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Topics - PrincessStarlily

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Pony Corral / What do YOU do with your doubles?
« on: June 12, 2014, 07:54:46 PM »
I've been curious about this! What normally happens to your doubles? Most of the time I end up cleaning them and giving them away to friends (yes, I'm a sentimental bunny and keep the old girls), but if it's a pony that doesn't have too much sentimental value, I'll often keep the one in better condition. I'm not known for hoarding copies of the same pony. ;)

Tell me your experiences when it comes to extra ponies! ^.^


Pony Corral / G1 fabric?
« on: June 12, 2014, 04:18:06 PM »
Does anyone know where I can buy G1 print fabric? It doesn't have to be official...I've been wanting to make myself a skirt or dress, but I'm not finding anything online.

Many thanks! :hug:


Arts & Crafts Corral / Dancing Starlily!
« on: June 12, 2014, 01:55:56 PM »
Listening to Jamie Grace's "Do Life Big" makes me wanna dance. :listen: :heart:
This bad boy (er, girl) took me over 4 hours to do! Hope you like her! :art:

Illustrated in Photoshop Elements 10 with a Wacom Intuos5 drawing tablet. Please don't use her or take her from the Arena! As an artist I have the right to copyright my original work. :)

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Inspiration (besides the music thing): Well, I've kind of wanted to redo Starlily's symbol for a while, so doing an illustration like this gave me an excuse. ;) All I really did was trace over the original symbol and add colored outlines. And hey, I think I'm getting better at drawing in Photoshop! ^.^


So, basically what the title says...I'm looking to buy this set, loose and in excellent to minty condition. I don't have a big budget (probably $40ish, not including shipping), so I'm willing to make a compromise if your offer is too high for me--I will draw a detailed illustration of whatever pony you want (Hasbro, OC) in whatever gen style you want if you're willing to shave $10 off your original offer. I'd probably end up spending 1-2 hours on the drawing, and I think $10 is reasonable for that time frame. :) PM me any questions!

I know it's kind of a weird offer--half sale, half trade, I guess--but it's what I can do right now (I don't have any ponies to trade). Also, as a side note, I'd rather avoid international shipping costs if at all possible.

Many thanks! :grouphug:


So, I was on hiatus here for quite a while and haven't had the chance to brag about recent finds...

Way back in March, I went to the Tucson Toy Fair and had incredible pony luck! I bought all but one of these lovely girls from one vendor, a really nice lady who has held onto ponies for me before at an antique fair on my side of town.

And all of them for $47! :shocked: Looking back at individual price tags, I realized I saved $37 by haggling. I guess I'm just awesome that way. :cool: ;)

To add to my G1 herd: Secret Beauty, SS North Star, Bride (with pristine accessories! I'm probably most excited about her), Baby Starflower, Baby Stocking (x2, double not shown), Baby Sea Breeze (seapony), Spunky the camel, Baby Glider, Baby Shaggy, Baby Puddles, orange pegasus pizza petite, yellow mirror petite, and pink clock petite
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Additions to my G3 and G3.5 collection: G3 Core 7 Strawberry Swirl (with hat), G3 Ponyville Sparkleworks, G3.5 Ponyville Cheerilee (with hair mannequins), aaaaand...Silver Rain! :D I bought her individually from another seller for TWO DOLLARS. And she is so minty I could faint.
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And lastly, a few G4s: Twilight Sparkle (bent leg), Twilight Sparkle (normal, no tinsel), Shine Bright Fluttershy (she works!), and normal Fluttershy (mane tinsel; Crystal Empire?)
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So that's one of my best hauls in a while! And while some of them need a bit of cleaning, none of them are baity.

For you price check experts out there--what's a ballpark amount as to individual ponies' worth and their worth as a whole lot? Did I do all right bargaining?

Thanks for sharing in my pony joy! :hug:


Off Topic / So, I recently started watching Once Upon a Time...
« on: May 25, 2014, 02:22:30 PM »
...and what can I say? I'm totally hooked. :lovey:

I started watching it because I knew a couple of my friends really enjoyed it. And now I really need more people to talk to about it--I watched the whole first season in about a week's time! What do you think of it? What do you think are its strengths/weaknesses?

