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Topics - TwistedRainbow

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Customs / Major creative block...
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:01:01 PM »
im having the pony equivalent of writers block. i haven't worked on a new pony in a while and im looking for some inspiration. i would like to open for commissions. my hubby and i are going on vacation on the 23rd and some extra spending money would be awesome.

im offering G3 (not styling) anything goes, gems, sculpting etc.
$30 + shipping

also i am working on making some pony t-shirts
will commission t-shirt work
if there is a specific image you would like i will make it for $5
you would still have to buy it through the website
heres a link to my first one

Customs / past 60 days ponies (very pic heavy)
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:59:05 PM »

Steampunk pony swap

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Redskins pony for family friend.
symbol is sculpey

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Easter pony

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May raffle winner pony. Hello Kitty
overalls and bow are sculpey
this girl went under some major reconstructive surgery lol

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Off Topic / just playing around
« on: March 31, 2012, 01:10:10 PM »
wanted to play with the word conversions for april fools day.

i like ponies. they smell like that one pony that i love. I wish i could remember what i called it. maybe clover pony? it was kinda green. broccoli pony? i cant remember.  i dont have that pony anymore. my husband decided to light the pony on fire and it exploded! but its ok because i have lots of ponies that smell just like that one pony.

lol did it work?

Customs / bait, sell or restore? pic heavy
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:21:18 PM »
i havnt worked with anything other then G3s b4 and i got these ponies yesterday. am info would be great thanks.

her hair is vut, she has tail rust and a cancer spot. what should i do with her?
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lots of G2s. the 2 on the left have the moving leg in the front, the one on the right has the moving tail. are these ok to bait?
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the pony on the right...what gen is this?????
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Customs / Biggy Smalls Pony
« on: March 28, 2012, 09:07:28 PM »
this was a commission for my cousin. she wanted it to give to her friend as a birthday present.
this pony was my first for a lot of things including major sculpting, using sculpey, and using flocking. i think he turned out pretty well.

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Customs / gauging interest- TRUE newbie swap
« on: March 27, 2012, 06:23:31 PM »
i read the rules and guidelines for swaps and nothing says you HAVE to have feedback. i see newbies popping up everyday and i think it would only be fair to offer a TRUE newbie swap that requires NO feedback. i think it would be nice to give the newbies a real chance to prove them selves. what do you think?

if you would join the swap what theme would you like to see?

maybe since its a newbie thing we can create personas for each other. take a little survey about yourself and in the app and have your partner come up with a persona for you.

how would you like to swap?

you ship to partner
partner ships to you


person 1 ships person 2
person 2 ships person 3
person 3 ships person 1
get it? kind of like a circle

what type of time frame would you like to see?
1 month?
a few months?

if you want to be in this swap you must be aware that you will be working with people who have NO feedback and it is possible that they will bail out. this is a big risk but i believe in the newbies and i know it can be done.

Customs / Sharpie on pony
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:47:49 PM »
can you seal it with mod podge.

i ask because alex meraz is coming to town here and i was thinking of making a wolf pony and getting his autograph on it.
if you dont know who he is, he plays paul in the twilight movies.

Off Topic / business ideas - gauging interest
« on: March 26, 2012, 08:53:26 AM »
my hubby and i are tired of living paycheck to paycheck and working for other people. we are both creative and independent and we both know we were just meant to start our own business and work on our own terms. so we have been brainstorming a bit and came up with a couple things. let me know what you think.

personal organizing
i love to organize i dont know why but its so much fun for me.
the problem is i cant find any info online about price and services. i search organizer and get storage containers lol.
also i have no professional experience.

is this something you would be interested in?
how much would you pay for something like this?
what do you think?

car consultant
hate car shopping? me too
my hubby loves it. what would you think about filling out a credit form and giving someone else your info to go car shopping for you?
he would go from dealership to dealership looking for the car you want and find the lowest price and interest.
i know it sounds weird but then you would never have to buy a car yourself again. just show up when everything is done to collect your new car.

what do you think?

diaper cakes
my mom makes diaper cakes and they look awesome and i would like to give it a go.
if you dont know what a diaper cake is here is an example.
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they are great for babyshowers and new mommys. the cake is made from diapers and decorated with things for baby like socks, animals, bibs, etc.

what do you think?
the one in the pic was made by my mom, if you search diaper cakes online they dont even come close to as nice as this one.

games on wheels
this one we couldnt just do, it would take a while because of money BUT i think its a good idea.
so there are game places you can go to game with friends, walls lined with tvs and game systems. well what if we put it on wheels?
get a box truck, line it with tvs and game systems, get some nice chairs. it would be a birthday party thing. need some entertainment for your party call us. rent us out for a few hours, game and have fun!
we could also add in a kind of cafe, hot dog, snack cart thing that comes with rental.

what do you think?
is this something you would use for your child or yourself?
what would you pay for something like this?

