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Pony Brag Arena / Thank you, SpottedSlug!!!
« on: July 09, 2013, 06:40:51 AM »
I arrived home, road-weary and wallet-empty, yesterday evening from Pony Fair to discover a large box on my porch from a complete stranger.  What in the world??  There were pony stickers on the outside of the box so I was daring enough to open it.  When I did, I couldn't stop laughing and crying and hugging the contents.

SpottedSlug sent me a Soft and Sleepy Newborn Hushabye!  I've been collecting since the first days of the AOL MLP board and this is the first time I've owned a Soft and Sleepy.  The first time I've even touched one!  She's surprisingly cuddly, gigantic, and absolutely adorable.  I don't understand why everyone doesn't want an army of them.  :D

Thank you, SpottedSlug, for your amazing generosity.  I'll be doing my own RAOPK in your honor, to pay the gesture forward.  I'm over-the-moon happy.  <3 <3 <3

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I'm giddy...and I just spent four hours in the car with a screaming 18 month old!

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The new baby towers over the others at the nursery.

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Look at that little adorable face!  :D :D :D 

I cannot wait until she grows up.  She'll be big enough for me to ride!  ;)

Trader & Shipping Support / More Shill Bidding on eBay.....
« on: June 27, 2013, 05:20:28 PM »
Admittedly, it was a shady listing for a lot of reasons.  The buyer was a nincompoop but I *really* wanted the item and, after it was relisted for auction (instead of a Buy It Now), I put in a bid.  The highest I was willing to go.  And then another bidder came in and (with 17 bids!) bumped it up little by little by little...up from $100 to $250 at auction's end.

And I won!

Expensive, but I won.  And I paid but that nagging feeling followed me so, in light of bluerose's trauma, I checked out the bidder I'd been battling with for this item and it turns out they've ONLY BID ON ITEMS FROM THE SELLER and a half dozen other likely-not-coincidences led me to think they were shill bidding and, now that I've called eBay to discuss my suspicions, it turns out the seller and the bidder were using the same computer--if not actually are the same person.

So, I'm pissed off that I spent $250 on an item I want, true, but that I was bidding in a rigged auction to win.  That this con artist made money scamming me.  And all six of the eBay phone support people agreed that it was a big problem and that the investigation to come would most likely result in the suspension of both accounts...but I can't get a refund.

eBay has forbid me from telling the seller that they are under investigation for shill bidding--because they say if they find out before the investigation is complete, they could dodge it somehow and sorta cover their tracks.  They suggested, in the cheeriest voice, that I could ask the seller to cancel the transaction--so long as I came up with "a valid reason".  I have a valid reason, eBay, and it's fraudulent bidding...but no, they want me to come up with another one.  They suggested I say, "I'm no longer interested in My Little Pony items."  (Pshaw!  Those words will never cross my lips!  ;) )

So I can't ask for a partial refund or give the real reason why I want the item returned ("Because you're a rat-**&$%@# and I don't want to give you one penny of mine.").  I cannot invoke Buyer's Protection unless the item doesn't arrive or arrives substantively different than described.  The folks at eBay said that, obviously I was willing to pay $250 for it, since I bid that high, so what was the big deal and then in the same breath thanked me for pointing out someone engaged in such bad behavior for the site.  They all thanked me and thanked me and thanked me--but none of them will actually stand up for me and DO anything.  :/

So, do I keep the item that I wanted but that burns in my craw having bid against the seller to raise the final sale price by 150% or do I make up some stupid lie and beg the seller to offer me a refund and/or a transaction cancellation?  They have the right to decline me on that, too, and I don't see why they wouldn't since they're already immoral &^$#-kicking criminals. 

I'm having a day where even Ponies are tainted with ugly emotions.  :/

Thanks for letting me vent.  I don't know that I need advice so much as I need contact with people who understand that this isn't okay and it stinks that all they'll do is 'investigate' and (hopefully) protect future buyers but not do anything to help me.

Pony Corral / Planning a Pony Room: Tips from the Pros?
« on: June 25, 2013, 07:17:59 AM »
This winter, we're moving cross-country into a new, larger home.  For the first time in years, I will have the chance to have a dedicated pony room.  (Instead of the hybrid guest/pony rooms and nursery/pony rooms since my children were born.)  And this time, instead of making do with the hodgepodge of mismatched bookshelves and make-do storage solutions of my past, I plan to PLAN my Pony Room and purpose-design it from the ground up. 

For those of you with big collections, what tips (or cautionary tales!) do you have from your own Pony Room creations?  What do you wish you'd done from the start?  What has worked the best for you?  What particular products/storage cases/IKEA cabinets would your recommend?  What organizational methods have made your collecting life more enjoyable?