Personally, I love the whole twisted-fairy-tale thing. I always have--the Sisters Grimm book series being among my favorite interpretations. And now I'm so attached to all the characters of OUAT! As for downsides, I admit I'm not usually one for watching shows containing adult themes. When I started it, I had no idea what to expect. After watching the first few episodes, I was a bit disappointed in how the writers seemed perfectly fine with including certain language and adult themes. I mean, come on, it's a show about fairy tales! But, that aside, I've really come to like the show. :)

I'd appreciate it if you didn't spoil anything past season 1! I'm only just starting season 2 and still have a long way to go.

Starlily (of Storybrooke :P)

So, to congratulate myself for getting my driver's license after taking the road test for the second time today, I bought myself a G4 Lily Blossom at Target. ^.^ My FiM herd is expanding! And I think they're starting to grow on me. (Even though they still resemble mice...)

One question, long have G4 brushables been packaged in bags for $2.99? And are they poorer quality than the $4 ones usually sold with accessories? One thing I noticed was that Lily's hair is all one shade of yellow, while past versions in different packages had two. (See this picture on Strawberry Reef)

Pony Corral / The Tucson Toy Fair!
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:55:06 PM »
So, are any of you in southern AZ planning on going to the Tucson Toy Fair this year on March 2? :D I'm SO excited...although I won't have a booth, I will definitely hang out for an hour or two.

I'll be bringing several ponies to trade! If you're going and interested in doing a swap or two, shoot me a PM so I can give you more details. Right now I have a handful of G1s and G3s needing good homes.

Hope to see you there! :)

Wanted! / WANTED: Hardcover copy of the fanfiction Past Sins
« on: January 29, 2014, 08:08:32 PM »
So, basically what the title says. :blush:

I've been obsessed with Past Sins by Pen Stroke ever since I read it last summer, but was unfortunately too late in catching Equestria Publications in their professional print run for a hardcover copy.

Are you or someone you know willing to sell a copy? I'm not sure yet what form of payment is best for me (PayPal, maybe?), but I do know I don't have anything to trade. :( I will pay its original purchase price (something around $30, I believe), as well as reasonable shipping inside the U.S.

And I know this is a lot to ask, but if someone has two copies they are willing to sell, I will gladly buy both at a discounted bundle price (probably $20 each, $45 total TOPS).

It may take me a while to sort out payment, but I truly do appreciate anyone stepping up to sell their copy. :)

Many thanks!

Pony Corral / 9pm in the Shoutbox, and I go nuts with songwriting...
« on: February 28, 2013, 08:47:01 PM »
Tadaaaa! :frolic:

I'm really nutty ("sometimes you feel like a nut--sometimes you don't") right now. It's late, I'm not done with homework, and you silly ponies in the Shoutbox prompted me to write a whole pony-thrift-store song, loosly inspired by my collecting life. :P

No going back now. And I'm sure I"ll be adding to it...
Italics are what might be the refrain.

Went to the thrift store and peeked in the back
Saw a little pony and went off track
Bought a bunch of bags and took 'em home
That's where my life began, don't get me wrong

Ponies were nothing but toys to me
But now they’re practically my fam-i-ly
I walk in the room, can’t help but smile
With those dozens of eyes; nothin’ but sweet and mild

Violet, yellow, pink and blue
You just can’t brood with their pastel hues
Their innocence, there’s no way to hide--
And they’re so, so addicting it just blows my mind!

Try not to empty my wallet
Keep that change in check
But those little rainbow ponies keep calling me back

To good times as a kid
To imagination without end
To a collection that pulls me through the good and bad…

Aren't I a bit loopy? Ah, well. I'm on that non-existant sugar high. Nope, sorry, just happy-high. :D

Copyright by me. NO STEALING. :stressed:

Pony Corral / SW Collectors' Pony Meet Discussion
« on: February 26, 2013, 08:00:52 PM »
Hi there, southwestern ponies! :frolic:

So, I really want to meet collectors. I want to be known outside of the Arena! Only, there aren't any collectors' meets remotely close to where I live.

This thread will serve as a place for discussion on organizing a 2013 meet! You can start by posting what states/areas would be best for you. I am not available to host (which is why this is only a discussion so far), but hopefully drawing in more people will help sort things out.