ok this one is my fave, i love it and i feel like this could be a very valuable thing to the world.
the school of common sense.
schools today are not what they should be. you learn math science and history but you DONT LEARN how to write a check or the difference in credit vs debit, or how to change the oil in your car, or change a tire etc.
this would be a after school/summer program where you send your kids to learn stuff about the real world to prepare them for what comes after graduation. this could be for adults as well, no age limit.
learning the specs of loans, best places to look for homes and cars, insurance, basic home and car repairs, anything that you have ever had a question about that school didnt teach you.
i know alot of people will say "well i learned that stuff from my parents" but not everyone does. i didnt. when i left home i didnt even know how to fill out a check myself. thank god for my husband, if it werent for him i'd still be clueless.
in todays day and age its normal for both parents to work full time jobs while kids are being raised by school and babysitters or themselves. the only time kids learn this stuff in school is if they take a class that is specific like automotive or something.
not only would this teach your kids life skills but would also give them a safe and fun environment to learn. if you are a parent who works a full time job and isn't there when your kid gets home from school this would be a great place to send them. you wouldn't have to worry about what they are doing and what they are getting into. you could have peace of mind knowing they are safe and learning to better themselves. we would also love to teach the dave ramsey financial coarse.
over all i think this would be amazing! it would be great for the economy and life in general for people to actually learn the best way to spend, save, and use money.
the only problem i see is people not wanting there kids in some random peoples house.

what do you think?
what would you pay for this?
what other curriculum what you like to see?

my hubby and i come up with new inventions AT LEAST every few months. i would tell you what they are but we don't want to take any risks.
we just dont have money to come out with prototypes and we just dont know how to go about it.
any help would be great.

so thats what i have so far. trust me i WILL add more lol. i know im forgetting something and its driving me nuts.
just let me know what you think, whats the best idea? what do you suggest? thanks so much for reading!

Customs / almost a year, can you tell? critique
« on: March 23, 2012, 11:11:43 PM »
i joined the arena last feb. but didnt start customs until last summerish. so since its been a while i was wondering if i could get some critique.

am i making good progress? what should i work on?

my first customs
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my most recent finished customs
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i wish i had more to show but i have so many WIPs right now, i wish they were done.

so what do you think? what can i do to make my customs go from "that looks nice" to "wow that looks amazing! i want" ???

show me your first custom vs your most recent!

Customs / sculpey questions
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:56:16 AM »
i recently bought some sculpey and started messing with it last night. i have some questions though.

1. how do you get rid of finger marks while sculpting?

2. how long to you bake it? i lost the instructions

also im so worried about baking and possibly melting the pony so i looked a bit online and people mentioned BOILING instead of the using the oven.

3. does boiling sculpey work?

4. how do you know when its done?

5 how do you make tiny rolls with out them breaking?

any other tips would be great thanks!

Customs / need small bit of flocking~ help?
« on: March 16, 2012, 09:23:48 PM »
ok so my cousin commissioned me to do a biggy smalls pony for her. its going to take a ton of work. i need to sculpt it to mae it fat, make clothes and glasses for it. he has a shaved head and i am looking for some black flocking for his little bit of hair. i dont need a whole lot so i was wondering if someone could help me out please. i cant justify spending money on it when i dont need very much. she wants the custom by april 1st :P i know i know not much time. PLEASE help me out. im willing to trade if need be, thank you soooo much!

Customs / ~Summer Nights~ fakie for sale
« on: March 11, 2012, 09:34:23 PM »
this girl was made for the fakie competition. she is near the size of a styling G3.
this is how she started out. all pink and very little hair. she looking like an old man balding due to NO hair plugs on top of her head.
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she was airbrushed. i added like a million hair plugs and rehaired her with dollyhair. she is for sale for $55+shipping OBO
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sorry for the bad pics, my camera is being mean to me :P

Customs / looking for baits
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:49:18 AM »
im looking for baits. i have G3s and have ONLY ever had G3s. i would like to get my hands on some other gens. Anything but G1s. If you have any for sale please let me know. Also im up for styling G3s. thanks

Customs / How much?
« on: March 05, 2012, 06:35:54 PM »
ok so my hubbys birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and i would like to raise some money to buy him a new fancy coffee maker. i was thinking of starting a raffle. so that leads to my questions.
1. would anyone be interested?
2. how much for tickets?

i think in the past i have seen 1 ticket for $1 and 10 tickets for $5? is that right? i don't know but any help would be great.

here are some examples of my work. i am also open for commissions.

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you can see more here. [size=78%][/size]

Customs / Make It Work!
« on: March 01, 2012, 04:46:48 PM »
Okay so i thought this would be a good thread to start. We ALL know things don't always turn out the way we want but we've got to figure out a way to make it work. Share your "make it work" moments! I'll start.

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problem- hair WOULD NOT LAY DOWN
fix- MOHAWK!

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problem- my sculpting stuff sucks, shrinks and peals
fix- Zombie!

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problem- paint would NOT cover
fix- glitter
why it works- scales shimmer under water

problem- couldn't get the film i got to work on the tale fin
fix- chain fins

what are your make it work moments?

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