and a good friend

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myself and the navigator

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I was not only not paying attention, I was actively distracted by the mermaids in the large pool across from me

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Stalking around the faire between shows (before my mask came in)

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aaaand last but certainly not least (for now)

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I love this photographer. He is very nice and has an adorable child. (and he makes me look great!)

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The Dollhouse / Box opening - Soom Winnie de Ai *pic heavy*
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:43:57 PM »
(quick info blurb: Large fawn is blind and the fairy is his guide thing. He can also "sense" people that are near by)

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I put the Erlking in hoovesies, but I am not sure how I feel about it. (he is also suppose to have antlers, but the magnets will not stay put :C )

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That widdle tail /)^3^(\

(also, while it was almost impossible to get the Erlking strung, Ai (she has no name yet >.>) is really loose)

The Erlking is an ANother Secret Shadow king head on a Loongsoul 73.5 cm body with SOOM Benmore (sp) legs

Large fawn is an ANother Secret Mr. Milu head on a DZ 70cm body with tan SOOM Chalco hands and legs

Tiny fawn is a SOOM winnie de Ai

and the fairy is a DHS Feliene (sp)

*newest at the bottom*

This is the kind of art I do, either calligraphy or this "blocks of color making people" thing.

I had mention that I was working on this specific piece in the shout and some of my shout friends wanted to see, so here it is :)

It is very symbolic for me.

Anyway, the flash kind of killed it, but I am mostly happy with the way it turned out.

I'd like the gold to be a little brighter, so I might go over that again.

This was made with pearl inks on construction paper.

(The reason I didn't simply scan it is that it is not a standard size sheet of paper and it does not fit in my scanner.)

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I think I like this one better, even with the awkward editing.

The scale between the two figures works better in my opinon.

I also used a different gold for the mask.

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and a "detail" shot

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Word art!

It is really shiny (like the others, same brand of ink) but it fit on my scanner, so I didn't have to take a picture.

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More Word art! (for one of my mermaid coworkers)

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Another coworker's name/colors

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and to show the shiny

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The last of the set. All of the girls are now accounted for

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Customs / Renaissance Festival Swap pony for Jahlila
« on: March 07, 2013, 08:57:47 PM »
I decided to try and dress her ponysona in a knight's horse's garb.

(The shaded picture is so you can see the design on the shield without glare)

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The Dollhouse / My BJDs Hoodies Came In
« on: February 25, 2013, 02:59:11 PM »
A couple of months ago I got on Rikkuliam's waiting list for the adorable critter hoodies she makes. It took a while, but they are worth the wait!

The material is high quality and soooo soft! The workmanship is amazing as well.

I got a wolf and a bat ( the reason they look a touch big is because they were made for my 73cm loongsoul boy, but they are on my smaller (in comparison) boys)

Look at him standing all on his own (and on a not firm surface at that!!)

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I just put it on him for now so that he would not be quite so naked

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Isaac wants HUGS!

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Off Topic / Playing with my Haikubes
« on: February 20, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »
I was bored so I decided to dig these out.

What you do is you roll these dice with words on them and then, using the topic dice to get your theme going, you write a haiku using the random words you were given.

The one I just finished is

"A desire for my family"

Into gleeful light
which promises our simple
feeling of a home

Off Topic / Help me pick a name for a MERMAID!! *purpose reveled*
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:51:36 PM »
:edit: The reason I need to pick a name (and why I am waffling all over the place) is that I am now a professional mermaid. The first photoshoot is in two weeks, so I need to have my name by then for the promotional materials.

It is a secret as to the reason I need a name for a mermaid, but I'd like y'all's opinions/suggestions.

Feel free to comment with any you think I might like!

(the other people that are in on this want "river names" but I have not really found a river whose name I am in love with)

(also, I promise to reveal what with is about in the future)

Wanted! / Finished Looking
« on: January 20, 2013, 03:04:26 PM »
I am looking for Dutch ponies, just as the subject says ^^ If you have any for sale, please PM me!