I will start by saying that southern CA, AZ, and NM are best for me. I might be able to go a bit further, but considering one of my parents will be driving me, it can't be an overnight trip.

If a meet is eventually scheduled (I'm keeping my hopes low to begin with) that I can't make it to, that's fine! You ponies have fun and maybe, if we do it again, I can get to know some of you. ^.^

God bless,

Pony Corral / The March All-Generation Appreciation Challenge!
« on: February 23, 2013, 12:28:03 PM »
The challenge is for ALL OF MARCH--you can join late, but the idea is to do this for a whole month!

Hi there everyone!

So, I think I can safely say every collector has at least one "least-favorite" generation, one that they can't help mocking for their deformed style. I really don't care for G3.5s (my least favorite), and G4s are close behind. But when you think about it, each generation should be appreciated for the time and effort that teams of real people put into each design, whether they are attractive to you or not. This challenge is to see if you can hold back those snide comments for a month and practice all-generation appreciation. It may be tough, it may not. I hope you will join me in this; I don't know how successful it will be or how many people will join. But it's worth a shot. :)

Here are things about the challenge you should know:

1) For the duration of the challenge, hold back ANY degrading gen comments or complaints (even little ones) about your personal least-favorite gen(s), whether it be directed to the toys, images, or whatever. These comments can be online, at home, in the office (if you talk about ponies in the office...), at school. If you slip up, no worries--just go back and edit the post or rephrase the sentence. ^.^ No "they honestly look like fish/mice" or "they're just ugly". Trust me, those I have said.

2) I'm not asking you to actually buy any "ugly" gen ponies you see, but by all means, if you are up to it (and find them at a good price), rescue those girls from the thrift store! Heck, you may grow to like them, or maybe someone else needs that special pony to complete their set, and you can sell/trade it later. This is all totally optional.

3) If you feel sporty enough, you're perfectly welcome to put text like "I'm taking the challenge!" in your sig or profile. Linking that text to this post could draw in more participants. :)

I hope this is an exciting enough idea that I'll get a few of you interested! If anything I wrote here isn't clear, please let me know.
Let the challenge begin! :frolic:

Your pony friend,

Pony Corral / Summer Bloom Spider-Slayer!
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:00:37 PM »
A total "LOL" moment...

Last night a little brown spider (hate the nasty things) crawled out from by my leg when I was sitting on the floor arranging ponies! I was freaking out and grabbed the nearest thing...

And that was how Summer Bloom valiantly assassinated the monstrous arachnid. (In other words, the yellow and pink pony smooshed it with her hoof) I am forever in her debt... XD

Pony Corral / Southern CA/AZ/NM pony meet?
« on: January 18, 2013, 09:10:22 PM »
Title self-explanatory. Is there one? :huh:

Many thanks,

Pony Brag Arena / Brag firsts: antique fair and G2s!
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:28:31 PM »
My newest brags are great ones! ^.^ I hardly have any words...

Yesterday I went to a monthly antique fair. I have a new best pony friend there! Last month on my birthday she had some absolutely gorgeous girls for me (see my birthday brag post), and she said she'd continue to search, and even hold onto MLP stuff specifically for me! :biggrin:

Yesterday she sold me some great G1 accessories (I didn't have any before!): a bunch of shoes (two dark magenta, two light pink, and six yellow) and a blue teddy bear comb. My favorite of everything was the Mommy charm she found--again, a first for me--Sweet Tune! :squee: And I can hardly believe I got all this for $4!

And today...well, I'd had an eBay auction open for a few days in the hope that, granted I didn't spend too much at the fair, I would win it. And I did!

My newest additions to the herd (yet to arrive at my house) are: Sundance, Ivy, Petal Blossom and two Morning Glorys! They are my first real G2s...I've only had a McDonald's Sundance since I was three. I managed to snag them all for just over $14! I hope I didn't spend too much, considering a couple are missing eye jewels. :(

I can hardly contain my excitement!! Six stunning new girls (I have decided to count the charm) in two days...what awesome firsts. :frolic:

And now my collection total is a whopping 181! :newpony:

Your pony pal,

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