From looking through past Pony Room threads, I know that I love the all-white, built-in, floor-to-ceiling look of collections like ashlyne's and aadra's.  I've used bookcases and shelving for years and I know that I'd like to graduate to glass-fronted cabinets to close out the dust.  I need a storage solution for my G1 MOCs and love the look of pegboard, but am afraid of what that might do to the cardboard being hung up over a long period of time.  (Any thoughts or experience on that?)  I also would like to have my Paradise Estate set up, not in pieces on shelves anymore, so I'm thinking I'd like to have a custom-built table for the center of the room--like a train table with a green carpet/faux grass surface. 

From a functional standpoint, I need a pony room that works well to contain/display/organize a lot of small accessories/pony wear pieces (because I'm an accessory junkie! :D) in addition to ponies.  I also want to figure out good organizational solutions to storing and accessing all the extra ponies I have for sale.  Because, besides vending at Pony Fair last year and selling on etsy for few months the year before that, I've not found the time/space to inventory, clean, list, and sell my extras for the better part of a decade and that has created a ridiculous mountain of unsorted pony lot boxes.  :/

So!  Details, advice, links are all appreciated.  I'd love to get organized and figure out the best way to build out my LAST pony room.  :D

Post Merge: June 25, 2013, 07:22:46 AM

Also, though this is probably a terrible/disastrous idea mixing pony rooms with plumbing, I sometimes think building a perfect "Pony Spa" sink/countertop inside my pony room would be so convenient!

(Until it floods the room somehow.)

But other than that, I picture a sink and a giant white countertop for drying.  :D

(And then I picture the middle-of-the-night flood that happens when a pipe bursts and I change my mind.)

But think how great it would be if it didn't endanger the collection!    ;)

Pony Corral / White-Haired Starglow Variant? More photos added!
« on: October 06, 2012, 10:32:21 AM »
I'm wondering if I've found a Starglow variant?

I was working my way through an estate collection I purchased from the original owner when I found these two Starglows ponies.  Their body colors are quite different--though I've seen Starglows all along the blue/green spectrum so that isn't too unusual.  The hair, though, did strike me.  The greener of the two ponies has, instead of dark pink hair, completely snow white stripes.  There's not even a hint of pink to it, so I don't think it is an issue of extreme fading.  The roots are pure white, too, same as the ends. Both ponies were purchased together by a woman who made sure that her grandchildren had all of the same toys to play with when they visited her, showed no signs of having been submerged or washed, and they've been stored together all these years--so I'd expect them both to have the same conditions in terms of fading and plastic degradation.  The symbol and eye paint on the white-haired pony is the same color--unfaded--and is actually probably a little darker than the regular-haired pony.

What do you think?  Has anyone ever seen Starglow with pure white hair?  Is this a variant or something else?  I've seen a lot of Starglows in a lot of conditions--but none like this.

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ETA:  I compared her hair with the white hair of Love Token and it seems a match.  Starglow's photographs a little differently as it is coarser than Love Token's satin straight hair, but in person they look spot on.  Also, I tested both Starglows and they glow in the dark, both equally nice and bright. 

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Pony Corral / Ewww! Dryer sheet ponies..
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:21:16 PM »
I just got a giant lot of ponies in the mail.  They are each individually bagged but wrapped, inside the sandwich bag, with dryer sheets.  The ponies reek of dryer sheet chemicals and are all kinda sticky and oily from the chemicals.  :/  Looks like we need an emergency trip to the spas for the whole lot.  This could take forever.

Just say no to wrapping your ponies in dryer sheets!  ;)


Pony Corral / Insuring your Collection?
« on: July 30, 2012, 05:05:26 PM »
In general, I'm an adult.  I have two children.  I pay my taxes.  I make sure my vehicle registration is up-to-date.  I buy multi-vitamins.  I even have a life insurance policy.  What I haven't given enough thought to, however, is insuring my MLP collection.  In the case of some catastrophic loss--fire, tornado, or pony-wise thieves--my ponies would only be replaced insofar as my homeowner's insurance would cover general household losses.  Should I have it insured separately?  How much does a collection (of any sort) need to be worth before it makes sense to go to the trouble (and additional expense) to have it insured?

Have you?

If so, how did you establish the value/have your collection appraised?  Do you keep records of your collection, photos or lists or something, in a safe place outside your home?  I'm afraid to admit that I don't.  Sure, I have some photos of some things on Flickr but the bulk of my collection, and record of it even existing, would disappear if my house did.   

Any experience or thoughts would be appreciated.  I don't even know what questions I should be asking.  :D


Hello!  I'm hoping that my extras may be of help to a forum member.  I'd prefer to trade like-for-like, tattoos for tattoos, episode cards for episode cards, etc--but I'm willing to consider any sort of trade, really.  What are your doubles?  :)  Do you need any of mine?