Off Topic / Accepted into SAPA and 1000 Posts?!!! Hip Hip HUZZAH!
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:22:18 PM »
My audition was today and I made it into the Scarborough Academy of Performing Arts!!!!!!!!!!!! I may have just signed away 17 weekends of free time, but I could not be happier.


This is officially my 1000th post! (It certainly took me long enough XD)

Custom rank here I come!

Off Topic / Help me pick a hat/mask/and color scheme! *now with pictures*
« on: January 05, 2013, 11:31:15 PM »
I randomly told my best friend that I wanted to add bells to the points of my dress and skirts that make up my renfaire garb (see avatar) and she excitedly texted back, "You should totally look into a jester hat."

Not a bad idea, as I do love jesters, "But what would I wear it with?" I ask. "It does not really fit with my lower level noble/higher level peasent attire."

She ponders and replies, "Just wear the top dress (the red/black mottled part) with your black corset and maybe try and find some red and black leggings!"

"But when would I wear it?!" I exclaim, because if I am at the faire, I will be in my regular garb. "Oh, wait! All Hallow's Eve weekend out at TRF!"

Now I just have to decide what kind of hat and what colors. (she also suggested getting a venetian mask to go with the ensemble)

As you know by now, my typical faire colorscheme is red and black, but, if I am going to be changing it up anyway, I could go with black and white. (because I have that same dress in pure white as well)

My original thought was to go with long tails, but many of the hats I have found with long tails have no shape, they just hang down.

Short tails just seem too dinky though.

I was also initially drawn to three tailed hats, for multiple reasons.

If I go three-tailed, with each tail being a different color, should it be color/black/color or black/color/black? (with "color" being replaced by either white or red)

Then, in my search for a hat, I discovered one-tailed hats. (these are either solid or have rings of color)

A little bland you say? Well, what if I told you I found a super long one that wraps around your neck with fabric to spare?

(for starwars nerds, think "lekku")

On to leggings.

Striped? or one leg one color, one leg the other?

Finally, the mask.

A simple domino or slightly fancier colombina?
I don't want anything to elaborate, or I fear it would take away from the hat.

Also, a classic diamond pattern? (the third color, usually being a metal, would be silver regardless of whether I pick red or white)

In the end, I suppose it all depends on what I can find, or what I can afford, or if I can commission someone who is willing to work with me so I can get exactly what I am looking for.

I would love to get y'all's opinions on the matter ^^


Alright, we are just going to pretend that my doodle and then paint skills do not fail :P

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I agree with y'all so far that more black seems to look best.

I also have a hat style that I am fond of, but I want your opinions before I say anything, so I can be sure they are your honest opinions :D

The Dollhouse / Who should I buy?
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:54:36 PM »
I may be getting a new job soon and if I do, I might celebrate with a new BJD.

I am thinking either a fantasy doll (either something very strange like a DollZone GuGu or another little faun/dragon/something)

or a doll to be a jester or knight.

I love rosenlied dolls, but they are a little small to go with my existing group. (I have mainly SDs, one MSD (that is for sale) and one yo-sd on the way) And I cannot really think of a good character for one.

I have been really tempted by DollChateau, especially if I were to make a jester doll. Some of their larger dolls that are more porportinal, but still have the stylized slender/long limbs are really pretty.

Or I could go after an animal or anthro doll.

Unless something really fabulous or irrisistable comes up, this will probably be the last one I buy, so it needs to be something special.

So, what amazing/interesting/unusual dolls can y'all think of that I might like to look at?

Post Merge: January 04, 2013, 05:38:45 PM

Or I could just commission an outfit for one of my dolls instead and work on completing the ones I have before I buy another...

I want to make a set of five Christmas cards for some people that I care about. They are all related, so there is a high likelyhood that they will see eachother's cards.

Now, I say "cards" but they are really more like art... things. (my typical eloquence is failing me at the moment)
Anyway, there will be no inside, it will just be a flat piece of bristol board with a holiday message and decorations.