I have these extras for trade:

Foil and Standees

Royal Wedding Pinkie Pie Foil
Fluttershy Foil
Spike Foil
Standee Rarity (x2)
Standee Applejack
Standee Pinkie Pie

Locations with Unused Sweepstakes Codes

Ponyville Schoolhouse (x4)
Golden Oaks Library (x3)
Day Spa
Appleloosa (x3)
Fluttershy's Cottage (x3)
Canterlot (x2)
Sweet Apple Acres

Temporary Tattoos
#1  Fluttershy's Cutie Mark
#4  Princess Celestia's Cutie Mark (x2)
#5  Princess Luna's Cutie Mark
#6  Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark (x5)
#7  Rarity's Cutie Mark (x4)
#8  Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark (x2)
#10 Luna and Twilight Sparkle Heart Text (x3)
#9  Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and MLP Heart (x2)

Episode Cards
A Sonic Rainboom!
My Little Spikey Wikey!
Hush Now Quiet Now
The Green-Eyed Monster
The Big Doozy
Iron Pony Competition

Regular Character and Pet Cards

Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash (x3)
Spike (x3)
Apple Bloom
Cheerilee (x2)
Braeburn (x2)
The Wonderbolts
Hoity Toity & Photo Finish
Mare Do Well & Daring Do
Golden Harvest & Lyra Heartstrings

Pony Corral / What are your three MLP wishes?
« on: July 14, 2012, 06:01:10 PM »
I'm curious.  You meet a genie and he, like most genies of legend, grants you three wishes.  But this one is different.  Inside that lamp is the most amazing pony room ever and any MLP item that has ever been created by Hasbro is inside and that genie will go fetch you three items.  Anything.

What are your three MLP wishes?  They might be huge grails or the currently most-wanted set completers or the little piece that keeps eluding you or the thing you had as a child or the merchandise you saw once and wish you'd bought.  It could be anything but they have to be three things you really, really, really want.

My Wishes:
- a rainbow awning to complete my Paradise Estates (I think I might never find one)
- MOC Wigwam (my favorite pony from childhood)
-the vintage bedding set with comforter/duvet cover  (i regret selling mine in the 90s)

How about you?  :)

Wanted! / songtoisis' Swap Wish List
« on: July 10, 2012, 08:30:16 PM »
I'm looking forward to qualifying for and participating in my first mail swaps through the community.  Here's my swap wishlist!

*I love accessories.  I can never have too many, of anything, but I'm particularly dreamy over birthday cake slices and candles from the party pack, sea pony floats and stacking toy pieces right now.  Random shoes, combs, pony wear pieces, and baby pony items are thrilling to me.
I am setting up a big dollhouse for ponies with the self-imposed rule that I can only include MLP accessories--so I'm looking for accessories like the milk and cookies from pony wear or the record player from the Slumber Party--things from all gens to decorate and outfit the ponies' pad.  ;) 

*I have a Megan doll in need of clothes.  Any clothes at all!  :)
*I love boy ponies more than anything.  My G1 collection is missing Baby Boy Bright Bouquet and Tux n' Tails.  I'd love to get either of them in *any* condition.  I also would love additional accessories for the big (and playtime) brothers, ads or merchandise showing them, things like that.

*I love the Dolly Mix ponies and would love any of them.

*I'd love any UK or Int'l ponies.  All I currently have is Kisscurl, Collector Pose Bowtie, Baby Bowtie, and Love Token.
My Pretty Pony (Peachy)
Magic Hat
Swirly Whirly
any Perfume Puff pony, any condition
Merry Treat
any Precious Pocket or Secret Surprise pony, any condition
any Petite Ponies with molded, not brushable, hair
any items from the Slumber Party pack
any pamphlets, stickers, ads or G1 merchandise
pillowcases or sheets, any condition

any of the unicorns

Dream Drifter
Wish I Might
All My Heart
Candy Heart
Comet Tail
Morning Glory

*I also love G3 accessories nearly as much as G1. 

I would enjoy any of the current ponies or blind bag toys.  I'm most actively looking for:
Lily Blossom
Dewdrop Dazzle
Lulu Luck
Glitterwings:  Rainbow Dash, Ploomette, Diamond Rose, Sweetsong

MLP Nirvana / Removing Rusty Argentina Tail Ring?
« on: April 24, 2012, 06:38:32 AM »
Taking ponies apart makes me nervous, but I have an unbelievably skudgy Argentina pony that needed some intervention.  Among other problems, the tail ring is very rusty and is a solid metal collar instead of the crimped metal band I'm used to seeing in US ponies so I can't just unwrap it.  How do you remove it?  Metal snips or something?  I'm painfully tool-ignorant but this pony needs help.


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