They will each be done in different types of calligraphy, with pens dipped in assorted fancy inks. (with the outline of the letter in one color and the inners in other colors)

The layout was originally intended to look something like this:

"Words of Cheer"

with a smattering of holly and ribbons and stars

At first I was going to have them all say "Merry Christmas", but then I thought it might be neat to have them say different things. I want to keep them all english, as I will have a hard enough time as it is deciding whose says what.

Here is what I have so far:

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays

Season's Greetings

Glad Tidings

~ As you can see, I need one more.

I'd like to not repeat words (so "happy christmas" is out) [also, "Deck the Halls" is out because, in this context, it sounds like a command and not a wish for joy, at least, to me.]

Do y'all have any ideas for me?

(I'd like to start tomorrow, so I may end up having to just pick either "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" and just go with it)

Off Topic / A really strange request
« on: December 08, 2012, 02:48:28 PM »
I didn't think this belonged in the "wanted" section, even though I am looking to buy something...

anyway, I don't suppose anyone has a pair of size 8 stiletto boots that may be damaged or old or something that would cause their owner to want to sell them to me for really cheap?

I need them for an art project of sorts, but since I will be modding them extensively I don't really want to go buy new shoes from the store.

The heel and uppers can be damaged, I just need the structural integrity of the shoe itself to be intact.

Customs / Renaissance Festival Swap *ALL PONIES HAVE MADE IT HOME*
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:13:01 PM »
Wouldn't you love a pony, made just for you, based on this incredible theme?!

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Well now you can! Just enter and join in the fun!

This is a skill based swap :D

Important dates:
Signups Dec. 5-13
First PHOTO Check in Jan. 13
Final PHOTO Check in Feb. 13
this should be your competed custom (addresses will be given at final check)

Please remember to always check your organizer's feedback before joining a swap.

1. You must have 5 positive arena feedback. we will allow ebay to count as ONE feedback.
2. You must have been an arena member for at least 4 months before sign ups are over.
3. You must have pictures of at least 3 of your most recent customs to show the quality of your work.
4. Ship on time! I realize real life issues come up sometimes. If this happens, I want to know about it as soon as you realize you will be late.
6. No shipping early! I will be withholding addresses until shipping time to prevent this. The exception will be after final check in and your partner is ready to ship as well. I don't want anyone disappointed in this swap and with so many people going MIA lately, it's best for everyone to hold off until we are sure their partners haven't disappeared.
7. Be prepared with progress pics at progress date.
8. Send me pictures of your completed custom before you ship. I want to know your custom is complete before it goes out.
9. Let me know right away when you ship your custom and when you receive one.
10. Do not let anyone know who your partner is. It is secret.
11. This swap includes all generations of ponies (G1, G2, G3, G3.5, and G4), if there are any of these you do not like, include that in your form. Do not use any fakies or babies unless your partner requests it.
12. You must be in no more than 2 other swaps (total of 3).
13. KEEP YOUR SHIPPING RECEIPTS! You need to be able to produce proof of shipping when asked. You need to hold onto your receipt until your partner confirms that they have received their pony. I also highly recommend delivery confirmation for those not shipping internationally.

Please PM me the following, completed form.

Arena Name:
Real Name:
Are you willing to ship overseas?
Which generations do you prefer to customize?
Links to three current customs so I know where to put you:
Link to additional feedback (should you need it):
List other swaps (custom and non custom) that you are participating in or hosting:

Which generations do you prefer to receive?
Is there anything you do NOT want to see on your pony?
Is there anything you would like included on your pony?
What is your favorite color (s)?
list your top 5 favorite Ren Faire sights/themes:
(i.e. the fairies, the royals, the food, the buildings, knights, pirates, kilts, etc.)

Other things you would like your partner to know?

Participant List:

1) Weepingpiano SHIPPED (received pony from partner)
3) MoonHawke SHIPPED
4) Tsukikakushi SHIPPED

Approved CSA 12/1/12

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